
Spoils of War

Feb 27th, 2016
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  1. Spoils of War
  3. Contains: More Lewd 2: Elewdtric Boogaloo, monstergirls (Raiju and Thunderbird), and a village with questionable morals and/or ideology.
  5. When KC released his design for the Raiju, I immediately thought how the Thunderbird was probably sulking about how it wasn't the only electric monstergirl he designed. So, I wanted to come up with something that gave the two a chance to meet in a friendly environment, where they could learn to get along with each other. Then I fired that guy from my brain and went with the complete opposite of that. Sooo, here we are.
  8. In a hidden village, tucked deep within the misty mountains, a celebration is underway. Figures in masks dance to the beat of a dozen drummers, surrounding a roaring bonfire. Stalls preparing food send a cloud of smoke and aromas into the air. Parents walk around the grounds in their finest clothes, holding the hands of children that greedily gobble sweets. Blankets lay strewn about the edge of the village, vying for the best view of the main spectacle. Everyone in the village have all pitched in to create the biggest party possible.
  10. Everyone, that is, except for one man. A young man, in his early twenties, is tied to a pole outside of the village. His head is drooped in exhaustion. All the fight in his body has long left him, after finding himself unable to break free of the ropes that bind him. He knows that soon he will become the cause of the greatest source of entertainment in the village. For now, all he can do is wait. The laughter and the smells of cooking food far behind him haunt his senses.
  12. "Well, Tanaka, you've done it now." He scolds himself. A brief flash of regret lances through him, reminding him how he wouldn't be in this situation if he had just kept his mouth shut. "But nooo, I just had to go and blab that I'm still a virgin. I had plenty of opportunities to at least fake that I've been with a girl, but being the genius that I am, I didn't think about lying at all."
  14. No one is close enough to hear Tanaka muttering to himself. They do see the dark clouds forming overhead, signaling the beginning of the main event. People fight and push against each other, rushing out to their blankets or chairs out in the field. Despite the storm clouds above, there is no rain, and no one carries an umbrella. An excited tension fills the air.
  16. Silence.
  18. Where there were once cries of joy, an eerie quiet remains. Only the sound of rushing wind and the rumbles of thunder roll through the wind. The air itself changes, as if becoming charged with unspeakable emotions. All eyes are focusing on Tanaka.
  20. Lightning streaks through the sky; not crashing into the ground, but flashing out from inside the clouds. Trees shake, like they're being pushed aside by a being of unimaginable power. The crowd holds its breath; man, woman, and child all in sync. Even the faint of heart are anxious, but still eager. Another blinding bolt of light, another crack of thunder. Some of the smaller trees fall over, making room for whatever is passing through. Finally, right before the last trees blocking the view of the incoming guest, the movement stops.
  22. The area floods with white light, so strong that even closing their eyes couldn't stop it from penetrating the very souls of the people. As everyone blinks, trying to regain their lost sight, a figure had emerged from the woods. A being seemingly forged from the lightning itself, cloaked in a shower of falling blue sparks. There stands the one the people have been waiting for.
  24. The Raiju.
  26. Long, electric blue hair runs wild down her back, letting matching azure furred ears poke up from the top of her head. Her lithe, feminine body sways in the wind. Arks of current flash along her arms and legs, covered in fur matching her hair. Instead of hands and feet, her limbs end in paws, with black pads on the underside. Behind her, a fluffy tail as wild as her hair whips about. Her body is well proportioned for a woman; with wide hips, and unrestrained breasts that wobble freely. Pale white skin reflects blue light on her torso, face, and exposed limbs. Perhaps what catches the attention most of all, is her eyes. Sparkling with unbound energy, as blue as sapphire, and focusing in on only one thing.
  28. Like a predator that has found its prey, her gaze is concentrated solely on Tanaka. A hungry look spreads upon her face.
  30. "Uh, I don't suppose we can talk this through, can we?" Tanaka calls out to the beastly woman.
  32. She licks her lips in response.
  34. Tanaka gulps. "I didn't think so."
  36. The woman takes a few steps forward, eyeing her prize. Before she can reach him, a lightning bolt slams into the earth between them. Tanaka and the Raiju are forced to turn their heads away from the blast. A screech tears through the air high above.
  38. Staring down with a fierce gaze from amber eyes, is another woman floating in the wind. Against a backdrop of pitch black clouds, a winged figure is easily visible. Even with crackling with strands of yellow electricity that jump from feather to feather, she is no angel of justice here to save the poor soul below. What flies in the skies, looking over all creation, is none other than the legendary Thunderbird.
  40. Instead of arms, wings covered in a rainbow of blues and greens sprout from her shoulders. Hair juts from her head, as light and stiff as feathers. From the knee down, bird-like legs end in razor sharp talons. Her human looking body holds the appearance of a young girl, with breasts to match, but rippling muscle moves under the surface of her skin. A long tail zig zags from her lower back, free as lightning, throwing out bolts of uncontrolled energy into the air. Her laser-like gaze meets the Raiju's, challenging her.
  42. From within the throng of people below, an old man rises. "Oh great guardians of our village! Hear me now!"
  44. He swings his cane around slowly, motioning to the village and its people. "We have brought our tribute to appease you! Please accept it, and continue to protect my people as you always have!" Looking down, the old man addresses the crowd around him. "Now, let us begin that which we have been waiting for all this time! After twenty long years, our village guardians will now show us the limit of their power, and decide who shall lead us in this new era!"
  46. He raises his arms, closing his eyes. "Let us begin! And to the victor..." He points his cane at Tanaka. "...Goes the spoils!"
  48. The Raiju takes in a deep breath. Then, slamming her leg into the ground with earth shattering force, belts out a roar as loud and as unforgiving as thunder. Not wanting to be outmatched, the Thunderbird lets out an ear piercing shriek that could deafen anyone close enough. The clouds above the Raiju flash with unreleased rage, as the storm behind the Thunderbird lets loose a torrent of lightning strikes that race towards the ground. As if waiting for that as the signal, the Thunderbird takes action.
  50. She pulls into a nose dive. The winds whistle as she plummets downward, claws at the ready. The Raiju waits for her, her body starting to glow with her own sky blue aura. At a speed almost unable to be followed by the human eye, the Thunderbird opens her wings to soar past the Raiju, trying to rake her with talons as sharp as swords. The Raiju barely manages to roll out of the way in time, releasing a cloud of sparks every time she impacts the ground.
  52. The thunderbird disappears into the trees. Slamming down a foot to stop her momentum, the Raiju screeches to a halt. Cheers rise up from the crowds. The Raiju slams her palms together. She slowly pulls them apart, struggling from the effort. From between her paws, blue streams of energy crack and pop, resisting her motions. When her hands are far enough apart, she rips the connecting strands to form a ball of electricity in each paw, barely containing the beach ball sized orbs.
  54. From within the forest, a brief flash of light appears. Following that, an arrow of pure yellow flies out towards the Raiju at break neck speeds. She hurls one of her orbs into the bolt, causing the two to erupt in fire that decimates the surrounding wood. Once proud, old trees crash to the ground as the Raiju fires back with the remaining orb. Even as bright as it is, even the lightning ball vanishes in the darkness of the forest, causing an unseen explosion where it impacts.
  56. The Raiju peers in, sniffing the air. She cocks her head in confusion.
  58. Suddenly, the Thunderbird flies straight up, out of the forest. She spreads out her wings, completely unharmed, and stops moving. A lightning bolt from the sky arcs down, demolishing the spot where the Raiju had just been standing. Bolt after bolt comes down, chasing the Raiju. But as fast as the Thunderbird is in the air, the Raiju is just as fast on the land.
  60. Nothing even comes close to touching her as she races through the trees, seen only by her foe at this point. She digs her claws into the ground, smashing a tree as she slides past. Before it can land, the Raiju snatches the tree out of the air. It glows, being charged by the very essence of the she-beast, becoming an extension of her. She rears back, and throws it with enough force to send it rocketing towards the Thunderbird. She easily dodges it by flapping her wings. As if in anticipation of that, a boulder swims through the air to meet her. The Thunderbird barely notices in time, only just clearing out of the path. A few feathers swing through the air in lazy patterns. She glares down at the smirking Raiju below.
  62. Not done yet, the Raiju glows brighter than ever. Rock after log after bush, everything around her is just ammo to be thrown. The more she moves, the brighter she shines. Tired of simply avoiding projectiles, the Thunderbird begins her counterattack. From her wings, great gusts blew away everything in her way. Not just repelling, but also sending them back where they came. The Raiju growls as debris rains down around her
  64. "Hey! Watch where you're throwing that stuff!" Tanaka cries out as an errant rock lands beside him.
  66. With no time for interruptions, the fight rages on. Parts of the forest flash and writhe as burst of power from unseen sources fought for superiority. The Thunderbird continues to rise to the air to press her advantage there, but she is unable to touch the Raiju at range. As she floats, she breathes heavily, sweating from expending so much of herself. She only has one real chance for victory.
  68. In order to win before her stamina gives out, the Thunderbird must put everything into one last dive bomb. To go faster than the wind, and unleash the last of her stored power in one grand burst. The Raiju stands ready for her, cocky smile splayed upon her lips. She is almost unseen from the blue aura of light surrounding her. It is now or never.
  70. The Thunderbird dives. She leaves a bright yellow trail behind her as she shoots towards her enemy. The Raiju slams both of her feet into the ground. Small rocks and other junk start to float around her, and even patches of earth break free to rise up. She roars and the Thunderbird screams.
  72. An explosion of blue and yellow rapidly expands from where the Thunderbird crashes into the Raiju, obliterating everything around them. When it finally subsides, nothing remains but a crater.
  74. In the middle of the smoking crater, only stands...
  77. Raiju wins:
  79. ...A crackling blue figure. Her aura has dissipated, leaving her scratched, bruised flesh uncovered. Slowly, she limps back to Tanaka. When she appears through the tree line, everyone cheers. WIth every step, she closes in on her reward. Tanaka closes his eyes and looks away.
  81. "Everyone! Let us feast today! Tomorrow, we will begin preparations. With the Raiju having claimed victory this day, we will face invaders to our lands. But fear not! With her guiding us, we will also prove as victorious as she! So, eat, drink, and be merry! We will overcome all challenges together!" The village elder speaks out again. Some of the villagers go to provide aid to the unconscious Thunderbird, while the rest go back to the village now that a conclusion has been reached..
  83. "Wait! Hey, wait! Don't leave me here!" Tanaka calls out. The Raiju is almost upon him. "Hey, you know, I think I left my fire going back at my house. You mind untying me, and letting me go?"
  85. If she understands him, the Raiju shows no sign of it. With the same hungry look on her face, she reaches out to caress his cheek. At her touch, sparks arc and trace along his skin. The sensation causes him to let out a pained gasp. She recoils. Regaining her courage, she pokes and prods his chest, the amount of energy she releases on contact lessening each time.
  87. "...Ow...any chance, y-you could, stop shocking me?" He manages to get out in between ragged breaths.
  89. Once more she places a paw on him. This time, nothing happens. Satisfied with being able to touch him, she takes her other paw and rakes it through the ropes containing her prize. She hoists him over her shoulder with no effort.
  91. "H-hey! Easy! I'm fragile goods, y'know!" Tanaka continues his endless stream of complaints.
  93. Ignoring him, she limps back into the forest with her bounty. Even Tanaka's voice eventually fades as she makes her way. The villagers never look back.
  95. After some unknown amount of time spent walking through the mist and the trees, the Raiju makes it to her goal at last. On a mountain top far away from his home, at the front of a large cavern entrance, Tanaka sees where he is to be sacrificed at. He holds back his tears at the thought.
  97. "Just, just make it quick, okay?" He pleads with the creature.
  99. She continues into the rocky face, the walls shining with the light her body provides naturally. As they pass a pile of bones, Tanaka shudders. The Raiju's steps echo from wall to wall, seeming almost deafening when combined with the beating of his heart. She reaches a smaller branch of the cave. Inside, a raised dais covered in furs of various animals lay before them. Instead of carelessly tossing him into the pile, she gingerly lowers his body onto the cushions.
  101. "So, is this where it all ends? You're gonna skin me here like all these poor little critters? This isn't how I imagined my Friday night to go at all."
  103. She pushes on his chest, lowering him down. His back lay flat on the furs, his legs dangling off the side. Tanaka observes her, trying to drink in the sight of his soon-to-be killer. Her face is red with blush, and her breasts wobble freely as her chest heaves from her heavy breath. If he wasn't about to die, he would probably have fallen in love with her. Her soft looking face, pointed chin, and endless eyes. As much as he hates to admit it, his murderer is actually beautiful. Even her parts that are not human have their own charms.
  105. She carefully reaches out with a paw. It hovers over his chest, the static electricity making his shirt raise to match her pawprint. As she moves it, so too does his shirt. The weird sensations run through Tanaka's mind. It wasn't painful at all, was she just playing with him? Before he can question her, she leans in and licks his cheek. Despite being filled with an electrical current, her saliva didn't hurt either; in fact, it was actually quite pleasant. Like a refreshing splash of water after waking up. She smiles.
  107. "Why are you doing this? What's going on here?" Tanaka asks out of wonder.
  109. She doesn't answer. Instead, she starts licking all over his face and neck. Being touched in such a way by a beauty like her, combined with the confusingly nice tingles spreading in his skin, a tent starts to raise in his pants. With her close proximity, there is no way she can miss the hardening part under her. Instead of being discouraged, this seems to make her lick more and harder. It doesn't take long for Tanaka to be at full mast.
  111. "H-hey! Stop that! If you keep that up, I'll die from all the blood leaving my head before you kill me. Unless that's your evil plan..." His words get drowned out as she starts tracing her tongue over his lips. He gasps, and the Raiju uses the opportunity to shove her tongue into his mouth. Unable to talk at this point, the only thing he can do is to fight fire with fire. Tongues intertwined, the two explore each other's mouths.
  113. The Raiju starts kneading her paws into Tanaka's chest. Sparks fly off this time, but not in a painful way. It's almost as if each pop increases his sensitivity, heating up his body internally. The cloth around his crotch begins to dampen, as she grinds her womanhood along the hard shaft below her. She pulls back, looking frustrated. She paws at his groin.
  115. "Are, are you...? Here, let's try this." He slowly lowers his own pants from underneath her, exposing himself to the cold air.
  117. The Raiju smiles again. She lowers her head down to study the pole swinging around in front of her. A trail of precum glistens as it slowly snakes a trail down his length. She bats at it, watching as it wiggles wildy. She lets out an excited yip. Her tongue reaches out, lapping up the slick fluid from his manhood. Without any warning, she engulfs the entire thing into her mouth.
  119. Tanaka yelps, sitting up. Just as quickly as he got up, she pushes him back down, releasing him from her mouth with an audible pop. She mounts him again, sliding her crotch against his. The heat, wetness, and electricity from just the lips of her entrance is almost enough to bring him to climax.
  121. "If you plan on killing me with sex, then go ahead! Please just stop teasing me!"
  123. On his command, she fully hilts herself upon him. Her hips make a wet smack when they collide with his, soaked with a need seemingly far greater than his. Unfortunately for Tanaka, it was more than he could take. The moment the tight, moist folds clamped down around him, he released shot after shot of seed into her.
  125. But the Raiju is not discouraged. Her walls vibrate and hum, glowing with the same energy from before. Arcs of pure pleasure lance through Tanaka. His member stops going soft, and stands straight back up inside her. She crashes her lips back into his, completing her love circuit. Unable to control himself, the shocks cause his hips to start bucking wildly. She shakes her hips in time with his. It doesn't matter if he just came, Tanaka is pumping into her like a man possessed. Her groin grips him, providing pressure he never thought possible, but the slickness from her arousal never prevents him from thrusting into her.
  127. Nearing her own limit, the Raiju's back arcs, as she let's out a roar filled with ecstasy. Tanaka grabs hold of her ample bosom, groping it passionately. He then manages to flip their positions with a single push. He hoists her legs up, allowing him to drive as deeply into her as possible. The Raiju can't even look at him as her eyes roll around her head uncontrollably.
  129. "Alright, you perverted, weasel thing! I'm gonna, let it all out, inside you! H-Here I cum!" He taunts her between rasping breaths. Once again, his balls contract as they force out bursts of white hot seed.
  131. He collapses on top of the Raiju. The two simply lay there, breathing heavily. She wraps her arms and legs around him to cuddle in the afterglow. Tanaka's eyes drift close. He fights the oncoming wave of sleep, but he is powerless against it. The last thing he feels is her head nuzzling closer to him.
  133. "Huh," She mutters dreamily, before she too drifts off to sleep.
  136. Thunderbird wins:
  138. ...A figure cloaked in green and blue. A trickle of red blood falls from her forehead, but her head is held up high in pride. She flaps her wings, soaring to her reward. When the villagers see her clearing the trees, they all cheer.
  140. "My people! Our champion has returned! Ready your hoes, pitchforks, and horses! May our fields be blessed by the rains of the glorious Thunderbird, who brings us good harvest! Eat, drink, and be merry! For tomorrow, we begin our preparations for the prosperity of the land!" The village elder speaks out. Some of the villagers go out to provide aid to the unconscious Raiju, while the rest return to the festivities now that a conclusion has been reached.
  142. The Thunderbird lands in front of Tanaka. Her head cocks, and she walks around him in curiosity.
  144. "Uh, fly away. Fly away little birdie. Shoo." Tanaka tells her.
  146. If she understood him, she shows no sign of it. She aims a wing at him, and discharges a small beam of lightning into him. He jerks back from the shock, but then his body slumps over limply. Parts of him still spasm a little, but nothing to prove he didn't black out. Satisfied he won't resist her anymore, she cuts his ropes with a flash of her talons.
  148. His body falls to the ground. She hops on top of him, grasping his shoulders with her feet. With steady beats of her wings, she rises off the ground with him in her clutches. She rises high quickly. She turns towards some distant mountains, and begins her flight.
  150. After an unknown amount of time, she arrives at her destination. A mountain with the top hollowed out like a dormant volcano lay below her. She controls her descent, landing gracefully inside the mouth of the mountain. She lifts up Tanaka's body with one foot, and after struggling for a bit, manages to pick him up with her wings. Steady steps take her into a cave that seems to have been carved out of the solid rock. Inside, she places the body into a pile of soft hay, in the shape of a nest. She flits about, chirping a happy tune.
  152. Tanaka groans. He doesn't know how long he was out, but his body is sore. His shoulders especially hurt. Raising a hand to his face, he rubs a temple while he opens his eyes to gain his bearings. What meets his gaze is the face of a curious Thunderbird.
  154. "Hi there. Did you not feel like killing me while I was already out? Are you that evil?" He sighs.
  156. Sparks crackle and run through the feathers on the Thunderbird's wings. Before Tanaka can cry in alarm, tiny trails soar through the air, running into his body. Instead of feeling pain or being knocked out again, it feels...good? Traces of pleasure course through his body. More and more of these little arrows of light flood into him with every gentle flap of her wings.
  158. He tries to stand up, to get away from the confusingly nice charges being sent at him, but Tanaka's muscles seem to be growing more and more paralyzed. He falls helplessly to the side of the nest, the edge propping his back up. Noticing that he can't escape now, the Thunderbird stops flapping. Unable to do more than observe his attacker, Tanaka glares at her in defiance. Small, but bouncy breasts jiggle in the soft light with every hop she makes. Her cheeks are round and rosy, her blush lightly playing along her face. Even though she looks as slim as a young girl, a healthy amount of muscle shows through her slightly tan skin. If he wasn't about to be eaten, Tanaka swore that he would have tried to slap her pert butt.
  160. Unable to move or speak still, he watches as she takes little hops closer, the Thunderbird studying him as much as he had her. Her eyes shift downward, focusing on his crotch. The tent in his pants shows that he cannot deny her cuteness. Her blush deepens, and she lets out an excited chirping noise.
  162. Landing between his legs, she bends down to inspect her target more closely. She pecks at the peak of the fabric with her mouth. Tanaka gasps when her lips touches his tip through his pants. She pecks a few more times, confused. She stands up with an impatient look on her face. One clawed foot swings forward, and Tanaka struggles to move as it nears his manhood.
  164. Not like this! Don't rip off my li'l Tanaka before you kill me! He screams internally.
  166. Her talons dig into the cloth. With one swift motion, she rips apart the offending fabric to expose him to the chilly air. She smiles when she sees what she wants. She crouches back down to face the swinging rod again. She pecks at it with her lips again, landing a quick smooch on the tip. A literal spark of pleasure lances through Tanaka from the contact. Even though he can't move, his hips bucked involuntarily from the shock. The Thunderbird's eyes open wide.
  168. One after another, she assaults him with tiny wet kisses along his whole length. Each kiss provides its own sensation as tiny currents travel through him. The direct stimulation drives him over the edge, and Tanaka's vision goes blank from the orgasm. Sticky white strands form spider webs all over the Thunderbird's face. She rubs it into her wings, then licks it off of her feathers. Not satisfied with just this, she lays him down to straddle him better.
  170. The feathers that separate her human like thighs from her bird like legs shine brightly. Yellow light flashes as current flows from them into the placed they touch Tanaka's body. Tanaka feels his body heat up; not with a painful heat, but the heat of lust. His manhood stands back up at attention. The Thunderbird gives a lewd smile as she adjusts the entrance to her womanhood over his tip.
  172. In an almost agonizingly slow pace, she lowers herself onto his rod. All Tanaka can do is moan in pleasure. After what feels like forever, she has finally brought him fully into her. An incredible tightness clamp on his member, as her hot, wet walls pulsate against him. Even without moving her hips, it feels like she's trying to milk him. When she does start to move, he feels like he may pass out from the orgasmic bliss.
  174. She thrusts her hips against his. She starts off slow at first, building up speed as she goes. Her mouth opens wide as she lets out feminine moans of her own. The more she moves, the more current passes into Tanaka through his shaft. The coursing sparks appear to be making his muscles come back to life. First are his hips, which thrust into her to match her rhythm. Then his legs, which he uses to slam into her even harder. Lastly, his upper body comes back to him. The thought of tossing her off of him never crosses his mind, and he reaches around to grab the bird booty he so desires.
  176. The Thunderbird cries out in shock, but doesn't look unhappy at all. Tanaka gropes her meaty buns while kisses her soft belly. Unable to contain herself anymore, the Thunderbird screeches in ecstasy, her wings freezing in place. Her sopping wet hole crashes into Tanaka's hips one more time, unleashing a torrent of fluids and current. The lightning of her orgasm lights up the cave. The pure stimulation causes Tanaka to cry out as his body is forced to climax with hers. He fills her womb with his burning hot essence.
  178. Once she is able to recover from her big moment, she settles down on top of her captured prey. Her wings completely cover him up, in a soft but warm blanket of feathers. Tanaka grabs her around the waist, holding her tightly to him, before drifting off to a comfortable sleep. The thunderbird was already out like a light, drooling slightly. In her sleep, she still manages to mutter one word.
  180. "M...mate..."
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