
Dry Bowser and Toadette's Mineventure

Oct 15th, 2018
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  1. Dry Bowser was exploring an old mine as he had a flashlight on his hand, having basically finished the job as he paused to hear thunder boom in the distance, hearing the rain pouring from deep within. The skeletal reptile knew that this was not going to end well for him.
  3. "Sounds like another storm has just arrived to ruin my night yet again." Dry Bowser muttered as he brushed his red hair, sighing as he clenched his right fist while having his left hand hold the flashlight. "Well I might as well just call this trip a failure right out of the-"
  5. "Oof!" Toadette screamed as she tumbled into Dry Bowser, reducing him into a pile of bones as she landed right in front of his skull, laughing nervously as she rubbed the back of her head while wearing her treasure tracker outfit. "Oops... sorry about that, DB!"
  7. Dry Bowser growled as he blasted Toadette in the face with a burst of purple flame. "You're stupid, you know that?"
  9. "Oh, I'm well aware!" Toadette laughed after getting the fire off of her face, being covered in ash.
  11. Dry Bowser: (sighing while having his body reconstructed through black magic) I take it that you were discovering some gems on your own?
  13. Toadette: Well yeah, you caught me... (giggles while shrugging)
  15. "So did you get all the gems, then?" Dry Bowser said as he bounced his skull back onto his bony body.
  17. Toadette took a glance into her backpack as she nodded, saluting. "Sure did! Now I gotta hope that it doesn't get lost in the rain out there!"
  19. "I'm sure the rain isn't going to be the only problem..."
  21. "...I know, but you can't tell with the weather!"
  23. After talking with each other for a while, Dry Bowser and Toadette proceeded to head towards the exit, with Dry Bowser chucking some bones at the incoming ghosts haunting them and Toadette farting to make a potent stink to scare them. Eventually, after taking another tumble that landed them into a mine cart, Dry Bowser and Toadette held onto the cart as it rolled on the tracks, with Dry Bowser controlling the cart and making it jump while Toadette was fanning away her farts. Finally, they managed to reach the exit, with there being a rope that led upward as the two climbed up, Dry Bowser going first as he preferred to not face Toadette's farts. Emerging out in the pouring rain as they reached the top, the two were soaked as they stood outside the mine.
  25. "Well that was hectic as usual, but at least I didn't damage my flashlight." Dry Bowser said as he placed his light back into his charcoal shell.
  27. Toadette squealed with delight after checking her backpack. "And my gems are still shining despite this rainy predicament!"
  28. With this not being enough to deter either of them, Dry Bowser and Toadette decided to head to somewhere more dry that the soaked mine, with the thunderstorm not being enough to stop either of them.
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