

Jun 8th, 2016
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  1. CAO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  3. CUC: >Play
  4. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  5. ?AO: World File A detected. Loading.
  6. ?AO: Loading...
  7. ?AO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  8. CUC: >Recall recent past? (I'm not feeling like pulling up the last log.)
  9. ?AO: Well, you're currently standing on the edge of Wveru Geten, just before the fallen body of Delta. You are doing so with your new friend, the great and lovable Charoite, as you watch the eldritch maroon smoke thin out across the Void.
  10. CUC: Ah.
  11. CUC: Thank.
  12. CUC: >Restrain Delta somehow? We don't want him waking up and going crazy again.
  13. ?AO: Charoite looks over to Delta. "I've got this. Just let me visualize the inside of your ship for a sec."
  14. ?AO: She crouches over Delta, twisting her hands slightly. Suddenly, Delta is encapsulated in an amethyst bubble. With another flick of her wrists, the bubble, containing the guy, vanishes. "That probably won't kill him."
  15. ?AO: "What do you plan to do next, exactly?"
  16. CUC: >"Go to the Eta Sector, maybe."
  17. ?AO: She contemplates this for a moment. "Hmm. Why, again? There isn't much up there, I don't think."
  18. CUC: "Well, what places are interesting around here? I'm kinda just wandering and also trying to find Void Shards."
  19. ?AO: "There's really something interesting EVERYWHERE, honestly. If you want to just sweep the place, the most efficient way to do it would probably just be to go up to Eta, and take a spiral all around the sectors, ending up directly back here."
  20. CCW ceased responding to memo.
  21. CUC: "I guess I'll just do that, then. That works."
  22. ?AO: The smoke pouring from the remnants of the Grayholdian ship suddenly grows a bit more intense. "... Us. If you're fine with that."
  23. CUC: "Yeah, you can come along. I mean, I guess I should check with the others, but I bet they'll be fine with it."
  24. ?AO: "Great, thanks!" They're going to be fine with it. That's how this works.
  25. ?AO: Would you like to plot a course to the Eta Sector?
  26. CUC: I know, I just said that for ingame effect.
  27. CUC: And >Y.
  28. ?AO: I'm aware.
  29. ?AO: Using the Etym Yveltian, you can once more get there in twenty minutes. Not an absurd amount of time to burn, you must say.
  30. ?AO: ETA: twenty minutes.
  31. CUC: Hrm, can we test out the Pen in that time? (Also, is the Pen limited by, say, a limited supply of ink, or is that just taken care of by magic?)
  32. ?AO: You can certainly try; the pen itself appears to have an unlimited supply of its writing fluid.
  33. CUC: Wonderful.
  34. CUC: >Test out your newly-acquired magical writing instrument. Also perhaps consult Charoite about it.
  35. ?AO: You scribble a few things down on paper. Not much happens, save for you noting that the thing applies magetear to your writing surface of choice. Charoite literally has no idea how the Pen functions.
  36. CUC: >Try writing "Flame" on a piece of paper. (oooooh. I just had a wonderful idea, but I want to try this first.)
  37. CUC: I suspect this thing functions on Drenovian somehow.
  38. ?AO: You inscribe said word onto a sheet of paper. Nothing truly occurs, though the magetear words do briefly flicker to an image of flame.
  39. CUC: Hm.
  40. CUC: I suppose we'll have to try it out in combat, perhaps. Otherwise... >Try doing the same, but with the Drenovian word "GWE", or whatever equivalent if it has a specific set of characters.
  41. CUC: (I wonder if this'll turn the paper green.)
  42. ?AO: You simply write GWE down in standard letters, as it should be.
  43. ?AO: The paper seems to mildly shift in hue, toward a more green color.
  44. ?AO: But only slightly.
  45. CUC: Hrm.
  46. CUC: Okay, so it works when writing Drenovian.
  47. CUC: Kinda.
  48. CCA: ((test it on other languages maybe?))
  49. CUC: Aklo?
  50. CUC: Sure.
  51. ?AO: If you so wish.
  52. CUC: Let me pull out my translator...
  53. CUC: >Try writing 'Fm'latgh' on another piece of paper.
  54. CUC: (Aklo for 'Burn'.)
  55. ?AO: You do so.
  56. ?AO: Nothing occurs whatsoever.
  57. CUC: Hrm.
  58. CUC: More experimentation is required!
  59. ?AO: Hah.
  60. CUC: >Write 'GWE' on a fresh piece of paper, around 10 times.
  61. CCA: ((inb4 GWEGWE actually means "instant death cognitohazard" ))
  62. ?AO: The paper remains the initial shade of pseudo-green throughout.
  63. CUC: Huh.
  64. CUC: So multiple applications don't increase the effect.
  65. CCA: ((do we have two synonymous drenovian words))
  66. CUC: No, not yet.
  67. CUC: I have DRAXIS, meaning diamond, and RUBIS, meaning an infused gem like that which forms the core of Gems, but nothing explicitly synonymous.
  68. CUC: Actually..
  69. CUC: >Write "WVERU GETEN" on another piece of paper. (Let's see if 'Great Revelation' does anything.)
  70. ?AO: The magetear ink of the two words stretches across the paper, forming itself into a number of eyeballs covering the sheet.
  71. CCA: ((what the hell))
  72. ?AO: Whilst you attempt to work with the pen, Charoite appears to be conversing with Cyan and Topaz. They're having a great time! Laughing, watching Topaz pull a sword of hard-light out of her navel, all that normal stuff.
  73. CUC: >Wait, what was that last one again? (Rhetorical question, of course.) Go over and talk to them.
  74. ?AO: They don't particularly notice you pop in. "Yooo. Charoite's trying to explain how these weapon things work."
  75. ?AO: "People talking is unusually effective at keeping the ashy flashbacks from returning. Ashbacks."
  76. CUC: >Inquire on how Topaz managed to summon her weapon. You've gotten one perspective, maybe another would be interesting.
  77. CUC: (Also, Cobalt, what are you planning in that RP?)
  78. ?AO: "Hmm. I... am pretty sure that it's just a natural thing? Follow the ebb and flow? I don't really know what I'm doing." Topaz chuckles a bit, sadly.
  79. ?AO: Please enter command.
  80. CUC: >"Huh. Cool."
  81. ?AO: "You probably don't get to say that... until after you've figured out how to make it go away."
  82. ?AO: Before you know it, the window outside shows you a view of the arcanium cliff face of a large landmass in what appears to be the Eta Sector.
  83. ?AO: Who, exactly, do you wish to go with outside?
  84. CUC: (Heh, looking back, it appears as though Malpeiyc might've offered us items that we had to figure out how to use,)
  85. CUC: (Clever of him.)
  86. ?AO: Malpeiyc of Geten is one of the most intelligent and clever people I know, of course.
  87. CUC: (Also, -endgame- might mean we only unlock how to use them AT the endgame.)
  88. CUC: Hrm.
  89. CCW ceased responding to memo.
  90. CUC: Anyone else want to weigh in on who we take out>
  91. ?AO: I question whether or not there is anyone else yet living here.
  92. CUC: Wait, I know two people who might weigh in. >Ask Topaz if she's feeling up to going out. >Ask Charoite if she wants to go out.
  93. CUC: Also, is there a max party size, or can we just go with everyone?
  94. ?AO: You can go with whoever you wish, no matter the size.
  95. ?AO: Topaz is apprehensive. "I. Uh. Don't think that's the best idea. I barely have a weapon, and am also mildly terrified of everything. Sorry."
  96. ?AO: Charoite is pretty okay with whatever.
  97. ?AO: To quote her.
  98. CUC: >"It's fine. You can stay behind and guard the ship." >Take Cyan and Charoite with you, leave Topaz behind.
  99. ?AO: You descend onto the top of the cliff-face. Ahead lies a monolithic limestone fortress, or rather, a singular tower.
  100. ?AO: The thing appears to be somewhat embedded into yet another, higher, cliff face.
  101. CUC: >Approach tower.
  102. ?AO: As you head forward, you notice the sheer amount of carnage before you. What appears to be hundreds of robotic drones lie about, scattered across the cliff-top. Around them are what appear to be shattered gemstones of some sort.
  103. ?AO: What might have once been the front door of the tower is now a gaping hole, ostensibly blown in by some sort of charge.
  104. CUC: >Be ready for battle. Something shattered gems here.
  105. ?AO: "Hold on a second." Charoite crouches over one of the fallen droids.
  106. ?AO: She pushes the thing over, examining the armor plating. "Wow. I didn't think I'd ever be here again. This is... this is where we took out Falyscint in the war."
  107. ?AO: Regardless, you can hear a roar from off in the distance.
  108. CUC: >Prepare for battle! Roars aren't good.
  109. ?AO: You all prepare. Cyan grabs both of you by the wrists, and pulls you into the tower proper. Defensive maneuvers are critical.
  110. ?AO: The sound of something scaly batting through the air becomes evident.
  111. ?AO: Suddenly, a wave of flames blasts through the shattered doorway of the tower, narrowly avoiding incinerating you all.
  112. ?AO: Do you wish to engage in combat?
  113. CUC: >Y
  115. CUC: >OBSERVE
  116. ?AO: Pepperbreath: ██████████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: The now-feral dragon of the long-forgotten sorcerer Falyscint the Wise. Covered in aged scarlet scales. The dragon's belly glows in cracks with embers. The life of even eternal flame is but a blink of an eye, to be cherished.
  117. CUC: Hrm.
  118. CUC: >Charoite: Assault with wand-blasts. >Cyan: Defend, shield. >Azure: Assault, Brinewater.
  119. ?AO: ((Fucking hell. /AFK. Please stand by. Or alternatively just imagine the various was you can kill this thing.))
  120. ?AO: Charoite's an independent woman, with her own damn life! You can't control her!
  121. CUC: Imagining as I write, and you read.
  122. CUC: Ah.
  123. CURRENT canonW [CCW] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  124. CCW: I am the free woman.
  125. ?GG: ...
  126. ?GG: also, fınally got a thıng ı ordered
  127. CURRENT caledfwlchUnleashed [CCU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  128. CCU: AMBUSH!!!
  129. CCU: OK, there's been delays but | think | can finish this off tonight.
  130. CCU: Huzzah.
  131. CCW: Sup.
  132. CUC: Yo, Tazz.
  133. CUC: I see the RP started.
  134. CUC: And Cobalt also joined.
  135. CCA: ((brb))
  136. CCP: om nom nom
  137. ?GG: usb gamecube controller fınally arrıved
  138. ?AO: ((/UNAFK.))
  139. CUC: WB.
  140. ?AO: Cyan pulls up a shield, and you immediately just fire a bolt of brinewater directly into Pepperbreath.
  141. ?AO: Heads. The dragon screeches as the fluid seeps between its scales.
  142. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  143. ?AO: The dragon punches through solid brick with a claw. Stone rains down upon the three of you, mere seconds before a blast of fire knocks all of you off of your feet.
  144. ?AO: All of you, save for Charoite, that is.
  145. ?AO: She manages to summon her weapon, and shoot the dragon in the face with a wand blast, to mostly no avail.
  146. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  148. CUC: >Observe
  149. ?AO: Pepperbreath: ██████████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: The now-feral dragon of the long-forgotten sorcerer Falyscint the Wise. Covered in aged scarlet scales. The dragon's belly glows in cracks with embers. The life of even eternal flame is but a blink of an eye, to be cherished.
  150. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. On fire.
  151. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP. On fire.
  152. ?AO: Charoite: ████████████ HP. On fire.
  153. CUC: >Azure: Extinguish everyone with regular water. >Cyan: Shield again.
  154. ?AO: You manage to extinguish everyone, save for Cyan.
  155. ?AO: Cyan brings up another shield.
  156. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  157. ?AO: The dragon breathes yet another burst of fire into the room, directed specifically at Cyan. The thing can smell your weakness, it seems. Similarly, the fact that defensive actions appear to just be ineffective is a surprisingly increasing trend.
  158. CUC: Indeed.
  159. ?AO: Charoite backs off.
  160. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  162. CUC: >Azure: Assault, Tenebrous Substance. >Cyan: After the use of the Tenebrous Substance, zap with limb destabilizer cannon.
  163. ?AO: The dark fluid is readily absorbed through the dragon's scales. Pepperbreath occasionally writhes madly, some semblance of foam dripping from its mouth. It takes a destabilizer blast to the chest soon afterward.
  164. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  165. ?AO: Cyan burns to death, first off.
  166. ?AO: Poof.
  167. CUC: Ouch.
  168. ?AO: Next, Pepperbreath bursts straight through the wall, crawling into the tower proper. You grab the apatite stone on the ground.
  169. ?AO: You are lit ablaze once more, to say the least.
  170. ?AO: Charoite grabs you by the wrist, and pulls you both behind cover.
  171. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  172. CUC: Damn, and it was my hope that we could scare him off through the pain that the Tenebrous Substance inflicts.
  174. CUC: Mmmmh, bleh. This feels like a losing battle if ever there was one.
  175. ?AO: Hah.
  176. CUC: >Check inventory.
  177. ?AO: AZURE INV: Medkit x6, Water Vial, Mercurial Water Vial, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x7, Gem Fragment x3, Ylahrthuian Salt x11, Amalgam Interface, Flipside Elixir, Potion of the Nine, Draught of Tears, Duopen, Sniper Rifle, Ink Cartridge x2, Gluon Destabilizer x3, Ink Canister x2, Manufactory Key, Tenebrous Substance, Fluchwater, Brinewater, Bristewater, Frequency Resonator, Fountain Pen, Handwritten Post-It Note, Autumnal Hand.
  178. ?AO: CHAROITE INV: Potion of the Nine, Elixir Ophidion.
  179. CUC: >Ovserve.
  180. CUC: *Observe.
  181. ?AO: Pepperbreath: ██████████████████████████████ HP. Afflicted. NOTES: The now-feral dragon of the long-forgotten sorcerer Falyscint the Wise. Covered in aged scarlet scales. The dragon's belly glows in cracks with embers. The life of even eternal flame is but a blink of an eye, to be cherished.
  182. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. On fire.
  183. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP. PHLEROS?
  184. ?AO: Charoite: ████████████ HP.
  185. ?GG: >Ask Charoıte whether she'd be all that torn up ıf we gave pepperbreath braın damage
  186. CUC: >^
  187. ?AO: She whispers back to you. "While I'm normally all for animal rights, it is quite apparent that this thing is going to murder us all. There's your answer."
  188. CUC: >Azure: Fluchwater! Also extinguish yourself with regular water if possible.
  189. ?AO: One or the other.
  190. CCU: | think we can save on extinguishing ourselves right now if possible.
  191. CUC: >Use the Fluchwater.
  192. ?GG: fıne, ASSAULT, Fluchwater
  193. CUC: We can medkit next turn.
  194. ?AO: Very well.
  195. ?AO: You dodge out of the cover, and fire a wave of fluchwater straight into Pepperbreath's eyes. The dark fluid escapes your control, and forms a twisted pseudo-octopus on Pepperbreath's face, accompanied by the sound and acrid smell of sizzling scales.
  196. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  198. ?AO: Pepperbreath thrashes about, burning the roof of the chamber black in an attempt to rid itself of the fluchwater. Some time later, it successfully evaporates the stuff.
  199. ?AO: Charoite takes advantage of this, however, and fires a bolt of light into its right eye.
  200. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  202. CCU: >OBSΞRVΞ
  203. CUC: >Observe
  204. CCU: /AFK
  205. ?AO: Pepperbreath: ██████████████████████████████ HP. Afflicted. NOTES: The now-feral dragon of the long-forgotten sorcerer Falyscint the Wise. Covered in aged scarlet scales. The dragon's belly glows in cracks with embers. The life of even eternal flame is but a blink of an eye, to be cherished.
  206. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. On fire.
  207. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP. PHLEROS?
  208. ?AO: Charoite: ████████████ HP.
  209. CUC: >Azure: Medkit on yourself.
  210. ?AO: You use a medkit.
  211. ?AO: This does not put out the fire in any manner whatsoever.
  212. ?AO: Still, you've been healed.
  213. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  214. ?AO: Rearing about, blood dripping from its eye, Pepperbreath strikes you directly in the chest with its tail. You go soaring through the air, landing roughly on some smooth stone tile.
  216. ?AO: Gasping for breath, you notice something particularly odd about this tile. Mainly that the thing is split down the middle with a line, and is sliding apart.
  217. ?AO: You drop down a hole.
  218. ?GG: ....
  219. ?AO: You can hear Charoite shout something vaguely, but you can't particularly hear it. What now?
  221. CUC: ^
  222. ?AO: You're in total darkness. You can identify exactly two things about your area with your other senses. One, the chamber you are in has no other doors, and is likely a meter by a meter in size. Two, the bottom of the thing is lined with scattered gem shards, crushed apart from the outside.
  223. ?AO: The two doorlike sections of the tile you fell upon begin to close back in.
  224. CCU: oh shit.
  225. CCU: Do we have any way to light up the area?
  226. CUC: Oh... fuck.
  227. CUC: I suspect this is some sort of trap chamber.
  228. CCU: welp, gg.
  229. ?AO: You might have something to light up the room. Perhaps.
  230. CCU: Seriously though do we have any light sources?
  231. CUC: Hrm.
  232. CCU: The other question, of coures, is if it is wise to do so.
  233. CUC: We have our welding equipment, which might make light.
  234. ?AO: Oh, how fortunate. The glow of the apatite gem in your hand is a function enough light source for approximately five seconds, until Cyan drops into your arms, quite confused.
  235. ?AO: *functional.
  236. CUC: Gems can also project light from their ge -- oh.
  237. ?AO: "..."
  238. ?AO: "Where are we?"
  239. CCU: OK, project light form gem, figure out where we are and get out. "| don't know, but | have a very bad feeling this is a trap room of sorts."
  240. CUC: "I don't know, I just fell down here."
  241. CUC: ^Tazz, not mine
  242. ?AO: "... Okay. Can we break the mechanism, or something?"
  243. CCU: "Let's find out."
  244. CCU: >Light Room with Gem, as that's a light source apparently. Or attempt to.
  245. ?AO: Your gem isn't exactly in an optimal place for lighting, but Cyan's forehead stone certainly illuminates all three cubic meters of closing space you have amazingly.
  246. CUC: 1*1*3? This is three meters tall.
  247. ?AO: The pit is three meters tall.
  248. ?AO: Quite a small pit, of course.
  249. CCU: We are so dead...
  250. ?AO: It's almost as if this has never occurred anywhere else before, with remarkably similar abilities at hand!
  251. ?GG: oh.
  252. CUC: Hrm.
  253. ?GG: sard yard.
  254. CCU: well | wasn't there for that, so 
  255. ?GG: fusıon.
  256. ?GG: cough.
  257. CUC: Sardonyx.
  258. CUC: >Fuse.
  259. ?AO: You do some fuckin' hand dance or something.
  260. ?AO: You are officially even more cramped in this hole.
  261. ?GG: god damn ıt you asshole
  262. ?AO: However, you are also a giant woman, with magical powers.
  263. ?GG: >attempt to just kınd of clımb out
  264. CUC: >Smash through the top of the pit by using a water hand moving at high speed. Then lift yourself out with water.
  265. ?AO: You burst through the hole dramatically, and lift yourself out with a platform of water.
  266. CUC: Hey kids! How many water hands do you need to get Aquamarine out of a pit?
  267. CUC: One, at sufficient velocity,
  268. CUC: *.
  269. ?AO: The first thing you can see is Charoite frantically dodging numerous bites from Pepperbreath, laughing and screaming at the same time.
  270. CCU: Welp, we are now a giant woman. How tall is Pepperbreath in comparison to us?
  272. CUC: Tentative plan: Hit Pepperbreath with Fluchwater then zap it while it's distracted.
  273. ?AO: Pepperbreath is still a great deal larger than you.
  274. CUC: >Percieve.
  275. ?AO: Eight feet tall won't cut it when you're dealing with feral dragons, sadly.
  276. CUC: I'm going to have to work on the EOTB soon.
  277. ?AO: Pepperbreath: ██████████████████████████████ HP. Afflicted. NOTES: The now-feral dragon of the long-forgotten sorcerer Falyscint the Wise. Covered in aged scarlet scales. The dragon's belly glows in cracks with embers. The life of even eternal flame is but a blink of an eye, to be cherished.
  278. ?AO: Aquamarine: █████████████████████████ HP.
  279. ?AO: Charoite: ████████████ HP. Bleeding.
  280. CUC: >Dualesion: Hit Pepperbreath with Fluchwater then zap it while it's distracted.
  281. CCW ceased responding to memo.
  282. ?AO: Your dual-assault appears to be radically successful. Pepperbreath screeches, lurches out of the building, and grabs onto the sides, pulling itself out of the tower room, electricity pulsing over it all the while.
  283. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  284. ?AO: Given the respite from the infernal dragon, Charoite simply remarks, "Nice fusion." She winces slightly after looking a few of the evidently dragon-wrought cuts on her body.
  285. ?AO: Pepperbreath's ragged draconic breath can be heard outside.
  286. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  288. CCU: PΞRCΞ|VΞ your situation.
  289. ?AO: The dragon is on the wall of the tower outside, and the three of you are inside the tower. It appears to be some sort of stalemate.
  290. ?AO: Please enter command.
  291. CCU: PΞRC|ΞVΞ status
  292. CCU: *PΞRCΞ|VΞ
  293. ?AO: Pepperbreath: ██████████████████████████████ HP. Afflicted. NOTES: The now-feral dragon of the long-forgotten sorcerer Falyscint the Wise. Covered in aged scarlet scales. The dragon's belly glows in cracks with embers. The life of even eternal flame is but a blink of an eye, to be cherished.
  294. ?AO: Charoite: ████████████ HP. Bleeding.
  295. ?AO: Aquamarine: █████████████████████████ HP.
  296. CUC: We might want to toss a medkit over to Charoite.
  297. ?AO: That might be smart.
  298. CCU: DUALΞS|ON: Toss a Medkit to Charioite and Zap Pepperbreath again.
  299. ?AO: Avail, then dualesion, evidently.
  300. ?AO: Charoite gratefully accepts the medkit, and utilizes it immediately.
  301. ?AO: The electrocution seems to have less of an effect than it did earlier.
  302. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  303. ?AO: Pepperbreath appears to take in some sort of deep breath. Then, with a roar, it flips off of the side of the tower, and desperately spreads its wings, legitimately flying into the tower itself, and miraculously fitting.
  304. CURRENT pionoPlayer [CPP] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  305. CPP: Hi
  306. ?AO: Charoite grabs your collective wrists just as you are all smashed into the back of the tower wall.
  307. ?AO: The dragon is upon you.
  308. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  310. CCU: >Perceive
  311. ?AO: Aquamarine: █████████████████████████ HP.
  312. CCW ceased responding to memo.
  313. ?AO: Charoite: ████████████ HP.
  314. ?AO: Pepperbreath: ██████████████████████████████ HP. Afflicted. NOTES: The now-feral dragon of the long-forgotten sorcerer Falyscint the Wise. Covered in aged scarlet scales. The dragon's belly glows in cracks with embers. The life of even eternal flame is but a blink of an eye, to be cherished.
  315. ?AO: You appear to have borne the brunt of the impact.
  316. CCU: OK...| think, TH|NK, that we might be able to finish this jerk off now.
  317. ?AO: Have some compassion for the poor thing.
  318. ?AO: Calling it a jerk is just plain rude. Dragons are people too, probably.
  319. CCU: |s there space between us and it?
  320. ?AO: Certainly. Three feet of it.
  321. ?AO: If you don't include the legs, that is.
  322. CUC: Ok, I'm off to do the EOTB. On but (hopefully) afm.
  323. CCU: You have that water that makes things more sensitive to pain, right? Or did we already use that?
  324. ?AO: You can use all of your water types whenever you wish.
  325. CCU: | mean, is Pepperbreath already afflicted by that particular water?
  326. CCU: Or no?
  327. CUC: We already used the Tenebrous Substance, ye.
  328. ?AO: Yes.
  329. CCU: Ugh.
  330. CCU: OK, what's something high-damage that we have to burn?
  331. CCU: | genuinely don't know.
  332. ?AO: Well, you've got fluchwater still, perchance. Or mayhaps bristewater.
  333. CCU: DUALΞS|ON, Bristlewater all over it and zap it. Let's hope this works.
  334. ?AO: Very well.
  335. ?AO: The water coats the dragon in mere instants. You use your giant woman strength, pick Charoite up in one hand, and dodge out of the way just before you electrocute the drake.
  336. ?AO: You can practically see the thing's scales sizzling.
  337. ?AO: Heads. It hangs on to life, but just barely.
  338. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  339. ?AO: Pepperbreath lets out a defeated growl, and just sort of collapses to the ground, not bothering to attack you. Charoite does not respond.
  340. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  342. CUC: >Percieve.
  343. ?AO: Pepperbreath: ██████████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: The now-feral dragon of the long-forgotten sorcerer Falyscint the Wise. Covered in aged scarlet scales. The dragon's belly glows in cracks with embers. The life of even eternal flame is but a blink of an eye, to be cherished.
  344. ?AO: Charoite: ████████████ HP.
  345. ?AO: Aquamarine: █████████████████████████ HP.
  346. ?AO: Please enter command.
  347. CCU: Finish this.
  348. ?AO: Are you sure you want to do that?
  349. CCU: Hrm.
  350. CUC: Hm.
  351. CUC: It's not attacking anymore.
  352. CUC: I suspect that, if we let it live, it won't attack in the future either.
  353. CCU: ...Let's leave it for now. |f it tries anything in the future we won't give it a second chance on the matter, then...
  354. CUC: ^
  355. ?AO: Congratulations. You managed to not murder a defenseless animal driven to madness by the loss of its master.
  356. ?AO: As if sensing the tension ebb away, a ladder drops from the ceiling of the chamber, leading on further upwards.
  357. CCU: >Ascend.
  358. CCU: ...Possibly defuse if it must come to that.
  359. ?AO: The ladder is big enough. You'll be fine, if you do not wish to diffuse.
  360. CCU: Ξh, let's continue up for now.
  361. ?AO: The two/three of you reach the next chamber.
  362. ?AO: The room is primarily dominated by stacks of ceramic pots, sealed metallic crates, and some active holographic projector.
  363. ?AO: There is a staircase in the far corner of the room.
  364. ?AO: A well-trampled one, I might add.
  365. ?AO: On second look, you note a few crumpled mechanical robots like the ones outside lying inert on the box piles.
  366. ?AO: As well as a number of gem shards scattered about.
  367. CCU: Ugh.
  368. CCU: | can't really concentrate on this either, update to do.
  369. CCU: Anyone else here got the heart to continue AO, or should we just SAVΞ for now?
  370. CUC: I've gotta EOTB.
  371. CUC: So, anyone else want to continue?
  372. CUC: Also, hi Ire.
  373. CURRENT crankyCreeper [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  374. CCC: hello!
  375. CCC: I won't be here for long.
  376. CUC: >EOTBDOP: Begin.
  377. CUC: >AO: Save.
  378. ?AO: Very well.
  379. ?AO: Saving...
  380. ?AO: Saving...
  381. ?AO: Game saved successfully. Autoquit initiative detected. Quitting game. Have a nice day.
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