
Gamergate vids

Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. Obviously death threats are completely unacceptable and no one should have to receive them simply for sharing their opinion. The fact that someone may have been trying to act on them is even more horrible (he definitely needs psychiatric help). And these people are some of the most idiotic individuals because they are threatening women to try to get their way when being accused of sexism. This makes no sense and only lends strength to the counter argument. But unfortunately with a controversial topic like this such a response from the internet communities is not a surprise and could even be expected. It is not acceptable.
  3. I believe there is reason for a RE vid, though I do not think Mrrepzion's reasons are quite right. The issue is the gamergaters sending the death threats are actively damaging their side of the debate - they are allowing the media to demonize their cause (using the same logic people use with Muslims by judging all Muslims on the actions of extremists) and they are allowing Anita and Brianna more air time. What a RE vid could do would be to unite gamergaters against people sending death threats. This would be in the hopes of creating a more civil debate with a united gamergater community.
  5. Basically the RE vid would not criticise or belittle the fact they are receiving death threats (which Mrrepzion kind of does), but instead points out that such a program is damaging to gamers and so there should be less hate.
  7. With Repzion's first video I disagreed with him saying that whatever females experience in competitive gaming, men experience too as women experience experience hate and misogynistic comments more often and more strongly than men. I agree with him that the lack of female protagonists is due to a male dominant audience and the fact is the result of supply and demand. I understand that females mainly being side characters can make women feel sidelined in this medium, but developers can not purely create games because they want to have a diverse pool of characters, they develop games for the target audience to make money.
  9. I am not aware of many truly misogynistic games, and the examples of GTA and Watchdogs given are poor examples because women and men can be treated however the player wants in that world - yes women can be killed but so can men.
  11. But the main point I reject is that misogynistic or sexist actions translates from games to real life behaviours. Just like aggressive behaviour, there is absolutely no evidence to say this is the case.
  13. It's been really interesting putting my thoughts together and I've really had to think about how to express them. I hope what I say makes sense to you and that I haven't inadvertently offended you! [:
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