
final version of SIMPL-DOS (v0.47)

May 22nd, 2016
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  1. @echo off
  4. rem Feel free to edit the code! If you need help with something, don't be afraid to ask us!
  6. set versionlabel=SIMPL-DOS 0.47
  7. set batchname=SIMPL-DOS_0.47.bat
  9. if /i "%1"=="-?" goto CMDHelp
  10. if /i "%1"=="/?" goto CMDHelp
  12. title %versionlabel% (Initialization)
  13. if /i "%1"=="12345" ( set homedir=%2 ) ELSE ( set homedir=%cd% )
  14. set realdir=%cd%
  15. if /i "%1"=="TXTED" goto TXTcom
  16. set blankvar=""
  17. set txtedworks="true"
  18. if /i "%1"=="RESET" (cls
  19. echo Booting into SIMPL-Reset...
  20. echo.
  21. goto resetcom
  22. )
  24. title %versionlabel% (Start-up)
  25. echo SIMPL-DOS is checking for necessary files...
  26. if not exist "%WinDir%/system32/" (echo MODE not found!
  27. echo SIMPL-DOS might not display or run correctly!
  28. pause
  29. )
  30. mode con: cols=96 lines=50
  31. if not exist %batchname% (echo The SIMPL-DOS file wasn't found!
  32. echo TXTED will not work and has been disabled!
  33. set txtedworks="false"
  34. pause
  35. )
  36. if not exist "%WinDir%/system32/ping.exe" (echo PING not found!
  37. echo The startup animation will output a bunch of "unrecognized command" errors!
  38. echo Additionally, the INTRPIN and INTRPIN6 commands WILL NOT work!
  39. pause
  40. )
  42. cls
  43. PING -n 2 -w 1000 >NUL
  45. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  46. echo S II M M M M P P LL
  47. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  48. echo SSSSS II M M M M PPPP LL
  49. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  50. echo S II M M M M P LL
  51. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  53. ECHO.
  54. PING -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL
  55. echo DDDD O SSSSS
  56. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  57. echo D D O O S
  58. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  59. echo D D O O SSSSS
  60. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  61. echo D D O O S
  62. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  63. echo DDDD O SSSSS
  64. PING -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL
  65. echo.
  66. echo O 4 4 7777777
  67. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  68. echo O O 4 4 77
  69. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  70. echo O O 44444 77
  71. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  72. echo O O 4 77
  73. PING -n 1 -w 400 >NUL
  74. echo O * 4 77
  75. PING -n 1 -w 500 >NUL
  76. echo Build 470 5-18-14
  77. PING -n 3 -w 500 >NUL
  79. ::SIMPL-DOS source code
  80. title %versionlabel% (SIMPL-DOS Shell)
  81. echo %versionlabel%
  82. echo Copyright 2010-2014 Fire219 and the SIMPL-DOS Team
  83. echo.
  84. if not exist C:\SIMPLsettings md C:\SIMPLsettings & echo %blankvar% >> C:\SIMPLsettings\FirstRun.sss
  85. if exist C:\SIMPLsettings\NoAcc.sss goto StartAccDisabled
  86. if not exist C:\SIMPLsettings\FirstRun.sss goto AdminExists
  87. title %versionlabel% (User Account Setup)
  88. echo Welcome to the SIMPL-DOS First Run Setup!
  89. echo Would you like to setup an admin and user account? (Y/N)
  90. set /p SetAcct=
  91. if /i "%SetAcct%"=="N" echo %blankvar% >> C:\SIMPLsettings\NoAcc.sss & goto StartAccDisabled
  92. echo Would you like to setup an administrator account? (Y/N)
  93. set /p AdminSetup=
  94. echo.
  95. if /i "%AdminSetup%"=="N" goto MakeStandard
  96. echo Please enter your admin password:
  97. set /p AdminPassword=
  98. echo %AdminPassword% > C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss
  99. echo.
  100. echo Admin account created.
  101. :MakeStandard
  102. echo.
  103. echo Standard Account creation:
  104. echo.
  105. echo Please enter your desired username:
  106. set /p user=
  107. echo %user% > "C:\SIMPLsettings\%user%.sss"
  108. echo.
  109. echo Please enter your desired password:
  110. set /p pass=
  111. echo %pass% > "C:\SIMPLsettings\%user%pass.sss"
  112. echo.
  113. echo Account "%user%" created.
  114. pause
  115. echo.
  116. echo Done! Starting into regular bootup...
  117. del C:\SIMPLsettings\FirstRun.sss
  118. :AdminExists
  119. echo.
  120. echo Welcome to SIMPL-DOS!
  122. :logincom
  123. title %versionlabel% (Login)
  124. echo.
  125. echo Please enter your username:
  126. set /p usrenterd=
  127. set /p user=<"C:\SIMPLsettings\%usrenterd%.sss"
  128. if %usrenterd% == RESET47 goto resetcom
  129. if %usrenterd% == reset47 goto resetcom
  130. if %usrenterd% == %user% goto passentrcom
  131. echo That's incorrect! Try again!
  132. goto logincom
  134. :passentrcom
  135. echo Please enter your password:
  136. set /p passenterd=
  137. set /p pass=<"C:\SIMPLsettings\%usrenterd%pass.sss"
  138. if %passenterd% == %pass% goto startcom
  139. echo That's incorrect. Please try again.
  140. goto passentrcom
  141. :signupcom
  143. :resetcom
  144. echo Are you sure you wish to reset all settings? (Y/N)
  145. set /p settingsreset=
  146. if /i "%settingsreset%"=="Y" goto ResetYes
  147. goto logincom
  149. :StartAccDisabled
  150. echo Welcome to SIMPL-DOS!
  151. goto startcom
  153. :CMDHelp
  154. echo Usage: %batchname% 12345 (directory) TEXTED RESET -?
  155. echo 12345 (directory) - sets home directory to the specified path
  156. echo TEXTED - Boots into SIMPL-DOS Text Editor
  157. echo RESET - Boots into SIMPL-Reset
  158. echo -? or /? - Shows this help message
  159. exit /b
  161. :startcom
  162. title %versionlabel% (SIMPL-DOS Shell)
  163. echo You have successfully logged in.
  164. pause.
  165. echo Welcome!
  166. echo Type HELP to learn the commands. Commands are case-insensitive.
  167. echo.
  168. echo It is currently %date% at %time%.
  169. echo.
  171. :newcom
  172. title %versionlabel% (SIMPL-DOS Shell)
  173. set cmd=0
  174. set choice=
  175. set /p choice=$
  177. if /i "%choice%"=="" goto newcom
  178. if /i "%choice%"==" " goto newcom
  179. if /i "%choice%"=="help" goto HELP
  180. if /i "%choice%"=="ver" goto basicvercom
  181. if /i "%choice%"=="verext" goto VERcom
  183. if /i "%choice%"=="exit" (
  184. echo SIMPL-DOS will now shut down.
  185. pause > nul
  186. if exist SIMPL_junk rd /s /q SIMPL_junk
  187. if exist SIMPL_TXT.tmp del SIMPL_TXT.tmp
  188. title Command Prompt
  189. cls
  190. exit /b
  191. )
  192. if /i "%choice%"=="winprpt" goto WINPRPTcom
  193. if /i "%choice%"=="bugtrack" goto BUGTRACKcom
  194. if /i "%choice%"=="open" set cmd=1 & goto OPENcom
  195. if /i "%choice%"=="cake" goto Easter1
  196. if /i "%choice%"=="moo" goto Easter2
  197. if /i "%choice%"=="i am bored" goto Easter3
  198. if /i "%choice%"=="txted" goto TxtEdCheck
  199. if /i "%choice%"=="color" goto COLcom
  200. if /i "%choice%"=="info" goto INFOcom
  201. if /i "%choice%"=="othbos" goto OTHBcom
  202. if /i "%choice%"=="advtools" goto ADVTcom
  203. if /i "%choice%"=="filedel" goto FLDLcom
  204. if /i "%choice%"=="intrpin" goto INTPcom
  205. if /i "%choice%"=="intrpin6" goto INTP6com
  206. if /i "%choice%"=="date" goto DATEcom
  207. if /i "%choice%"=="time" goto TIMEcom
  208. if /i "%choice%"=="openb" goto OPENBcom
  209. if /i "%choice%"=="files" goto FILEScom
  210. if /i "%choice%"=="tour" goto TOURcom
  211. if /i "%choice%"=="sam" goto SAMcom
  212. if /i "%choice%"=="clr" cls & goto newcom
  213. if /i "%choice%"=="calc" goto CALCcom
  214. if /i "%choice%"=="reset" goto Resettercom
  215. if /i "%choice%"=="update" goto PerformUpdateCom
  216. if /i "%choice%"=="wikildr" goto Wikicom
  217. if /i "%choice%"=="user" goto UserNamecom
  218. if /i "%choice%"=="webcoms" goto webcom
  219. if /i "%choice%"=="gsearch" goto googlecom
  220. if /i "%choice%"=="traceroute" goto tracertcom
  221. if /i "%choice%"=="shtdwn" goto ShutdownSyscom
  222. if /i "%choice%"=="percalc" goto PercentCalccom
  223. if /i "%choice%"=="visitsd" (start
  224. goto newcom)
  225. if /i "%choice%"=="useracc" goto UserAccCom
  226. if /i "%choice%"=="symlink" goto SymLinkCom
  227. if /i "%choice%"=="runcmd" goto RunCMDCom
  229. echo %choice% is not a valid command. Type HELP to see the commands you can use.
  230. goto newcom
  232. :HELP
  233. title %versionlabel% (Help)
  234. echo.
  235. echo HELP
  236. echo.
  237. echo Commands:
  238. echo ADVTOOLS = Shows the commands for advanced utilities.
  239. echo BUGTRACK = View the SIMPL-DOS changelog starting from version 0.3.
  240. echo CALC = Opens a calculator.
  241. echo COLOR = Allows you to change the color scheme.
  242. echo DATE = Shows the date.
  243. echo EXIT = Closes the Session.
  244. echo CLR = Clears the screen.
  245. echo GSEARCH = Google search utility
  246. echo FILES = Opens the file explorer.
  247. echo HELP = Brings up this list.
  248. echo INFO = Learn about SIMPL-DOS.
  249. echo VER = Displays the version of SIMPL-DOS.
  250. echo VEREXT = Displays the version of SIMPL-DOS and other info.
  251. echo OPEN = Open any file on your system.
  252. echo OTHBOS = Search of older versions of SIMPL-DOS.
  253. echo PERCALC = Opens a percent calulator.
  254. echo RESET = Resets SIMPL-DOS completely.
  255. echo RUNCMD = Run an external (non-SIMPL) command.
  256. echo SAM = Opens the SIMPL App Manager.
  257. echo SHTDWN = Shuts down or restarts the system.
  258. echo TIME = Shows the time.
  259. echo TOUR = A Brief Tour of SIMPL-DOS.
  260. echo TRACEROUTE = Allows you to view the IP route to a hostname.
  261. echo TXTED = Open a simple text editor.
  262. echo UPDATE = Allows you to apply updates to SIMPL-DOS while it runs.
  263. echo USERACC = Allows you to add, change, view and remove user accounts.
  264. echo USER = Shows the name of the currently logged on user.
  265. echo WINPRPT = Opens a Windows command prompt.
  266. echo WEBCOMS = Lists the internet-enabled commands.
  267. echo VISITSD = Go to the SIMPL-DOS website.
  268. goto newcom
  270. :VERcom
  271. title %versionlabel% (About SIMPL-DOS)
  272. echo.
  273. echo %versionlabel% (build 470)
  274. echo by The SIMPL-DOS Team
  275. echo.
  276. echo Legal Info:
  277. echo.
  278. echo SIMPL-DOS kernel: Copyright 2010-2014 Fire219
  279. echo Most programs: Copyright 2010-2014 Fire219
  280. echo SIMPL Text Editor: Copyright 2010-2011 Skirmisher and Fire219
  281. echo BugTracker, SIMPL-Reset and Runtime Updater: Copyright 2011-2012 WindozeNT Software
  282. echo Login code: Copyright 2010 ProgrammingFreak and 2011 Fire219
  283. echo Color Changer code: Copyright 2010 Zorbak42
  284. echo Calculator: Copyright 2010 ProgrammingFreak
  285. echo (External) IPv4 pinging code: Copyright 1987 IBM and Microsoft.
  286. echo (External) IPv6 pinging code: Copyright 1993 Microsoft.
  287. echo.
  288. goto newcom
  290. :basicvercom
  291. echo SIMPL-DOS 0.47 (build 470)
  292. goto newcom
  294. :WINPRPTcom
  295. start cmd.exe
  296. goto newcom
  298. :Easter1
  299. echo The cake is a lie!
  300. goto newcom
  302. :Easter2
  303. echo Moo! I am a cow!
  304. pause > NUL
  305. echo DON'T MILK MEH!!!!!!!!
  306. goto newcom
  308. :Easter3
  309. echo You're bored, eh? Well, you've got plenty to do with SIMPL-DOS. Type HELP for commands, or maybe you'd like the tour. Go ahead and try out stuff!
  310. goto newcom
  312. :TxtEdCheck
  313. if "%txtedworks%"=="false" goto TxtEdErr
  314. if "%txtedworks%"=="true" goto TxtEdRun
  316. :TxtEdRun
  317. START %batchname% TXTED %homedir% & goto newcom
  319. :TXTcom
  320. cls
  321. title SIMPL TEXT EDITOR 2.1
  322. if exist SIMPL_TXT.tmp del SIMPL_TXT.tmp
  323. echo SIMPL TEXT EDITOR 2.1
  324. echo Press Enter for new line. Close this window to exit.
  325. echo Type "SAVETXT" (in all caps without quotes) to save your text file.
  326. :newline
  327. set name=*
  328. set /p choice=
  329. if /i "%choice%"=="SAVETXT" goto choosename
  330. echo %choice% >> SIMPL_TXT.tmp
  331. goto newline
  332. :choosename
  333. md SIMPL_junk
  334. set slashfail=0
  335. set fail=0
  336. cd %homedir%
  337. echo Type the name you want your file to have.
  338. set /p name=
  339. md "%realdir%\SIMPL_junk\%name%.12345"
  340. if errorlevel 1 set fail=1
  341. if %fail%==1 (
  342. echo Illegal character used, please try another name.
  343. goto choosename
  344. )
  345. if not exist "%realdir%\SIMPL_junk\*.12345" (
  346. echo Illegal character used, please try another name.
  347. rd /s /q "%realdir%\SIMPL_junk"
  348. goto choosename
  349. )
  350. rd /s /q "%realdir%\SIMPL_junk"
  351. if exist "%name%" choice /n /m "The file %name% already exists, would you like to replace it [Y] or choose a different name [N]?
  352. if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto choosename
  353. copy "%realdir%\SIMPL_TXT.tmp" "%name%"
  354. :cont
  355. set /p choice= "Continue working on this document [C] or start a new document [N]?
  356. cls
  357. if %choice%==C (
  358. title SIMPL TEXT EDITOR 2.1 - %name%
  359. type SIMPL_TXT.tmp
  360. goto newline)
  361. if %choice%==N (
  362. title SIMPL TEXT EDITOR 2.1
  363. del SIMPL_TXT.tmp
  364. cls
  365. goto newline
  366. )
  367. goto cont
  369. :COLcom
  370. title %versionlabel% (SIMPL Color Changer)
  371. echo.
  372. echo What color do you want the background to be? 0 = Black, 1 = Blue, 2 = Green, 3 = Aqua, 4 = Red, 5 = Purple, 6 = Yellow, 7 = White.
  373. set /p colour1=
  374. echo What color do you want the text to be? 8 = Grey, 9 = Blue, A = Green, B = Aqua, C = Red, D = Purple, E = Yellow, F = White.
  375. set /p colour2=
  376. color %colour1%%colour2%
  377. goto newcom
  379. :INFOcom
  380. title %versionlabel% (SIMPL Info)
  381. echo.
  382. echo Info
  383. echo.
  384. echo Welcome to SIMPL-DOS 0.47. This the third new version under the new and revamped SIMPL-DOS Team. We have more experience under our belts, and are ready to try this again.
  385. echo.
  386. echo Well... ready except for one thing. We need more team members. If you think you could help make SIMPL the best it can be, why not join us? ;)
  387. goto newcom
  389. :BUGTRACKcom
  390. title %versionlabel% (BugTracker)
  391. cls
  392. echo.
  393. echo BugTracker 1.0
  394. echo by WindozeNT
  395. echo.
  396. echo SIMPL-DOS Changelog as of 5-18-2014:
  397. echo 0.47 by WindozeNT
  398. echo Completely rewrote multiuser support
  399. echo Added command that runs regular CMD commands
  400. echo Added Symbolic Link Creator
  401. echo Added command line help
  402. echo Added simpler version command
  403. echo Fixed some minor errors
  404. echo.
  405. echo 0.46 by WindozeNT
  406. echo Added multiuser support
  407. echo Added ability to disable user accounts
  408. echo Extra TXTED safety checks
  409. echo Various optimizations
  410. echo.
  411. echo 0.45 "Lightningbolt" by fire219 and WindozeNT
  412. echo Added Google Search tool
  413. echo Reorganized Help system
  414. echo Optimized case-insensitivity (suggestion by WindozeNT)
  415. echo Added file renamer to FileSnake
  416. echo Revamped many informational programs
  417. echo Added TRACEROUTE command
  418. echo Added System Shutdown Utility
  419. echo Added percent calculator
  420. echo Added visit S-D website command
  421. echo.
  422. echo 0.44 by WindozeNT
  423. echo Added command to print the name of the logged on user
  424. echo Added Wikipedia Loader
  425. echo Added RESET command-line parameter to allow SIMPL to boot right into SIMPL-Reset
  426. echo Improved startup file checker
  427. echo Random optimizations and fixes
  428. echo.
  429. echo 0.43 by WindozeNT
  430. echo Added file-checking code in boot-up
  431. echo Added a prompt indicator (main prompt only)
  432. echo Added animated bootscreen (originally designed by Fire219)
  433. echo Added app names in the title
  434. echo Added a runtime updater (allows source code updates to be applied immediately)
  435. echo Added various optimizations
  436. echo Slightly improved TXTED
  437. echo Fixed invalid formatting in Tour
  438. echo.
  439. echo More...
  440. pause > nul
  441. echo 0.42 by WindozeNT
  442. echo Fixed the TXTED bug that was in 0.4
  443. echo Fixed various typos
  444. echo SIMPL now allows commands to be typed in lowercase
  445. echo Updated copyright years
  446. echo Added System Logon Bypasser
  447. echo Fixed OTHBOS command
  448. echo Added SIMPL-Reset
  449. echo.
  450. echo 0.4 by fire219 and ProgrammingFreak
  451. echo Added a login system
  452. echo Added the admin system
  453. echo.
  454. echo 0.38.5 by ProgrammingFreak
  455. echo Added the calculator
  456. echo Various optimizations (by fire219)
  457. echo.
  458. echo 0.38 by fire219 and Skirmisher
  459. echo Added SAM (SIMPL App Manager)
  460. echo.
  461. echo 0.36.1 by Skirmisher
  462. echo Fixed file location issues in SIMPL Text Editor (v2)
  463. echo.
  464. echo 0.36 by Skirmisher
  465. echo Totally revamped the SIMPL Text Editor
  466. echo Improved FileSnake
  467. echo Other stuff we don't remember
  468. echo.
  469. echo 0.35 by fire219
  470. echo Improved color changer
  471. echo Added the tour
  472. echo Various Optimizations
  473. echo.
  474. echo 0.33 by fire219
  475. echo Added FileSnake
  476. echo Added the webpage opener
  477. echo Various bug fixes
  478. echo.
  479. echo 0.30 by fire219
  480. echo Initial Public Release
  481. echo.
  482. goto newcom
  484. :UserNamecom
  485. if exist C:\SIMPLsettings\NoAcc.sss (
  486. echo User accounts are disabled.
  487. goto newcom
  488. )
  489. echo Your username is %user%
  490. echo.
  491. goto newcom
  493. :Wikicom
  494. title %versionlabel% (Wikipedia Loader)
  495. echo.
  496. echo Wikipedia Loader
  497. echo by WindozeNT
  498. echo.
  499. echo Type the name of the Wikipedia article you want to view.
  501. set /p WikiPage=
  502. START
  503. echo.
  504. goto newcom
  506. :ADVTcom
  507. title %versionlabel% (Advanced Utilities)
  508. echo.
  509. echo Advanced Utilities
  510. echo.
  511. echo FILEDEL = Deletes any file on your system.
  512. echo INTRPIN = Pings the chosen IPv4 address.
  513. echo INTRPIN6 = Pings the chosen IPv6 address.
  514. echo SHTDWN = Shuts down or restarts the system.
  515. echo SYMLINK = Creates a symbolic link to a directory or file.
  516. goto newcom
  518. :FLDLcom
  519. if not exist C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss goto noadminFD
  520. echo Admin password is required to access this program.
  521. echo Enter password, or type "back" to go back.
  522. :badFDpass
  523. set /p APT=
  524. set /p AdminPassword=<"C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss"
  525. if /i "%APT%"=="back" goto newcom
  526. if %APT%==%AdminPassword% goto noadminFD
  527. echo Incorrect Password! Try again.
  528. goto badFDpass
  529. :noadminFD
  530. title %versionlabel% (File Delete Utility)
  531. echo.
  532. echo File Deleter Utility
  533. echo Copyright 2010-2011 Fire219
  534. echo WARNING: Deleting System file(s) may cause damage to your computer!
  535. :delfile
  536. echo Type the name and path of the file you wish to delete.
  537. set /p choice=
  538. if not exist %choice% echo %choice% doesn't exist.
  539. if not exist %choice% goto delfile
  540. choice /n /m "Are you sure you want to delete %choice%?"
  541. if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto delfile
  542. del %choice%
  543. echo Deleted.
  544. choice /n /m "Delete another file? [Y or N]"
  545. if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto delfile
  546. goto newcom
  548. :INTPcom
  549. title %versionlabel% (IPv4 Ping Utility)
  550. echo.
  551. echo IPv4 ping Utility
  552. echo Copyright 2010-2011 Fire219 and 1987 IBM and Microsoft.
  553. echo Type the IPv4 address you wish to ping.
  554. set /p choice=
  555. ping %choice%
  556. goto newcom
  558. :INTP6com
  559. title %versionlabel% (IPv6 Ping Utility)
  560. echo.
  561. echo IPv6 ping utility
  562. echo Copyright 2010-2011 Fire219 and 1993 Microsoft.
  563. echo Type the IPv6 address you wish to ping.
  564. set /p choice=
  565. ping -6 %choice%
  566. goto newcom
  568. :DATEcom
  569. echo.
  570. date /t
  571. goto newcom
  573. :TIMEcom
  574. echo.
  575. time /t
  576. goto newcom
  578. :OPENBcom
  579. title %versionlabel% (Website Opener)
  580. echo Website Opener v2.01
  581. echo Copyright 2010-2011 Fire219
  582. echo What site do you want to visit? (Don't type the protocol, http:// will be used.)
  583. set /p choice=
  584. START http://%choice%
  585. goto newcom
  587. :FILEScom
  588. title %versionlabel% (FileSnake)
  589. echo.
  590. echo FileSnake v1.6
  591. echo Copyright 2010-2013 Fire219 and Skirmisher
  592. echo Type CMND for navigational commands.
  593. cd %homedir%
  594. :nxtdir
  595. set /p choice=%cd%:
  596. echo.
  597. if /i "%choice%"=="cmnd" goto CMNDS
  598. if /i "%choice%"=="drive" goto CHGDRV
  599. if /i "%choice%"=="DIR" (
  600. dir /b /p
  601. goto nxtdir
  602. )
  603. if /i "%choice%"=="dir" (
  604. dir /b /p
  605. goto nxtdir
  606. )
  607. if /i "%choice%"=="home" goto HOMEDIR
  608. if /i "%choice%"=="open" goto OPENcom
  609. if /i "%choice%"=="fhelp" goto FSHELP
  610. if /i "%choice%"=="rnme" goto renamefile
  611. if /i "%choice%"=="EXIT" (
  612. cd "%realdir%"
  613. goto newcom
  614. )
  615. if /i "%choice%"=="exit" (
  616. cd "%realdir%"
  617. goto newcom
  618. )
  619. cd "%choice%"
  620. dir /b /p
  621. goto nxtdir
  622. :HOMEDIR
  623. cd "%homedir%"
  624. dir /b /p
  625. goto nxtdir
  626. :CHGDRV
  627. echo Type the drive letter you want to change to (e.g. D:).
  628. set /p choice=
  629. %choice%
  630. goto nxtdir
  631. :OPENcom
  632. if %cmd%==1 cd %homedir%
  633. echo Type a file to open or a command to run.
  634. set /p open=Type your command:
  635. %open%
  636. if %cmd%==1 (
  637. cd "%realdir%"
  638. goto newcom
  639. )
  640. goto nxtdir
  641. :CMNDS
  642. echo.
  643. echo Commands
  644. echo.
  645. echo CMND = Open this list.
  646. echo DIR = Get the directory listing for the current directory.
  647. echo HOME = Go back to the Home directory.
  648. echo OPEN = Open a file in the current directory or run any command.
  649. echo FHELP = Open the help document.
  650. echo RNME = Rename a file
  651. echo EXIT = Exit (self-explanatory really :P)
  652. goto nxtdir
  653. :FSHELP
  654. echo.
  655. echo FileSnake Help
  656. echo.
  657. echo To go to a directory:
  658. echo Type its name when you see the flashing cursor.
  659. echo.
  660. echo To open a file, type "OPEN", then type your command.
  661. echo.
  662. echo End of Help. Continue from where you left off.
  663. goto nxtdir
  665. :renamefile
  666. echo.
  667. set /p renamee="Please type the filename/path of the file you wish to rename. (INCLUDE EXTENSION)"
  668. if not exist "%renamee%" echo File not found. | goto nxtdir
  669. set /p renamed="Please type the new name/path of the file. (INCLUDE EXTENSION)"
  670. copy "%renamee%" "%renamed%"
  671. del "%renamee%"
  672. echo Done.
  673. echo.
  674. goto nxtdir
  676. :TOURcom
  677. title %versionlabel% (Tour)
  678. cls
  679. echo.
  680. echo Welcome to SIMPL-DOS, the new DOS that will fit on a floppy!
  681. echo.
  682. pause
  683. echo.
  684. echo SIMPL-DOS is made for you to get things done fast. Plain and SIMPLe.
  685. echo For older people, this also can be used for nostalgia, remembering the days of MS-DOS and
  686. echo i386s.
  687. echo.
  688. pause
  689. echo.
  690. echo OK, enough stuff about SIMPL-DOS. Now it's time to learn how to use it.
  691. echo.
  692. echo And from now on, I will refer to SIMPL-DOS as SIMPL, because "SIMPL-DOS" takes a minute to
  693. echo write, and I am VERY lazy. ;)
  694. pause
  695. echo.
  696. echo OK, you have figured out how to start a program, or else you would not be reading this, so I
  697. echo will skip that. We will start with how to tell if a program is ready.
  698. echo.
  699. pause
  700. echo When you go into most programs, you notice a small introduction for the program, then a
  701. echo $ sign followed by a blinking cursor/underscore. That cursor means that SIMPL is waiting for input.
  702. echo.
  703. echo Next is how SIMPL may interact with Windows applications.
  704. pause
  705. echo.
  706. echo Some programs may interact with outside (Windows) applications. Due to the obvious limitations
  707. echo of text-based technology and Batch Processing (what we use to make SIMPL), we cannot run
  708. echo graphical apps in SIMPL. The next best thing is to use Windows apps. For example, Website
  709. echo Opener asks for the webpage you wish to visit, then tells your web browser to go there.
  710. echo.
  711. echo Next: Last Stop
  712. echo.
  713. pause
  714. echo.
  715. echo Well, that is about all I can tell you. SIMPL is constantly being improved. Keep your eye out
  716. echo for new releases.
  718. echo Have fun, and if you are a Scratcher (, Scratch on!
  719. echo Fire219
  720. echo.
  721. pause
  722. cls
  723. goto newcom
  725. :SAMcom
  726. title %versionlabel% (SIMPL App Manager)
  727. if not exist "%userprofile%\SIMPL-apps" md "%userprofile%\SIMPL-apps"
  728. echo.
  729. echo SIMPL App Manager (SAM) v1.0
  730. echo Copyright 2010-2011 Fire219
  731. echo.
  732. echo Confused? Type SAMHLP to learn what this is!
  733. echo Type EXIT to exit.
  734. echo.
  735. :SAMstart
  736. echo Apps in SIMPL-apps folder:
  737. dir "%userprofile%\SIMPL-apps\" /B
  738. goto SAMopen
  739. :SAMhlp
  740. echo.
  741. echo SIMPL App Manager Help
  742. echo.
  743. echo SIMPL App Manager (SAM) is a new feature of SIMPL-DOS, where you can use external SIMPL-DOS apps, made by the SD team, or other SIMPL-DOS users.
  744. echo.
  745. echo SAM looks in a folder called SIMPL-apps in your user directory for the SIMPL-DOS applications. This folder will be created the first time you run SAM.
  746. echo.
  747. echo To use SAM, put your apps in the mentioned folder, run SAM, and select the app you wish to run, and your app will start!
  748. echo.
  749. echo SIMPL-DOS apps can be in any Windows executable file format, including .bat, .exe, and .cmd. Other than that, the sky is the limit for apps and SAM!
  750. echo -Fire219
  751. goto SAMstart
  753. :SAMopen
  754. set SAMo=
  755. echo.
  756. echo Select the app you wish to run.
  757. set /p SAMo=
  758. if /i "%SAMo%"=="samhlp" goto SAMhlp
  759. if /i "%SAMo%"=="exit" goto newcom
  760. cd "%userprofile%\SIMPL-apps\"
  761. start %SAMo%
  762. cd "%realdir%"
  763. goto SAMstart
  765. :CALCcom
  766. title %versionlabel% (Calculator)
  767. echo Welcome to the SIMPL-DOS Calculator!
  768. echo by ProgrammingFreak
  769. echo.
  770. goto :Acom
  771. :Acom
  772. echo Enter first number:
  773. set /p num1=
  774. echo Enter operator:
  775. set /p operator=
  776. echo Enter second number:
  777. set /p num2=
  778. set /a sum=%num1% %operator% %num2%
  779. goto :Bcom
  780. :Bcom
  781. echo The answer is %sum%
  782. goto newcom
  784. :Resettercom
  785. if not exist C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss goto NoAdminSR
  786. echo Admin password is required to access this program.
  787. echo Enter password, or type "back" to go back.
  788. :badSRpass
  789. set /p APT=
  790. set /p AdminPassword=<"C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss"
  791. if /i "%APT%"=="back" goto newcom
  792. if %APT%==%AdminPassword% goto noadminSR
  793. echo Incorrect Password! Try again.
  794. goto badSRpass
  796. :NoAdminSR
  797. title %versionlabel% (SIMPL-Reset)
  798. echo SIMPL-Reset 0.47
  799. echo by WindozeNT
  800. goto AskReset
  802. :AskReset
  803. echo.
  804. echo Are you sure you want to reset SIMPL-DOS (Y/N)?
  805. set /p reset=
  806. if /i "%reset%"=="Y" goto ResetYes
  807. if /i "%reset%"=="N" goto ResetNo
  808. echo Not a valid response.
  809. goto AskReset
  811. :ResetYes
  812. rd "C:/SIMPLsettings/" /s /q
  813. echo SIMPL-DOS has been reset and will now shut down.
  814. pause
  815. if exist SIMPL_junk rd /s /q SIMPL_junk
  816. if exist SIMPL_TXT.tmp del SIMPL_TXT.tmp
  817. exit /b
  819. :ResetNo
  820. echo SIMPL-DOS has not been reset.
  821. goto newcom
  823. :OTHBcom
  824. title %versionlabel% (Other Batch OS Utility)
  825. echo Batch DOS utility v0.47
  827. echo Originally by Fire219
  828. echo Rewritten by WindozeNT
  830. echo.
  831. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.3.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.3 detected.
  832. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.3.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.3 not detected.
  834. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.33.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.33 detected.
  835. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.33.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.33 not detected.
  837. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.35.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.35 detected.
  838. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.35.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.35 not detected.
  840. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.36.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.36 detected.
  841. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.36.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.36 not detected.
  843. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.36.1.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.36.1 detected.
  844. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.36.1.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.36.1 not detected.
  846. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.38.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.38 detected.
  847. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.38.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.38 not detected.
  849. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.38.5.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.38.5 detected.
  850. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.38.5.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.38.5 not detected.
  852. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.4.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.4 detected.
  853. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.4.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.4 not detected.
  855. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.42.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.42 detected.
  856. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.42.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.42 not detected.
  858. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.43.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.43 detected.
  859. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.43.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.43 not detected.
  861. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.44.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.44 detected.
  862. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.44.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.44 not detected.
  864. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.45.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.45 detected.
  865. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.45.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.45 not detected.
  867. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.46.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.46 detected.
  868. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.46.bat echo Legacy SIMPL-DOS version 0.46 not detected.
  870. if exist SIMPL-DOS_0.47.bat echo SIMPL-DOS version 0.47 detected.
  871. if not exist SIMPL-DOS_0.47.bat echo SIMPL-DOS version 0.47 not detected. TXTED is disabled.
  872. goto newcom
  874. :TxtEdErr
  875. echo TXTED cannot start: SIMPL-DOS file not found.
  876. echo Rename the file SIMPL is run to "%batchname%" and TXTED will work.
  877. goto newcom
  879. :PerformUpdateCom
  880. title %versionlabel% (Runtime Updates)
  881. cls
  882. echo.
  883. echo This program allows you to update SIMPL-DOS while it is running.
  884. echo Please save your edits to the SIMPL-DOS file and press any key.
  885. echo SIMPL-DOS will then adapt itself to the newly applied updates.
  886. echo You will then be returned to the prompt.
  887. echo.
  888. echo NOTE: SIMPL-DOS might output an Unrecognized Command error.
  889. echo You can safely ignore this error.
  890. echo.
  891. pause >NUL
  892. echo Updating...
  893. echo.
  894. echo.
  895. cls
  896. echo.
  897. echo SIMPL-DOS has been updated successfully!
  898. echo All changes have automatically taken effect.
  899. echo Unless changes were made to the boot-up code,
  900. echo you do not need to restart.
  901. echo.
  902. goto newcom
  904. :webcom
  905. echo Internet-enabled Commands:
  906. echo.
  907. echo OPENB = Open the website of your choice.
  908. echo WIKILDR = Starts your default browser with a URL to the Wikipedia article of your choice.
  909. echo GSEARCH = Launches a google search of the specified query.
  910. echo TRACEROUTE = Allows you to view the IP path to a hostname or IP address
  911. echo.
  912. goto newcom
  914. :googlecom
  915. title %versionlabel% (Google Search)
  916. echo Google Search
  917. echo by fire219
  918. echo.
  919. echo Type what you wish to search for:
  920. set /p gsearch=
  921. set gsearch=%gsearch: =+%
  922. start
  923. goto newcom
  925. :tracertcom
  926. title %versionlabel% (Trace Route)
  927. echo Trace Route
  928. echo by WindozeNT
  929. echo.
  930. echo Specify an IP address or hostname:
  931. set /p %tracertadr%=
  932. tracert "%tracertadr%"
  933. echo.
  934. goto newcom
  936. :ShutdownSyscom
  937. if not exist C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss goto NoAdminSS
  938. echo Admin password is required to access this program.
  939. echo Enter password, or type "back" to go back.
  940. :badSSpass
  941. set /p APT=
  942. set /p AdminPassword=<"C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss"
  943. if /i "%APT%"=="back" goto newcom
  944. if %APT%==%AdminPassword% goto noadminSS
  945. echo Incorrect Password! Try again.
  946. goto badSSpass
  948. :NoAdminSS
  949. title %versionlabel% (System Shudown Utility)
  950. echo System Shutdown Utility
  951. echo by WindozeNT
  952. echo.
  953. goto ShtDwnOpts
  955. :ShtDwnOpts
  956. echo Would you like to:
  957. echo A: Log off B: Shut Down C: Restart
  958. echo D: Hibernate E: Restart Windows and programs
  959. echo F: Abort current shut down event
  960. echo G: Exit
  961. set /p shtdwnopt=
  962. if /i "%shtdwnopt%"=="A" goto ShtDwnLogOff
  963. if /i "%shtdwnopt%"=="B" goto ShtDwnShutDown
  964. if /i "%shtdwnopt%"=="C" goto ShtDwnRestart
  965. if /i "%shtdwnopt%"=="D" goto ShtDwnHibernate
  966. if /i "%shtdwnopt%"=="E" goto ShtDwnRestartAll
  967. if /i "%shtdwnopt%"=="F" goto ShtDwnAbort
  968. if /i "%shtdwnopt%"=="G" goto newcom
  969. echo Not a valid option!
  970. goto ShtDwnOpts
  972. :ShtDwnLogOff
  973. echo.
  974. echo Are you sure you want to log off (Y/N)?
  975. set /p shtdwn=
  976. if /i "%shtdwn%"=="N" goto newcom
  977. shutdown /l
  978. echo Logging off...
  979. goto newcom
  981. :ShtDwnShutDown
  982. echo.
  983. echo Shut Down - Enter Time-Out Period (in seconds):
  984. set /p shtdwn=
  985. shutdown /s /t %shtdwn% /c "SIMPL-DOS initiated a shut down."
  986. echo Shutting down...
  987. goto newcom
  989. :ShtDwnRestart
  990. echo.
  991. echo Restart - Enter Time-Out Period (in seconds):
  992. set /p shtdwn=
  993. shutdown /r /t %shtdwn% /c "SIMPL-DOS initiated a restart."
  994. echo Restarting...
  995. goto newcom
  997. :ShtDwnHibernate
  998. echo.
  999. echo Are you sure you want to hibernate (Y/N)?
  1000. set /p shtdwn=
  1001. if /i "%shtdwn%"=="N" goto newcom
  1002. shutdown /h
  1003. echo Hibernating...
  1004. goto newcom
  1006. :ShtDwnRestartAll
  1007. echo.
  1008. echo Restart Windows And Applications - Enter Time-Out Period (in seconds):
  1009. set /p shtdwn=
  1010. shutdown /g /t %shtdwn% /c "SIMPL-DOS initiated a restart of Windows and applications."
  1011. echo Restarting Windows and applications...
  1012. goto newcom
  1014. :ShtDwnAbort
  1015. echo.
  1016. shutdown /a
  1017. echo Shut down aborted.
  1018. goto newcom
  1020. :PercentCalccom
  1021. title %versionlabel% (Percent Calculator)
  1022. echo.
  1023. echo SIMPL-DOS Percent Calculator
  1024. echo by WindozeNT
  1025. echo.
  1026. echo Enter first number:
  1027. set /p num1=
  1028. echo Enter second number:
  1029. set /p num2=
  1030. set /a percent=(%num1%*100)/%num2
  1031. echo %num1% is %percent% percent of %num2%.
  1032. echo.
  1033. goto newcom
  1035. :UserAccCom
  1036. if not exist C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss goto NoAdminUAC
  1037. echo Admin password is required to access this program.
  1038. echo Enter password, or type "back" to go back.
  1040. :badUACpass
  1041. set /p APT=
  1042. set /p AdminPassword=<"C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss"
  1043. if /i "%APT%"=="back" goto newcom
  1044. if %APT%==%AdminPassword% goto NoAdminUAC
  1045. echo Incorrect Password! Try again.
  1046. goto badUACpass
  1048. :NoAdminUAC
  1049. title %versionlabel% (User Account Manager)
  1050. echo.
  1051. echo User Account Manager
  1052. echo by WindozeNT
  1053. echo.
  1054. echo User accounts installed:
  1055. dir C:\SIMPLsettings\
  1056. echo.
  1057. if not exist C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss ( echo Admin password not set.)
  1058. if exist C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss ( echo Admin password set.)
  1059. if not exist C:\SIMPLsettings\NoAcc.sss ( echo User accounts are enabled.)
  1060. if exist C:\SIMPLsettings\NoAcc.sss ( echo User accounts are disabled.)
  1061. goto usermancom
  1063. :usermancom
  1064. echo.
  1065. echo Would you like to Add, Edit, or Remove a user account or Change the admin password?
  1066. echo You can also enable/disable accounts entirely by typing "ENABLE" or "DISABLE".
  1067. echo You can exit by typing "Exit".
  1068. echo.
  1069. set /p usermanage=
  1070. if /i "%usermanage%"=="Add" goto AddUserCom
  1071. if /i "%usermanage%"=="Edit" goto EditUserCom
  1072. if /i "%usermanage%"=="Remove" goto RemoveUserCom
  1073. if /i "%usermanage%"=="Change" goto ChangeAdminCom
  1074. if /i "%usermanage%"=="Exit" goto newcom
  1076. if /i "%usermanage%"=="Enable" goto EnableUsercom
  1077. if /i "%usermanage%"=="Disable" goto DisableUsercom
  1079. echo Not a valid command.
  1080. goto usermancom
  1082. :AddUserCom
  1083. echo Please enter your desired username:
  1084. set /p user=
  1085. echo %user% >C:\SIMPLsettings\%user%.sss
  1086. echo Please enter your desired password:
  1087. set /p pass=
  1088. echo %pass% >C:\SIMPLsettings\%user%pass.sss
  1089. echo.
  1090. echo Account "%user%" created.
  1091. pause
  1092. goto NoAdminUAC
  1094. :EditUserCom
  1095. echo.
  1096. echo Please enter the account's username:
  1097. set /p olduser=
  1098. if not exist "C:\SIMPLsettings\%olduser%.sss" goto UserNotExist
  1099. echo Please enter the account's password:
  1100. set /p pass=
  1101. set /p usrpass=<"C:\SIMPLsettings\"%olduser%"pass.sss"
  1102. if not %pass%==%usrpass% (
  1103. echo Incorrect password!
  1104. goto NoAdminUAC
  1105. )
  1106. echo.
  1107. echo Type in new desired username:
  1108. set /p user=
  1109. del C:\SIMPLsettings\"%olduser%".sss >nul
  1110. echo %user% >> C:\SIMPLsettings\%user%.sss
  1111. echo Please enter your desired password:
  1112. set /p pass=
  1113. del C:\SIMPLsettings\"%olduser%"pass.sss >nul
  1114. echo %pass% >> C:\SIMPLsettings\"%user%"pass.sss
  1115. echo.
  1116. echo Account "%olduser%" modified.
  1117. pause
  1118. goto NoAdminUAC
  1120. :UserNotExist
  1121. echo That account doesn't exist!
  1122. goto usermancom
  1124. :RemoveUserCom
  1125. echo.
  1126. echo Please enter the account's username:
  1127. set /p user=
  1128. if not exist "C:\SIMPLsettings\%user%.sss" goto UserNotExist
  1129. echo Please enter the account's password:
  1130. set /p pass=
  1131. set /p usrpass=<"C:\SIMPLsettings\"%user%"pass.sss"
  1132. if not %pass%==%usrpass% (
  1133. echo Incorrect password!
  1134. goto NoAdminUAC
  1135. )
  1136. del C:\SIMPLsettings\"%user%".sss >nul
  1137. del C:\SIMPLsettings\"%user%"pass.sss >nul
  1138. echo.
  1139. echo Account "%user%" deleted.
  1140. pause
  1141. goto NoAdminUAC
  1143. :ChangeAdminCom
  1144. if not exist C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss (
  1145. echo No admin password is set.
  1146. goto NewAdminPasscom
  1147. )
  1148. echo Type current password:
  1149. set /p APT=
  1150. set /p AdminPassword=<"C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss"
  1151. if %APT%==%AdminPassword% goto NewAdminPassCom
  1152. echo Incorrect Password! Try again.
  1153. pause
  1154. goto NoAdminUAC
  1156. :NewAdminPasscom
  1157. echo.
  1158. echo Please enter your new admin password:
  1159. set /p AdminPassword=
  1160. echo %AdminPassword% > C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss
  1161. echo Admin account modified.
  1162. pause
  1163. goto NoAdminUAC
  1165. :EnableUsercom
  1166. del C:\SIMPLsettings\NoAcc.sss >nul
  1167. echo User accounts are now enabled.
  1168. echo Reboot to log on.
  1169. pause
  1170. goto NoAdminUAC
  1172. :DisableUsercom
  1173. del C:\SIMPLsettings\adminpass.sss
  1174. %blankvar% > C:\SIMPLsettings\NoAcc.sss
  1175. echo User accounts are now disabled.
  1176. pause
  1177. goto NoAdminUAC
  1179. :SymLinkCom
  1180. title %versionlabel% (Symbolic Link Creator)
  1181. echo.
  1182. echo Symbolic Link Creator v0.47
  1183. echo by WindozeNT
  1184. echo.
  1185. echo NOTE: Requires at least Windows Vista!
  1186. echo.
  1187. :SymLinkSelect
  1188. echo What kind of symbolic link do you want to create?
  1189. echo A: Link to File B: Link to Directory C: Directory Junction
  1190. echo D: Hard Link E: Exit
  1191. set /p symlinktype=
  1192. if /i "%symlinktype%"=="A" goto SymLinkFile
  1193. if /i "%symlinktype%"=="B" goto SymLinkDir
  1194. if /i "%symlinktype%"=="C" goto SymLinkDirJunct
  1195. if /i "%symlinktype%"=="D" goto SymLinkHard
  1196. if /i "%symlinktype%"=="E" goto newcom
  1197. echo Not a valid option!
  1198. goto SymLinkSelect
  1200. :SymLinkFile
  1201. echo Enter the path and name of the file you want to link to:
  1202. set /p symlinktarget=
  1203. echo Enter the path and name of the symbolic link:
  1204. set /p symlinkpath=
  1205. mklink "%symlinkpath%" "%symlinktarget%"
  1206. echo Symbolic link created!
  1207. goto newcom
  1209. :SymLinkDir
  1210. echo Enter the path and name of the directory you want to link to:
  1211. set /p symlinktarget=
  1212. echo Enter the path and name of the symbolic link:
  1213. set /p symlinkpath=
  1214. mklink /D "%symlinkpath%" "%symlinktarget%"
  1215. echo Symbolic link created!
  1216. goto newcom
  1218. :SymLinkDirJunct
  1219. echo Enter the path and name of the directory you want to link to:
  1220. set /p symlinktarget=
  1221. echo Enter the path and name of the symbolic link:
  1222. set /p symlinkpath=
  1223. mklink /J "%symlinkpath%" "%symlinktarget%"
  1224. echo Symbolic link created!
  1225. goto newcom
  1228. :SymLinkHard
  1229. echo Enter the path and name of the file/directory you want to link to:
  1230. set /p symlinktarget=
  1231. echo Enter the path and name of the symbolic link:
  1232. set /p symlinkpath=
  1233. mklink /H "%symlinkpath%" "%symlinktarget%"
  1234. echo Symbolic link created!
  1235. goto newcom
  1237. :RunCMDCom
  1238. title %versionlabel% (Run External Command)
  1239. echo Type the command you want to run:
  1240. set /p extcommand=
  1241. start cmd /K %extcommand%
  1242. goto newcom
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