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Aug 18th, 2019
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  1. #' @include DBConnection.R
  2. NULL
  4. #' Generate SQL: CREATE TABLE
  5. #'
  6. #' @param conn A subclass of \code{\linkS4class{DBIConnection}} describing
  7. #' an active database connection.
  8. #' @param name A string giving the table name to create. Escaped with
  9. #' \code{\link{dbQuoteIdentifier}}
  10. #' @param fields,types Character vectors of equal lengths giving the names
  11. #' and types of the table's columns. Fields is escaped with
  12. #' \code{\link{dbQuoteIdentifier}}. Types is not escaped.
  13. #' @param ... Other arguments passed on to methods. Not otherwise used.
  14. #' @aliases sqlCreateTable,DBIConnection-method
  15. #' @export
  16. #' @examples
  17. #' conn <- setClass("Mock", "DBIConnection")()
  18. #'
  19. #' sqlCreateTable(conn, "mtcars", names(mtcars), dbDataType(conn, mtcars))
  20. setGeneric("sqlCreateTable", function(conn, name, fields, types, ...) {
  21. standardGeneric("sqlCreateTable")
  22. }, signature = "conn", valueClass = "SQL")
  24. setMethod("sqlCreateTable", "DBIConnection",
  25. function(conn, name, fields, types, ...) {
  26. stopifnot(length(fields) == length(types))
  28. SQL(paste0(
  29. "CREATE TABLE ", dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, name), " (",
  30. paste0(dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, fields), " ", types, collapse = ", "),
  31. ")"
  32. ))
  33. }
  34. )
  36. #' Generate SQL: DELETE FROM
  37. #'
  38. #' @inheritParams sqlCreateTable
  39. #' @param name A string giving the table name to delete from. Escaped with
  40. #' \code{\link{dbQuoteIdentifier}}
  41. #' @param where An optional string providing an SQL expression used to restrict
  42. #' the set of rows to be deleted. Not escaped.
  43. #' @aliases sqlDeleteFrom,DBIConnection-method
  44. #' @export
  45. #' @examples
  46. #' conn <- setClass("Mock", "DBIConnection")()
  47. #'
  48. #' sqlDeleteFrom(conn, "mtcars")
  49. #' sqlDeleteFrom(conn, "mtcars", "cyl = 4")
  50. setGeneric("sqlDeleteFrom", function(conn, name, where = NULL, ...) {
  51. standardGeneric("sqlDeleteFrom")
  52. }, signature = "conn", valueClass = "SQL")
  54. setMethod("sqlDeleteFrom", "DBIConnection",
  55. function(conn, name, where = NULL, ....) {
  56. sql <- paste0("DELETE FROM ", dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, name))
  57. if (!is.null(where)) {
  58. sql <- paste0(sql, " WHERE ", where)
  59. }
  60. SQL(sql)
  61. }
  62. )
  64. #' Generate SQL: DROP TABLE
  65. #'
  66. #' @inheritParams sqlCreateTable
  67. #' @param name A string giving the table name to drop. Escaped with
  68. #' \code{\link{dbQuoteIdentifier}}
  69. #' @aliases sqlDropTable,DBIConnection-method
  70. #' @export
  71. #' @examples
  72. #' conn <- setClass("Mock", "DBIConnection")()
  73. #'
  74. #' sqlDropTable(conn, "mtcars")
  75. setGeneric("sqlDropTable", function(conn, name, ...) {
  76. standardGeneric("sqlDropTable")
  77. }, signature = "conn", valueClass = "SQL")
  79. setMethod("sqlDropTable", "DBIConnection",
  80. function(conn, name, ...) {
  81. SQL(paste0("DROP TABLE ", dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, name)))
  82. }
  83. )
  85. #' Generate SQL: INSERT INTO
  86. #'
  87. #' @inheritParams sqlCreateTable
  88. #' @param name A string giving the table name to insert into. Escaped with
  89. #' \code{\link{dbQuoteIdentifier}}
  90. #' @param values a data frame containing values to insert into the table.
  91. #' Character columns will be escaped with \code{\link{dbQuoteString}}.
  92. #' @param fields The names of the fields to insert into. Defaults to
  93. #' \code{names(values)}.
  94. #' @aliases sqlInsertInto,DBIConnection-method
  95. #' @return A \code{\link{SQL}} of length \code{nrow(values)}.
  96. #' @export
  97. #' @examples
  98. #' conn <- setClass("Mock", "DBIConnection")()
  99. #'
  100. #' sqlInsertInto(conn, "mtcars", mtcars)
  101. setGeneric("sqlInsertInto", function(conn, name, values, fields = names(values), ...) {
  102. standardGeneric("sqlInsertInto")
  103. }, signature = "conn", valueClass = "SQL")
  105. setMethod("sqlInsertInto", "DBIConnection",
  106. function(conn, name, values, fields = names(values), ...) {
  107. stopifnot(, length(values) == length(fields))
  109. sql_fields <- paste0(dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, fields), collapse = ", ")
  111. # Escape strings in values
  112. is_string <- vapply(values, is.character, logical(1))
  113. values[is_string] <- lapply(values[is_string], dbQuoteString, conn = conn)
  115. # Generate one sql expression per row of input
  116. values_mat <-"cbind", values)
  117. values_row <- apply(values_mat, 1, paste, collapse = ", ")
  119. SQL(paste0("INSERT INTO ", dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, name),
  120. " (", sql_fields, ") ",
  121. "VALUES ", values_row))
  122. }
  123. )
  125. #' Generate SQL: UPDATE
  126. #'
  127. #' @inheritParams sqlCreateTable
  128. #' @param name A string giving the table name to update. Escaped with
  129. #' \code{\link{dbQuoteIdentifier}}
  130. #' @param set a named list of character vectors or \code{\link{SQL}} objects.
  131. #' Not escaped (because it's hard in general to do a good job of it).
  132. #' Names are escaped with \code{\link{dbQuoteIdentifier}}.
  133. #' @param where An optional string providing an SQL expression used to restrict
  134. #' the set of rows to be updated. Not escaped.
  135. #' @aliases sqlUpdate,DBIConnection-method
  136. #' @export
  137. #' @examples
  138. #' conn <- setClass("Mock", "DBIConnection")()
  139. #'
  140. #' sqlUpdate(conn, "mtcars", c(mpg = "mpg / 22"))
  141. setGeneric("sqlUpdate", function(conn, name, set, where = NULL, ...) {
  142. standardGeneric("sqlUpdate")
  143. }, signature = "conn", valueClass = "SQL")
  145. setMethod("sqlUpdate", "DBIConnection",
  146. function(conn, name, set, where = NULL, ...) {
  147. set_names <- dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, names(set))
  149. SQL(paste0("UPDATE ", dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, name), " SET ",
  150. paste0(set_names, " = ", set, collapse = ", "),
  151. if (!is.null(where)) paste0(" WHERE ", where)
  152. ))
  153. }
  154. )
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