
You Wouldn't Pirate a Meld

Nov 15th, 2013
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  1. [20:35:02] <Melons> 1d8 3p plus the result in hours
  2. [20:35:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 3p plus the result in hours: 3 [1d8=3]
  3. [20:36:07] * Med was probably figuring out how to feed her pokemon. The first five she got are straightforward enough, but the dragon kind of terrified her.
  4. [20:36:52] <Med> It could probably eat everything they had on the ship! Maybe she'd have to call some military people and requisition more food or something.
  5. [20:38:09] <Med> She was also making dinner for herself, but that was easy.
  6. [20:38:36] * Melons is probably attracted by the smell of food.
  7. [20:43:43] <Med> "Hi," Med says, kind of still somber.
  8. [20:44:05] <Melons> "Yup." Sure is a greeting. Mel just stares at food.
  9. [20:47:20] <Med> Probably some kind of meat with sauce, and veggies. probably not anything incredibly complex though! she probably just sort of grabbed ingredients and put things together.
  10. [20:48:00] <Melons> Cooked meat and vegetables is SO FUCKING COMPLEX YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! It requires pot and pans and things!
  11. [20:51:32] <Med> "What's up?" she asks, getting food for her mons. Fluffers needs some in a doggy dish because d'aww, Knives probably eats at the table with some 6d6+6 command checks to keep his table manners in check, etc.
  12. [20:52:47] <Melons> "...I smelled food."
  13. [20:54:47] <Med> "Oh. Do you want some?"
  14. [20:55:21] <Melons> "Well...I mean...I wouldn't mind."
  15. [20:55:52] <Med> "Are you picky?"
  16. [20:56:08] <Melons> "Incredibly."
  17. [20:56:49] * Med hands Melons a plate~
  18. [20:56:56] * Melons has a plate.
  19. [20:57:27] <Med> After feeding 5 pokemon, there's not an awful lot left. Med probably doesn't eat that much though... r-right? I mean, you can see her ribs and stuff!
  20. [20:57:42] <Med> there's probably enough for two people though!
  21. [20:57:52] <Melons> She eats between nothing and everything at her whim.
  22. [20:57:52] <Med> (and then mel was a glutton)
  23. [20:58:00] <Melons> 1d2
  24. [20:58:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 1d2: 2 [1d2=2]
  25. [20:58:05] <Melons> EVERYTHING IT IS!
  26. [20:59:50] <Med> like everything everything?
  27. [21:00:30] <Melons> EVERYTHING EV- everything that was handed to her. Quickly, at that.
  28. [21:00:55] <Med> but the plate was empty. Med was letting her get her own stuff since she's PICKY
  29. [21:01:12] <Melons> Then all of the GOOD stuff remaining.
  30. [21:01:43] <Med> meat, tomato-y sauce, and mixed veggies
  31. [21:02:20] <Melons> MEAT! And maybe any white vegetables if they're there.
  32. [21:03:19] <Med> onions, carrots, peas, and broccoli! you're fucked.
  33. [21:03:30] <Melons> Not white onions? YOU MONSTER!
  34. [21:03:35] <Med> they are.
  35. [21:03:43] <Med> but have fun picking them out!!!
  36. [21:03:53] <Melons> It's called being picky for a reason.
  37. [21:04:31] * Melons awkwardly hovers over the foods as she picks out every scrap of onion and meats she finds.
  38. [21:05:11] * Med takes the rest. There's actually plenty of vegetables left, since most of her pokemon are carnivores and all that!
  39. [21:06:25] <Melons> "Urm...thrnks..." Her mouth is full of meat and that is what she said. That being the preceding dialogue.
  40. [21:08:05] <Med> "No problem." Med kind of slowly picks at her food.
  41. [21:08:37] <Melons> "Yur-" Swallow. "You uh...feeling better? Since almost drowning and all that?"
  42. [21:11:19] <Med> "Huh? Oh... I guess it slipped my mind..."
  43. [21:12:48] <Melons> "You got knocked off a fucked up playground by what was effectively a busted fire hydrant into the water and you...forgot?"
  44. [21:14:00] <Med> "Not really... well... sort of... I've just been thinking about stuff..."
  45. [21:14:08] * Med is ellipsing so hard right now.
  46. [21:15:02] <Melons> "Well, stop it. I mean, you're supposed to be the cheerful bubbly one that doesn't get caught up on things. I'm the pensive moody one. You're encroaching on my territory."
  47. [21:18:37] <Med> "I don't think you're moody..."
  48. [21:19:55] <Melons> "Oh, you didn't see the part where shit started orbiting my head in a flurry and Mako had to call a dude."
  49. [21:22:19] <Med> "That's sort of normal though... I mean, stuff like that happened with my brother too... and my sister had nightmares a lot..."
  50. [21:22:24] <Melons> "...also Lesieli and my attempts at the psychic gym...also apparently the end of our first pirate apparently miss a lot."
  51. [21:22:42] <Melons> "Guess you're always with tall, dark, and B-roll."
  52. [21:23:35] <Med> "Huh?"
  53. [21:25:47] <Melons> "Nothing." Awkward food chewing. "Oh apparently my mom knows of your family? Or knows your family it sounded more like? Is someone a tutor?"
  54. [21:26:33] <Med> "A tutor?"
  55. [21:26:47] <Melons> "Move tutor. Or at least teach pokemon."
  56. [21:27:33] <Med> "Oh... maybe my youngest brother does that too. I don't know what my mom or little sister do..."
  57. [21:29:03] <Melons> "Huh..." Mel quickly pulls out her phone and checks the email again. "Yup...she very specifically says your family is 'nice.' Don't suppose the last name Ipu actually rings any bells?"
  58. [21:48:53] <Med> 3d6+6 FOCUS, MED
  59. [21:48:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, FOCUS, MED: 22 [3d6=5,6,5]
  60. [21:49:01] <Med> ...close enough to a crit success
  61. [21:51:36] <Med> "Now that you mention it... I think dad said something about a tutor like that... but I don't think I'm related to them."
  62. [21:51:56] <Melons> "A tutor like what?"
  63. [21:53:47] <Med> "A pokemon tutor. Dad said he might as well be a gym leader, or something like that..."
  64. [21:54:31] <Melons> "Waitwait, a tutor in your family or a tutor with the name of Ipu?"
  65. [21:54:51] <Med> "One of my dad's friends."
  66. [21:55:09] <Melons> "Did you ever see him?"
  67. [21:57:06] * Med shakes her head.
  68. [21:57:35] <Melons> "Any defining characteristics you remember? Build, hair, first name, home land?"
  69. [21:57:47] <Melons> "Favorite soup, favorite color, least favorite performer?"
  70. [21:58:42] <Med> "Isaac. That's about all I remember... it's been a little while since dad's told me stories..."
  71. [21:59:07] <Melons> Mel stares at Med, mouth slightly agape.
  72. [22:02:39] <Melons> "Med..."
  73. [22:02:50] <Med> "Huh?"
  74. [22:04:09] <Melons> "YOUR DAD KNEW MY DAD!" When did Mel get uncomfortably close to Med?
  75. [22:04:20] <Med> 1d6-1 she is?
  76. [22:04:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, she is?: 1 [1d6=2]
  77. [22:04:59] <Med> "He did?" blinkblink
  78. [22:05:19] <Melons> "Isaac Ipu is my father!"
  79. [22:06:10] <Med> "He is?" blinkblink.
  80. [22:06:20] <Melons> "No, I'm lying to you."
  81. [22:06:33] <Med> but melons has so much guile
  82. [22:06:38] <Med> and so little charm
  83. [22:06:43] <Med> that med'd believe the lie and not the truth!
  84. [22:07:00] <Melons> "I'm lying about lying. Why don't you react like a person now and not a confusion?"
  85. [22:08:57] * Med does mental maths.
  86. [22:09:03] <Med> "You're the closest thing I have to a cousin!"
  87. [22:09:12] * Med topless hugs Melons. totes not uncomfortable. not at all.
  89. [22:10:58] <Melons> THEY'RESTILLSTILLTHERE!
  90. [22:11:09] * Melons is happy and terrified. Happified. Terrorpy.
  91. [22:13:33] <Melons> "...I...I don't think that's how family works."
  92. [22:13:47] <Med> "Huh?"
  93. [22:13:58] * Maya is now known as Kain
  94. [22:14:47] <Melons> "Is that...your only reaction?"
  95. [22:15:21] <Melons> "Imeanasidefromtoplesshugging."
  96. [22:16:18] <Med> "Family works however it wants to work. People who say otherwise are just silly!"
  97. [22:17:18] <Melons> "But if we were actually family, my family would also be known for crazy supernatural shenanigans. And we have none of that. ...well aside from the telekinesis, that's just a fluke."
  98. [22:18:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (OR IS IT? ~SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS~)
  99. [22:19:28] <Melons> (I was really expecting a TEE HEE HEE~)
  100. [22:22:10] <Med> "I dunno... you act a lot like you'd fit in with my family!"
  101. [22:23:13] <Melons> Mmmmmmm let's review. Love ghosts. Psychic. Like weird stuff. Creepy shit keeps happening around me. "Fuck me, you're right."
  102. [22:23:54] <Med> "You're like a cross between Amelia and <iforgetifShadowClaweverhadarealnamebutMelistotesICspoiledonwhatitiseventhoughnooneOOClyis>!"
  103. [22:24:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (I'll PM it to both of you)
  104. [22:25:47] <Melons> (Does that mean Mel's actually heard it or are we pulling one of those things where every time it's said IC it gets censored?)
  105. [22:26:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Hmmmm~)
  106. [22:27:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Med is interrupted by Chomps popping out of her pokeball and going "ZWEI". Oshititshungry
  107. [22:28:20] <Melons> OHJESUSCHRISTIT- oh right it evolved, no heart attacks required.
  108. [22:30:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Hmmmm
  109. [22:30:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d100 shenanigans
  110. [22:30:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, shenanigans: 68 [1d100=68]
  111. [22:30:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1 away from 69...yeah, sure
  112. [22:30:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It pops out of its ball and hurtles right for Mel, Acrobatics to dodge
  113. [22:30:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> NOt really on purpose, it just sort of happened
  114. [22:31:06] <Melons> 6d6+3 OHGOD!
  115. [22:31:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, OHGOD!: 25 [6d6=2,1,4,4,6,5]
  116. [22:31:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You manage to flip up onto the ceiling, landing on it, and...roll me a focus check
  117. [22:32:07] <Melons> 5d6+4 When did I become Spider-Man?
  118. [22:32:07] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, When did I become Spider-Man?: 19 [5d6=1,1,2,5,6]
  119. [22:36:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You're totally clinging to the ceiling for dear life out of reflex, because telekinetics say FUCK GRAVITY
  120. [22:36:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...
  121. [22:36:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> or not
  122. [22:36:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> flump. Down you go.
  123. [22:36:48] <Melons> I don't have Levitate! ;-;
  124. [22:36:54] <Med> aori
  125. [22:37:06] <Med> can med catch melons via charm because it's CHARMING
  126. [22:37:10] <Med> to CATCH GIRLS WHEN THEY FALL
  127. [22:37:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sure, but you have to do it as cutely or uguu or provocatively as possible, and roll nice and high. I look forward to your fluff~
  128. [22:37:54] <Med> 6d6+6+2
  129. [22:37:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, 6d6+6+2: 26 [6d6=2,2,6,3,2,3]
  130. [22:37:59] <Med> still above impossible
  131. [22:38:07] <Med> but since it's low...
  132. [22:38:18] <Melons> Fluff it like a sorcerer
  133. [22:38:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You can pull it
  134. [22:38:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> off
  135. [22:38:30] <Melons> LEWD!
  136. [22:40:09] * Med sees a Mel suddenly go up, and even a Med understands that what goes up must come down! She moves forward to catch Med, but she underestimates how BIG Chomps has gotten in the past DAY, and sort of trips over her SORRY CHOMPS T_T but she still manages to catch Mel, before promptly falling with her. On top of her or beneath her?! who knows! for a second or two, probably not even
  137. [22:40:09] * Med Med or Mel!
  138. [22:41:48] <Melons> WHATISHAPPENING?!
  139. [22:42:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Hmmm
  140. [22:42:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> What's more fun...
  141. [22:42:15] <Med> "O-ow... sorry!"
  142. [22:42:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You two both tumble into a dust cloud, and...yeah I can't decide, whichever of you two decides first gets it.
  143. [22:43:37] <Med> why wouldn't med be underneath? i mean, whenever you fall on a girl, the laws of physics state very clearly that your hand ends up on a boob, and mel's the only one of the two that'd freak out about THAT
  144. [22:44:21] * Domovoi ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  145. [22:44:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> trufax
  146. [22:44:32] <Med> on the same token, that's cliche as fuck so med's on top.
  147. [22:48:10] <Melons> After figuring out what the hell just happened and realizing her back hurts like hell, Mel stares up at Med blushing and immediately assumes Mirai is about to walk right out because that only makes sense and then the dragonthing will eat her and then WHY DO BAD THINGS KEEP HAPPENING HYPOTHETICALLY?!
  148. [22:49:39] <Melons> "Would you"
  149. [22:51:15] * Aori_Radidjiu is now known as Aori_Radisleep
  150. [22:53:56] <Med> "Oh, sorry," Med says, giggling nervously. Or maybe she actually finds what just happened funny. she gets off of the Mel, standing up, and offers the other girl a hand~
  151. [22:54:43] <Med> knives has probably already taken like three pictures
  152. [22:54:46] <Melons> Mel declines because THAT'S ENOUGH PERSONAL CONTACT FOR TODAY OR EVER MAYBE! and scrambles to her feet.
  153. [22:55:09] <Med> "Are you okay?" Med asks after giggling.
  154. [22:55:59] <Melons> Whyisshegigglingmakeherstopgiggling. "Well I'm not dead or worse so..."
  155. [23:00:47] <Med> After a short, probably seemingly awkward as fuck pause, Med giggles again. "I dunno if you meant to, but you cheered me up! Thanks!" and then there was more topless hugging.
  157. [23:02:14] <Melons> Totally suing her for sexual harassment, yep, totally, with all of the publicity required for a su- oh, yeah, that'll never happen.
  158. [23:07:07] <Med> more giggling. "Not as much as you're used to, I guess! Besides, you're a girl too, goof!"
  159. [23:08:10] <Melons> "Yeah and I have SOME dignity and a lot of shame." Was that last part aloud?
  160. [23:09:19] <Med> "Huh? What's there to be ashamed of?"
  161. [23:10:20] <Melons> "Really? reservations about walking around basically all..."
  162. [23:13:39] <Med> "Well, I mean... it's important to dress right, but we're in the town of topless tourists, so, like, why not!"
  163. [23:13:58] <Melons> "BECAUSEPEOPLEWILLTAUNTYOU!" ;-;
  164. [23:14:10] <Med> "What for?" blinkblink
  165. [23:15:35] <Melons> "...People...don't say mean things about you especially when you're naked? Have you never been in a locker room?" ;-;
  166. [23:15:36] * Domovoi ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  167. [23:18:05] <Med> "I don't think they have! What sorta mean things?" blinkblink
  168. [23:18:27] <Melons> "NothingforgetitIshouldprobablygoright?"
  169. [23:28:32] <Med> "I just can't think of anything mean they'd say! You're a goofball, so maybe they were jerks and made fun of you for that, but, like, you're a hot goofball!"
  170. [23:29:13] <Med> 6d6+6+2 accidentally(?!) flirt with a melons
  171. [23:29:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, accidentally(?!) flirt with a melons: 26 [6d6=3,5,5,2,1,2]
  172. [23:31:59] * Melons gulps and reddens again. "N-No, just the goofball're not being sarcastic are you, ohgodshe''re not even capable of sarcasm are you..."
  173. [23:34:29] <Med> "I'm capable of it! It's just not me, usually! I'd rather be honest!"
  174. [23:35:18] <Melons> "...try it. Right now."
  175. [23:36:11] <Med> "Huh?"
  176. [23:36:19] <Melons> "Be sarcastic."
  177. [23:36:39] <Med> "Um..."
  178. [23:36:58] * Domovoi ( has joined #YouAreAPirate
  179. [23:38:02] * Melons unenthusiastically rustles two imaginary pom-poms together. "Be sarcastic. B-E sarcastic."
  180. [23:38:33] <Med> "Don't you usually have to be sarcastic about something, though?"
  181. [23:38:57] <Melons> "You're right. It's IMPOSSIBLE to be sarcastic about nothing. No one could EVER pull that off!"
  182. [23:39:06] <Med> "Yeah!"
  183. [23:39:20] * Melons stares at Med with an eyebrow raised.
  184. [23:40:17] <Med> "You're totally right!" she tries to salvage it.
  185. [23:41:50] * Melons raises her head in that 'keep going' manner.
  186. [23:42:23] <Med> "I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being completely sincere!"
  187. [23:42:56] <Melons> But is she nailing the inflections or does it actually seem like she's being sincere?
  188. [23:43:04] <Med> 6d6+6+2
  189. [23:43:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, 6d6+6+2: 23 [6d6=1,1,3,1,3,6]
  190. [23:43:28] <Med> oh if that was high i was going to say she sounds adorable
  191. [23:43:46] <Melons> Then roll guile to see if she actuallys sounds sarcastic. Also >23 not high.
  192. [23:43:59] * Med can't roll lower than 14.
  193. [23:44:43] <Med> 1d6-1 med is very bad at guile. her sarcasm is probably silly sounding but COMPLETELY transparent.
  194. [23:44:44] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, med is very bad at guile. her sarcasm is probably silly sounding but COMPLETELY transparent.: 5 [1d6=6]
  195. [23:45:05] <Melons> "...oh, is THAT why you're hanging around the actor lately?"
  196. [23:45:23] <Med> "Huh?" blink
  197. [23:45:29] <Melons> "Acting lessons!"
  198. [23:51:36] <Med> "No, we're dating now!"
  199. [23:52:25] <Med> "I've never wanted to be an actor, anyway - it sounds terrible, being famous for being someone you're not!"
  200. [23:53:24] <Melons> "Oh we-...oh...huh...isn't he...huh...I mean...I agree...also that's a lot of public to be in..."
  201. [23:54:29] <Med> "Mels, you're doing that thing again where you only say half of your sentences!"
  202. [23:56:19] <Melons> "H-How did you know there were more words to be said? ARE YOU TELEPATHIC?!"
  203. [23:58:10] <Melons> It should be noted that Mel's eyes are caught in a continuous loop of looking Med in the face like a people would, then her eyes slowly wander downwards a bit before almost immediately darting to a distant point where they gradually work their way back to Med's eyes as Mel looks extra nervous.
  204. [23:58:27] <Med> "Well, sort of!" more giggling but not quite as much "But I'm not a mindreader!"
  205. [23:59:06] <Med> 1d6-1 med is completely oblivious
  206. [23:59:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, med is completely oblivious: 0 [1d6=1]
  207. Session Time: Wed Nov 06 00:00:00 2013
  208. [00:00:33] <Melons> "But...but that doesn't make any sense..."
  209. [00:00:43] * Med doesn't really care that much! I mean, even if they WEREN'T in topless town, Lani seems to give zero fucks about wenchboobs, Lys is gay and/or a gentleman, Domo is hypergay, the bear's a fucking bear, and the rest are either pokemon, girls, or NPCs that med hasn't actually met yet somehow.
  210. [00:04:08] <Melons> "So...anyway...I guess...when we get to Sepia...shit might get than otherwise expected..."
  211. [00:04:56] <Med> "Why?"
  212. [00:06:11] <Melons> "Because you're you, I'm me, your family is your family, and somehow mine is also somehow involved. Also one of our crewmates has a crotchmagnet for trouble."
  213. [00:06:51] <Melons> "Put all that crazy on a place well-known for crazy."
  214. [00:07:23] <Med> "The only thing I can think of that would..." ...
  215. [00:07:30] <Med> ...
  216. [00:07:38] <Med> ... "I think it'll be fine!"
  217. [00:07:55] <Med> "My father and brothers protect it, so... it's... probably the safest place in Wakino right now!"
  218. [00:08:18] <Melons> "Mmmmmhm...have they dealt much with shadow pokemon...or....angry gods?"
  219. [00:08:32] <Melons> "Or angry shadow gods?"
  220. [00:08:32] <Med> (ps that ... wasn't med thinking)
  221. [00:10:50] <Med> "I don't know the details very much, since my dad died before I would've received any real lessons... but..."
  222. [00:11:10] <Med> "My oldest brother knows a lot about that stuff!"
  223. [00:11:37] <Melons> "Has he ever fought pirates too? Has he fought angry shadow pirate gods?"
  224. [00:11:55] * Med thinks about it.
  225. [00:12:11] <Med> "That sounds like something Lain'd do!"
  226. [00:12:37] <Melons> "This is a joke, right?"
  227. [00:14:40] <Med> "I don't know if he actually has, but... he's like, always getting into fights to protect people!"
  228. [00:15:39] <Melons> "Okay, how much of your family DO you expect to see on Sepia, because it sounds like a big magical clan of warlock-ninja ghost-shaman, just so that I can rese- be prepared."
  229. [00:16:21] <Med> "Well... if things are this bad... I think we'll all go there eventually, right?"
  230. [00:17:39] <Med> "Maybe even Mom'll be there... I think she'd know what to do..."
  231. [00:17:50] <Melons> "Hmmm...depending on what happens when we go to mermaid land, does it seem logical that we should head there as soon as possible to handle all this crazy magic bullshit?"
  232. [00:17:57] <Melons> "There being Sepia."
  233. [00:20:10] <Med> "If Siet's there, and he was in his office when I called him earlier today, so he should be, then it'd be the best place to ask questions!"
  234. [00:21:17] * Nelson is now known as zoofman
  235. [00:21:32] * Theo is now known as Ramiel
  236. [00:22:12] <Melons> "Noted!" Mel glances around nervously, a bit happy to have averted her gaze long en- damnit. "I...should probably NOT spend too much time hanging out with topless girls without Mirai permitting's been cool...and all...but I probably need to go freak out about something I have to do tomorrow a little bit!"
  237. [00:24:32] * Med is probably all giggly at the permission thing. "What're you doing tomorrow?" she asks. she can't know how to cheerlead Melons to SUCCESS without knowing!
  238. [00:25:01] <Melons> "Um...I'd rather not...erm...modeling..."
  239. [00:31:17] <Med> "Modeling?" blinkblink
  240. [00:31:57] <Melons> "Modeling."
  241. [00:32:02] <Melons> "Not by choice..."
  242. [00:32:23] <Med> "Oh. Did you, like, lose a bet?"
  243. [00:32:58] <Melons> "I pissed off the gym leader mermaid. She decided we'd all get badges but apparently I have to do this for mine."
  244. [00:33:28] <Melons> "Though she didn't say anything about the other standard gym rewards..."
  245. [00:33:39] <Med> "Huh? Wait, like... Kalili got you a modeling gig?!"
  246. [00:33:51] <Melons> "...yes...technically."
  247. [00:34:32] <Med> "Man! There are girls who'd kill to get that!"
  248. [00:34:40] * Haiiro-PKMNY is now known as Haiiro-DisgaeaD2
  249. [00:34:53] <Melons> "I'd kill to get out of it. Not literally." Quite literally.
  250. [00:37:39] <Med> "I'd so go in your place, if you'd still get a badge out of it! Do you want, like, tips or anything?"
  251. [00:38:14] <Melons> "Pretty sure it doesn't work that way...but would be good." She's caught in that awkward half trying to leave but half actually wants tips.
  252. [00:38:22] <Melons> Just the tips.
  253. [00:38:32] <Med> lewd
  254. [00:40:32] <Med> "Sure! I mean, it's not really difficult, most of it's just getting over being nervous and stuff!"
  255. [00:43:21] <Melons> "...and how do I do that in general?"
  256. [00:44:35] <Med> "Uh... honestly, practice helps a lot! And doing embarassing things!"
  257. [00:44:54] <Melons> "Well I have no real time to practice and doing embarrassing things embarrasses me soooo..."
  258. [00:50:23] <Med> "Well, they're only embarassing 'cause you think so! It's like going topless! I bet you'd be all embarassed, but it's not all that different!"
  259. [00:52:12] <Melons> "Did it not occur to you that they're embarrassing because people should be embarrased by them? Kind of like how you should feel bad when you act like a dick? Oh, wait, I guess I don't really do that until after the fact..."
  260. [00:52:39] <Melons> "So you're saying I shouldn't feel embarrassed until later on?"
  261. [00:53:03] <Med> "You don't have to feel embarrassed at all!"
  262. [00:53:35] <Melons> "Well fuck you, I'm doing it anyway, I can't reconcile your 'no embarrassment' shit so this is as close as I'm getting."
  263. [00:53:59] <Med> "Well, yeahh... I've had a lot more practice than you!"
  264. [00:55:03] <Melons> "...I don't think I should be proud in emulating you..." Mostly mumbled. Mostly.
  265. [00:55:07] <Med> "But that's just what you have to realize - that there's not really anything to be shy or embarassed about, it's just all in your head and stuff!"
  266. [00:55:55] <Melons> "Yeah, the OTHER thing in my head is an extraplanar god hunting me down, I'm taking CONSIDERABLE heed of the things in my head."
  267. [00:56:11] <Med> "Huh?"
  268. [00:56:12] <Melons> "...did I not mention that?"
  269. [00:56:21] * Med shakes her head.
  270. [00:56:28] <Melons> "...should I mention that?"
  271. [00:56:34] * Med nods.
  272. [00:56:39] <Melons> " sure?"
  273. [00:56:46] * Med nods.
  274. [00:57:15] <Melons> "You remember when half of you did that contest and the rest of us did fuckall?"
  275. [00:57:45] <Med> "Yeah." :(
  276. [00:58:04] <Melons> "Did you notice not long later Mako could fucking shoot lightning?"
  277. [01:00:44] <Med> "I guess so - and you became a telekinetic!"
  278. [01:03:44] <Melons> "Yes, yes, I don't actually know if that was related or not. Anyway, what we did that day was take spirit incense. So apparently Mako got to meet his god Raijin and palled around with him, Lesieli...I don't know, did some shit, and I...I got mobbed by demon children who tried to eat my soul or something, and then reality fell apart and started EATING them and something said it found me and I woke up. And that's all I've seen about it. I would be willing to say it was just a bad fucking trip, but considering the telekinesis, Mako's lightning, and the fact that after our visions the store we had them in STOPPED EXISTING, I'd say it's a fucking real thing."
  279. [01:05:06] <Med> "Demons? Like... you know..." she gestures vaguely at her wings. that Melons currently can't see.
  280. [01:05:18] <Melons> "Like...shoulders?"
  281. [01:05:33] <Med> "Uh... do you have those glasses?"
  282. [01:06:18] <Melons> "What gla- oh...right...I should get these things modified into my goggles..." She slides the goggles aside briefly to AURASHADES it up and OHRIGHTTHISSHITISTRIPPY. "Wah!"
  283. [01:07:31] * Med points at her wings again. Those sure are demon wings.
  284. [01:07:52] * Melons waves her hand in the area there should be wings to make sure.
  285. [01:08:09] <Melons> "What do those have to do with demons again?"
  286. [01:08:59] * Med also has a weird red/black overlay to her aura, albeit a lot less chaotic and goopy than any insolent shadowmon's. fuckin commoners.
  287. [01:09:11] <Med> at least i think she did
  288. [01:09:42] <Med> "Well... like... did it look like that? You know... like me?" .-.
  289. [01:11:36] <Melons> "What, why would I have been able to see auras? Anyway these little fucks were like...little kids with white hair, red eyes, and fucking peasant rags."
  290. [01:12:36] <Melons> " tongues..."
  291. [01:12:56] * Med redeyes
  292. [01:13:03] * Med '-'
  293. [01:13:46] <Melons> "And I think they unhinged their they had in common with you was the eyes...and albinos have red eyes and they AREN'T 'demons' so...I meant demon kids in the colloquial sense."
  294. [01:16:03] <Med> "Oh... I just thought, if there are Gods, wouldn't there be demons too?"
  295. [01:17:53] <Melons> "What? No. What? There's no relation between the two! Gods are just powerful assholes that do whatever the fuck they want. We've got one that's just a total bro with Mako. Presumably a different one that is trying to murder US right now. And then presumably a third, separate one trying to murder ME. Or...I hope it's just trying to murder me. How would the standard 'demon' concept even fit in? MORE assholes trying to murder us?"
  296. [01:23:05] <Med> "I dunno... I just know what my soul looks like... and that I stopped being me for a bunch of years after my dad died..."
  297. [01:23:49] <Melons> "The hell does an aura have to do with your soul?"
  298. [01:24:04] <Med> "Huh?"
  299. [01:24:21] <Melons> "Well, what's Mack's aura look like?"
  300. [01:24:23] <Med> "They're, like... the same thing, aren't they?"
  301. [01:25:09] <Med> 3d6+6 RETROACTIVE READ MACK'S AURA
  302. [01:25:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Med, RETROACTIVE READ MACK'S AURA: 19 [3d6=2,6,5]
  303. [01:25:17] <Med> i'm sure that's good enough WHO NEEDS A GM ANYWAY
  304. [01:29:16] <Med> "Noble, like blue or purple. It's kind of simple, but beautiful too."
  305. [01:31:22] <Melons> "And actors lie about their very identity. Not to mention he doesn't really lead. Doesn't seem like it really has anything to do with him." Such guile. "How about Mako's?"
  306. [01:32:36] <Med> "A watery whirlwind of energy and action. Ever since that day, it's also been full of electricity, too!"
  307. [01:34:03] <Melons> "So it could easily just be related to the fact he has a GOD OF STORMS looking out for him and have nothing to do with him! What about mine?"
  308. [01:34:48] <Med> "I dunno, I've only ever caught glimpses of it - it's always hiding from me!"
  309. [01:35:07] <Melons> "So you're saying my SOUL is hiding? That doesn't sound like a soul."
  310. [01:35:13] <Melons> "...wait, my aura hides?"
  311. [01:35:22] * Med nodnods.
  312. [01:35:53] <Med> "It's very elusive!"
  313. [01:36:29] <Melons> "Ah, then it definitely is an arbitrary thing! I snoop and ever since this job I get injured like EVERY SINGLE GODDAMNED DAY! OFTEN MULTIPLE TIMES! AND THEN I KIND OF YELL ABOUT IT APPARENTLY!"
  314. [01:36:46] <Melons> "A hiding aura doesn't sound like that at all."
  315. [01:37:38] <Med> "Well, it's reflective of people's inner selves, not their outer selves..."
  316. [01:38:26] <Med> "Like... if you woke up with all of your memories missing, or something like that, it'd be the most accurate then."
  317. [01:39:53] <Melons> "...shouldn't it be a blank slate if you're missing all of your memories since you're missing a lot of what should have shaped your personality?"
  318. [01:40:17] <Med> "I don't think so... I haven't met very many amnesiacs..."
  319. [01:41:06] <Med> "It's just what you're naturally inclined to do... like... you tried running away from me at least three times already!"
  320. [01:41:07] <Melons> Mel can no longer get over a growing frown. "Okay, well, what do YOU think my aura says about me, hm?"
  321. [01:41:37] <Med> "Well... maybe... it's hiding from that thing..."
  322. [01:41:49] <Melons> "What would that have to do with my inner self?"
  323. [01:42:01] <Melons> "Wouldn't it be like Mako then where it hardly has anything to do with me?"
  324. [01:42:11] <Med> "Huh?"
  325. [01:43:50] <Melons> "If it's hiding from the thing, it's acting of its own volition! I don't want to hide from the thing, terrified as I am, I WANT TO FUCKING SEE THAT IT'S REAL!"
  326. [01:44:59] <Med> "No, I mean, like... maybe it's been searching for you for your whole life, and it hasn't found you because you've been hiding, without ever knowing it because you've even been hiding from yourself!"
  327. [01:45:12] <Med> "That's how that stuff works!"
  328. [01:45:26] <Melons> "That is the dumbest meta shit I've heard today. If shit works like that, why do you think your aura says anything tangible about you?"
  329. [01:45:46] <Melons> "...wait, are you ashamed of your aura like I'm ashamed of my body?"
  330. [01:47:24] <Med> "Maybe... I mean... you just put those glasses on when it's useful, and you've only had them since you joined!"
  331. [01:47:39] <Med> "But I've been able to see that stuff since as long as I can remember!"
  332. [01:48:10] <Melons> "Pft, I forgot they existed. Think last time I used them was when we met Po. Doesn't that mean YOU should be the one not really phased by it?" The concept of a hiding aura IS gnawing at her soul/aura a bit though.
  333. [01:49:16] <Med> "I... don't think I've ever seen one like mine though... they're usually abstract..."
  334. [01:50:35] <Melons> "If they're USUALLY abstract and yours is instead quite blatant, seems like it means less about the real you than normal. I mean, I don't see you running around, breathing fire, killing people, having sex for life ene- I have no idea what the standard demon is."
  335. [01:51:38] <Melons> "But if any of us were to be a demon, you seem to fit the bill the least. Not including pokemon. They're just more adorable than us humans, so it's not fair to even compare. Actually Mirai might be less of a demon. Or maybe equally demonic. Which still means not at all."
  336. [01:52:38] <Melons> "Hell when we met Po, you...I have no idea what was up with you but you ran off, which doesn't seem like a demony thing to do when facing shadow pokemon."
  337. [01:54:27] <Med> "I... don't remember it very well, but... it reminded me of how I used to be..."
  338. [01:55:14] <Melons> "Who the fuck cares how you used to be? If you didn't like, move on."
  339. [01:56:29] <Melons> "I mean, you may have called me the goofball, but to me you're the dorky little cheery girl with a heart of gold." Oh hey, Med is three inches taller.
  340. [02:00:09] * Med is, like, speechless and stuff. the cheerleader done got cheerled.
  341. [02:00:41] <Med> "Thanks, Mel...! You're right!"
  342. [02:01:06] <Melons> "Of course I a- wait, I am?"
  343. [02:01:51] <Med> "Well, yeah! I can't let it keep me down - being down's the reason it happened in the first place!"
  344. [02:03:35] <Melons> "As I said before, I'm the moody one. Step off, yo."
  345. [02:03:41] <Melons> OhgodIjustsaidyo.
  346. [02:06:47] * Med more topless hugs~
  347. [02:08:10] * Melons ...finally hugs back. Briefly. Kind of briefly. Briefish. Boxer briefs. "You just...just get excited to see your family probably after we play with the little mermaid, k?"
  348. [02:11:33] <Med> "Yeah!"
  349. [02:12:14] <Melons> "Now I'm going to go have my preparation freakout, k?" She pulls away and heads again to retreat to her room.
  350. [02:12:48] <Med> "Hey wait!"
  351. [02:12:55] <Melons> "Whaaaaaaaaat?"
  352. [02:13:05] <Med> "We should hang out sometime!" :3
  353. [02:13:05] * Doxy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  354. [02:13:25] <Melons> "Don't together? and thus do that effectively all the time?"
  355. [02:13:38] <Med> "I mean, like... fun stuff!"
  356. [02:13:50] <Melons> "What fun stuff, investigating gods isn't fun stuff?"
  357. [02:14:12] <Med> "I dunno... I never really believed in them, to be honest, so... I don't know a lot about them!"
  358. [02:14:57] <Melons> "Neither did I, but mako now shoots lightning and can make it rain, sooooooo..."
  359. [02:16:53] <Med> "See! So, we should do something actually fun!"
  360. [02:17:24] <Melons> "Um...if you don't find that f- well, whatever...I...sure? And I'll...maybe bring...Mirai..maybe?"
  361. [02:18:17] <Med> "But then I'd have to bring Mack!"
  362. [02:18:43] <Melons> "...are fun things not girl things? What are girl things? Can I not bring her and you don't have to bring him? I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS WORKS!"
  363. [02:19:30] <Med> "There aren't any real rules... it's just, if you and Mirai spend a lot of time making out, I'll be alone!"
  364. [02:19:55] <Melons> "What, why would we do Are we not going to be in public? I thought fun things were in public."
  365. [02:21:01] <Med> "Why wouldn't you? Don't you like kissing her?"
  366. [02:21:47] <Melons> "I-I do bu- I'm not going to answer that...but..if we're..." KOed! "I'MGOINGTOMYROOM!" Exuant.
  367. [02:23:42] <Melons> </mini...?...!...?...>
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