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a guest
Sep 30th, 2022
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  1. Sep 30 09:55:16 NASO weewx[71] INFO weewx.manager: Added record 2022-09-30 09:55:00 UTC (1664531700) to database 'weewx.sdb'
  2. Sep 30 09:55:16 NASO weewx[71] INFO weewx.manager: Added record 2022-09-30 09:55:00 UTC (1664531700) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
  3. Sep 30 09:55:32 NASO weewx[71] INFO __main__: Received signal TERM (15).
  4. Sep 30 09:55:32 NASO weewx[71] INFO weewx.engine: Main loop exiting. Shutting engine down.
  5. Sep 30 09:55:32 NASO weewx[71] INFO weewx.engine: Shutting down StdReport thread
  6. Sep 30 09:55:32 NASO weewx[71] INFO user.gw1000: GatewayCollector thread has been terminated
  7. Sep 30 09:55:32 NASO weewx[71] INFO __main__: Terminating weewx version 4.8.0
  8. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[189] INFO __main__: Initializing weewx version 4.8.0
  9. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[189] INFO __main__: Using Python 3.10.4 (main, Jun 29 2022, 12:14:53) [GCC 11.2.0]
  10. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[189] INFO __main__: Platform Linux-5.10.60-qnap-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
  12. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[189] INFO __main__: Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
  13. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[189] INFO __main__: Debug is 1
  14. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[189] INFO __main__: PID file is /var/run/
  15. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG __main__: Initializing engine
  16. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.engine: Loading station type GW1000 (user.gw1000)
  17. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO user.gw1000: GatewayDriver: version is 0.5.0b5
  18. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO user.gw1000: GatewayDriver: GW2000 address is
  19. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO user.gw1000: GatewayDriver: poll interval is 10 seconds
  20. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG user.gw1000: GatewayDriver: max tries is 3, retry wait time is 10 seconds
  21. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG user.gw1000: GatewayDriver: broadcast address is, broadcast timeout is 5 seconds
  22. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG user.gw1000: GatewayDriver: socket timeout is 2 seconds
  23. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG user.gw1000: GatewayDriver: field map is {'co2': 'co2', 'co2_24h_avg': 'co2_24h_avg', 'dateTime': 'datetime', 'daymaxwind': 'daymaxwind', 'dayRain': 't_rainday', 'dewpoint': 'dewpoint', 'extraHumid1': 'humid1', 'extraHumid2': 'humid2', 'extraHumid3': 'humid3', 'extraHumid4': 'humid4', 'extraHumid5': 'humid5', 'extraHumid6': 'humid6', 'extraHumid7': 'humid7', 'extraHumid8': 'humid8', 'extraHumid17': 'humid17', 'extraTemp1': 'temp1', 'extraTemp2': 'temp2', 'extraTemp3': 'temp3', 'extraTemp4': 'temp4', 'extraTemp5': 'temp5', 'extraTemp6': 'temp6', 'extraTemp7': 'temp7', 'extraTemp8': 'temp8', 'extraTemp9': 'temp9', 'extraTemp10': 'temp10', 'extraTemp11': 'temp11', 'extraTemp12': 'temp12', 'extraTemp13': 'temp13', 'extraTemp14': 'temp14', 'extraTemp15': 'temp15', 'extraTemp16': 'temp16', 'extraTemp17': 'temp17', 'heatindex': 'heatindex', 'inHumidity': 'inhumid', 'inTemp': 'intemp', 'leafWet1': 'leafwet1', 'leafWet2': 'leafwet2', 'leafWet3': 'leafwet3', 'leafWet4': 'leafwet4', 'leafWet5': 'leafwet5', 'leafWet6': 'leafwet6', 'leafWet7': 'leafwet7', 'leafWet8': 'leafwet8', 'leak1': 'leak1', 'leak2': 'leak2', 'leak3': 'leak3', 'leak4': 'leak4', 'lightning_distance': 'lightningdist', 'lightning_last_det_time': 'lightningdettime', 'lightning_strike_count': 'lightning_strike_count', 'lightningcount': 'lightningcount', 'luminosity': 'light', 'monthRain': 't_rainmonth', 'outHumidity': 'outhumid', 'outTemp': 'outtemp', 'p_dayRain': 'p_rainday', 'p_monthRain': 'p_rainmonth', 'p_rain': 'p_rain', 'p_rainRate': 'p_rainrate', 'p_stormRain': 'p_rainevent', 'p_weekRain': 'p_rainweek', 'p_yearRain': 'p_rainyear', 'pm2_5': 'pm251', 'pm2_51_24h_avg': 'pm251_24h_avg', 'pm2_52': 'pm252', 'pm2_52_24h_avg': 'pm252_24h_avg', 'pm2_53': 'pm253', 'pm2_53_24h_avg': 'pm253_24h_avg', 'pm2_54': 'pm254', 'pm2_54_24h_avg': 'pm254_24h_avg', 'pm2_55': 'pm255', 'pm2_55_24h_avg': 'pm255_24h_avg', 'pm10': 'pm10', 'pm10_24h_avg': 'pm10_24h_avg', 'pressure': 'absbarometer', 'rain': 't_rain', 'rainRate': 't_rainrate', 'relbarometer': 'relbarometer', 'soilMoist1': 'soilmoist1', 'soilMoist2': 'soilmoist2', 'soilMoist3': 'soilmoist3', 'soilMoist4': 'soilmoist4', 'soilMoist5': 'soilmoist5', 'soilMoist6': 'soilmoist6', 'soilMoist7': 'soilmoist7', 'soilMoist8': 'soilmoist8', 'soilMoist9': 'soilmoist9', 'soilMoist10': 'soilmoist10', 'soilMoist11': 'soilmoist11', 'soilMoist12': 'soilmoist12', 'soilMoist13': 'soilmoist13', 'soilMoist14': 'soilmoist14', 'soilMoist15': 'soilmoist15', 'soilMoist16': 'soilmoist16', 'soilTemp1': 'soiltemp1', 'soilTemp2': 'soiltemp2', 'soilTemp3': 'soiltemp3', 'soilTemp4': 'soiltemp4', 'soilTemp5': 'soiltemp5', 'soilTemp6': 'soiltemp6', 'soilTemp7': 'soiltemp7', 'soilTemp8': 'soiltemp8', 'soilTemp9': 'soiltemp9', 'soilTemp10': 'soiltemp10', 'soilTemp11': 'soiltemp11', 'soilTemp12': 'soiltemp12', 'soilTemp13': 'soiltemp13', 'soilTemp14': 'soiltemp14', 'soilTemp15': 'soiltemp15', 'soilTemp16': 'soiltemp16', 'stormRain': 't_rainevent', 'totalRain': 't_raintotals', 'UV': 'uvi', 'uvradiation': 'uv', 'weekRain': 't_rainweek', 'wh24_batt': 'wh24_batt', 'wh24_sig': 'wh24_sig', 'wh25_batt': 'wh25_batt', 'wh25_sig': 'wh25_sig', 'wh26_batt': 'wh26_batt', 'wh26_sig': 'wh26_sig', 'wh31_ch1_batt': 'wh31_ch1_batt', 'wh31_ch1_sig': 'wh31_ch1_sig', 'wh31_ch2_batt': 'wh31_ch2_batt', 'wh31_ch2_sig': 'wh31_ch2_sig', 'wh31_ch3_batt': 'wh31_ch3_batt', 'wh31_ch3_sig': 'wh31_ch3_sig', 'wh31_ch4_batt': 'wh31_ch4_batt', 'wh31_ch4_sig': 'wh31_ch4_sig', 'wh31_ch5_batt': 'wh31_ch5_batt', 'wh31_ch5_sig': 'wh31_ch5_sig', 'wh31_ch6_batt': 'wh31_ch6_batt', 'wh31_ch6_sig': 'wh31_ch6_sig', 'wh31_ch7_batt': 'wh31_ch7_batt', 'wh31_ch7_sig': 'wh31_ch7_sig', 'wh31_ch8_batt': 'wh31_ch8_batt', 'wh31_ch8_sig': 'wh31_ch8_sig', 'wh32_batt': 'wh32_batt', 'wh32_sig': 'wh32_sig', 'wh40_batt': 'wh40_batt', 'wh40_sig': 'wh40_sig', 'wh41_ch1_batt': 'wh41_ch1_batt', 'wh41_ch1_sig': 'wh41_ch1_sig', 'wh41_ch2_batt': 'wh41_ch2_batt', 'wh41_ch2_sig': 'wh41_ch2_sig', 'wh41_ch3_batt': 'wh41_ch3_batt', 'wh41_ch3_sig': 'wh41_ch3_sig', 'wh41_ch4_batt': 'wh41_ch4_batt', 'wh41_ch4_sig': 'wh41_ch4_sig', 'wh45_batt': 'wh45_batt', 'wh45_sig': 'wh45_sig', 'wh51_ch1_batt': 'wh51_ch1_batt', 'wh51_ch1_sig': 'wh51_ch1_sig', 'wh51_ch2_batt': 'wh51_ch2_batt', 'wh51_ch2_sig': 'wh51_ch2_sig', 'wh51_ch3_batt': 'wh51_ch3_batt', 'wh51_ch3_sig': 'wh51_ch3_sig', 'wh51_ch4_batt': 'wh51_ch4_batt', 'wh51_ch4_sig': 'wh51_ch4_sig', 'wh51_ch5_batt': 'wh51_ch5_batt', 'wh51_ch5_sig': 'wh51_ch5_sig', 'wh51_ch6_batt': 'wh51_ch6_batt', 'wh51_ch6_sig': 'wh51_ch6_sig', 'wh51_ch7_batt': 'wh51_ch7_batt', 'wh51_ch7_sig': 'wh51_ch7_sig', 'wh51_ch8_batt': 'wh51_ch8_batt', 'wh51_ch8_sig': 'wh51_ch8_sig', 'wh51_ch9_batt': 'wh51_ch9_batt', 'wh51_ch9_sig': 'wh51_ch9_sig', 'wh51_ch10_batt': 'wh51_ch10_batt', 'wh51_ch10_sig': 'wh51_ch10_sig', 'wh51_ch11_batt': 'wh51_ch11_batt', 'wh51_ch11_sig': 'wh51_ch11_sig', 'wh51_ch12_batt': 'wh51_ch12_batt', 'wh51_ch12_sig': 'wh51_ch12_sig', 'wh51_ch13_batt': 'wh51_ch13_batt', 'wh51_ch13_sig': 'wh51_ch13_sig', 'wh51_ch14_batt': 'wh51_ch14_batt', 'wh51_ch14_sig': 'wh51_ch14_sig', 'wh51_ch15_batt': 'wh51_ch15_batt', 'wh51_ch15_sig': 'wh51_ch15_sig', 'wh51_ch16_batt': 'wh51_ch16_batt', 'wh51_ch16_sig': 'wh51_ch16_sig', 'wh55_ch1_batt': 'wh55_ch1_batt', 'wh55_ch1_sig': 'wh55_ch1_sig', 'wh55_ch2_batt': 'wh55_ch2_batt', 'wh55_ch2_sig': 'wh55_ch2_sig', 'wh55_ch3_batt': 'wh55_ch3_batt', 'wh55_ch3_sig': 'wh55_ch3_sig', 'wh55_ch4_batt': 'wh55_ch4_batt', 'wh55_ch4_sig': 'wh55_ch4_sig', 'wh57_batt': 'wh57_batt', 'wh57_sig': 'wh57_sig', 'wh65_batt': 'wh65_batt', 'wh65_sig': 'wh65_sig', 'wh68_batt': 'wh68_batt', 'wh68_sig': 'wh68_sig', 'windchill': 'windchill', 'windDir': 'winddir', 'windGust': 'gustspeed', 'windSpeed': 'windspeed', 'wn34_ch1_batt': 'wn34_ch1_batt', 'wn34_ch1_sig': 'wn34_ch1_sig', 'wn34_ch2_batt': 'wn34_ch2_batt', 'wn34_ch2_sig': 'wn34_ch2_sig', 'wn34_ch3_batt': 'wn34_ch3_batt', 'wn34_ch3_sig': 'wn34_ch3_sig', 'wn34_ch4_batt': 'wn34_ch4_batt', 'wn34_ch4_sig': 'wn34_ch4_sig', 'wn34_ch5_batt': 'wn34_ch5_batt', 'wn34_ch5_sig': 'wn34_ch5_sig', 'wn34_ch6_batt': 'wn34_ch6_batt', 'wn34_ch6_sig': 'wn34_ch6_sig', 'wn34_ch7_batt': 'wn34_ch7_batt', 'wn34_ch7_sig': 'wn34_ch7_sig', 'wn34_ch8_batt': 'wn34_ch8_batt', 'wn34_ch8_sig': 'wn34_ch8_sig', 'wn35_ch1_batt': 'wn35_ch1_batt', 'wn35_ch1_sig': 'wn35_ch1_sig', 'wn35_ch2_batt': 'wn35_ch2_batt', 'wn35_ch2_sig': 'wn35_ch2_sig', 'wn35_ch3_batt': 'wn35_ch3_batt', 'wn35_ch3_sig': 'wn35_ch3_sig', 'wn35_ch4_batt': 'wn35_ch4_batt', 'wn35_ch4_sig': 'wn35_ch4_sig', 'wn35_ch5_batt': 'wn35_ch5_batt', 'wn35_ch5_sig': 'wn35_ch5_sig', 'wn35_ch6_batt': 'wn35_ch6_batt', 'wn35_ch6_sig': 'wn35_ch6_sig', 'wn35_ch7_batt': 'wn35_ch7_batt', 'wn35_ch7_sig': 'wn35_ch7_sig', 'wn35_ch8_batt': 'wn35_ch8_batt', 'wn35_ch8_sig': 'wn35_ch8_sig', 'ws80_batt': 'ws80_batt', 'ws80_sig': 'ws80_sig', 'ws90_batt': 'ws90_batt', 'ws90_sig': 'ws90_sig', 'yearRain': 't_rainyear'}
  24. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch
  25. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch
  26. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.engine.StdConvert
  27. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.engine: StdConvert target unit is 0x1
  28. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdConvert
  29. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.engine.StdCalibrate
  30. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdCalibrate
  31. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.engine.StdQC
  32. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdQC
  33. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.wxservices.StdWXCalculate
  34. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.wxservices: StdWXCalculate will use data binding wx_binding
  35. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 4.0
  36. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.wxservices.StdWXCalculate
  37. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.wxxtypes.StdWXXTypes
  38. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.wxxtypes.StdWXXTypes
  39. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.wxxtypes.StdPressureCooker
  40. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.wxxtypes.StdPressureCooker
  41. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.wxxtypes.StdRainRater
  42. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.wxxtypes.StdRainRater
  43. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.wxxtypes.StdDelta
  44. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.wxxtypes.StdDelta
  45. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.engine.StdArchive
  46. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.engine: Archive will use data binding wx_binding
  47. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.engine: Record generation will be attempted in 'software'
  48. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.engine: Using archive interval of 300 seconds (software record generation)
  49. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Use LOOP data in hi/low calculations: 1
  50. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdArchive
  51. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry
  52. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.restx: StationRegistry: Registration not requested.
  53. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry
  54. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.restx.StdWunderground
  55. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.restx: Wunderground: Posting not enabled.
  56. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.restx.StdWunderground
  57. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.restx.StdPWSweather
  58. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.restx: PWSweather: Posting not enabled.
  59. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.restx.StdPWSweather
  60. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.restx.StdCWOP
  61. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.restx: CWOP: Posting not enabled.
  62. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.restx.StdCWOP
  63. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.restx.StdWOW
  64. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.restx: WOW: Posting not enabled.
  65. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.restx.StdWOW
  66. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.restx.StdAWEKAS
  67. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
  68. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.restx.StdAWEKAS
  69. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.engine.StdPrint
  70. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdPrint
  71. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading service weewx.engine.StdReport
  72. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.engine: 'pyephem' detected, extended almanac data is available
  73. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdReport
  74. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO __main__: Starting up weewx version 4.8.0
  75. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG weewx.engine: Station does not support reading the time
  76. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' to database 'weewx.sdb'
  77. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.manager: Starting backfill of daily summaries
  78. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.manager: Daily summaries up to date
  79. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO weewx.engine: Starting main packet loop.
  80. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 10 seconds
  81. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO user.gw1000: Using 'p_rainyear' for piezo rain total
  82. Sep 30 09:55:37 NASO weewx[192] INFO user.gw1000: skipping piezo rain measurement of 91.3: no last rain
  83. Sep 30 09:55:47 NASO weewx[192] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 10 seconds
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