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Mar 15th, 2018
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  2. C:\Users\filippo\Desktop\leia1>java -jar leia-service-0.1.0.jar
  4. . ____ _ __ _ _
  5. /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
  6. ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
  7. \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
  8. ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
  9. =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
  10. :: Spring Boot :: (v1.5.9.RELEASE)
  12. 2018-03-15 06:30:44.044 INFO 196 --- [ main] com.mc2.leia.service.Application : Starting Application v0.1.0 on DESKTOP-QCUJ86S with PID 196 (C:\Users\filippo\Desktop\leia1\leia-service-0.1.0.jar started by filippo in C:\Users\filippo\Desktop\leia1)
  13. 2018-03-15 06:30:44.053 INFO 196 --- [ main] com.mc2.leia.service.Application : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
  14. 2018-03-15 06:30:44.313 INFO 196 --- [ main] ationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext@69663380: startup date [Thu Mar 15 06:30:44 CET 2018]; root of context hierarchy
  15. 2018-03-15 06:30:45.748 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat initialized with port(s): 8080 (http)
  16. 2018-03-15 06:30:45.760 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.apache.catalina.core.StandardService : Starting service [Tomcat]
  17. 2018-03-15 06:30:45.762 INFO 196 --- [ main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine : Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.5.23
  18. 2018-03-15 06:30:45.884 INFO 196 --- [ost-startStop-1] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] : Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
  19. 2018-03-15 06:30:45.884 INFO 196 --- [ost-startStop-1] o.s.web.context.ContextLoader : Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 1573 ms
  20. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.138 INFO 196 --- [ost-startStop-1] o.s.b.w.servlet.ServletRegistrationBean : Mapping servlet: 'dispatcherServlet' to [/]
  21. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.144 INFO 196 --- [ost-startStop-1] o.s.b.w.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean : Mapping filter: 'characterEncodingFilter' to: [/*]
  22. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.145 INFO 196 --- [ost-startStop-1] o.s.b.w.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean : Mapping filter: 'hiddenHttpMethodFilter' to: [/*]
  23. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.145 INFO 196 --- [ost-startStop-1] o.s.b.w.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean : Mapping filter: 'httpPutFormContentFilter' to: [/*]
  24. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.145 INFO 196 --- [ost-startStop-1] o.s.b.w.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean : Mapping filter: 'requestContextFilter' to: [/*]
  25. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.318 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor : Initializing ExecutorService
  26. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.328 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor : Initializing ExecutorService 'filesystemWatcherExecutor'
  27. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.329 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor : Initializing ExecutorService
  28. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.330 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor : Initializing ExecutorService 'wikipediaExecutor'
  29. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.629 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter : Looking for @ControllerAdvice: org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext@69663380: startup date [Thu Mar 15 06:30:44 CET 2018]; root of context hierarchy
  30. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.716 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/directory],methods=[GET],params=[path]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.local.metadata.API.Directory com.mc2.leia.service.controller.DirectoryControler.DirectoryMetadata(java.lang.String)
  31. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.719 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/osdirectory],methods=[GET],params=[path]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.local.os.API.Directory com.mc2.leia.service.controller.DirectoryControler.osDirectory(java.lang.String)
  32. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.719 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/discId],methods=[GET],params=[source]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.musicbrainz.DiscId com.mc2.leia.service.controller.DiscIdController.discId(java.lang.String)
  33. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.720 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/discId],methods=[GET],params=[offsets]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.musicbrainz.DiscId com.mc2.leia.service.controller.DiscIdController.discId(int[])
  34. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.720 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/drives]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.local.os.API.OsDriveList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.DriveListController.osDriveList()
  35. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.721 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/coverart],methods=[GET],params=[file && index]}" onto public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<byte[]> com.mc2.leia.service.controller.EmbeddedArtController.getEmbeddedArt(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
  36. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.722 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/library/local/album/fullTextSearch],methods=[GET],params=[query && offset && limit]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.local.library.API.QueryResult com.mc2.leia.service.controller.LibraryAlbumController.fullTextSearch(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer)
  37. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.722 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/library/local/album/searchByFacets],methods=[GET],params=[dimensions && values && drillSideways]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.local.library.API.QueryResult com.mc2.leia.service.controller.LibraryAlbumController.SearchByFacets(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String[],java.lang.Boolean)
  38. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.722 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/library/local/album/all],methods=[GET]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.local.library.API.QueryResult com.mc2.leia.service.controller.LibraryAlbumController.getAlbumEntry1()
  39. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.723 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/library/local/album/search],methods=[GET],params=[query && dimensions && drillSideways && values && offset && limit]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.local.library.API.QueryResult com.mc2.leia.service.controller.LibraryAlbumController.getAlbumEntry(java.lang.String,java.lang.String[],java.lang.String[],java.lang.Boolean,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer)
  40. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.723 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/login/stored]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.musicbrainz.Login com.mc2.leia.service.controller.LoginController.login()
  41. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.723 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/login],methods=[GET],params=[username && password && savePassword && promptOncePerSession]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.musicbrainz.Login com.mc2.leia.service.controller.LoginController.login(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean,java.lang.Boolean)
  42. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.724 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/metaplayer/list],methods=[GET]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.metaplayer.MetaplayerList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.MetaplayerController.getMetaplayerList()
  43. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.725 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/frontcover],methods=[GET],params=[mbId]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.musicbrainz.MusicBrainzCoverArt com.mc2.leia.service.controller.MusicBrainzCoverArtController.coverArt(java.lang.String)
  44. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.725 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/frontcover],methods=[GET],params=[mbReleaseId && mbReleaseGroupId]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.musicbrainz.MusicBrainzCoverArt com.mc2.leia.service.controller.MusicBrainzCoverArtController.coverArt(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
  45. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.727 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/coverart],methods=[GET],params=[file]}" onto public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<byte[]> com.mc2.leia.service.controller.PictureController.getPhoto(java.lang.String) throws
  46. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.729 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/qobuz/album],methods=[GET],params=[id]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.qobuz.elements.QobuzAlbum com.mc2.leia.service.controller.QobuzAlbumController.getAlbum(java.lang.String)
  47. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.729 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/qobuz/similarartists],methods=[GET],params=[id && offset && limit]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.qobuz.list.QobuzArtistList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.QobuzArtistController.getSimilarArtist(java.lang.Long,long,long)
  48. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.730 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/qobuz/artist],methods=[GET],params=[id]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.qobuz.elements.QobuzArtist com.mc2.leia.service.controller.QobuzArtistController.getArtist(java.lang.Long)
  49. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.730 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/qobuz/artist],methods=[GET],params=[id && extra && offset && limit]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.qobuz.list.QobuzListItemList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.QobuzArtistController.getArtistExtra(java.lang.Long,java.lang.String,long,long)
  50. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.730 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/qobuz/catalog/search],methods=[GET],params=[query && offset && limit]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.qobuz.QobuzCatalog com.mc2.leia.service.controller.QobuzCatalogController.qobuzCatalogSearch(java.lang.String,long,long)
  51. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.731 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/qobuz/featured],methods=[GET],params=[type && genre && offset && limit]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.qobuz.list.QobuzFeaturedAlbumList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.QobuzFeaturedAlbumsController.getFeaturedAlbums(java.lang.String,long,long,long)
  52. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.731 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/qobuz/genres],methods=[GET]}" onto public com.mc2.qobuz.api.v02.lists.GenreList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.QobuzGenreController.listGenres()
  53. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.732 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/qobuz/track],methods=[GET],params=[id]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.qobuz.elements.QobuzTrack com.mc2.leia.service.controller.QobuzTrackController.getTrack(java.lang.Long)
  54. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.732 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/release/search],methods=[GET],params=[discid]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.musicbrainz.ReleaseList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.ReleaseController.releaseListbyDiscId(java.lang.String)
  55. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.733 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/release/search],methods=[GET],params=[discid && toc]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.musicbrainz.ReleaseList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.ReleaseController.releaseListbyDiscIdAndToc(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
  56. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.733 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/release/search],methods=[GET],params=[toc]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.service.model.musicbrainz.ReleaseList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.ReleaseController.releaseListbyToc(java.lang.String)
  57. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.734 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/coverart],methods=[GET],params=[url]}" onto public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<byte[]> com.mc2.leia.service.controller.RemotePictureController.getPhoto(java.lang.String) throws
  58. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.734 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/squeezeboxserver/status],methods=[GET],params=[server && port && player]}" onto public com.mc2.squeezebox.API.PlayerStatus com.mc2.leia.service.controller.SqueezeboxServerController.getStatus(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String)
  59. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.734 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/squeezeboxserver/playlist/add],methods=[GET],params=[server && port && player && url]}" onto public void com.mc2.leia.service.controller.SqueezeboxServerController.addThisSong(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
  60. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.735 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/squeezeboxserver/playlist/play],methods=[GET],params=[server && port && player && url && title]}" onto public void com.mc2.leia.service.controller.SqueezeboxServerController.playThisSong(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
  61. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.735 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/squeezeboxserver/playlist/play/track],methods=[GET],params=[server && port && player && url && index]}" onto public void com.mc2.leia.service.controller.SqueezeboxServerController.playThisTrack(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer)
  62. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.737 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/wikipedia/periods],methods=[GET]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.wikipedia.API.ComposersByEra com.mc2.leia.service.controller.WikipediaComposerController.getPeriods()
  63. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.738 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/wikipedia/composers/search],methods=[GET],params=[period && query && offset && limit]}" onto public com.mc2.leia.wikipedia.API.ComposerList com.mc2.leia.service.controller.WikipediaComposerController.getComposers(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer)
  64. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.741 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/error]}" onto public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>> org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.BasicErrorController.error(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
  65. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.741 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/error],produces=[text/html]}" onto public org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.BasicErrorController.errorHtml(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
  66. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.786 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.s.w.s.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping : Mapped URL path [/resources/static/*] onto handler of type [class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceHttpRequestHandler]
  67. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.786 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.s.w.s.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping : Mapped URL path [/webjars/**] onto handler of type [class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceHttpRequestHandler]
  68. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.787 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.s.w.s.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping : Mapped URL path [/**] onto handler of type [class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceHttpRequestHandler]
  69. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.827 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.s.w.s.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping : Mapped URL path [/**/favicon.ico] onto handler of type [class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceHttpRequestHandler]
  70. 2018-03-15 06:30:46.857 WARN 196 --- [ main] .t.AbstractTemplateResolverConfiguration : Cannot find template location: classpath:/templates/ (please add some templates or check your Thymeleaf configuration)
  71. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.167 INFO 196 --- [ main] oConfiguration$WelcomePageHandlerMapping : Adding welcome page: class path resource [resources/index.html]
  72. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.309 INFO 196 --- [ main] o.s.j.e.a.AnnotationMBeanExporter : Registering beans for JMX exposure on startup
  73. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.376 INFO 196 --- [ main] s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http)
  74. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.379 INFO 196 --- [ main] com.mc2.leia.service.AlbumBuilderRunner : AlbumBuilderRunner: Started
  75. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.384 INFO 196 --- [ main] com.mc2.leia.service.AlbumBuilderRunner : AlbumBuilderRunner: Ended
  76. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.385 INFO 196 --- [ main] c.m.l.service.FileSystemWatcherRunner : FileSystemWatcherRunner: Started
  77. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.386 INFO 196 --- [ main] c.m.l.service.FileSystemWatcherRunner : FileSystemWatcherRunner: Ended
  78. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.386 INFO 196 --- [ main] m.l.s.WikipediaUpdateComposerByEraRunner : WikipediaUpdateComposerByEraRunner Started
  79. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.387 INFO 196 --- [ main] m.l.s.WikipediaUpdateComposerByEraRunner : WikipediaUpdateComposerByEraRunner Ended
  80. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.389 INFO 196 --- [ main] com.mc2.leia.service.Application : Started Application in 3.714 seconds (JVM running for 4.179)
  81. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.390 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] c.m.l.s.component.AlbumBuilderService : AlbumBuilderService Started
  82. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.391 INFO 196 --- [ local-2] c.m.l.s.c.FileSystemWatcherService : FileSystemWatcherService Started
  83. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.395 INFO 196 --- [ wikipedia-1] s.c.WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService : WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService Started
  84. Root element :root
  85. Root element :root
  86. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.414 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] c.m.l.l.l.impl.AlbumBuilderRunnable : AlbumBuilderRunnable Start
  87. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.415 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] c.m.l.l.l.impl.AlbumBuilderRunnable : AlbumBuilderRunnable waiting (is not Watching FileSystem)
  88. 2018-03-15 06:30:47.420 INFO 196 --- [ local-2] c.m.l.l.l.i.FileSystemWatcherRunnable : Library init: Started
  89. 2018-03-15 06:30:48.001 INFO 196 --- [ local-2] org.jooq.Constants :
  91. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  92. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  93. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@
  94. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@
  95. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@
  96. @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@
  97. @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@
  98. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  99. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  100. @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@
  101. @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@
  102. @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@
  103. @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@
  104. @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@
  105. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@
  106. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  107. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Thank you for using jOOQ 3.9.6
  109. 2018-03-15 06:30:48.056 INFO 196 --- [ local-2] c.m.l.l.l.i.FileSystemWatcherRunnable : Library init: DB cleaned
  110. 2018-03-15 06:30:48.056 INFO 196 --- [ local-2] c.m.l.l.l.i.FileSystemWatcherRunnable : Walk directory tree for: Z:\Lossless\Artist
  111. 2018-03-15 06:30:49.707 INFO 196 --- [ wikipedia-1] s.c.WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService : WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService Got Composers By Era
  112. 2018-03-15 06:31:00.720 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] : Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
  113. 2018-03-15 06:31:00.720 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : FrameworkServlet 'dispatcherServlet': initialization started
  114. 2018-03-15 06:31:00.772 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : FrameworkServlet 'dispatcherServlet': initialization completed in 51 ms
  115. ==== in MetaplayerController ===
  116. ==== in OsDriveListController Controller ====
  117. ==== in Login/stored () ====
  118. Root element :root
  119. 2018-03-15 06:31:02.649 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] java.util.prefs : Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5.
  120. ==== credentials false true ==
  121. ==== in OsDriveList.getDriveList ====
  122. 2018-03-15 06:31:02.976 INFO 196 --- [ wikipedia-1] s.c.WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService : WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService: Composers By Era Stored
  123. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  124. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  125. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  126. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  127. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  128. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  129. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  130. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  131. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  132. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  133. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  134. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  135. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.053 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Chemical Brothers - 1999 - Surrender - 786\01 - Music Response.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  136. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.053 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bud Powell & Don Byas - 1997 - A Tribute to Cannonball - 1036\01 Just One of Those Things.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  137. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.054 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Locksmith - 2014 - Unlock the Funk - 754\01 - Unlock The Funk.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  138. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.054 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  139. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.053 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Summers - 1997 - The Last Dance of Mr. X - 669\01 - Big Thing.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  140. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.054 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Alabama Shakes - 2015 - Sound & Color - 3057\01-Sound & Color.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  141. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.056 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bud Powell & Don Byas - 1997 - A Tribute to Cannonball - 1036\01 Just One of Those Things.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:558 isLastBlock:false
  142. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.056 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Chemical Brothers - 1999 - Surrender - 786\01 - Music Response.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:576 isLastBlock:false
  143. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.056 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Locksmith - 2014 - Unlock the Funk - 754\01 - Unlock The Funk.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:504 isLastBlock:false
  144. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.057 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  145. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.057 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Summers - 1997 - The Last Dance of Mr. X - 669\01 - Big Thing.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  146. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.058 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Alabama Shakes - 2015 - Sound & Color - 3057\01-Sound & Color.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9623 isLastBlock:false
  147. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.058 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bud Powell & Don Byas - 1997 - A Tribute to Cannonball - 1036\01 Just One of Those Things.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9153 isLastBlock:false
  148. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.058 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Chemical Brothers - 1999 - Surrender - 786\01 - Music Response.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7978 isLastBlock:false
  149. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.059 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Locksmith - 2014 - Unlock the Funk - 754\01 - Unlock The Funk.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5892 isLastBlock:false
  150. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.059 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:684 isLastBlock:false
  151. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.059 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Summers - 1997 - The Last Dance of Mr. X - 669\01 - Big Thing.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1854 isLastBlock:false
  152. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.059 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Alabama Shakes - 2015 - Sound & Color - 3057\01-Sound & Color.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:49843 isLastBlock:false
  153. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.060 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bud Powell & Don Byas - 1997 - A Tribute to Cannonball - 1036\01 Just One of Those Things.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:109120 isLastBlock:false
  154. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.060 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Chemical Brothers - 1999 - Surrender - 786\01 - Music Response.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:721238 isLastBlock:false
  155. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.060 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Locksmith - 2014 - Unlock the Funk - 754\01 - Unlock The Funk.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:51014 isLastBlock:false
  156. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.062 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Locksmith - 2014 - Unlock the Funk - 754\01 - Unlock The Funk.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  157. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.061 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6703 isLastBlock:false
  158. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.061 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Summers - 1997 - The Last Dance of Mr. X - 669\01 - Big Thing.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9387 isLastBlock:false
  159. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.061 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Alabama Shakes - 2015 - Sound & Color - 3057\01-Sound & Color.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:17822 isLastBlock:true
  160. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.062 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bud Powell & Don Byas - 1997 - A Tribute to Cannonball - 1036\01 Just One of Those Things.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  161. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.062 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Chemical Brothers - 1999 - Surrender - 786\01 - Music Response.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  162. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.063 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  163. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.063 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Summers - 1997 - The Last Dance of Mr. X - 669\01 - Big Thing.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:99535 isLastBlock:false
  164. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.065 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  165. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.068 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Summers - 1997 - The Last Dance of Mr. X - 669\01 - Big Thing.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:1581 isLastBlock:true
  166. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  167. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  168. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.506 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 1985 - Six Silver Strings - 1415\01 - Six Silver Strings.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  169. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.507 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 1985 - Six Silver Strings - 1415\01 - Six Silver Strings.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6502 isLastBlock:false
  170. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.507 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Blues Company - 2004 - Keepin' the Blues Alive - 1416\01 - It's Nice.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  171. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.507 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 1985 - Six Silver Strings - 1415\01 - Six Silver Strings.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:44759 isLastBlock:false
  172. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.507 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Blues Company - 2004 - Keepin' the Blues Alive - 1416\01 - It's Nice.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5934 isLastBlock:false
  173. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.508 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 1985 - Six Silver Strings - 1415\01 - Six Silver Strings.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:42072 isLastBlock:true
  174. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.508 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Blues Company - 2004 - Keepin' the Blues Alive - 1416\01 - It's Nice.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:72157 isLastBlock:false
  175. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.509 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Blues Company - 2004 - Keepin' the Blues Alive - 1416\01 - It's Nice.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:67 isLastBlock:true
  176. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  177. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  178. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.533 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Joe Lovano & Dave Douglas - 2015 - Sound Prints (Live At Monterey Jazz Festival) - 783\01 - Sound Prints.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  179. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.534 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Joe Lovano & Dave Douglas - 2015 - Sound Prints (Live At Monterey Jazz Festival) - 783\01 - Sound Prints.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7908 isLastBlock:false
  180. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.534 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Joe Lovano & Dave Douglas - 2015 - Sound Prints (Live At Monterey Jazz Festival) - 783\01 - Sound Prints.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:63745 isLastBlock:false
  181. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.535 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Joe Lovano & Dave Douglas - 2015 - Sound Prints (Live At Monterey Jazz Festival) - 783\01 - Sound Prints.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3531 isLastBlock:true
  182. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  183. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.548 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Sinikka Langeland - 2011 - The Land That is Not - 681\01 - The Land That is Not.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  184. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.549 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Sinikka Langeland - 2011 - The Land That is Not - 681\01 - The Land That is Not.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:864 isLastBlock:false
  185. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.550 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Sinikka Langeland - 2011 - The Land That is Not - 681\01 - The Land That is Not.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7298 isLastBlock:false
  186. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.550 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Sinikka Langeland - 2011 - The Land That is Not - 681\01 - The Land That is Not.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:176358 isLastBlock:false
  187. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.550 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Sinikka Langeland - 2011 - The Land That is Not - 681\01 - The Land That is Not.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  188. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  189. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.564 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Gibb - 1978 - Shadow Dancing - 1415\01 - Shadow Dancing.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  190. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.564 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Gibb - 1978 - Shadow Dancing - 1415\01 - Shadow Dancing.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:4662 isLastBlock:false
  191. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.565 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Gibb - 1978 - Shadow Dancing - 1415\01 - Shadow Dancing.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39353 isLastBlock:false
  192. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.565 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Gibb - 1978 - Shadow Dancing - 1415\01 - Shadow Dancing.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:17977 isLastBlock:true
  193. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  194. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  195. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  196. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.638 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chet Baker, Fausto Papetti, Franco Cerri, Gianni Basso, Mario Pezzotta, Glauco Masetti, Gene Voctory, Len Mercer - 1991 - HandyChet Baker With Fifty Italian Strings - 844\01 I Should Care.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  197. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.639 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chet Baker, Fausto Papetti, Franco Cerri, Gianni Basso, Mario Pezzotta, Glauco Masetti, Gene Voctory, Len Mercer - 1991 - HandyChet Baker With Fifty Italian Strings - 844\01 I Should Care.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:288 isLastBlock:false
  198. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.639 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chet Baker, Fausto Papetti, Franco Cerri, Gianni Basso, Mario Pezzotta, Glauco Masetti, Gene Voctory, Len Mercer - 1991 - HandyChet Baker With Fifty Italian Strings - 844\01 I Should Care.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9481 isLastBlock:false
  199. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.640 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chet Baker, Fausto Papetti, Franco Cerri, Gianni Basso, Mario Pezzotta, Glauco Masetti, Gene Voctory, Len Mercer - 1991 - HandyChet Baker With Fifty Italian Strings - 844\01 I Should Care.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:55210 isLastBlock:false
  200. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.641 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chet Baker, Fausto Papetti, Franco Cerri, Gianni Basso, Mario Pezzotta, Glauco Masetti, Gene Voctory, Len Mercer - 1991 - HandyChet Baker With Fifty Italian Strings - 844\01 I Should Care.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  201. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  202. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.646 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Kenny Wheeler - 1999 - A Long Time Ago - 1414\01 - The Long Time Ago Suite.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  203. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.646 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Kenny Wheeler - 1999 - A Long Time Ago - 1414\01 - The Long Time Ago Suite.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8537 isLastBlock:false
  204. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.646 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Kenny Wheeler - 1999 - A Long Time Ago - 1414\01 - The Long Time Ago Suite.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:126402 isLastBlock:false
  205. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.647 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Kenny Wheeler - 1999 - A Long Time Ago - 1414\01 - The Long Time Ago Suite.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:270084 isLastBlock:true
  206. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  207. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.687 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Christopher Bowers-Broadbent - 1992 - Arvo Part, Peter Maxwell Davies, Philip Glass Trivium - 1414\01 - Trivium, for organ.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  208. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.691 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Christopher Bowers-Broadbent - 1992 - Arvo Part, Peter Maxwell Davies, Philip Glass Trivium - 1414\01 - Trivium, for organ.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7339 isLastBlock:false
  209. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.691 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Christopher Bowers-Broadbent - 1992 - Arvo Part, Peter Maxwell Davies, Philip Glass Trivium - 1414\01 - Trivium, for organ.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:152600 isLastBlock:false
  210. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.692 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Christopher Bowers-Broadbent - 1992 - Arvo Part, Peter Maxwell Davies, Philip Glass Trivium - 1414\01 - Trivium, for organ.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  211. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  212. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.693 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\4hero - 2003 - Creating Patterns - 972\01 Conceptions.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  213. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.694 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\4hero - 2003 - Creating Patterns - 972\01 Conceptions.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:612 isLastBlock:false
  214. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.694 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\4hero - 2003 - Creating Patterns - 972\01 Conceptions.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6503 isLastBlock:false
  215. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.694 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\4hero - 2003 - Creating Patterns - 972\01 Conceptions.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:64068 isLastBlock:false
  216. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.695 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\4hero - 2003 - Creating Patterns - 972\01 Conceptions.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  217. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  218. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  219. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.702 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Terje Rypdal - 2003 - Terje Rypdal Lux Aeterna - 1415\01 - 1st Movement. Luminous Galaxy.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  220. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.705 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Terje Rypdal - 2003 - Terje Rypdal Lux Aeterna - 1415\01 - 1st Movement. Luminous Galaxy.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9055 isLastBlock:false
  221. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.706 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Terje Rypdal - 2003 - Terje Rypdal Lux Aeterna - 1415\01 - 1st Movement. Luminous Galaxy.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:104341 isLastBlock:false
  222. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  223. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.713 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Terje Rypdal - 2003 - Terje Rypdal Lux Aeterna - 1415\01 - 1st Movement. Luminous Galaxy.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:79640 isLastBlock:true
  224. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  225. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.707 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1995 - American BloodSafety in Numbers - 1414\01 - Rovers.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  226. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.713 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nils Petter Molvaer - 2001 - Solid Ether - 833\01 - Dead Indeed - Nils Petter Molvær Feat Eivind Aarset.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  227. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.723 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nils Petter Molvaer - 2001 - Solid Ether - 833\01 - Dead Indeed - Nils Petter Molvær Feat Eivind Aarset.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  228. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.724 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nils Petter Molvaer - 2001 - Solid Ether - 833\01 - Dead Indeed - Nils Petter Molvær Feat Eivind Aarset.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1566 isLastBlock:false
  229. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.724 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nils Petter Molvaer - 2001 - Solid Ether - 833\01 - Dead Indeed - Nils Petter Molvær Feat Eivind Aarset.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8161 isLastBlock:false
  230. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.725 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nils Petter Molvaer - 2001 - Solid Ether - 833\01 - Dead Indeed - Nils Petter Molvær Feat Eivind Aarset.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:110502 isLastBlock:false
  231. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.725 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nils Petter Molvaer - 2001 - Solid Ether - 833\01 - Dead Indeed - Nils Petter Molvær Feat Eivind Aarset.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  232. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.723 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1995 - American BloodSafety in Numbers - 1414\01 - Rovers.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6410 isLastBlock:false
  233. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.727 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dadamnphreaknoizphunk - 1999 - Electric Crate Digger - 876\01 Dynamite Derby.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  234. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.728 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1995 - American BloodSafety in Numbers - 1414\01 - Rovers.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59419 isLastBlock:false
  235. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.729 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dadamnphreaknoizphunk - 1999 - Electric Crate Digger - 876\01 Dynamite Derby.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  236. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.732 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dadamnphreaknoizphunk - 1999 - Electric Crate Digger - 876\01 Dynamite Derby.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1584 isLastBlock:false
  237. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.732 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1995 - American BloodSafety in Numbers - 1414\01 - Rovers.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:38122 isLastBlock:true
  238. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.733 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dadamnphreaknoizphunk - 1999 - Electric Crate Digger - 876\01 Dynamite Derby.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7084 isLastBlock:false
  239. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.734 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dadamnphreaknoizphunk - 1999 - Electric Crate Digger - 876\01 Dynamite Derby.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:62803 isLastBlock:false
  240. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.734 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dadamnphreaknoizphunk - 1999 - Electric Crate Digger - 876\01 Dynamite Derby.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  241. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  242. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  243. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  244. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.780 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Erik Truffaz - 2008 - Paris - 1416\01 - Mr Wyatt.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  245. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.782 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Moth Equals - 2011 - The Fall and Rise - 475\01 - Nobody Learns.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  246. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.782 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Misha Alperin - 2002 - Night - 512\01 - Tuesday.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  247. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.783 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Erik Truffaz - 2008 - Paris - 1416\01 - Mr Wyatt.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6849 isLastBlock:false
  248. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.783 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Moth Equals - 2011 - The Fall and Rise - 475\01 - Nobody Learns.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:630 isLastBlock:false
  249. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.783 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Misha Alperin - 2002 - Night - 512\01 - Tuesday.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1008 isLastBlock:false
  250. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.784 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Erik Truffaz - 2008 - Paris - 1416\01 - Mr Wyatt.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:260903 isLastBlock:false
  251. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.784 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Moth Equals - 2011 - The Fall and Rise - 475\01 - Nobody Learns.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5822 isLastBlock:false
  252. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.784 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Misha Alperin - 2002 - Night - 512\01 - Tuesday.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5995 isLastBlock:false
  253. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.784 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Erik Truffaz - 2008 - Paris - 1416\01 - Mr Wyatt.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  254. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.785 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Moth Equals - 2011 - The Fall and Rise - 475\01 - Nobody Learns.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:76760 isLastBlock:false
  255. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.785 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Misha Alperin - 2002 - Night - 512\01 - Tuesday.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:214672 isLastBlock:false
  256. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.786 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Moth Equals - 2011 - The Fall and Rise - 475\01 - Nobody Learns.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:341665 isLastBlock:true
  257. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.786 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Misha Alperin - 2002 - Night - 512\01 - Tuesday.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  258. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  259. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.828 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Zero 7 - 2015 - EP 3 - 670\01 - 400 Blows.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  260. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.829 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Zero 7 - 2015 - EP 3 - 670\01 - 400 Blows.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6073 isLastBlock:false
  261. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  262. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  263. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.835 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Laswell - 1999 - Invisible Design - 577\01 - Black Aether.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  264. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.835 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Zero 7 - 2015 - EP 3 - 670\01 - 400 Blows.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:130936 isLastBlock:false
  265. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.835 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Heaton - 2010 - Acid Country - 950\01 - The Old Radio.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  266. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.835 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Laswell - 1999 - Invisible Design - 577\01 - Black Aether.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:486 isLastBlock:false
  267. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.835 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Zero 7 - 2015 - EP 3 - 670\01 - 400 Blows.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  268. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.836 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Heaton - 2010 - Acid Country - 950\01 - The Old Radio.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:450 isLastBlock:false
  269. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.837 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Laswell - 1999 - Invisible Design - 577\01 - Black Aether.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:3591 isLastBlock:false
  270. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.838 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Heaton - 2010 - Acid Country - 950\01 - The Old Radio.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:4836 isLastBlock:false
  271. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.838 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Laswell - 1999 - Invisible Design - 577\01 - Black Aether.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:16679 isLastBlock:false
  272. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.838 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Heaton - 2010 - Acid Country - 950\01 - The Old Radio.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:65507 isLastBlock:false
  273. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.839 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Laswell - 1999 - Invisible Design - 577\01 - Black Aether.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:12450 isLastBlock:true
  274. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.839 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Heaton - 2010 - Acid Country - 950\01 - The Old Radio.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:28632 isLastBlock:true
  275. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  276. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.849 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Memphis Slim - 1965 - Clap Your Hands - 621\01 Clap Your Hands.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  277. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.850 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Memphis Slim - 1965 - Clap Your Hands - 621\01 Clap Your Hands.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:216 isLastBlock:false
  278. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.851 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Memphis Slim - 1965 - Clap Your Hands - 621\01 Clap Your Hands.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6302 isLastBlock:false
  279. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.851 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Memphis Slim - 1965 - Clap Your Hands - 621\01 Clap Your Hands.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:66150 isLastBlock:false
  280. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.853 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Memphis Slim - 1965 - Clap Your Hands - 621\01 Clap Your Hands.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:5980 isLastBlock:true
  281. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  282. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.872 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ian Pooley - 1996 - The Times - 445\01 The Times.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  283. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.873 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ian Pooley - 1996 - The Times - 445\01 The Times.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:630 isLastBlock:false
  284. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.873 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ian Pooley - 1996 - The Times - 445\01 The Times.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5920 isLastBlock:false
  285. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.873 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ian Pooley - 1996 - The Times - 445\01 The Times.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:69681 isLastBlock:false
  286. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.874 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ian Pooley - 1996 - The Times - 445\01 The Times.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:9912 isLastBlock:true
  287. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  288. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.897 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Brian Eno - 1999 - 1999-06-20 Holland Festival, The Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 759\01 - The Shutov Assembly Lanzarote.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  289. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  290. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  291. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  292. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.898 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Brian Eno - 1999 - 1999-06-20 Holland Festival, The Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 759\01 - The Shutov Assembly Lanzarote.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:918 isLastBlock:false
  293. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.900 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Brian Eno - 1999 - 1999-06-20 Holland Festival, The Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 759\01 - The Shutov Assembly Lanzarote.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5229 isLastBlock:false
  294. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.900 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Brian Eno - 1999 - 1999-06-20 Holland Festival, The Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 759\01 - The Shutov Assembly Lanzarote.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:37298 isLastBlock:false
  295. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.900 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Brian Eno - 1999 - 1999-06-20 Holland Festival, The Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 759\01 - The Shutov Assembly Lanzarote.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:40996 isLastBlock:true
  296. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.901 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bennie Maupin - 1974 - The Jewel in the Lotus - 668\01 - Ensenada.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  297. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.901 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bennie Maupin - 1974 - The Jewel in the Lotus - 668\01 - Ensenada.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  298. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.901 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bennie Maupin - 1974 - The Jewel in the Lotus - 668\01 - Ensenada.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1926 isLastBlock:false
  299. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.901 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bennie Maupin - 1974 - The Jewel in the Lotus - 668\01 - Ensenada.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9250 isLastBlock:false
  300. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.902 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bennie Maupin - 1974 - The Jewel in the Lotus - 668\01 - Ensenada.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:149108 isLastBlock:false
  301. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.902 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bennie Maupin - 1974 - The Jewel in the Lotus - 668\01 - Ensenada.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  302. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  303. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.912 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charles Lloyd - 1991 - Notes From Big Sur - 1413\01 - Requiem.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  304. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.913 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charles Lloyd - 1991 - Notes From Big Sur - 1413\01 - Requiem.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7466 isLastBlock:false
  305. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.913 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charles Lloyd - 1991 - Notes From Big Sur - 1413\01 - Requiem.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:118491 isLastBlock:false
  306. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.913 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charles Lloyd - 1991 - Notes From Big Sur - 1413\01 - Requiem.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  307. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  308. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.920 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Marc Johnson's Bass Desires Marc Johnson feat Bass Desires - 1987 - Second Sight - 1413\01 - Crossing the Corpus Callosum.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  309. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.920 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Marc Johnson's Bass Desires Marc Johnson feat Bass Desires - 1987 - Second Sight - 1413\01 - Crossing the Corpus Callosum.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7801 isLastBlock:false
  310. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.921 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Marc Johnson's Bass Desires Marc Johnson feat Bass Desires - 1987 - Second Sight - 1413\01 - Crossing the Corpus Callosum.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:184567 isLastBlock:false
  311. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.921 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Marc Johnson's Bass Desires Marc Johnson feat Bass Desires - 1987 - Second Sight - 1413\01 - Crossing the Corpus Callosum.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  312. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  313. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  314. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.950 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Al Di Meola - 2013 - All Your Life A Tribute to the Beatles Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London - 760\01 - In My Life.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  315. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.950 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Al Di Meola - 2013 - All Your Life A Tribute to the Beatles Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London - 760\01 - In My Life.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:432 isLastBlock:false
  316. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.951 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Al Di Meola - 2013 - All Your Life A Tribute to the Beatles Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London - 760\01 - In My Life.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7341 isLastBlock:false
  317. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.951 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Al Di Meola - 2013 - All Your Life A Tribute to the Beatles Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London - 760\01 - In My Life.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:64989 isLastBlock:false
  318. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.951 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Al Di Meola - 2013 - All Your Life A Tribute to the Beatles Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London - 760\01 - In My Life.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  319. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  320. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.960 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Future Sound of London - 1994 - ISDN - 739\01 Just a Fuckin' Idiot.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  321. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.960 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Future Sound of London - 1994 - ISDN - 739\01 Just a Fuckin' Idiot.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:630 isLastBlock:false
  322. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.961 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Future Sound of London - 1994 - ISDN - 739\01 Just a Fuckin' Idiot.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7123 isLastBlock:false
  323. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.961 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Future Sound of London - 1994 - ISDN - 739\01 Just a Fuckin' Idiot.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:18787 isLastBlock:false
  324. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.962 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Future Sound of London - 1994 - ISDN - 739\01 Just a Fuckin' Idiot.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  325. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  326. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.989 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nina Simone - 1978 - Baltimore - 948\01 Baltimore.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  327. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.989 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nina Simone - 1978 - Baltimore - 948\01 Baltimore.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  328. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.989 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nina Simone - 1978 - Baltimore - 948\01 Baltimore.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1098 isLastBlock:false
  329. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.990 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nina Simone - 1978 - Baltimore - 948\01 Baltimore.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:10417 isLastBlock:false
  330. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.990 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nina Simone - 1978 - Baltimore - 948\01 Baltimore.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:89030 isLastBlock:false
  331. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.990 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nina Simone - 1978 - Baltimore - 948\01 Baltimore.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  332. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  333. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.996 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tracy Chapman - 2000 - Telling Stories - 722\01 - Telling Stories.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  334. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.996 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tracy Chapman - 2000 - Telling Stories - 722\01 - Telling Stories.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  335. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  336. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.997 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tracy Chapman - 2000 - Telling Stories - 722\01 - Telling Stories.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:936 isLastBlock:false
  337. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.999 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Jon Balke Jon Balke & Magnetic North Orchestra - 2002 - Jon Balke & Magnetic North Orchestra Kyanos - 1412\01 - Phanai.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  338. 2018-03-15 06:31:06.999 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tracy Chapman - 2000 - Telling Stories - 722\01 - Telling Stories.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8830 isLastBlock:false
  339. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.000 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Jon Balke Jon Balke & Magnetic North Orchestra - 2002 - Jon Balke & Magnetic North Orchestra Kyanos - 1412\01 - Phanai.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6905 isLastBlock:false
  340. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.000 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tracy Chapman - 2000 - Telling Stories - 722\01 - Telling Stories.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:212986 isLastBlock:false
  341. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.000 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Jon Balke Jon Balke & Magnetic North Orchestra - 2002 - Jon Balke & Magnetic North Orchestra Kyanos - 1412\01 - Phanai.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:92419 isLastBlock:false
  342. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.001 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tracy Chapman - 2000 - Telling Stories - 722\01 - Telling Stories.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  343. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.001 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Jon Balke Jon Balke & Magnetic North Orchestra - 2002 - Jon Balke & Magnetic North Orchestra Kyanos - 1412\01 - Phanai.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  344. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  345. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.036 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Spinners - 1977 - 8 - 720\01 I'm Gonna Getcha.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  346. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.044 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Spinners - 1977 - 8 - 720\01 I'm Gonna Getcha.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:486 isLastBlock:false
  347. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.044 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Spinners - 1977 - 8 - 720\01 I'm Gonna Getcha.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8163 isLastBlock:false
  348. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.045 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Spinners - 1977 - 8 - 720\01 I'm Gonna Getcha.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:78697 isLastBlock:false
  349. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.045 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Spinners - 1977 - 8 - 720\01 I'm Gonna Getcha.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  350. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  351. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.060 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\First House - 1989 - Cantilena - 1412\01 - Cantilena.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  352. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.060 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\First House - 1989 - Cantilena - 1412\01 - Cantilena.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6690 isLastBlock:false
  353. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.060 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\First House - 1989 - Cantilena - 1412\01 - Cantilena.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:145118 isLastBlock:false
  354. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.061 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\First House - 1989 - Cantilena - 1412\01 - Cantilena.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  355. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  356. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.165 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Aes Dana - 2008 - Season 5 - 1415\01 Natti Natti.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  357. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.167 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Aes Dana - 2008 - Season 5 - 1415\01 Natti Natti.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5887 isLastBlock:false
  358. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.167 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Aes Dana - 2008 - Season 5 - 1415\01 Natti Natti.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:236550 isLastBlock:false
  359. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.167 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Aes Dana - 2008 - Season 5 - 1415\01 Natti Natti.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  360. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  361. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.184 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Kudsi Erguner Bill Laswell Nauseef Mark Nauseef Markus Stockhausen - 2008 - No Matter - 1414\01 - Please Be Seated.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  362. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.184 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Kudsi Erguner Bill Laswell Nauseef Mark Nauseef Markus Stockhausen - 2008 - No Matter - 1414\01 - Please Be Seated.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6960 isLastBlock:false
  363. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.184 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Kudsi Erguner Bill Laswell Nauseef Mark Nauseef Markus Stockhausen - 2008 - No Matter - 1414\01 - Please Be Seated.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:18335 isLastBlock:false
  364. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.185 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Kudsi Erguner Bill Laswell Nauseef Mark Nauseef Markus Stockhausen - 2008 - No Matter - 1414\01 - Please Be Seated.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:103607 isLastBlock:true
  365. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  366. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  367. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.216 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Herbert Henck - 2003 - Locations - 1414\01 - Duo I.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  368. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.217 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Herbert Henck - 2003 - Locations - 1414\01 - Duo I.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:10395 isLastBlock:false
  369. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.217 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Herbert Henck - 2003 - Locations - 1414\01 - Duo I.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:35422 isLastBlock:false
  370. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.217 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Herbert Henck - 2003 - Locations - 1414\01 - Duo I.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  371. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  372. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  373. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.253 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Martin Landers - 2004 - Back To The Universe - 826\01 - Moss - June As November.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  374. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.253 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Martin Landers - 2004 - Back To The Universe - 826\01 - Moss - June As November.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  375. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.253 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Martin Landers - 2004 - Back To The Universe - 826\01 - Moss - June As November.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1242 isLastBlock:false
  376. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.254 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Martin Landers - 2004 - Back To The Universe - 826\01 - Moss - June As November.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:4801 isLastBlock:false
  377. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.254 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Martin Landers - 2004 - Back To The Universe - 826\01 - Moss - June As November.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:236132 isLastBlock:false
  378. 2018-03-15 06:31:07.254 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Martin Landers - 2004 - Back To The Universe - 826\01 - Moss - June As November.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  379. 2018-03-15 06:31:55.897 INFO 196 --- [ local-2] c.m.l.l.l.i.FileSystemWatcherRunnable : Done
  380. 2018-03-15 06:31:55.897 INFO 196 --- [ local-2] c.m.l.l.l.i.FileSystemWatcherRunnable : music folders walking completed
  381. 2018-03-15 06:31:55.898 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] c.m.l.l.l.impl.AlbumBuilderRunnable : AlbumBuilderRunnable wake up (is Watching File System)
  382. 2018-03-15 06:31:55.900 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] c.m.l.l.l.impl.AlbumBuilderRunnable : Found 4.605 Directory to scan
  383. 2018-03-15 06:31:55.901 INFO 196 --- [ local-2] com.mc2.leia.local.library.impl.Library : Start watching file system for changes, registered 4839 directory, 4605 to be scanned
  384. 2018-03-15 06:31:55.901 INFO 196 --- [ local-2] c.m.l.l.l.i.FileSystemWatcherRunnable : Start listening for file system changes
  385. 2018-03-15 06:31:55.907 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] c.m.l.l.l.impl.AlbumBuilderRunnable : Build Album for directory: Directory (Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415, Z:\Lossless\Artist, 1495300892216, 1, 0, 0)
  386. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.050 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\01 - Rose and Sad Song.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  387. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.050 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\01 - Rose and Sad Song.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7378 isLastBlock:false
  388. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.050 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\01 - Rose and Sad Song.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:204443 isLastBlock:false
  389. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.051 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\01 - Rose and Sad Song.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:31562 isLastBlock:true
  390. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.119 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\02 - Wrong Key Donkey.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  391. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.119 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\02 - Wrong Key Donkey.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7756 isLastBlock:false
  392. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.120 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\02 - Wrong Key Donkey.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:204443 isLastBlock:false
  393. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.120 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\02 - Wrong Key Donkey.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:31183 isLastBlock:true
  394. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.178 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\03 - Drinking Music.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  395. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.178 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\03 - Drinking Music.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7734 isLastBlock:false
  396. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.179 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\03 - Drinking Music.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:204443 isLastBlock:false
  397. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.179 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\03 - Drinking Music.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:31203 isLastBlock:true
  398. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.237 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\04 - Spangled Banner Minor and Other Patriotic Songs.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  399. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.237 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\04 - Spangled Banner Minor and Other Patriotic Songs.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7523 isLastBlock:false
  400. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.238 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\04 - Spangled Banner Minor and Other Patriotic Songs.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:204443 isLastBlock:false
  401. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.238 INFO 196 --- [ local-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Carla Bley Carla Bley Band - 1977 - European Tour 1977 - 1415\04 - Spangled Banner Minor and Other Patriotic Songs.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:31447 isLastBlock:true
  402. 2018-03-15 06:31:56.738 ERROR 196 --- [ local-1] .a.i.SimpleAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler : Unexpected error occurred invoking async method 'public void throws java.lang.InterruptedException'.
  404. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dimension "label" is not multiValued, but it appears more than once in this document
  405. at org.apache.lucene.facet.FacetsConfig.checkSeen( ~[lucene-facet-7.1.0.jar!/:7.1.0 84c90ad2c0218156c840e19a64d72b8a38550659 - ubuntu - 2017-10-13 16:13:16]
  406. at ~[lucene-facet-7.1.0.jar!/:7.1.0 84c90ad2c0218156c840e19a64d72b8a38550659 - ubuntu - 2017-10-13 16:13:16]
  407. at ~[leia-local-library-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:na]
  408. at com.mc2.leia.local.library.impl.AlbumBuilderRunnable.buildAlbum( ~[leia-local-library-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:na]
  409. at ~[leia-local-library-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:na]
  410. at ~[classes!/:0.1.0]
  411. at com.mc2.leia.service.component.AlbumBuilderService$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$875122e1.invoke(<generated>) ~[classes!/:0.1.0]
  412. at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke( ~[spring-core-4.3.13.RELEASE.jar!/:4.3.13.RELEASE]
  413. at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( ~[spring-aop-4.3.13.RELEASE.jar!/:4.3.13.RELEASE]
  414. at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( ~[spring-aop-4.3.13.RELEASE.jar!/:4.3.13.RELEASE]
  415. at org.springframework.aop.interceptor.AsyncExecutionInterceptor$ ~[spring-aop-4.3.13.RELEASE.jar!/:4.3.13.RELEASE]
  416. at Source) [na:1.8.0_151]
  417. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [na:1.8.0_151]
  418. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [na:1.8.0_151]
  419. at Source) [na:1.8.0_151]
  421. ==== in QobuzGenreController.listGenres ====
  422. URL:
  423. Hitting url:
  424. ==== in QobuzFeaturedAlbumsController.getFeaturedAlbums ==== type: new-releases genre: 0
  425. URL:
  426. Hitting url:
  427. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.659 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  428. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.665 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  429. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.665 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  430. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.665 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  431. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.665 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  432. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.666 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  433. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.666 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  434. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.666 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  435. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.666 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  436. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.666 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  437. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.666 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  438. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.667 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  439. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.667 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  440. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.667 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  441. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.667 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  442. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.667 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  443. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.667 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  444. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.668 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  445. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.668 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  446. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.668 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  447. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.668 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  448. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.668 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  449. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.668 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  450. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.669 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  451. 2018-03-15 06:32:35.669 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  452. ==== in OsDriveListController Controller ====
  453. ==== in OsDriveList.getDriveList ====
  454. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  455. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  456. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  457. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  458. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  459. ==== in Drive.constructor ====
  460. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  461. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  462. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  463. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  464. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  465. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.730 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Douglas Dave Douglas String Group - 1999 - Convergence - 1420\01 - Chit Kyoo Thwe Tog Nyin Hmar Lar (Will You Accept My Love or Not).flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  466. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.730 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Lee Hazlewood - 2013 - There's a Dream I've Been Saving 1966-1971 - 408\01 - Pray Them Bars Away.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  467. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  468. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.731 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Leo Smith - 1979 - Divine Love - 1415\01 - Divine Love.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  469. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.731 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Douglas Dave Douglas String Group - 1999 - Convergence - 1420\01 - Chit Kyoo Thwe Tog Nyin Hmar Lar (Will You Accept My Love or Not).flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:3713 isLastBlock:false
  470. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.732 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Douglas Dave Douglas String Group - 1999 - Convergence - 1420\01 - Chit Kyoo Thwe Tog Nyin Hmar Lar (Will You Accept My Love or Not).flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:74108 isLastBlock:false
  471. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.731 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Lee Hazlewood - 2013 - There's a Dream I've Been Saving 1966-1971 - 408\01 - Pray Them Bars Away.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:306 isLastBlock:false
  472. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.732 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Robin Gibb - 1983 - How Old Are You - 1415\01 - Juliet.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  473. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.732 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Leo Smith - 1979 - Divine Love - 1415\01 - Divine Love.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6009 isLastBlock:false
  474. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.732 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Douglas Dave Douglas String Group - 1999 - Convergence - 1420\01 - Chit Kyoo Thwe Tog Nyin Hmar Lar (Will You Accept My Love or Not).flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:98 isLastBlock:true
  475. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.732 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Lee Hazlewood - 2013 - There's a Dream I've Been Saving 1966-1971 - 408\01 - Pray Them Bars Away.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:16321 isLastBlock:false
  476. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.733 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Robin Gibb - 1983 - How Old Are You - 1415\01 - Juliet.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:4401 isLastBlock:false
  477. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.733 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Leo Smith - 1979 - Divine Love - 1415\01 - Divine Love.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:52704 isLastBlock:false
  478. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.733 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Lee Hazlewood - 2013 - There's a Dream I've Been Saving 1966-1971 - 408\01 - Pray Them Bars Away.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:50311 isLastBlock:false
  479. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.733 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Robin Gibb - 1983 - How Old Are You - 1415\01 - Juliet.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:82661 isLastBlock:false
  480. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.733 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Leo Smith - 1979 - Divine Love - 1415\01 - Divine Love.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:174907 isLastBlock:true
  481. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.734 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Lee Hazlewood - 2013 - There's a Dream I've Been Saving 1966-1971 - 408\01 - Pray Them Bars Away.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2962 isLastBlock:true
  482. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.734 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Robin Gibb - 1983 - How Old Are You - 1415\01 - Juliet.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:20355 isLastBlock:true
  483. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  484. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  485. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.785 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Odetta - 1956 - Sings Ballads and Blues - 549\01-Santy Anno.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  486. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.789 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Odetta - 1956 - Sings Ballads and Blues - 549\01-Santy Anno.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:216 isLastBlock:false
  487. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  488. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  489. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.790 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Odetta - 1956 - Sings Ballads and Blues - 549\01-Santy Anno.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7444 isLastBlock:false
  490. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.791 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bob Dylan - 2009 - Christmas in the Heart - 784\01 Here Comes Santa Claus.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  491. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.791 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1995 - Music for the Film of Buster Keaton - 1428\01 - Introduction.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  492. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.792 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1995 - Music for the Film of Buster Keaton - 1428\01 - Introduction.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:4065 isLastBlock:false
  493. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.792 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1995 - Music for the Film of Buster Keaton - 1428\01 - Introduction.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:19278 isLastBlock:false
  494. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.791 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Odetta - 1956 - Sings Ballads and Blues - 549\01-Santy Anno.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:97530 isLastBlock:false
  495. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.791 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bob Dylan - 2009 - Christmas in the Heart - 784\01 Here Comes Santa Claus.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  496. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.792 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bob Dylan - 2009 - Christmas in the Heart - 784\01 Here Comes Santa Claus.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:612 isLastBlock:false
  497. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.792 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bob Dylan - 2009 - Christmas in the Heart - 784\01 Here Comes Santa Claus.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7309 isLastBlock:false
  498. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.793 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bob Dylan - 2009 - Christmas in the Heart - 784\01 Here Comes Santa Claus.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:158204 isLastBlock:false
  499. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.792 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1995 - Music for the Film of Buster Keaton - 1428\01 - Introduction.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  500. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.792 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Odetta - 1956 - Sings Ballads and Blues - 549\01-Santy Anno.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  501. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.793 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bob Dylan - 2009 - Christmas in the Heart - 784\01 Here Comes Santa Claus.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  502. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  503. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  504. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.850 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nick Waterhouse - 2014 - Holly - 737\01 High Tiding.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  505. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.850 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tor - 2012 - Drum Therapy - 824\01 Glass & Stone.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  506. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  507. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.852 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nick Waterhouse - 2014 - Holly - 737\01 High Tiding.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:306 isLastBlock:false
  508. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.852 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tor - 2012 - Drum Therapy - 824\01 Glass & Stone.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:522 isLastBlock:false
  509. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.853 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Cool Quartet with Lina Nyberg feat. Eric La Casa - 2012 - Dancing in Tomelilla - 898\01 September in Tomelilla I.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  510. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.853 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nick Waterhouse - 2014 - Holly - 737\01 High Tiding.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9165 isLastBlock:false
  511. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.853 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tor - 2012 - Drum Therapy - 824\01 Glass & Stone.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6537 isLastBlock:false
  512. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.853 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Cool Quartet with Lina Nyberg feat. Eric La Casa - 2012 - Dancing in Tomelilla - 898\01 September in Tomelilla I.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:612 isLastBlock:false
  513. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  514. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.853 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nick Waterhouse - 2014 - Holly - 737\01 High Tiding.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:117759 isLastBlock:false
  515. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.854 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tor - 2012 - Drum Therapy - 824\01 Glass & Stone.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:148146 isLastBlock:false
  516. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.854 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Cool Quartet with Lina Nyberg feat. Eric La Casa - 2012 - Dancing in Tomelilla - 898\01 September in Tomelilla I.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6626 isLastBlock:false
  517. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.854 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Nick Waterhouse - 2014 - Holly - 737\01 High Tiding.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  518. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.854 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tor - 2012 - Drum Therapy - 824\01 Glass & Stone.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  519. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.854 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Cool Quartet with Lina Nyberg feat. Eric La Casa - 2012 - Dancing in Tomelilla - 898\01 September in Tomelilla I.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:35341 isLastBlock:false
  520. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.855 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Cool Quartet with Lina Nyberg feat. Eric La Casa - 2012 - Dancing in Tomelilla - 898\01 September in Tomelilla I.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:19827 isLastBlock:true
  521. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  522. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.903 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Air & Alessandro Baricco - 2003 - City Reading (Tre Storie Western) - 568\01 Bird (Bird).flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  523. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.903 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Air & Alessandro Baricco - 2003 - City Reading (Tre Storie Western) - 568\01 Bird (Bird).flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:792 isLastBlock:false
  524. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.903 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Air & Alessandro Baricco - 2003 - City Reading (Tre Storie Western) - 568\01 Bird (Bird).flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7412 isLastBlock:false
  525. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.903 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Air & Alessandro Baricco - 2003 - City Reading (Tre Storie Western) - 568\01 Bird (Bird).flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:80684 isLastBlock:false
  526. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.903 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Air & Alessandro Baricco - 2003 - City Reading (Tre Storie Western) - 568\01 Bird (Bird).flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:37463 isLastBlock:true
  527. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  528. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  529. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  530. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.924 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Simon - 2011 - There Goes Rhymin' Simon - 748\01 - Kodachrome.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  531. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.925 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Simon - 2011 - There Goes Rhymin' Simon - 748\01 - Kodachrome.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  532. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.926 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Simon - 2011 - There Goes Rhymin' Simon - 748\01 - Kodachrome.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:846 isLastBlock:false
  533. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.926 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Simon - 2011 - There Goes Rhymin' Simon - 748\01 - Kodachrome.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7079 isLastBlock:false
  534. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.926 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Simon - 2011 - There Goes Rhymin' Simon - 748\01 - Kodachrome.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:145096 isLastBlock:false
  535. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.927 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Simon - 2011 - There Goes Rhymin' Simon - 748\01 - Kodachrome.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  536. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.925 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Madrugada - 2005 - The Deep End - 1416\01 The Kids Are on High Street.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  537. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.927 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Madrugada - 2005 - The Deep End - 1416\01 The Kids Are on High Street.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6738 isLastBlock:false
  538. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.928 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Madrugada - 2005 - The Deep End - 1416\01 The Kids Are on High Street.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:147409 isLastBlock:false
  539. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.928 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Madrugada - 2005 - The Deep End - 1416\01 The Kids Are on High Street.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  540. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  541. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.970 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden & the Liberation Music Orchestra Charlie Haden - 1982 - The Ballad of the Fallen - 562\01 - Els Segadors [The Reapers].flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  542. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.970 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden & the Liberation Music Orchestra Charlie Haden - 1982 - The Ballad of the Fallen - 562\01 - Els Segadors [The Reapers].flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:450 isLastBlock:false
  543. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  544. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.970 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden & the Liberation Music Orchestra Charlie Haden - 1982 - The Ballad of the Fallen - 562\01 - Els Segadors [The Reapers].flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9680 isLastBlock:false
  545. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.971 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden & the Liberation Music Orchestra Charlie Haden - 1982 - The Ballad of the Fallen - 562\01 - Els Segadors [The Reapers].flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:104095 isLastBlock:false
  546. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.971 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry White - 1980 - Sheet Music - 855\01 - Sheet Music.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  547. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.971 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden & the Liberation Music Orchestra Charlie Haden - 1982 - The Ballad of the Fallen - 562\01 - Els Segadors [The Reapers].flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  548. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.971 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry White - 1980 - Sheet Music - 855\01 - Sheet Music.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:774 isLastBlock:false
  549. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.971 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry White - 1980 - Sheet Music - 855\01 - Sheet Music.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8202 isLastBlock:false
  550. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.972 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry White - 1980 - Sheet Music - 855\01 - Sheet Music.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:121193 isLastBlock:false
  551. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.972 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry White - 1980 - Sheet Music - 855\01 - Sheet Music.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  552. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  553. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.986 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ultrabass - 1993 - TranceBeats - 942\01 - Princess Yuki.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  554. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.986 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ultrabass - 1993 - TranceBeats - 942\01 - Princess Yuki.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  555. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.986 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ultrabass - 1993 - TranceBeats - 942\01 - Princess Yuki.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:2448 isLastBlock:false
  556. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.986 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ultrabass - 1993 - TranceBeats - 942\01 - Princess Yuki.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6049 isLastBlock:false
  557. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.986 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ultrabass - 1993 - TranceBeats - 942\01 - Princess Yuki.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:153915 isLastBlock:false
  558. 2018-03-15 06:33:27.987 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ultrabass - 1993 - TranceBeats - 942\01 - Princess Yuki.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  559. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  560. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.011 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Steve Kuhn - 1990 - Live at Maybeck Recital Hall, Volume Thirteen - 499\01-Old Folks.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  561. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.011 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Steve Kuhn - 1990 - Live at Maybeck Recital Hall, Volume Thirteen - 499\01-Old Folks.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7413 isLastBlock:false
  562. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.012 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Steve Kuhn - 1990 - Live at Maybeck Recital Hall, Volume Thirteen - 499\01-Old Folks.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:105774 isLastBlock:false
  563. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.012 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Steve Kuhn - 1990 - Live at Maybeck Recital Hall, Volume Thirteen - 499\01-Old Folks.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  564. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  565. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  566. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  567. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.051 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Gianluigi Trovesi - 2007 - Vaghissimo Ritratto - 1415\01 - Primo apparir, for alto clarinet, piano, percussion & electronics.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  568. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.051 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\DJ Krush - 2006 - Stepping Stones The Self-Remixed Best -Soundscapes- (Compilation) - 783\01 - Intro.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  569. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.051 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Gianluigi Trovesi - 2007 - Vaghissimo Ritratto - 1415\01 - Primo apparir, for alto clarinet, piano, percussion & electronics.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:10780 isLastBlock:false
  570. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.051 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\DJ Krush - 2006 - Stepping Stones The Self-Remixed Best -Soundscapes- (Compilation) - 783\01 - Intro.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:108 isLastBlock:false
  571. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.051 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Gianluigi Trovesi - 2007 - Vaghissimo Ritratto - 1415\01 - Primo apparir, for alto clarinet, piano, percussion & electronics.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:73653 isLastBlock:false
  572. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.051 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\DJ Krush - 2006 - Stepping Stones The Self-Remixed Best -Soundscapes- (Compilation) - 783\01 - Intro.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6483 isLastBlock:false
  573. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.052 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Gianluigi Trovesi - 2007 - Vaghissimo Ritratto - 1415\01 - Primo apparir, for alto clarinet, piano, percussion & electronics.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:328377 isLastBlock:true
  574. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.052 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\DJ Krush - 2006 - Stepping Stones The Self-Remixed Best -Soundscapes- (Compilation) - 783\01 - Intro.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:55867 isLastBlock:false
  575. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.052 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\DJ Krush - 2006 - Stepping Stones The Self-Remixed Best -Soundscapes- (Compilation) - 783\01 - Intro.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  576. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  577. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.087 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Gibb - 1991 - Andy Gibb (Greatest Hits) - 1413\01 - Man on Fire.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  578. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.087 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Gibb - 1991 - Andy Gibb (Greatest Hits) - 1413\01 - Man on Fire.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9668 isLastBlock:false
  579. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.087 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Gibb - 1991 - Andy Gibb (Greatest Hits) - 1413\01 - Man on Fire.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:121605 isLastBlock:false
  580. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.088 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andy Gibb - 1991 - Andy Gibb (Greatest Hits) - 1413\01 - Man on Fire.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  581. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  582. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  583. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.094 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Erik Truffaz - 2005 - Saloua - 1413\01 - Saloua.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  584. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.094 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Erik Truffaz - 2005 - Saloua - 1413\01 - Saloua.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7637 isLastBlock:false
  585. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.094 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Erik Truffaz - 2005 - Saloua - 1413\01 - Saloua.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:64618 isLastBlock:false
  586. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.094 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Erik Truffaz - 2005 - Saloua - 1413\01 - Saloua.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  587. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  588. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  589. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.098 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Steve Reid - 1997 - Steve Reid's Bamboo Forest Mysteries - 1417\01 Mysteries.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  590. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.098 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Steve Reid - 1997 - Steve Reid's Bamboo Forest Mysteries - 1417\01 Mysteries.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:4708 isLastBlock:false
  591. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.099 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Steve Reid - 1997 - Steve Reid's Bamboo Forest Mysteries - 1417\01 Mysteries.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:49436 isLastBlock:false
  592. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.099 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Steve Reid - 1997 - Steve Reid's Bamboo Forest Mysteries - 1417\01 Mysteries.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:55298 isLastBlock:true
  593. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  594. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.115 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Cannonball Adderley - 2005 - Somethin' Else - 1414\01 Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  595. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.116 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Cannonball Adderley - 2005 - Somethin' Else - 1414\01 Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7437 isLastBlock:false
  596. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.116 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Cannonball Adderley - 2005 - Somethin' Else - 1414\01 Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:26910 isLastBlock:false
  597. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.116 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Cannonball Adderley - 2005 - Somethin' Else - 1414\01 Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:35121 isLastBlock:true
  598. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  599. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.135 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Arve Henriksen Teun Verbruggen - 2012 - Black Swan - 647\01 - Ahob 1.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  600. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  601. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.136 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Arve Henriksen Teun Verbruggen - 2012 - Black Swan - 647\01 - Ahob 1.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:3377 isLastBlock:false
  602. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.136 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Arve Henriksen Teun Verbruggen - 2012 - Black Swan - 647\01 - Ahob 1.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:62246 isLastBlock:false
  603. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.136 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Matthews Band - 2005 - Stand Up - 1414\01 Dreamgirl.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  604. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.136 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Matthews Band - 2005 - Stand Up - 1414\01 Dreamgirl.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9353 isLastBlock:false
  605. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.136 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Arve Henriksen Teun Verbruggen - 2012 - Black Swan - 647\01 - Ahob 1.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:98 isLastBlock:true
  606. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.136 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Matthews Band - 2005 - Stand Up - 1414\01 Dreamgirl.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:51604 isLastBlock:false
  607. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.137 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Matthews Band - 2005 - Stand Up - 1414\01 Dreamgirl.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  608. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  609. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  610. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.137 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Douglas - 1998 - Charms of the Night Sky - 1415\01 - Charms of the Night Sky.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  611. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.138 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Douglas - 1998 - Charms of the Night Sky - 1415\01 - Charms of the Night Sky.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8561 isLastBlock:false
  612. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.138 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Douglas - 1998 - Charms of the Night Sky - 1415\01 - Charms of the Night Sky.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:44878 isLastBlock:false
  613. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.138 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Dave Douglas - 1998 - Charms of the Night Sky - 1415\01 - Charms of the Night Sky.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  614. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.138 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Beautiful South - 1996 - Blue Is the Colour - 1415\01 - Don't Marry Her.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  615. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.138 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Beautiful South - 1996 - Blue Is the Colour - 1415\01 - Don't Marry Her.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8876 isLastBlock:false
  616. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.138 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Beautiful South - 1996 - Blue Is the Colour - 1415\01 - Don't Marry Her.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:491918 isLastBlock:false
  617. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.139 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Beautiful South - 1996 - Blue Is the Colour - 1415\01 - Don't Marry Her.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  618. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  619. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.150 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Amy Winehouse - 2004 - Frank - 1416\01 Intro _ Stronger Than Me.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  620. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.150 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Amy Winehouse - 2004 - Frank - 1416\01 Intro _ Stronger Than Me.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7690 isLastBlock:false
  621. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.150 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Amy Winehouse - 2004 - Frank - 1416\01 Intro _ Stronger Than Me.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:82516 isLastBlock:false
  622. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.150 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Amy Winehouse - 2004 - Frank - 1416\01 Intro _ Stronger Than Me.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:7629 isLastBlock:true
  623. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  624. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.171 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ahmad Jamal - 2008 - It's Magic - 839\1 - Dynamo.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  625. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.172 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ahmad Jamal - 2008 - It's Magic - 839\1 - Dynamo.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:450 isLastBlock:false
  626. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.172 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ahmad Jamal - 2008 - It's Magic - 839\1 - Dynamo.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8112 isLastBlock:false
  627. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.172 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ahmad Jamal - 2008 - It's Magic - 839\1 - Dynamo.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:70445 isLastBlock:false
  628. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.172 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ahmad Jamal - 2008 - It's Magic - 839\1 - Dynamo.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  629. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  630. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  631. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.177 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bandulu - 1997 - Stoned...Chilled...Groove (Compilation) - 729\01 - A Zed and 2l's.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  632. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.177 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1984 - Rambler - 1413\01 - Tone.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  633. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.177 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bandulu - 1997 - Stoned...Chilled...Groove (Compilation) - 729\01 - A Zed and 2l's.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:954 isLastBlock:false
  634. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.177 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1984 - Rambler - 1413\01 - Tone.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7843 isLastBlock:false
  635. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.177 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bandulu - 1997 - Stoned...Chilled...Groove (Compilation) - 729\01 - A Zed and 2l's.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6252 isLastBlock:false
  636. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.177 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1984 - Rambler - 1413\01 - Tone.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:227170 isLastBlock:false
  637. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.177 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bandulu - 1997 - Stoned...Chilled...Groove (Compilation) - 729\01 - A Zed and 2l's.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:77572 isLastBlock:false
  638. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.177 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1984 - Rambler - 1413\01 - Tone.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  639. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.178 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bandulu - 1997 - Stoned...Chilled...Groove (Compilation) - 729\01 - A Zed and 2l's.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  640. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  641. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.196 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Rainer Bruninghaus feat Markus Stockhausen Fredy Studer - 1984 - Continuum - 1415\01 - Strahlenspur.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  642. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.197 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Rainer Bruninghaus feat Markus Stockhausen Fredy Studer - 1984 - Continuum - 1415\01 - Strahlenspur.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9385 isLastBlock:false
  643. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.197 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Rainer Bruninghaus feat Markus Stockhausen Fredy Studer - 1984 - Continuum - 1415\01 - Strahlenspur.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:41436 isLastBlock:false
  644. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.197 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Rainer Bruninghaus feat Markus Stockhausen Fredy Studer - 1984 - Continuum - 1415\01 - Strahlenspur.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:60114 isLastBlock:true
  645. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  646. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.206 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Wynton Marsalis Eric Clapton - 2011 - Play the Blues Live From Jazz at Lincoln Center - 1416\01 - Ice Cream.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  647. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.206 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Wynton Marsalis Eric Clapton - 2011 - Play the Blues Live From Jazz at Lincoln Center - 1416\01 - Ice Cream.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5802 isLastBlock:false
  648. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.206 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Wynton Marsalis Eric Clapton - 2011 - Play the Blues Live From Jazz at Lincoln Center - 1416\01 - Ice Cream.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:51592 isLastBlock:false
  649. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.207 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Wynton Marsalis Eric Clapton - 2011 - Play the Blues Live From Jazz at Lincoln Center - 1416\01 - Ice Cream.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:79575 isLastBlock:true
  650. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  651. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  652. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.231 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Motian Paul Motian Band - 2006 - Garden of Eden - 1419\01 - Pithecanthropus Erectus.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  653. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.231 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Motian Paul Motian Band - 2006 - Garden of Eden - 1419\01 - Pithecanthropus Erectus.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:11154 isLastBlock:false
  654. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.231 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Motian Paul Motian Band - 2006 - Garden of Eden - 1419\01 - Pithecanthropus Erectus.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:120388 isLastBlock:false
  655. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.231 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paul Motian Paul Motian Band - 2006 - Garden of Eden - 1419\01 - Pithecanthropus Erectus.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  656. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  657. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.238 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Per Gudmundson Ale Moller Lena Willemark - 1999 - Frifot - 1412\01 - Abba Fader,Abba Father.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  658. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.238 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Per Gudmundson Ale Moller Lena Willemark - 1999 - Frifot - 1412\01 - Abba Fader,Abba Father.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8309 isLastBlock:false
  659. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.238 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Per Gudmundson Ale Moller Lena Willemark - 1999 - Frifot - 1412\01 - Abba Fader,Abba Father.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:193009 isLastBlock:false
  660. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.239 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Per Gudmundson Ale Moller Lena Willemark - 1999 - Frifot - 1412\01 - Abba Fader,Abba Father.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  661. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  662. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.240 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert Collins - 1997 - Deluxe Edition (Compilation) - 880\01 I Ain't Drunk.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  663. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.242 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert Collins - 1997 - Deluxe Edition (Compilation) - 880\01 I Ain't Drunk.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  664. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  665. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.242 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert Collins - 1997 - Deluxe Edition (Compilation) - 880\01 I Ain't Drunk.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:972 isLastBlock:false
  666. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.242 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert Collins - 1997 - Deluxe Edition (Compilation) - 880\01 I Ain't Drunk.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8849 isLastBlock:false
  667. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.242 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert Collins - 1997 - Deluxe Edition (Compilation) - 880\01 I Ain't Drunk.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:80122 isLastBlock:false
  668. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.242 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 2004 - The Life and Times of Phoebus Brumal - 1413\01 Platinum Spider.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  669. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.243 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 2004 - The Life and Times of Phoebus Brumal - 1413\01 Platinum Spider.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7939 isLastBlock:false
  670. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.243 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert Collins - 1997 - Deluxe Edition (Compilation) - 880\01 I Ain't Drunk.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:6898 isLastBlock:true
  671. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.243 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 2004 - The Life and Times of Phoebus Brumal - 1413\01 Platinum Spider.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:215093 isLastBlock:false
  672. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.246 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 2004 - The Life and Times of Phoebus Brumal - 1413\01 Platinum Spider.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  673. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  674. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  675. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.291 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Eric Clapton - 1975 - There's One in Every Crowd - 1417\01 - We've Been Told (Jesus is Coming Soon).flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  676. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.291 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Eric Clapton - 1975 - There's One in Every Crowd - 1417\01 - We've Been Told (Jesus is Coming Soon).flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9236 isLastBlock:false
  677. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.291 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Eric Clapton - 1975 - There's One in Every Crowd - 1417\01 - We've Been Told (Jesus is Coming Soon).flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:44663 isLastBlock:false
  678. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.291 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Eric Clapton - 1975 - There's One in Every Crowd - 1417\01 - We've Been Told (Jesus is Coming Soon).flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:42143 isLastBlock:true
  679. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  680. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.303 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Hakon Kornstad - 2007 - Single Engine - 572\01-Standard Arrival Route.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  681. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.303 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Hakon Kornstad - 2007 - Single Engine - 572\01-Standard Arrival Route.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:576 isLastBlock:false
  682. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.303 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Hakon Kornstad - 2007 - Single Engine - 572\01-Standard Arrival Route.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6046 isLastBlock:false
  683. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.303 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Hakon Kornstad - 2007 - Single Engine - 572\01-Standard Arrival Route.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:158399 isLastBlock:false
  684. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.303 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Hakon Kornstad - 2007 - Single Engine - 572\01-Standard Arrival Route.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  685. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  686. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.322 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Laswell Submerged - 2004 - Brutal Calling - 1416\01 - Mass Graves.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  687. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.322 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Laswell Submerged - 2004 - Brutal Calling - 1416\01 - Mass Graves.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6951 isLastBlock:false
  688. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.322 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Laswell Submerged - 2004 - Brutal Calling - 1416\01 - Mass Graves.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:50749 isLastBlock:false
  689. 2018-03-15 06:33:28.323 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Laswell Submerged - 2004 - Brutal Calling - 1416\01 - Mass Graves.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  690. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  691. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.745 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden - 1988 - The Golden Number - 1356\01 Out of Focus.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  692. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.746 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden - 1988 - The Golden Number - 1356\01 Out of Focus.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6517 isLastBlock:false
  693. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.746 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden - 1988 - The Golden Number - 1356\01 Out of Focus.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:148732 isLastBlock:false
  694. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.746 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden - 1988 - The Golden Number - 1356\01 Out of Focus.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:75237 isLastBlock:false
  695. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.746 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Charlie Haden - 1988 - The Golden Number - 1356\01 Out of Focus.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  696. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  697. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  698. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  699. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  700. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.749 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Pretenders - 2008 - Break Up the Concrete - 684\01 Boots of Chinese Plastic.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  701. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.750 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Thomas Dybdahl, Morcheeba - 2008 - Dive Deep - 1413\01 Enjoy the Ride.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  702. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  703. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.750 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ben E. King - 1961 - Spanish Harlem - 1417\01 Amor.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  704. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.750 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ben E. King - 1961 - Spanish Harlem - 1417\01 Amor.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6625 isLastBlock:false
  705. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.751 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ben E. King - 1961 - Spanish Harlem - 1417\01 Amor.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:336466 isLastBlock:false
  706. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.750 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 1998 - Power Clown - 836\01-Bovine Funk.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  707. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.751 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 1998 - Power Clown - 836\01-Bovine Funk.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  708. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.751 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 1998 - Power Clown - 836\01-Bovine Funk.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1548 isLastBlock:false
  709. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.751 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 1998 - Power Clown - 836\01-Bovine Funk.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7744 isLastBlock:false
  710. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.751 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 1998 - Power Clown - 836\01-Bovine Funk.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:173024 isLastBlock:false
  711. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.751 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fila Brazillia - 1998 - Power Clown - 836\01-Bovine Funk.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  712. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.750 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Pretenders - 2008 - Break Up the Concrete - 684\01 Boots of Chinese Plastic.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  713. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.752 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Pretenders - 2008 - Break Up the Concrete - 684\01 Boots of Chinese Plastic.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:594 isLastBlock:false
  714. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.752 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Pretenders - 2008 - Break Up the Concrete - 684\01 Boots of Chinese Plastic.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8800 isLastBlock:false
  715. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.752 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Pretenders - 2008 - Break Up the Concrete - 684\01 Boots of Chinese Plastic.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:83111 isLastBlock:false
  716. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.752 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Pretenders - 2008 - Break Up the Concrete - 684\01 Boots of Chinese Plastic.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:12003 isLastBlock:true
  717. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.750 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Thomas Dybdahl, Morcheeba - 2008 - Dive Deep - 1413\01 Enjoy the Ride.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7195 isLastBlock:false
  718. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.753 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Thomas Dybdahl, Morcheeba - 2008 - Dive Deep - 1413\01 Enjoy the Ride.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:78398 isLastBlock:false
  719. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.753 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Thomas Dybdahl, Morcheeba - 2008 - Dive Deep - 1413\01 Enjoy the Ride.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:56677 isLastBlock:true
  720. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.751 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ada - 2004 - Blondie - 790\01 Eve.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  721. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.754 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ada - 2004 - Blondie - 790\01 Eve.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:756 isLastBlock:false
  722. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.751 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ben E. King - 1961 - Spanish Harlem - 1417\01 Amor.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  723. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.754 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ada - 2004 - Blondie - 790\01 Eve.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8426 isLastBlock:false
  724. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.755 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ada - 2004 - Blondie - 790\01 Eve.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:106633 isLastBlock:false
  725. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.755 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Ada - 2004 - Blondie - 790\01 Eve.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  726. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  727. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.789 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andreya Triana - 2010 - Lost Where I Belong - 659\01 - Draw the Stars.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  728. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.789 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andreya Triana - 2010 - Lost Where I Belong - 659\01 - Draw the Stars.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:450 isLastBlock:false
  729. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.789 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andreya Triana - 2010 - Lost Where I Belong - 659\01 - Draw the Stars.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7963 isLastBlock:false
  730. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.789 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andreya Triana - 2010 - Lost Where I Belong - 659\01 - Draw the Stars.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:582011 isLastBlock:false
  731. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.789 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Andreya Triana - 2010 - Lost Where I Belong - 659\01 - Draw the Stars.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  732. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  733. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.791 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bengt Berger - 1982 - Bitter Funeral Beer - 1414\01 - Bitter Funeral Beer.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  734. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.791 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bengt Berger - 1982 - Bitter Funeral Beer - 1414\01 - Bitter Funeral Beer.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8545 isLastBlock:false
  735. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.791 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bengt Berger - 1982 - Bitter Funeral Beer - 1414\01 - Bitter Funeral Beer.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:62633 isLastBlock:false
  736. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.791 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bengt Berger - 1982 - Bitter Funeral Beer - 1414\01 - Bitter Funeral Beer.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:43896 isLastBlock:true
  737. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  738. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.818 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Antony And The Johnsons - 2001 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy - 674\01 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  739. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.818 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Antony And The Johnsons - 2001 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy - 674\01 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:432 isLastBlock:false
  740. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.818 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Antony And The Johnsons - 2001 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy - 674\01 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6495 isLastBlock:false
  741. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.818 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Antony And The Johnsons - 2001 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy - 674\01 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:36680 isLastBlock:false
  742. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.819 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Antony And The Johnsons - 2001 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy - 674\01 - I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:54110 isLastBlock:true
  743. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  744. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  745. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  746. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  747. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.863 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Rebecca Pidgeon - 2005 - Tough on Crime - 938\01-Learn to Pray.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  748. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.863 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Rebecca Pidgeon - 2005 - Tough on Crime - 938\01-Learn to Pray.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:396 isLastBlock:false
  749. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.863 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Rebecca Pidgeon - 2005 - Tough on Crime - 938\01-Learn to Pray.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8283 isLastBlock:false
  750. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.863 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Rebecca Pidgeon - 2005 - Tough on Crime - 938\01-Learn to Pray.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:60717 isLastBlock:false
  751. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.863 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Rebecca Pidgeon - 2005 - Tough on Crime - 938\01-Learn to Pray.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  752. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  753. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  754. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.898 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Blues Company - 2008 - Hot and Ready to Serve - 1416\01 - Till the Lights Go Out.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  755. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.898 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Blues Company - 2008 - Hot and Ready to Serve - 1416\01 - Till the Lights Go Out.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7335 isLastBlock:false
  756. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.898 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Blues Company - 2008 - Hot and Ready to Serve - 1416\01 - Till the Lights Go Out.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:224823 isLastBlock:false
  757. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.898 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Blues Company - 2008 - Hot and Ready to Serve - 1416\01 - Till the Lights Go Out.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  758. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  759. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  760. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  761. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  762. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  763. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.964 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Jan Garbarek - 1992 - Ragas and Sagas - 1416\01 - Raga I.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  764. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.964 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Jan Garbarek - 1992 - Ragas and Sagas - 1416\01 - Raga I.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8302 isLastBlock:false
  765. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.964 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Jan Garbarek - 1992 - Ragas and Sagas - 1416\01 - Raga I.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:282309 isLastBlock:false
  766. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.964 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Jan Garbarek - 1992 - Ragas and Sagas - 1416\01 - Raga I.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  767. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  768. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.966 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 1999 - His Definitive Greatest Hits (Compilation) - 1010\1-01 B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  769. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.967 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 1999 - His Definitive Greatest Hits (Compilation) - 1010\1-01 B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:576 isLastBlock:false
  770. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.967 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 1999 - His Definitive Greatest Hits (Compilation) - 1010\1-01 B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6933 isLastBlock:false
  771. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.967 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 1999 - His Definitive Greatest Hits (Compilation) - 1010\1-01 B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:123354 isLastBlock:false
  772. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.967 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 1999 - His Definitive Greatest Hits (Compilation) - 1010\1-01 B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  773. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  774. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.976 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\A.C. Reed - 1999 - Junk Food - 895\01 A.C. Reed - Junk Food.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  775. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.977 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\A.C. Reed - 1999 - Junk Food - 895\01 A.C. Reed - Junk Food.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  776. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.978 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\A.C. Reed - 1999 - Junk Food - 895\01 A.C. Reed - Junk Food.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:918 isLastBlock:false
  777. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.979 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\A.C. Reed - 1999 - Junk Food - 895\01 A.C. Reed - Junk Food.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:9436 isLastBlock:false
  778. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.979 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\A.C. Reed - 1999 - Junk Food - 895\01 A.C. Reed - Junk Food.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:215868 isLastBlock:false
  779. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.980 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\A.C. Reed - 1999 - Junk Food - 895\01 A.C. Reed - Junk Food.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  780. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  781. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.989 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Oyvind Braekk Per Oddvar Johansen Trygve Seim - 2002 - The Source and Different Cikadas - 1415\01 - Organismus Vitalis.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  782. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.989 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Oyvind Braekk Per Oddvar Johansen Trygve Seim - 2002 - The Source and Different Cikadas - 1415\01 - Organismus Vitalis.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8752 isLastBlock:false
  783. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.989 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Oyvind Braekk Per Oddvar Johansen Trygve Seim - 2002 - The Source and Different Cikadas - 1415\01 - Organismus Vitalis.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:109379 isLastBlock:false
  784. 2018-03-15 06:33:29.989 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Oyvind Braekk Per Oddvar Johansen Trygve Seim - 2002 - The Source and Different Cikadas - 1415\01 - Organismus Vitalis.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  785. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  786. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.029 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Original Soundtrack - 2002 - Analyze That (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - 935\01 - Opening credits.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  787. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.030 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Original Soundtrack - 2002 - Analyze That (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - 935\01 - Opening credits.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:450 isLastBlock:false
  788. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.030 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Original Soundtrack - 2002 - Analyze That (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - 935\01 - Opening credits.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8484 isLastBlock:false
  789. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.030 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Original Soundtrack - 2002 - Analyze That (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - 935\01 - Opening credits.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:33916 isLastBlock:false
  790. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.030 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Original Soundtrack - 2002 - Analyze That (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - 935\01 - Opening credits.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  791. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  792. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  793. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.033 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chungking - 2003 - We Travel Fast - 877\01 - Making Music.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  794. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.033 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fat Freddy's Drop - 2006 - Based on a True Story - 600\01 Ernie.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  795. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.033 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chungking - 2003 - We Travel Fast - 877\01 - Making Music.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:468 isLastBlock:false
  796. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.034 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fat Freddy's Drop - 2006 - Based on a True Story - 600\01 Ernie.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:792 isLastBlock:false
  797. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.034 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chungking - 2003 - We Travel Fast - 877\01 - Making Music.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6691 isLastBlock:false
  798. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.034 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fat Freddy's Drop - 2006 - Based on a True Story - 600\01 Ernie.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8686 isLastBlock:false
  799. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.034 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chungking - 2003 - We Travel Fast - 877\01 - Making Music.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:293311 isLastBlock:false
  800. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.034 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fat Freddy's Drop - 2006 - Based on a True Story - 600\01 Ernie.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:56039 isLastBlock:false
  801. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.034 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Chungking - 2003 - We Travel Fast - 877\01 - Making Music.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  802. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.034 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Fat Freddy's Drop - 2006 - Based on a True Story - 600\01 Ernie.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:30013 isLastBlock:true
  803. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  804. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.175 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paradox - - The First Second - 1414\01 - Fonkey Donkey.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  805. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.176 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paradox - - The First Second - 1414\01 - Fonkey Donkey.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5980 isLastBlock:false
  806. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.176 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paradox - - The First Second - 1414\01 - Fonkey Donkey.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:166571 isLastBlock:false
  807. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.176 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Paradox - - The First Second - 1414\01 - Fonkey Donkey.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  808. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  809. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.192 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Banco de Gaia - 2004 - You Are Here - 1416\01 Down From the Mountain.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  810. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.192 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Banco de Gaia - 2004 - You Are Here - 1416\01 Down From the Mountain.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:5034 isLastBlock:false
  811. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  812. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.194 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Banco de Gaia - 2004 - You Are Here - 1416\01 Down From the Mountain.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:48547 isLastBlock:false
  813. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.194 INFO 196 --- [io-8080-exec-10] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Banco de Gaia - 2004 - You Are Here - 1416\01 Down From the Mountain.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  814. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.194 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Autechre - 2013 - Exai - 1467\01 - Fleure.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  815. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.196 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Autechre - 2013 - Exai - 1467\01 - Fleure.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:3410 isLastBlock:false
  816. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.196 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Autechre - 2013 - Exai - 1467\01 - Fleure.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:42554 isLastBlock:false
  817. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.196 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Autechre - 2013 - Exai - 1467\01 - Fleure.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:20002 isLastBlock:true
  818. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  819. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  820. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.226 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Cinematic Orchestra - 2003 - Man With a Movie Camera - 779\01 - The Projectionist.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  821. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.226 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Cinematic Orchestra - 2003 - Man With a Movie Camera - 779\01 - The Projectionist.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:18 isLastBlock:false
  822. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.226 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Cinematic Orchestra - 2003 - Man With a Movie Camera - 779\01 - The Projectionist.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:4857 isLastBlock:false
  823. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.227 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Cinematic Orchestra - 2003 - Man With a Movie Camera - 779\01 - The Projectionist.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:114213 isLastBlock:false
  824. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.227 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\The Cinematic Orchestra - 2003 - Man With a Movie Camera - 779\01 - The Projectionist.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3996 isLastBlock:true
  825. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  826. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.229 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1997 - Nashville - 1417\01 - Gimme a Holler.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  827. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.229 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1997 - Nashville - 1417\01 - Gimme a Holler.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8525 isLastBlock:false
  828. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.229 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1997 - Nashville - 1417\01 - Gimme a Holler.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:67998 isLastBlock:false
  829. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.229 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bill Frisell - 1997 - Nashville - 1417\01 - Gimme a Holler.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:18735 isLastBlock:true
  830. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  831. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  832. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.269 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bee Gees - 1987 - E S P - 1415\01 - E-S-P.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  833. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.269 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bee Gees - 1987 - E S P - 1415\01 - E-S-P.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7151 isLastBlock:false
  834. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.269 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bee Gees - 1987 - E S P - 1415\01 - E-S-P.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:590849 isLastBlock:false
  835. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.269 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Bee Gees - 1987 - E S P - 1415\01 - E-S-P.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  836. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  837. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.275 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 2011 - Live at the Regal - 1411\01 - Every Day I Have The Blues.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  838. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.276 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 2011 - Live at the Regal - 1411\01 - Every Day I Have The Blues.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7976 isLastBlock:false
  839. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.277 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 2011 - Live at the Regal - 1411\01 - Every Day I Have The Blues.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:138238 isLastBlock:false
  840. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.277 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\B.B. King - 2011 - Live at the Regal - 1411\01 - Every Day I Have The Blues.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  841. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  842. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.315 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert King - 1998 - Rainin' in California - 1040\01-King's Groove.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  843. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.315 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert King - 1998 - Rainin' in California - 1040\01-King's Groove.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:792 isLastBlock:false
  844. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.315 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert King - 1998 - Rainin' in California - 1040\01-King's Groove.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6577 isLastBlock:false
  845. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.316 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert King - 1998 - Rainin' in California - 1040\01-King's Groove.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:50565 isLastBlock:false
  846. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.316 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Albert King - 1998 - Rainin' in California - 1040\01-King's Groove.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  847. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  848. ==== in PictureController.getPhoto (file )====
  849. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  850. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.359 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Millenia Nova - 2003 - Echo Parcours - 1415\01 Trio El├®trico - Intro.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  851. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.359 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Millenia Nova - 2003 - Echo Parcours - 1415\01 Trio El├®trico - Intro.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:3613 isLastBlock:false
  852. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.359 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Millenia Nova - 2003 - Echo Parcours - 1415\01 Trio El├®trico - Intro.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:43008 isLastBlock:false
  853. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.360 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Millenia Nova - 2003 - Echo Parcours - 1415\01 Trio El├®trico - Intro.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:21647 isLastBlock:true
  854. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  855. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.370 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\01 - System of Love.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  856. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.371 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\01 - System of Love.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7130 isLastBlock:false
  857. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.371 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\01 - System of Love.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  858. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.371 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\01 - System of Love.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:1777 isLastBlock:true
  859. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  860. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.376 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 2016 - In the Now - 1414\01 - In the Now.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  861. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.376 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 2016 - In the Now - 1414\01 - In the Now.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6209 isLastBlock:false
  862. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.376 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 2016 - In the Now - 1414\01 - In the Now.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:49863 isLastBlock:false
  863. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.377 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 2016 - In the Now - 1414\01 - In the Now.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:37538 isLastBlock:true
  864. ==== in embeddedart (file, index)====
  865. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.406 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tindersticks - 1997 - Curtains - 579\1-01 Another Night In.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  866. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.406 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tindersticks - 1997 - Curtains - 579\1-01 Another Night In.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  867. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.406 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tindersticks - 1997 - Curtains - 579\1-01 Another Night In.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1080 isLastBlock:false
  868. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.406 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tindersticks - 1997 - Curtains - 579\1-01 Another Night In.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:8664 isLastBlock:false
  869. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.407 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tindersticks - 1997 - Curtains - 579\1-01 Another Night In.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:159967 isLastBlock:false
  870. 2018-03-15 06:33:30.407 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Tindersticks - 1997 - Curtains - 579\1-01 Another Night In.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  871. ==== in metadataDirectory Controller ==== path: Z:/Lossless/Artist/Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417/
  872. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.747 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\01 - System of Love.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  873. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.748 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\01 - System of Love.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7130 isLastBlock:false
  874. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.748 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\01 - System of Love.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  875. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.748 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\01 - System of Love.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:1777 isLastBlock:true
  876. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.761 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\02 - Childhood Days.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  877. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.761 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\02 - Childhood Days.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7128 isLastBlock:false
  878. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.761 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\02 - Childhood Days.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  879. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.762 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\02 - Childhood Days.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  880. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.774 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\03 - My Eternal Love.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  881. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.774 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\03 - My Eternal Love.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7087 isLastBlock:false
  882. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.775 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\03 - My Eternal Love.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  883. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.775 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\03 - My Eternal Love.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:7136 isLastBlock:true
  884. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.786 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\04 - Moonlight Madness.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  885. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.786 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\04 - Moonlight Madness.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7190 isLastBlock:false
  886. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.786 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\04 - Moonlight Madness.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  887. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.786 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\04 - Moonlight Madness.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:14611 isLastBlock:true
  888. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.798 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\05 - Where Tomorrow is.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  889. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.798 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\05 - Where Tomorrow is.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7319 isLastBlock:false
  890. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.798 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\05 - Where Tomorrow is.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  891. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.798 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\05 - Where Tomorrow is.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3959 isLastBlock:true
  892. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.811 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\06 - Celebration De La Vie (Theme From Hawks).flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  893. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.811 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\06 - Celebration De La Vie (Theme From Hawks).flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7056 isLastBlock:false
  894. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.811 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\06 - Celebration De La Vie (Theme From Hawks).flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  895. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.811 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\06 - Celebration De La Vie (Theme From Hawks).flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:6362 isLastBlock:true
  896. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.823 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\07 - Chain Reaction.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  897. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.823 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\07 - Chain Reaction.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7112 isLastBlock:false
  898. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.824 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\07 - Chain Reaction.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  899. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.824 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\07 - Chain Reaction.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:952 isLastBlock:true
  900. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.836 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\08 - Cover you.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  901. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.836 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\08 - Cover you.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7055 isLastBlock:false
  902. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.836 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\08 - Cover you.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  903. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.836 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\08 - Cover you.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:10069 isLastBlock:true
  904. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.848 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\09 - Not in Love at all.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  905. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.848 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\09 - Not in Love at all.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:7077 isLastBlock:false
  906. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.849 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\09 - Not in Love at all.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  907. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.849 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\09 - Not in Love at all.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:5293 isLastBlock:true
  908. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.861 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\10 - Letting Go.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  909. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.861 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\10 - Letting Go.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6610 isLastBlock:false
  910. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.861 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\10 - Letting Go.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:59872 isLastBlock:false
  911. 2018-03-15 06:33:36.861 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Barry Gibb - 1988 - Hawks - 1417\10 - Letting Go.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  912. ==== in QobuzGenreController.listGenres ====
  913. URL:
  914. Hitting url:
  915. ==== in QobuzFeaturedAlbumsController.getFeaturedAlbums ==== type: new-releases genre: 0
  916. URL:
  917. Hitting url:
  918. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.176 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  919. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.177 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  920. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.177 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  921. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.177 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  922. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.177 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  923. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.177 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  924. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.177 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  925. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.177 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  926. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.178 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  927. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.178 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  928. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.178 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  929. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.178 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  930. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.178 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  931. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.178 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  932. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.178 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  933. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.178 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  934. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.179 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  935. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.179 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  936. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.179 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  937. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.179 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  938. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.179 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  939. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.179 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  940. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.179 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  941. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.179 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  942. 2018-03-15 06:41:26.180 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  943. ==== in metadataDirectory Controller ==== path: Z:/Lossless/Artist/Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651/
  944. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.558 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  945. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.558 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  946. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.558 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:684 isLastBlock:false
  947. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.558 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6703 isLastBlock:false
  948. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.558 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  949. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.558 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\01 - Lover Come Back to Me.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  950. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.571 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\02 - Body and Soul.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  951. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.571 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\02 - Body and Soul.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  952. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.571 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\02 - Body and Soul.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:756 isLastBlock:false
  953. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.571 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\02 - Body and Soul.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6643 isLastBlock:false
  954. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.572 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\02 - Body and Soul.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  955. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.572 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\02 - Body and Soul.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  956. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.583 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\03 - Split Kick.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  957. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.584 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\03 - Split Kick.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  958. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.584 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\03 - Split Kick.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:702 isLastBlock:false
  959. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.584 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\03 - Split Kick.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6742 isLastBlock:false
  960. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.584 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\03 - Split Kick.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  961. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.584 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\03 - Split Kick.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  962. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.596 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\04 - It Might As Well Be Spring.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  963. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.596 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\04 - It Might As Well Be Spring.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  964. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.596 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\04 - It Might As Well Be Spring.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:666 isLastBlock:false
  965. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.596 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\04 - It Might As Well Be Spring.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6243 isLastBlock:false
  966. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.596 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\04 - It Might As Well Be Spring.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  967. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.596 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\04 - It Might As Well Be Spring.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  968. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.609 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\05 - These Foolish Things.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  969. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.609 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\05 - These Foolish Things.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  970. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.609 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\05 - These Foolish Things.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:792 isLastBlock:false
  971. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.609 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\05 - These Foolish Things.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6656 isLastBlock:false
  972. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.609 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\05 - These Foolish Things.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  973. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.610 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\05 - These Foolish Things.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:3070 isLastBlock:true
  974. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.621 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\06 - Lullaby of Birdland.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  975. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.621 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\06 - Lullaby of Birdland.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  976. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.621 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\06 - Lullaby of Birdland.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:558 isLastBlock:false
  977. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.621 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\06 - Lullaby of Birdland.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6742 isLastBlock:false
  978. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.622 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\06 - Lullaby of Birdland.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  979. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.622 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\06 - Lullaby of Birdland.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  980. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.633 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\07 - Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  981. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.633 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\07 - Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  982. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.633 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\07 - Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:702 isLastBlock:false
  983. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.633 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\07 - Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6420 isLastBlock:false
  984. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.633 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\07 - Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  985. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.634 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\07 - Autumn Leaves.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  986. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.645 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\08 - Slow.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  987. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.645 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\08 - Slow.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  988. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.645 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\08 - Slow.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:684 isLastBlock:false
  989. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.645 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\08 - Slow.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6741 isLastBlock:false
  990. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.645 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\08 - Slow.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  991. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.645 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\08 - Slow.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  992. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.657 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\09 - Stan's Mood.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  993. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.658 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\09 - Stan's Mood.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  994. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.658 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\09 - Stan's Mood.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:630 isLastBlock:false
  995. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.658 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\09 - Stan's Mood.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6390 isLastBlock:false
  996. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.658 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\09 - Stan's Mood.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  997. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.658 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\09 - Stan's Mood.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  998. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.670 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\10 - The Best Thing For you.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  999. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.670 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\10 - The Best Thing For you.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1000. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.670 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\10 - The Best Thing For you.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:630 isLastBlock:false
  1001. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.670 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\10 - The Best Thing For you.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6726 isLastBlock:false
  1002. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.670 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\10 - The Best Thing For you.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1003. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.670 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\10 - The Best Thing For you.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1004. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.682 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\11 - Thanks For the Memory.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1005. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.682 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\11 - Thanks For the Memory.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1006. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.682 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\11 - Thanks For the Memory.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:774 isLastBlock:false
  1007. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.682 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\11 - Thanks For the Memory.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6701 isLastBlock:false
  1008. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.682 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\11 - Thanks For the Memory.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1009. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.683 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\11 - Thanks For the Memory.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1010. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.694 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\12 - Dear Old Stockholm.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1011. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.694 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\12 - Dear Old Stockholm.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1012. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.694 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\12 - Dear Old Stockholm.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:648 isLastBlock:false
  1013. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.694 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\12 - Dear Old Stockholm.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6800 isLastBlock:false
  1014. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.695 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\12 - Dear Old Stockholm.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1015. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.695 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\12 - Dear Old Stockholm.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1016. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.705 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\13 - You Turned the Tables on Me.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1017. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.706 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\13 - You Turned the Tables on Me.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1018. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.706 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\13 - You Turned the Tables on Me.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:684 isLastBlock:false
  1019. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.706 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\13 - You Turned the Tables on Me.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6529 isLastBlock:false
  1020. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.706 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\13 - You Turned the Tables on Me.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1021. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.706 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\13 - You Turned the Tables on Me.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1022. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.717 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\14 - Time on my Hands.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1023. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.717 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\14 - Time on my Hands.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1024. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.718 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\14 - Time on my Hands.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:684 isLastBlock:false
  1025. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.718 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\14 - Time on my Hands.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6832 isLastBlock:false
  1026. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.718 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\14 - Time on my Hands.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1027. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.718 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\14 - Time on my Hands.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1028. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.729 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\15 - Moonlight in Vermont.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1029. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.729 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\15 - Moonlight in Vermont.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1030. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.729 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\15 - Moonlight in Vermont.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:756 isLastBlock:false
  1031. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.729 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\15 - Moonlight in Vermont.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6531 isLastBlock:false
  1032. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.730 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\15 - Moonlight in Vermont.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1033. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.730 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\15 - Moonlight in Vermont.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1034. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.743 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\16 - Thou Swell.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1035. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.743 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\16 - Thou Swell.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1036. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.744 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\16 - Thou Swell.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1044 isLastBlock:false
  1037. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.744 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\16 - Thou Swell.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6881 isLastBlock:false
  1038. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.744 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\16 - Thou Swell.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1039. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.744 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\16 - Thou Swell.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1040. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.759 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\17 - Hymn of the Orient.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1041. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.759 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\17 - Hymn of the Orient.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1042. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.759 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\17 - Hymn of the Orient.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:684 isLastBlock:false
  1043. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.760 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\17 - Hymn of the Orient.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6900 isLastBlock:false
  1044. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.760 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\17 - Hymn of the Orient.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1045. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.760 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\17 - Hymn of the Orient.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1046. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.776 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\18 - Stars Fell on Alabama.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1047. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.776 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\18 - Stars Fell on Alabama.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1048. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.776 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\18 - Stars Fell on Alabama.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:792 isLastBlock:false
  1049. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.776 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\18 - Stars Fell on Alabama.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6602 isLastBlock:false
  1050. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.776 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\18 - Stars Fell on Alabama.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1051. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.777 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\18 - Stars Fell on Alabama.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1052. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.793 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\19 - Wildwood.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1053. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.793 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\19 - Wildwood.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1054. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.793 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\19 - Wildwood.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:720 isLastBlock:false
  1055. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.793 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\19 - Wildwood.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6860 isLastBlock:false
  1056. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.793 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\19 - Wildwood.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1057. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.794 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\19 - Wildwood.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1058. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.810 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\20 - Tis' Autumn.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1059. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.810 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\20 - Tis' Autumn.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1060. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.810 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\20 - Tis' Autumn.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:756 isLastBlock:false
  1061. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.810 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\20 - Tis' Autumn.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6577 isLastBlock:false
  1062. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.810 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\20 - Tis' Autumn.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1063. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.810 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\20 - Tis' Autumn.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1064. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.824 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\21 - There Will Never Be Another you.flac BlockType:STREAMINFO DataLength:34 isLastBlock:false
  1065. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.824 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\21 - There Will Never Be Another you.flac BlockType:APPLICATION DataLength:44 isLastBlock:false
  1066. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.825 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\21 - There Will Never Be Another you.flac BlockType:SEEKTABLE DataLength:1548 isLastBlock:false
  1067. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.825 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\21 - There Will Never Be Another you.flac BlockType:VORBIS_COMMENT DataLength:6693 isLastBlock:false
  1068. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.825 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\21 - There Will Never Be Another you.flac BlockType:PICTURE DataLength:39333 isLastBlock:false
  1069. 2018-03-15 06:42:09.825 INFO 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] : Z:\Lossless\Artist\Stan Getz Quintet - 2003 - Lullaby of Birdland (Compilation) - 651\21 - There Will Never Be Another you.flac BlockType:PADDING DataLength:2978 isLastBlock:true
  1070. ==== in QobuzGenreController.listGenres ====
  1071. URL:
  1072. Hitting url:
  1073. ==== in QobuzFeaturedAlbumsController.getFeaturedAlbums ==== type: new-releases genre: 0
  1074. URL:
  1075. Hitting url:
  1076. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.376 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1077. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.376 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1078. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.376 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1079. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.376 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1080. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1081. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1082. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1083. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1084. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1085. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1086. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1087. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1088. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1089. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1090. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.377 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1091. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.378 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1092. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.378 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1093. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.378 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1094. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.378 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1095. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.378 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1096. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.378 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1097. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.378 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1098. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.378 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1099. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.378 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1100. 2018-03-15 06:43:19.379 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1101. ==== in QobuzFeaturedAlbumsController.getFeaturedAlbums ==== type: new-releases genre: 80
  1102. URL:
  1103. Hitting url:
  1104. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.016 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1105. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.016 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1106. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.017 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1107. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.017 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1108. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.017 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1109. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.017 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1110. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.017 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1111. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.017 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1112. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.017 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1113. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.018 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1114. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.018 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1115. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.018 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1116. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.018 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1117. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.018 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1118. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.018 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1119. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.018 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1120. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.019 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1121. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.019 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1122. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.019 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1123. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.019 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1124. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.019 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1125. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.019 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1126. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.019 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1127. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.019 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1128. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.020 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1129. ==== in QobuzFeaturedAlbumsController.getFeaturedAlbums ==== type: new-releases genre: 80
  1130. URL:
  1131. Hitting url:
  1132. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.642 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1133. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.643 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1134. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.643 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1135. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.643 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1136. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.643 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1137. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.643 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1138. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.643 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1139. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.643 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1140. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.643 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1141. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1142. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1143. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1144. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1145. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1146. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1147. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1148. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1149. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1150. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1151. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.644 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1152. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.645 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1153. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.645 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1154. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.645 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1155. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.645 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1156. 2018-03-15 06:43:31.645 WARN 196 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] c.m.qobuz.api.v02.elements.QobuzObject : Unrecognised element in result object: upc
  1157. 2018-03-15 06:43:32.477 INFO 196 --- [ wikipedia-1] s.c.WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService : WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService: Composers Picture Stored
  1158. 2018-03-15 06:43:32.477 INFO 196 --- [ wikipedia-1] s.c.WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService : WikipediaUpdateComposersByEraService Ended
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