

Sep 10th, 2018
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  1. Name: Emma Tiller
  3. Gender: Female
  5. Height: 5'3" (1.6 Meters)
  7. Appearance: Emma is 19 years old, her eyes are a sky blue in color. Her hair is blond, not too long not too short. It's sort of mixed in with a light brown in some areas. She wears a somewhat of a thick cape, with the middle part of the cape being a lighter purple in color. She wears brown pants, with a darker brown belt keeping them in place. Her pants aren't really all of that baggy, though they aren't tight up against her legs either. She has grey leather boots, which her pants are tucked into. Her cape doesn't cover her much in the front, instead going to the back where it is buttoned in with 1 silvery button. She is somewhat thin, but not overly thin. Her build is not really all that muscular, but she isn't all that weak either. Sort of a middle ground.
  9. Link for appearance:
  11. Flower:
  13. Tools/items: Her cape has various pockets in it, she uses to keep her things in. One of them is a crystalline/ice flower, which she uses as a battery/powerup for her magic. She never lets this be seen, as if she lost it, she would lose much of her magical power. It's kept in a rather secret pocket, none could really see without looking close enough. She has a few carving tools, which she uses to carve things out of ice, of course she has a wallet with an id, money, and various cards. She also has a phone, too which she used to keep in contact with friends and take photos of her ice sculptures.
  15. Personality: Emma is a somewhat quiet individual, she doesn't really talk all that much though when she does she's rather kind. She might seem a bit shy at times, and is a bit standoffish around others, though not overly so. She doesn't talk all that much about new people who she meets all that much. She's not easy to trust others, nor is she one to get involved in fights. None of that is her concern, though she will always uphold the law. Depends on situations, though.
  17. Backstory: Emma was born in the town of Hoosin, in another nation on the planet Beruna. Her parents owned a woodworking shop, and had a degree of nature related magics which they used to better carve their wooden figures and such, they were somewhat well known in the town. Emma, was never really into this though. Something with that just didn't seem to 'suit' her, she liked winter though, which made her want to go to a magic school, so she can learn Ice Magic. In this area, all students were instructed to take some courses in healing magic, there were occasionally some dangerous incidents around the area such as monsters attacking places to eat people, steal things or eat what people have, so students were instructed to learn healing magic to heal themselves in case they get hurt by monsters or otherwise. In that school, she made alot of friends, though one of them was named Alyssa. Alyssa was her friend for quite some time, though over time she began to copy off of Emma's work, ask for food among other things. Emma realized that Alyssa wasn't the best friend to have because of this and gradually drifted away. Friends are those who support you, not those who take from you.
  19. Later on in school, Emma took upon an interest in Ice carving, inspired by her parents wood carving. Ice carving and Ice magic worked rather well together, though she had to learn the skills over the period of several months, perhaps years before she crafted something that she would still keep with her today, the Ice flower. She spent a week on crafting this flower, trying her absolute best while carving it. It was for an ice carving class, she turned it in and was the best carver in the class. Because of this, the Wizard of Ice related Magics (Mr. Tompson) granted the flower immunity to the heat with a spell, so it would never melt. Later on, she began to experiment with her magic, eventually learning how to use that flower as a battery source, and power up for her magics. For others, they eventually discover, or create objects that are dear to them, which they can use to charge up their magic with. She eventually graduated this school, and got a job in her town before saving up enough money, and taking a few month vacation to go see the nation of Anuity and the surrounding areas. She has plans to live there full time, and currently lives on the outskirts of the city, in a somewhat small, but well kept and modern house.
  21. Abilities/skills:
  23. - Ice carving: Able to carve things out of ice, though what she is carving would take more or less time depending on size, and complexity.
  25. - Cold/ice generation: She can cool down an area, the bigger the area the more effort needed though she only really uses this if it's hot in an area. Much like a portable air conditioner, but without any sort of machinery. She can generate ice infront of her, tieing in with her cryokinetic surfing ability, to make herself easily glide across the ice, being quick as she does so.
  27. - Freezing: Can freeze things, and cool them down to a point where they are fragile enough to break. This depends on the object though, the larger it is the longer it takes to freeze it.
  29. - Ice shard generation: Sometimes someone may have to defend themselves, Emma is no exception. She can generate ice shards, use them to throw at others, at high speeds. Generating them, they will float in the air around her. The size, and strength of these shards depends heavily on her focus. Sometimes she can interlock the shards, to form an ice shield, and harden it.
  31. - Cryokinetctic surfing: She can form ice on the bottom of her boots, and glide effortlessly over icey terrain, like roller skates but without any wheels.
  33. - Healing: She can heal herself rather easily for small wounds, but for larger ones it takes several minutes, maybe an hour depending on the size of the wound. The bleeding will stop first, the wound will close up buy the pain will still remain for a little while before it goes away.
  35. - Immunity to cold: She is immune to the winter weather, and doesn't bat an eye at cold winds hitting herself.
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