

Jul 10th, 2018
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  1. “Now gently pull your friend to your chest and gently give them a firm hug.”
  3. Fluttershy watched as her class brought their mice to their chest, hugging them like instructed. She liked when she got to teach her class how to make friends with animals, although sometimes it was difficult, like breathing for the mouse Yona was squeezing.
  5. As Fluttershy came racing over to stop Yona, the rest of the class laughed aloud, finding it funnier than Fluttershy had.
  7. “I think that’s enough for today. Please bring your friends back up to the front.”
  9. One by one, the class brought their mouse to Fluttershy who passed them over onto the window sill to run home. Ocellus was the last still at her desk. She was too distracted in hugging her mouse that she hadn’t noticed everyone else had left. Only Silverstream was still in the room asking Fluttershy a question that she couldn’t make out.
  11. “Out of the question! You can’t have any of these cute, innocent mice.”
  13. Ocellus definitely heard that. But what did Silverstream ask? It seemed like she wanted to take a mouse with her, but what for? More friendship training on her own? Maybe this was a chance to do something for Silverstream. After all, Rarity’s last lesson taught her that giving to your friends without expecting anything at all is what friends do.
  15. ‘I could give her my mouse… But Professor Fluttershy would be upset if I did that.’ Ocellus raked her brain, only snapping out of it when Fluttershy had wandered over, collecting her mouse from between her hooves. ‘Oh~ what am I going to do now?’
  17. Ocellus left the classroom, seeing Silverstream at the other end of the hall. She was looking a bit depressed, probably from being told off so loudly by Fluttershy. Then an idea popped into her head. In a quick flash of blue, Ocellus disappeared and on the ground where she stood, was a light blue mouse with a red tuft of fur on her head.
  19. She didn’t want Silverstream to see her and ruin the surprise so transforming from far away was the only option. Unfortunately the run to the other side was tiring to say the least. After a quick stop to catch her breath through the panting and wheezing, Ocellus looked up at the towering Silverstream above her.
  21. “Silverstream!”
  23. She shouted, before immediately covering her mouth. She didn’t want Silverstream to know it was her, which would ruin the point of giving with expecting.
  25. Silverstream’s ears perked up as she turned around, looking for the source of the voice.
  27. “Did someone call me?”
  29. Squeaks began to enter her ears as she looked down to find a small, blue mouse, squeaking and waving its paws in the air at her. Silverstream’s head drop to the ground to get a better look at the mouse.
  31. “Oh wow! You are so adorable. Did you come back for me, even though Professor Fluttershy said not to?”
  33. To keep up appearances, Ocellus nodded, pretending to have been one of the mice from the class.
  35. “That’s amazing!”
  37. Silverstream swiped the mouse up in her claw, lifting it into the air as she fluttered up and spun with the mouse up over her head.
  39. Fluttershy exited the classroom Silverstream had been in. Acting quickly, she deposited the mouse into her satchel, not wanting Fluttershy to see her with a mouse, even if it did choose to come to her.
  41. Ocellus was caught off guard by the sudden grabbing of her body by Silverstream’s gigantic claws and even more so by the sudden drop into her bag. She too caught a small glimpse of Fluttershy so she understood Silverstream’s train of thought. She just wished this bag wasn’t so full of large, heavy books that swayed back and forth against her, moving with Silverstream’s steps.
  44. Classes were finally over and Silverstream raced back to her room, not once all day taking her mind off that friendly mouse of hers. She gently placed her bag on the ground, opening it slowly and scooping up the mouse that was sleeping at the bottom of her bag.
  46. Ocellus awoke to the claws of Silverstream, wrap around her again as she was lifted from the bag.
  48. “I’m so excited!”
  50. Silverstream floated backwards, never taking her eyes off the mouse as she landed in the middle of her bed where she sat upright with the mouse in her left claw.
  52. “I haven’t had a mouse in a long time. Fluttershy wouldn’t give me one but you want to be with me, don’t you?”
  54. She was met with a nod from the mouse which only caused Silverstream’s smile to widen. “You’ve been so nice Mr Mouse. Maybe I should return the favour first.”
  56. Using her right claw, she placed a talon on each of the mouse’s thighs, spreading them apart in her claw.
  58. “Or should I say, Miss Mouse.”
  60. ‘Wait! Silverstream, it’s me, Ocellus.’
  62. That’s what she wanted to say but instead, only could muster a high squeal as one of Silverstream’s talons had already entered her body. She tried to kick it back but the thickness of the talon kept her legs too far spread.
  64. “Does that feel good Miss Mouse?”
  66. ‘Yes it does.’
  68. Ocellus’ eyes widened. What was she talking about, this isn’t what she wanted, but then again, if Silverstream didn’t know she was the mouse, then this was just her being generous like she attempted to be.
  70. The thick talon filled up Ocellus as she squeaked out, feeling the most pleasure when the tip would strike her inner walls. Like a geyser, albeit a tiny one, she erupted, her fluids splurging out of the tight gaps between her sex and Silverstream’s talon
  72. “Did that feel good?”
  74. Ocellus lay still on her back, eyes closed, her chest pounding as Silverstream gently rubbed her soaked talon over her belly, lathering her in her own fluids.
  76. “I hope you enjoyed that, after what you’ve given me. I haven’t had a mouse since before we first hid undersea. But now that we don’t need to hide underwater anymore, I can have mice again and you’ll be my first.”
  78. ‘First what? Pet? Did Silverstream think Ocellus had offered herself to be Silverstream’s pet. She had to tell her the truth, this had gone a bit further than she expected.
  80. As Ocellus opened her eyes, she saw Silverstream’s beak, open wide and glistening with saliva as it hung below her as Silverstream’s claw tilted her towards it. She was so shocked at what her friend was about to do to her that she couldn’t get out anything but another squeak.
  82. She turned onto her belly, reaching up and grabbing onto on of the talons, holding onto it as she slipped off the palm of Silverstream’s claw and now dangled over the open beak.
  84. “Now now, no more playing around. You said you wanted to be my meal and I gave you your fun first. Now it’s my turn.”
  86. Silverstream’s other claw came up from below, grabbing Ocellus by one of her dangling feet. It effortlessly pulled her from her grip on the talon as she now hung upside down by a single foot.
  88. Without hesitation, Silverstream lowered her, head first between her mandibles, sliding her along her tongue.
  90. “Silver-“
  92. The beak snapped shut, silencing Ocellus who had only just found her voice. She tried to squirm in her tight prison but the tongue was already enjoying it as it prodded at her body, licking between her legs which were still wet from previously.
  94. Silverstream looked back to the door, thinking she heard someone call her name again. When no one called out or knocked, she brought her attention back to her meal. Its tail swung violently from between her beak as it struggled inside.
  96. It was so strange; she knew that she wanted to eat a mouse. They all overheard her when she asked Fluttershy. Even after that, this one still came to her, knowing she would eat her, why does it struggle so much? Maybe she should reconsider what she was doing. Did this mouse not like it?
  98. No, it must have, it knew what it was getting into. Maybe she just likes to pretend she doesn’t like it. It would be weird for a mouse that likes to be eaten. She should hurry this up so her friend can enjoy her stomach like she secretly wants to.
  100. Tilting her head up, Silverstream swallowed, pulling the mouse’s upper body into her throat. Much like a long strand of pasta, Silverstream slurped up the flailing tail, now sealing the mouse’s fate with one last swallow.
  102. Ocellus was shouting in the dark confines of Silverstream’s maw, punching and kicking at whatever her tiny mouse arms and feet could reach. It all got too real as she was suddenly jerked forward, her head and shoulders forced into the tight flesh of the throat.
  104. She tried to brace herself, even pull herself back but after feeling her tail forced back against her, she was thrust forward but another swallow, this time pulling her entire tiny form into the tight tube.
  106. Slowly it massaged her down, each slick pulse just reminding her of how one of her best friends had turned her into a simple meal. As quickly as she was swallowed, she was dropped into the large, cavernous pit of Silverstream’s stomach.
  108. Acids already began to filter in as they dripped from the stomach walls, all gathering at her feet to enjoy the sacrifice Silverstream had offered them.
  110. Ocellus began to panic. She didn’t want to be digested, especially not by her friend. Scared for her own safety, she decided to revert her transformation. Although she wasn’t sure what would happen to Silverstream.
  112. In a flash of blue, Ocellus found herself, still a mouse, still in Silverstream’s stomach.
  114. “What’s going on?”
  116. Another flash, another, another. One after the other, Ocellus tried to transform, but each time it failed. She kept trying, each time only causing the acids, which now were at waist height, to bubble around her.
  118. It seems like her transformations only work if there is space to do so. Being cramped in this tiny stomach means that she can only be something small, cramped in this tiny stomach until she is no longer anything at all.
  120. The acids, now flicking at her chest, she refused to stop as she tried to transform again and again, each time only building up the reaction with the acids.
  122. “Silverstream! Let me out!”
  125. “Yo, Silverstream. The rest of us are going to the lake to skip rocks. Wanna come?”
  127. Smoulder was leaning against the door frame, waiting for Silverstream’s response.
  129. “Absolutely.”
  131. “By the way. Have you seen Ocellus? I was gonna invite her but I can’t find her.”
  133. Silverstream shrugged with her claws turned up in the air. As she opened her mouth to respond, a loud blast of gas escaped her beak, putting anything Smoulder had done previously to shame.
  135. “Nope, haven’t seen her.”
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