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a guest
Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. [words]
  2. u=you
  3. ur=your
  4. genious=genius
  5. y=why
  6. tlk=talk
  7. r=are
  8. i=I
  9. rnt=aren't
  10. imma=I'm going to
  11. mite=might
  12. ther=there
  13. teh=the
  14. yah=yeah
  15. plx=please
  16. pls=please
  17. ppl=people
  18. pl0x=please
  19. o=oh
  20. hmwk=homework
  21. skool=school
  22. thnx=thanks
  23. ty=thank you
  24. tyvm=thank you very much
  25. idc=I don't care
  26. idk=I don't know
  27. thats=that's
  28. gd=good
  29. sup=what's up
  30. whats=what's
  31. ttyl=talk to you later
  32. brb=be right back
  33. np=no problem
  34. 4got=forgot
  35. som1=someone
  36. somit=something
  37. rong=wrong
  38. wehn=when
  39. cos=because
  40. uk=United Kingdom
  41. cus=because
  42. liek=like
  43. lke=like
  44. awsum=awesome
  45. sum=some
  46. c=see
  47. srsly=seriously
  48. rlly=really
  49. rly=really
  50. b=be
  51. n1=nice one
  52. nice1=nice one
  53. ne1=anyone
  54. any1=anyone
  55. ne=any
  56. seprate=seperate
  57. tht=that
  58. werent=weren't
  59. arent=aren't
  60. theyre=they're
  61. diffrent=different
  62. laff=laugh
  63. rite=right
  64. dunno=don't know
  65. ive=I've
  66. em=them
  67. nigth=night
  68. alll=all
  69. nite=night
  70. gonna=going to
  71. wanna=want to
  72. hiya=hi there
  73. hellow=hello
  74. ppls=peoples
  75. k=ok
  76. wut=what
  77. di=did
  78. h8=hate
  79. sk8=skate
  80. jk=just kidding
  81. aprt=apart
  82. ov=of
  83. snipa=sniper
  84. snipah=sniper
  85. iz=is
  86. dmg=damage
  87. dmge=damage
  88. cnt=can't
  89. cant=can't
  90. stickes=stickies
  91. nd=and
  92. n=and
  93. alot=a lot
  94. didnt=didn't
  95. sec=second
  96. secs=seconds
  97. servr=server
  98. ure=you're
  99. dnt=don't
  100. dm=deathmatch
  101. summin=something
  102. somethin=something
  103. im=I'm
  104. frm=from
  105. btw=by the way
  106. grate=great
  107. gr8=great
  108. nt=not
  109. srry=sorry
  110. sry=sorry
  111. plz=please
  112. bck=back
  113. serv=server
  114. afta=after
  115. prblm=problem
  116. r0x=rocks
  117. rox=rocks
  118. bloo=blue
  119. blu=blue
  120. nou=No you
  121. guis=guys
  122. gui=guy
  123. privat=private
  124. wnts=wants
  125. wnt=want
  126. tlking=talking
  127. tlkng=talking
  128. ffs=for fuck's sakes
  129. nvm=nevermind
  130. yup=yep
  131. ded=dead
  132. yh=why
  133. finnaly=finally
  134. finaly=finally
  135. cept=except
  136. sept=except
  137. guees=guess
  138. meh=me
  139. doin=doing
  140. girlz=girls
  141. gurl=girl
  142. gurls=girls
  143. funy=funny
  144. comotion=commotion
  145. outta=out of
  146. neihbors=neighbors
  147. neihbor=neighbor
  148. shure=sure
  149. gj=good job
  150. dont=don't
  151. evry=every
  152. min=minute
  153. iunno=I don't know
  154. unno=don't know
  155. ar=are
  156. bak=back
  157. wont=won't
  158. bc=because
  159. boi=boy
  160. hlp=help
  161. helo=hello
  162. hai=hi
  163. enuff=enough
  164. headin=heading
  165. comming=coming
  166. @=at
  167. da=the
  168. dat=that
  169. neways=anyways
  170. anywho=anyways
  171. dere=there
  172. der=there
  173. servs=servers
  174. sux=sucks
  175. dosnt=doesn't
  176. doesnt=doesn't
  177. dum=dumb
  178. id=I'd
  179. tbh=to be honest
  180. supp=what's up
  181. mum=mom
  182. midle=middle
  183. hilarius=hilarious
  184. sorta=sort of
  185. belived=believed
  186. belive=believe
  187. nais=nice
  188. realy=really
  189. atualy=actually
  190. actualy=actually
  191. actuallly=actually
  192. mutayted=mutated
  193. mutayte=mutate
  194. hes=he's
  195. cuz=because
  196. evar=ever
  197. su=shutup
  198. suc=suck
  199. lemme=let me
  200. neway=anyway
  201. m8=mate
  202. nemore=anymore
  203. moar=more
  204. fck=fuck
  205. ima=I'm going to
  206. gnight=goodnight
  207. tkes=takes
  208. tke=take
  209. l8r=later
  210. l8=late
  211. tomoz=tomorrow
  212. cya=see ya
  213. tho=though
  214. gg=good game
  215. weired=weird
  216. chek=check
  217. dis=this
  218. yayt=yay
  219. taht=that
  220. tat=that
  221. shuld=should
  222. evryone=everyone
  223. hav=have
  224. talkes=talks
  225. talke=talk
  226. starnge=strange
  227. absolutly=absolutely
  228. absoluetly=absolutely
  229. totaly=totally
  230. dicision=decision
  231. discision=decision
  232. goin=going
  233. av=have
  234. wai=way
  235. afk=away from keyboard
  236. yung=young
  237. no1=noone
  238. notise=notice
  239. notising=noticing
  240. ahev=have
  241. htye=they
  242. spose=suppose
  243. supose=suppose
  244. sponser=sponsor
  245. eys=yes
  246. thx=thanks
  247. probly=probably
  248. mu=my
  249. waddup=what's up
  250. wazup=what's up
  251. wazzup=what's up
  252. wats=what's
  253. accsedent=accident
  254. accedent=accident
  255. comin=coming
  256. helth=health
  257. lier=liar
  258. shud=should
  259. dubble=double
  260. duble=double
  261. clikc=click
  262. imagineable=imaginable
  263. relized=realized
  264. relize=realize
  265. relise=realise
  266. wat=what
  267. lookking=looking
  268. lookk=look
  269. ciclrs=circles
  270. circls=circles
  271. sum1=someone
  272. sumone=someone
  273. whaat=what
  274. walss=walls
  275. wal=wall
  276. trivvia=trivia
  277. naeighbor=neighbor
  278. molsters=molesters
  279. molster=molester
  280. ere=here
  281. nop=nope
  282. doesent=doesn't
  283. wot=what
  284. isint=isn't
  285. instal=install
  286. wasnt=wasn't
  287. gud=good
  288. suer=sure
  289. ahd=had
  290. urself=yourself
  291. crapy=crappy
  292. supposively=suppositively
  293. enrmous=enormous
  294. thts=thats
  295. wuts=whats
  296. cancled=canceled
  297. il=I'll
  298. suk=suck
  299. ull=you'll
  300. u'll=you'll
  301. etc=etc.
  302. quater=quarter
  303. probaly=probably
  304. applyed=applied
  305. anywats=anyways
  306. 2day=today
  307. awesum=awesome
  308. thot=thought
  309. Coz=because
  310. irc=IRC
  311. xd=XD
  312. tc=TC
  313. fial=fail
  314. ill=I'll
  315. bcuse=because
  316. dlwed=downloaded
  317. os=OS
  318. bcus=because
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