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Jan 4th, 2021
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  1. 1 err Help: The documentation for all analyzer warnings is available here:
  2. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/adaboost/adaboost_model.hpp 26 warn V690 The 'AdaBoostModel' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  3. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/adaboost/adaboost_model.cpp 74 warn V794 The assignment operator should be protected from the case of 'this == &other'.
  4. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/tree/hrectbound.hpp 54 warn V690 The 'HRectBound' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  5. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/tree/ballbound.hpp 32 warn V690 The 'BallBound' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  6. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/tree/hollow_ball_bound.hpp 33 warn V690 The 'HollowBallBound' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  7. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/tree/hollow_ball_bound_impl.hpp 82 warn V794 The assignment operator should be protected from the case of 'this == &other'.
  8. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/tree/cellbound.hpp 75 warn V690 The 'CellBound' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  9. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/tree/rectangle_tree/r_tree_split_impl.hpp 441 err V758 The 'range' reference becomes invalid when temporary object returned by a function is destroyed.
  10. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/tree/rectangle_tree/discrete_hilbert_value.hpp 29 warn V690 The 'DiscreteHilbertValue' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  11. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/amf/update_rules/svd_incomplete_incremental_learning.hpp 53 err V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: currentUserIndex.
  12. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/amf/update_rules/svd_complete_incremental_learning.hpp 56 err V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: currentUserIndex, currentItemIndex.
  13. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/amf/update_rules/svd_complete_incremental_learning.hpp 172 err V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: n, m, isStart.
  14. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/amf/termination_policies/simple_residue_termination.hpp 42 warn V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: residue, iteration, normOld, nm.
  15. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/range_search/range_search.hpp 42 warn V690 The 'RangeSearch' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  16. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/range_search/range_search_impl.hpp 261 warn V1004 The 'referenceTree' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 257, 261.
  17. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/fastmks/fastmks.hpp 63 warn V690 The 'FastMKS' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  18. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/fastmks/fastmks_model.hpp 34 warn V690 The 'FastMKSModel' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  19. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/fastmks/fastmks_model.cpp 73 warn V794 The assignment operator should be protected from the case of 'this == &other'.
  20. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/hmm/hmm_model.hpp 33 warn V690 The 'HMMModel' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  21. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/hoeffding_trees/hoeffding_tree.hpp 61 warn V690 The 'HoeffdingTree' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the copy assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  22. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/hoeffding_trees/hoeffding_tree_model.cpp 64 warn V794 The assignment operator should be protected from the case of 'this == &other'.
  23. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/hoeffding_trees/hoeffding_tree_model.cpp 92 warn V794 The assignment operator should be protected from the case of 'this == &other'.
  24. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/kde/kde.hpp 88 warn V690 The 'KDE' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  25. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/kmeans/dual_tree_kmeans_rules_impl.hpp 160 warn V519 The 'adjustedScore' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 159, 160.
  26. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/kmeans/dual_tree_kmeans_rules_impl.hpp 21 err V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: lastBaseCase.
  27. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/lars/lars.cpp 420 warn V688 The 'activeSet' local variable possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
  28. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/preprocess/scaling_model.hpp 29 warn V690 The 'ScalingModel' class implements a move constructor, but lacks the move assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
  29. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/ann/layer/reparametrization_impl.hpp 68 err V562 It's odd to compare a bool type value with a value of double type.
  30. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/ann/layer/reinforce_normal_impl.hpp 23 warn V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: reward, deterministic.
  31. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/ann/layer/recurrent_attention_impl.hpp 30 err V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: outSize.
  32. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/q_networks/categorical_dqn.hpp 56 warn V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: atomSize, vMin, vMax.
  33. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/amf/termination_policies/incomplete_incremental_termination.hpp 36 warn V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: incrementalIndex, iteration.
  34. /home/gauravghati/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/amf/termination_policies/complete_incremental_termination.hpp 37 warn V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: incrementalIndex, iteration.
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