
cowgoesmoo's Novice Review

Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. Hey there! :3
  3. I feel like this plot is really unfinished and still needs a lot more before promotion!
  5. Firstly, terrain. The whole thing is fairly flat, apart from the hill in the corner. Your terrain needs to have multiple layers, to create a nice illusion of atmosphere.
  6. Something along the lines of this;
  8. This is a little more complex than what I was aiming for, but it shows you the layers well. Some can be jagged, some can be smooth. You can make as many as those amounts of layers, or you can only make like 3 or 4, it's completely up to you. That image is justa good demonstration of how you could make natural looking flatter terrain to build structures on!
  10. Secondly, organics. You have one tree in the middle of your plot. It's quite haunting actually, and actually tells me a story which I'm not sure you were trying to convey, but even still. I actually quite like it.
  11. However, other organics around the plot would be really nice!
  13. Lastly, structure. The structure you have is interesting. I get the concept, but you're lacking in detailing and depth. Vines are not an acceptable detailing block in this case. Try using blocks like stonebrick and stonebrick stairs on the outside of the clay - bring the corner blocks out one more to create a small amount of depth.
  14. You also need some more structure on this plot!
  16. Good luck!
  17. - Dutty :3
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