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May 24th, 2018
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  1. Minecrafter writes an autobiography about his 8th grade life
  4. May 24th, 2018
  5. I’m so bored right now. School ended yesterday, and I graduated 8th grade, so now I’m in high school. It went by so fast. Like, really fast. I set some goals for myself by the end of the year, and I didn’t accomplish any of them. I really wish I could have, but it’s too late to go back now. I wanted to get an A on a math test. I haven’t done that in 2 years. My last test that I got an A on was in 6th grade, where I took an easy class. 7th and 8th grade I didn’t get any A’s. I almost got one though, my latest test was an 88%. So close, yet so far away. My next goal was a 4.0 GPA. It didn’t seem that hard if I put the effort in, but even with the effort, it was too hard. I ended with a 3.75, having a B in English class, and Spanish class. Both would have been an easy A if I didn’t screw up the tests. For English, I got an F on one of my tests, and that was put in at the beginning of the quarter. I substituted that grade with my Book Report, which I got a 95% on. My grade went from a C- to a B+, and I was almost at an A again. I was doing my homework on time, and I had gotten to an A, but then I had another test that screwed me up. I went in too confident and got a C-, which was still my highest grade. Come to think of it, I seem to do really well on the homework, but I end up screwing myself over on my tests. Studying is a huge issue I have. I have trouble focusing and remembering the things that I learn. English was understanding concepts, which I was alright at, but some of the things like “gerunds” I wasn’t able to understand well, even though I thought I did. Spanish was memorization for me. I struggled most with memorizing the words. I got an F on one of my last tests, which dropped my grade from an A to a B+, and then I got a C- on my final, which dropped my grade even more. So, I was unable to finish the year with a 4.0. Two goals that could have been accomplished with more effort. It seems like an easy thing to do, and it really is. I just struggle with it a lot. My last goal was a simple one, it was a hug. I wanted to hug this girl that I’ve liked for a long time now. I set the goal for myself 2 months prior to yesterday, and after two months, it didn’t happen. Yesterday was graduation day, and we were all on the soccer field hanging out before we went to graduate. She came up to me and said hi, and before I could respond, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away and told me that we were getting in line for the ceremony. At that moment, I knew it was over. My only chance at something was then, and I couldn’t even help it at that point. After the ceremony, I tried finding her, but I couldn’t. And before I knew it, she had left school. I set a goal way too high for myself, especially one like that. I have liked her for 9 months. Throughout the entire school year. It’s pretty incredible that I’ve liked her this long and haven’t stopped from other things. Throughout 8th grade, I went through a lot. I had become depressed for the first time. I had done a lot of bad things, and a lot of bad things happened to me. Even though these bad things happened, I still did a lot of great things, and a lot of great things happened to me. I’ve never written something like this before, so don’t bully me. I don’t like the feeling of chapters for my first writing, especially since this is in Microsoft Word. So, I’ll be using dates to separate each section of this book thing. There is probably a decent amount of profanity so if you don’t want that the I guess don’t read, I mean you’re the only one who’s seeing this. I hope.
  6. August 14th, 2017
  7. Today was the first day of school, and I’m nervous. I attend Valley Christian, which is an incredible school. I haven’t seen my friends in over two months, and I had new teachers who I didn’t know. One teacher was Mrs. Wescott, an incredibly intelligent and nice teacher. She seemed nice but was very strict. I didn’t know her, all I knew was that people gave her the nickname “The White Witch”. My next class was geometry. Math. Nasty. I hated math with a passion, and still do. It seems ridiculous that we learn this, and it’s not of any use in the future. Next was speech and debate. A class I had wanted to do, since I was very good at debating. Then history. I entered the class expecting it to be boring. The teacher was nice, but I didn’t really like history. My four classes of A days were pretty straight-forward, and I ended up not liking any of my classes for the first quarter. I entered English, and I saw a friend right away. Joshua. We sat next to each other when we entered. Mrs. Wescott told us we would be given a seating chart, and that we would sit there the whole year. As she was telling people their spots, I was hoping to sit next to Josh. Our spots were in alphabetical order. As she sat me, I was hoping I’d somehow still sit next to him. She calls his name, and what do you know, he’s right behind me. We both laughed and told each other we’d survive this class. The first day, we learned about the teacher, and her basic rules. She gave us some class vocabulary that we never used and taught us the basics of English. Bottom Lines. It was basic but took a bit of time for me to learn. After the class, I went to the lunch line to get a snack. Break starts at 9:55 A.M. and I didn’t eat breakfast, so I decided to get something. “Jack the way you stood still and won yesterday!!” someone came up to me and said. That was Jasmine. She was the first friend in middle school that I made. I became friends with her in 7th grade, after having almost the exact same schedule, having 4 classes with her. Over the summer I played a lot of Minecraft with her and her brother. I developed a crush on her in January of the year, and I still liked her. I really wanted to date her throughout high school, but I had to wait the entire year, and the next summer. The only thing I could do was remain as friends and not give it away that I like her. Geometry went by fast, nothing interesting happened, we just learning about who the teacher is and what we will be learning throughout the year. We had a different teacher then we were supposed to have, Ms. Chaplin. She was a long-term substitute teacher for the first half of the year, because our original teacher got in a car accident and broke her back or something scary. She wasn’t going to teach for the entire year. Nothing interesting at lunch happened either, I ate whatever food I bought, and drank my favorite school drink in the world, Blue Gatorade. I get that drink every single day with my lunch. It’s ridiculous, but true. I also wear a school sweatshirt every single day. My best record is that every single day since the first day of 6th grade, I’ve wore a Valley Christian shirt every single day. I continued that streak for all of 8th grade. Speech and Debate was boring, we learned about the teacher, and what we will be doing throughout the year. We would start out by doing speech and writing assignments, which I didn’t care about. I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to debate. Debating was one of my favorite things to do. I love arguing when I’m winning, which is very easy in my group of friends. Basically, my group of friends is a bunch of hypocritical illogical middle schoolers who don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ll give examples later, because the examples are later in the year. History was boring too, we learned about what we learned in every other class so far. I wanted to know my classes for the next day, which was a B day. At my school, we have an A day B day system. We split our 8 classes into two days, so each day has 4 classes.
  8. August 15th, 2017
  9. My first B day of the year. I was interested in my classes because these seemed like the best. I had Bible, Science, Spanish, and P.E. I entered Bible class seeing my friend Jacob. He was one of my friends that I made in 6th grade. We didn’t really like each other that much. I found him a bit annoying because he tried too hard to be a professional youtuber, and tried too hard to fit in. In Bible class we went over the basics, like how class goes, what projects we will do, how quizzes will go, etc. Science was the exact same thing, but a different class. Next was Spanish. I had looked forward to Spanish for a while, because of the teacher. Her name is Mrs. Gennaro. She is the mother of one of my best friends, Robert. Robert was the second friend I made at Valley. We became friends through video games, and eventually started spending all day playing Minecraft together over breaks like Winter Break and Spring Break. He also was one of the people I could be open to most, as he is two years older than me and way more mature than my friend group. Mrs. Gennaro went over the basics of the school year, and talked about what we will learn, like the culture of South America. This class was called “Intro to Spanish”. Robert told me if I found the class too easy, I could switch to the honors class. I didn’t think about it until a little bit later. After this, I had P.E. In that class, I had my friend Spencer. Spencer was the first friend I made at Valley. We became friends over hating our instruments. We were in a strings class together and both played cello, but both hated it. I guess we became friends from there. However, our relationship was very bad. We fought and argued daily, and basically hated each other. I went into 8th grade trying to be a nicer person, and stop being so angry. It went well. Spencer and I went the entire school year without arguing or fighting once. After P.E. I spent after school with Robert, walking around and talking about random things. I normally stay until 4 P.M., when my mom picks me up. As it almost became 4, I told Robert that my mom would be at school to pick me up soon. So, we started walking out towards to pick up area from the Junior High office. The school is huge. There are three buildings. The education building is the farthest away from the parking lot and pickup area. In front of the education building is the gym building. The building doors face each other. Away from those buildings is a huge lawn, and next to it is the conservatory building, where most electives and music classes are. Next to the conservatory is the football field and track, and next to that is the soccer field and softball field. It’s a pretty big campus. Oh, and one more thing. The entire school is on a hill. I know. The name “Valley” is ironic. Anyways, Robert and I were walking from the education building to the Pickup area, which is in between the softball field and football field. As we walk, another person approaches us. A female. Robert’s sister, Isabella. I also had a crush on her. Near the end of 7th grade, Robert started doing things that concerned me. I wanted to get him help by telling his mom, but Isabella stopped me. She told me that I shouldn’t and told me how I should help him. This went on for about 2 months, us talking and trying to help him. Eventually, I told their mom in hopes that it would help Robert. Isabella got extremely mad at me for that and sent me a long text message saying things about how I’m a horrible person and that she doesn’t want to see me ever again or talk to me ever again. The next day, Robert cut off our communication. He blocked me everywhere and I was unable to talk to him. But before he did, he told me that I liked his sister because I stare at her in class and at lunch, and I laugh at her jokes. I found that a ridiculous statement, but actually questioned myself if I did. Throughout the summer, I kept asking myself and trying to figure out solutions. I kept telling myself no, and that I didn’t like her, but Robert kept doing things trying to convince me that I did, and I don’t even think he knew it. He would randomly mention his sister in a conversation and then tell me to leave her alone. He also would say really stupid things, like how I stalk her because I know when her English class is, because I had the English class with her. So, the weekend before school started, I confessed to him that I did, and ask him not to tell her. “Like I would” he said. Isabella came up to us and said hi to Robert, and she looked at me and then looked away. She had earbuds in and was singing something. I didn’t say anything either, but it felt awkward being there. I didn’t know if I wanted to date Jasmine or Isabella, and I constantly spent time talking to Robert about it. And by constantly, I mean almost every single day, over summer, and during the school year.
  10. August 24th, 2017
  11. Skipping forward to the next week, 8th grade had a trip to the mountains where we worshipped God and did fun activities. I consider myself a Christian, and try my best to do good things, but still have questions and do bad things. The trip was called “Breakaway”. At Breakaway, I spent it with my friends. There were 4 teams that competed, and I was on green team. My team ended up winning the entire competition. We were given three hours to mess around and have fun. My friends and I went to the swimming pool for the entire time. Isabella was also there but left after my friends and I arrived. We played basketball in the water, having fun and dunking on each other. I wear glasses, so when I went to the pool I wasn’t able to see well. I still don’t know if it was someone else, or if I was hallucinating, but I saw Isabella and her friend watching me and my friends play. It seemed like it was her, but I still could be wrong, and probably am. This thing that I’m isn’t about school that much, and I will probably be jumping ahead into bigger situations because I can’t cover every single day.
  12. August 30th, 2017
  13. Today I switched my Spanish class. I switched from Intro to Spanish to Spanish 1 Honors. The period I had was 1B, so the first class of B day. My friends Andrew and Ben were in the class, so I was excited. Robert told his mom about the switch and got back to me saying that I could switch the class. So, I went to speak with the guy who switches schedules, and he said that I could, and changed my schedule for me.
  14. August 31st, 2017
  15. I was excited to be in Spanish 1 Honors because It was another class I’d have with friends. Also, I switched my Bible class with the Spanish class, so I now had Bible 3B, which is also when Jasmine had Bible. So, I was very happy that I had a class with her because I didn’t previously. As I entered the classroom, I was greeted by Mrs. Gennaro. “Hola Jack! Bienvenido!” she said. As I looked around the class to see the other students, I saw Ben, who said “Ayy dude nice”, and Andrew, who was sitting in the back, playing NBA Live, who said “Jack it’s free seating sit over here”. I looked over to the other side, and I saw Isabella. “Isabella is in this class?” I said to myself. She was sitting with her friend Samira. “Ew you’re in this class?” Samira said to me. My relationship with Samira is quite strange. I went to elementary with her and we were sort of friends and also sort of not friends. I don’t know how to describe it but she was mad at me to telling Robert’s mom about him. She was mad at me because I hurt Isabella, which I had no intentions of doing. Mrs. Gennaro gave me the work packet, and I worked on that while everyone else took the quiz. I hoped she didn’t know that I liked her daughter. After this and science class, I went to bible. I came in and my teacher, Mr. Delke, gave me my seat, which was right behind Jasmine. I was happy that I had classes with both the girls I liked, but I still needed to decide who I wanted more. I wanted Jasmine more because I was actually her friend and I knew a bit about her, but I also was thinking about Isabella more.
  16. September 11th, 2017
  17. Today is 9/11. We talked about it in Bible class and had an interesting conversation. After school I was playing geometry dash on my iPad. I wanted to beat a level called Deception Dive on it, which is a really hard level. I wanted the title of having the hardest demon beaten on mobile. So, as I was playing it, Isabella comes up. Robert whispers something in her ear, and then pulls her hair tie. I had told Robert that I like it when girls have their hair down more than in a pony tail. I had told him how I felt when Jasmine had her hair down. She always has it in a pony tail, and one day she wore it down. So, Robert pulls her hair tie out, and tells me to look up. I knew exactly what he was doing, but I like playing stupid so I said I had no idea what happened. As they were walking away, I got a new record on Deception Dive, and I told him. I then asked why he did that, and he said because he wanted to mess with me. He also said he told her that I like her. I immediately got mad at that, and questioned him why, which he didn’t care or take seriously. He stayed the entire day upset, and at night, he told me that he was just messing with me, and that he didn’t actually tell her. Oh boy, if only that was true.
  18. September 19th, 2017
  19. Yesterday I did something stupid as usual. I struggled with thinking before I speak, and I’d say anything without caring. There is a word that is used to insult girls, and that word it “Thot”, which stands for “that hoe over there”. I, not caring about anything, was talking to Robert and when he explained what I thot was, I jokingly said “so your sister”. He told Isabella that I said that, and she got mad at me for that. That was yesterday, but today was painful. As I got in my car when my dad picked me up, he gave me news that my grandpa had passed away. I felt extremely sad. This month had been really bad. I had been banned from my favorite server for no reason, which lasted the entire month and I was unable to play. It was really sad because I had talked to him right before he passed and he seemed casual. I was able to say goodbye before he passed. It kept getting worse and worse. The doctors said he had two weeks left, and then two days later they said he could passed any day, and then the next day he passed.
  20. September 20th, 2017
  21. I was sitting in geometry feeling sad about what had happened the day before, and Samira comes up to me saying we need to talk. She tells me that if I insult Isabella ever again, then she’ll tell the principle. I wasn’t expecting her to do that because I had already said I wouldn’t continue, but I guess Isabella told other people. I mean I can’t blame her, she probably was upset about what I said as anyone should. I told Robert that I said I wouldn’t and that I couldn’t take it, which he didn’t care. He spammed me random images on his camera role which absolutely pissed me off. He asked me after I got home if I were alright, and I said I wasn’t. I started ranting to him about what happened and how mad I was at him for telling her that I said that, even though he called her friends thots as well. And, he didn’t care. All he said was “oh well” and didn’t take anything I was saying seriously. That was a problem I had with him, when I was seriously upset or mad, he never took my seriously and it felt like he purposely tried harder to make me even more angry. I tried to cool off, and I joined a voice call with some friends. I was in a discord with a group of people in my guild. The group call was between my friends whos names are cuhz, P0ke, BKLYN_Warlord, and Droxeren. I was able to calm down a lot, and I stopped crying. In the call, cuhz decided to prank call McDonalds. He asked who was speaking, and the person said that they were the manager. So, he continued, and asked if he could plan a birthday party for his five years old son Philip. The manager didn’t know what to say and asked if he could hold, and then she left for about five minutes. All of us were laughing like crazy, and cuhz told us to shut up. He started laughing too, and told us that if she heard him laughing, he’ll say that his son fell down the stairs. When he said that, I started laughing so hard that I couldn’t breathe. Cuhz is a really funny person. I felt a lot better after that day. The next few days, I apologized to Isabella, but Samira still bothered me. She came into my group during geometry and bothered me about it and spent the rest of class arguing with me over was Isabella said previously, and she tried every possible way to put me in the wrong position. I told her that I already apologized, but she didn’t care and kept trying to make the situation worse. I told Isabella that, and she told me that she told Samira not to bother me about it, which she ignored. I guessed that my apology would help out with our relationship, but she still said she wouldn’t unblock me or let me try and talk.
  22. October 16th, 2017
  23. I had finally built up the courage to talk to Isabella. Previously, I had seen Robert talk to her about something, but I wasn’t sure what it was, so I asked him and he said that he wanted her to tell me that she doesn’t like me and tell me to stop liking her. I thought that made no sense because you can’t stop liking someone just because they don’t like you. So, he tried forcing it, and grabbed my arm and tried to bring me to her, which failed the first time. The second time, he tied my backpack to his, and then dragged me across the campus trying to find her. I took my backpack off and ran because I was too afraid of her telling me that she doesn’t like me, and all that stuff. I finally decided to do it, and when she came by, all I said was “hi” and “bye”. I felt like an idiot, unable to say anything. I wished that I could have done something more, but I didn’t. And it stayed like this. All that happened was awkward conversations of “hi” “how are you” “I’m good thanks”. She unblocked me though, and I was able to text her a little bit, and I felt those conversations were better, but I still wasn’t able to do something special. I started to think of all the worst outcomes of our relationship. Robert told me that he was fearing me abusing her because I’d argue with him so much. Even though we argued a lot, we agreed that our relationship can be like this, and that we only be imperfect with each other. I took this as a real agreement, but it turned out not to be.
  24. November 9th, 2017
  25. In science class I kept asking Robert why he wouldn’t talk to me, and he said because I’m obsessed with his sister and talking about her. He said he warned her about me and how I’m obsessed with her. He said he was protecting her. I felt that he was only doing this for himself because if she didn’t like me, he wouldn’t need to protect her from me. I argued with him for an hour or so, which got nowhere. I was extremely mad at him for this because he told her to stop talking to me entirely and he said he warned her of me. Eventually I calmed down and tried to stop being as mad, but there was one point which somehow upset both of us.
  26. November 11th, 2017
  27. I was playing Minecraft with Robert when we were told about a person threatening to kill us. This person was Akira_the_Pup. He was a gay predator who targeted minors. A friend of mine had told me about this and I asked for evidence. I constantly was talking to Robert and repeating “I need evidence of him saying he wants to kill me”. I had completely forgotten that Akira had threatened Robert as well. In return, Robert got extremely mad at me. “You’re self-centered. You only care about yourself. You don’t care about other people” he said before leaving the discord call. It was here that it really started going south. I made 3 fake discord accounts and tried to reach Robert and say things, as he blocked me on my main. We weren’t on speaking terms for 2 days after this. I didn’t think it would be such a big deal, I thought we could get past this in less than a week. But I was wrong. Very wrong.
  28. November 13th, 2017
  29. I decided to not sit around doing nothing after school. I found my friends, Spencer, Andrew, and Jacob, and they were playing football and messing around. I decided to join them. I had my iPad in my backpack the whole time. After about forty-five minutes of playing, I check my iPad. I had over ten notifications from iMessage. “YOU LIKE ISABELLA” “YOU LIKE ISABELLA” “GENNARO” “Robert told me”. There were messages from my friend, Jonathan. We call him Joemo for a nickname because his full name is Jonathan Morgan, and I guess his parents took the “Jo” from Jonathan and the “Mo” from Morgan and came up with Joemo. Joemo had asked Isabella out to a movie a few weeks prior to this day. She said yes, but then said no, and he was really upset over it. I tried helping him with asking her out, but he questioned if I liked her and I panicked, but he didn’t figure it out. Joemo and Nicholas, my best friend, came by and he asked if I did, and I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want everyone who was with us knowing. It’s sad, because I was actually planning on apologizing to him for my anger. Even though I felt that I was in the right, there were things I didn’t need to do, and I was going to apologize for them. I had a bunch of pictures of Robert being angry and cursing at me, and I had twenty-five of them. “Fuck you” “Nice try you bastard” “Fuck off faggot” are some examples. I had them in case he did something that seriously upset me. I told him that it took one thing for me to use this and show others, like BKLYN_Warlord, our guild master. I didn’t tell him what the one thing was, but the thing was telling anyone that I like his sister. Unfortunately, he told two of my friends. I was furious, and immediately showed cuhz some of the pictures, and told him about leaving our guild so I wouldn’t deal with Robert. The next day, I was sitting with Nicholas and Joemo while they worked on a project. Robert came walking by, and I was full of hatred and anger. I wanted his life to be miserable, and I wanted him to die. I ran up to him, ready to punch him in the nose, but I couldn’t bring myself to. As I was running I told myself not to, and when I ran up to him, and said “You’re an asshole” and walked back. Joemo ran after him and asked if Robert was mad at him, which Robert said he wasn’t. I was ready to show Warlord, and I left the guild that day. The day after, the 15th, I told Warlord that I left the guild because my grades were suffering, and I had a few projects to finish. (The funny thing is, the projects I said I had to finish, I got A’s on both of them). After he responded to what I said, I sent him a link full of the twenty-five pictures. I was kicked from the private discord that had only Warlord’s closest friends; I still don’t know who kicked me.
  30. November 16th, 2017
  31. The second worst day of the year, I was angry throughout all my classes about what Robert had done. It was a rainy day. Rain represents my emotions. It either means a good day, or a bad day. So, if I’m upset and it’s a rainy day, it’ll be a bad day. If I’m happy and it’s a rainy day, it’ll be a good day. I came out of the gym building and I saw Robert with a friend, who was also named Robert. His discord name was Sonia, and I immediately knew who it was. I walked past him with a glare, and then waited next to the school door. I had a feeling Robert would come this way, because I know how he is. As I predicted, he came by. Angry and not caring about anything or anyone, I said “I know who Sonia is” and walked away. As expected, he followed me. I walked around and around, and he kept following me. He sarcastically apologized, saying “I’m sorry for being a good friend, I’m sorry for caring for my sister”. He followed me for twenty minutes, even after me telling him to leave me alone countless times. “Leave me the fuck alone you cunt” I said out of anger as I was walking up and down the stairs. At this time, he started saying something, which I wasn’t paying attention to. I went on discord, copied the link, and posted it in the guild discord we were in. I put my phone away and he said to me “Last chance! Are you going to apologize?”. “No.” I replied, walking up the stairs. I sat down at a table, and he finally left me and went away. I checked my phone. “Screw off” the message said. It was from P0ke, one of my best online friends at the time. I went on discord, and I was banned from the server. I walked to the conservatory building, extremely pissed off. As I sat down on the floor against the lockers, I sat in silence. “I just screwed up my friendship with Robert.” I told myself. I had to fix this. I did what I could. I was blocked on discord. And iMessage. So, I went to twitter. I knew he didn’t use it often, so I went there. I spent a good amount of time writing an apology, feeling horrible about what I did. I went home and went on Minecraft, and messaged him, asking if I was still blocked. He told me that this was what I wanted, and he tried to warn me of this. I asked that he didn’t block me on Minecraft, to which he didn’t. I went to bed crying my eyes out, praying for any chance of fixing my friendship. I would take a fixed friendship over a romantic relationship with Isabella. But the damage was done, and it was too late.
  32. November 17th, 2017
  33. I went home upset and feeling terrible, because Robert didn’t accept my apology. I found a guild friend in the Smash Heroes lobby and noticed he didn’t have the “ID” tag. I asked him if he was kicked, and he said it was a joke. I told him that I probably wasn’t ever going to be in the guild again, and I explained what happened without giving details. He told me that it was good that I apologized, but it’s nothing I can control if Robert didn’t accept the apology. I stayed up till 2 AM talking to Frit0. He had mentioned that he talked to Warlord and Droxeren about girls, and about girls he asked out and his stress with that. I realized that he struggled with girls as well. So, I responded, hoping for something. “It’s his sister”. “Leaf’s?”. “Yes”. “Eek”. We spent the next day talking, and he said I should apologize to Warlord, and also gave advice, saying I should try and find the switch to turn off my feelings for her. I messaged Warlord, but I was blocked. I told Frit0, and Frit0 talked to Warlord. He said that I had to be chill with Robert before I could talk to Warlord. At this point, I was working on one of my projects, which happened to be on Minecraft. I asked Robert why he told Nicholas and Joemo, and he said that he didn’t tell Joemo, and that it was his fault for reading. I asked why he told Nicholas. “Technically he asked” he responded. I read the conversation, and Nicholas didn’t ask anything close to anything about Isabella. Robert left there, saying I was trying to argue. I got mad at this, because he wasn’t taking responsibility for his actions. That night, I was thinking about everything, and was thinking of a song’s lyrics in my head. “I don’t wanna die, I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all” I was hearing the tune of. I knew the band but couldn’t remember the song name. I searched Queen on YouTube, and the first result was “Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (Official Video)”. I clicked on it and watched the video. Every three seconds, I felt chills. This song was incredible. I wanted to learn the lyrics to this song, so I looked up the lyrics. I repeated the song for a good hour, listening and memorizing the lyrics. I loved this song. I felt like I could relate to this song. Freddy wrote this song, feeling horrible about cheating on his girlfriend. I felt horrible about what I did to Robert. I felt anger too. “So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye. So you think you can love me and leave me to die. Oh. Baby. Can’t do this to me baby. Just got to get out. Just got to get right out of here.” I felt like I was backstabbed by Robert, and I wanted to get out of the feeling of guilt and pain. “Nothing really matters. Anyone can see. Nothing really matters. Nothing really matters, to me”. I destroyed a relationship with a friend who was important in my life. I ruined the chances of being with Isabella, who’s love overpowered mine for Jasmine. Honestly. Nothing really matters to me.
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