
[Octavia][Sad, Ecchi] Behind Closed Doors

Oct 1st, 2013
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  1. >”What a wonderful opera, don’t you think, Anon?”
  2. >You chuckle and shrug.
  3. “It was... interesting?”
  4. >Having little expertise on the subject, you really didn’t have much to say about it.
  5. >”Interesting? The production was fantastic! The cast worked incredibly together! And the final aria was sublime! Anon, you really should open your eyes to the classics every once in a while.”
  6. >You run your fingers through Octavia’s raven-colored mane and smile.
  7. “That’s what I have you for, isn’t it, hun?”
  8. >She nervously looks around, rears up on her hind legs, and beckons you to kneel.
  9. >Complying, you bring your heads level, and she rewards you with a gentle kiss.
  10. >”You at least enjoy it when I play my cello, don’t you?” she flutters her eyelids and puts on a show pout.
  11. >With a sharp scoff, you pat her head and stand.
  12. “Of course, babe. Your music is amazing.”
  13. >”Good,” she says with a smirk, “I would have hated to be sleeping alone tonight.”
  14. >You fumble with your keys in the lock of your shared apartment.
  15. >With a low clunk, you twist the handle and head inside.
  16. >She heads in in front of you, disappearing into the closet, presumably to shed her formal attire.
  17. >As you re-lock the door and toe your shoes off, she slips into the next room.
  18. >You hear a faint jingle, but hope that maybe today...
  19. “So, what do you want to do for dinner tonight?”
  20. >The bell jingles again.
  21. >You cringe and turn the corner, following the sound.
  22. >Octavia stretches out on top of your couch, wearing nothing but a pink collar.
  23. >The bell affixed to it jingles softly with her movements.
  24. >Maybe if you just stay casual...
  25. “Because I was thinking we could go to that Istalian place and...”
  26. >The mare’s face turns into that of a scowl.
  27. “So... no spaghetti then?”
  28. >She scoffs. “Anon, you know what today is. You should be telling me to get off the couch!”
  29. >You sigh and rub your hand down the front of your face.
  30. >You are Anon.
  31. >And today is Tuesday.
  32. >Which means that it’s pet play day in Octavia’s little fantasy world.
  33. >Only in the comfort of your own home, of course.
  34. >A mare of her stature would never be caught dead doing these things out in the real world.
  35. >No, no.
  36. >Her skewed portrait of home life was just for you.
  37. >How lucky.
  38. >Your hand finishes its journey, releasing your bottom lip from its frictiony grip.
  39. >With a dull and heavy voice, you call:
  40. “Down, Octy. You know not to jump up on the furniture.”
  41. >You head over to the end table and pick up a spray bottle filled with water.
  42. >Kept around for just such an occasion.
  43. >Octavia flies off the couch after being sprayed, hissing at you slightly before bringing her hoof up to her mouth and dragging her tongue lightly across it.
  44. >You catch a glint of satisfaction in her eyes while you roll your own and fill the vacancy she left on the sofa.
  45. >Pulling the lever at your side, the footrest flops up and scootches Octavia out of the way.
  46. >With another heavy heave of your chest, you figure that you might as well settle in and get comfortable for what the rest of the night will bring.
  47. >Octavia trots over to the middle of the couch, grabbing the television’s remote in her mouth along the way.
  48. >You present your hand to her and she nuzzles herself into it.
  49. “No Octy, give me the remote.”
  50. >She cocks her head in confusion and turns around, backing her butt up into your palm.
  51. “No, Octy. Remote.”
  52. >You push her flank away and she spins round to face you again.
  53. >Her saliva begins to pool onto the device.
  54. >You re-offer your hand with a firm shake.
  55. “Drop it.”
  56. >Instead of dropping the remote into your awaiting grasp, she instead simply opens her mouth where she stands and lets it fall to the ground.
  57. >She sits and pants, looking proud.
  58. “God damn it, Octy.”
  59. >You groan and lean over to retrieve the poor electronic.
  60. >Once you do, she takes the opportunity to lick your face.
  61. “Ugh...”
  62. >You groan, slightly miffed.
  63. “What are you supposed to be anyway? A cat or a dog?”
  64. >She looks at you, unfazed.
  65. >Gently, she moves closer, staring the whole time.
  66. >She presses her nose against yours and your vision is completely invaded by the violet of her eyes.
  67. >The wet tip of her muzzle affords a cold and warm sensation simultaneously.
  68. >Yet still she presses further, until her face becomes blurred and you’re forced to focus on a single iris.
  69. >Sweat begins forming on your brow and your fight or flight instinct is on the precipice of kicking in.
  70. >Her deep, black pupils bore into you, unforgivingly, prying their way into your very being.
  71. >And then she barks.
  72. >You nearly jump out of your skin.
  73. “God damnit...”
  74. >She pulls herself back and happily wags her tail, grinning at you.
  75. >How do you let her get to you like that?
  76. >With a sigh, you wrestle yourself back into your comfy spot, sunken in from months of daily use.
  77. >Remote in hand, you press a button and compel the unblinking behemoth in the room to life.
  78. >Octavia got to have her live performances.
  79. >You, on the other hand, preferred your big screen.
  80. >And the two of you both enjoyed watching movies, so it worked out.
  81. >You flip through the choices on-screen using the same remote.
  82. >The whole process is actually remarkably similar to Netflix.
  83. >Fuckin’ magic.
  84. >Octavia’s attention has turned to that of the television as well.
  85. >You decide to sort by genre and scroll through.
  86. >Comedy?
  87. >Eh, not really feeling it.
  88. >Documentary?
  89. >Boring.
  90. >Drama?
  91. >Even more boring.
  92. >You stop your procession once you see the next category.
  93. >A wicked smile crosses your lips.
  94. >Octavia senses the meaning of the abrupt pause.
  95. >In your peripheral vision, you see her quickly turn from the TV screen to the remote to your face and back.
  96. >You don’t bother turning to catch her gaze.
  97. >Her panicked motions tell all.
  98. >She pleads silently for you to continue in your search.
  99. >Anything.
  100. >Anything but that.
  101. >Her anguish is delectable.
  102. “Wonder how long you can keep up your act with this.”
  103. >You push >select< on the remote and the white bar on the screen highlighting the word Horror flashes green before the screen changes.
  104. >Octavia’s ears almost instantly flatten against her skull.
  105. >She whimpers softly as she watches the white bar fly through movie titles.
  106. >With each passing name, her ears seems to clamp down even harder.
  107. >Blood Nightmare.
  108. >Camp Craven.
  109. >You scroll through a large chunk.
  110. >Laugh or Die.
  111. >Marefriend: Home Alone.
  112. >Panic at 50 Leagues.
  113. >Revenge of Neil.
  114. >Geez, what a load of garbage B-movies.
  115. >You finally stop on one.
  116. >Strangler in the Closet.
  117. “Ooh. This one sounds interesting, don’t you think?”
  118. >You turn to look at your grey-coated sweetheart.
  119. >She whimpers softly, ears tucked and eyes begging for you to halt your torture.
  120. “I think it sounds good too.”
  121. >The bar again changes from white to green.
  122. >Smirking, you wriggle back against the couch cushion and make yourself extra comfy.
  123. >Your apartment fades out from sight as the black transition screen blankets the room in nothingness.
  124. >Once the studio logos begin to play, you notice that Octavia has affixed an incredible scowl onto you.
  125. >If looks could kill, you’d be so dead that not even Tartarus could claim to own all of your deaditude.
  126. >However, her glare doesn’t last long once the actual movie starts to roll.
  127. >The very first scene depicts a knife being stabbed quite loudly into something off-screen.
  128. >Octavia rockets off of the floor and into your lap, shivering.
  129. >Thin, red rivulets of liquid drip down the blade.
  130. >The camera pans out to show one of the characters dicing a tomato in the kitchen.
  131. >So it’s going to be one of those movies, is it?
  132. >You grin and can’t help but tease your marefriend by leaning down and whispering into her ear:
  133. “You know you aren’t supposed to be on the couch, right?”
  134. >She glares at you again, but it shrivels to a whine as the knife angrily plunges back into the fruit.
  135. “Alright, alright. You can stay for now.”
  136. >Her black hair meets your fingers as you stroke her head in an attempt to calm her down.
  137. >She stares at the screen in frozen horror as the movie progresses.
  138. >The subtle tremors that resound throughout her body betray her otherwise stoic attempt to endure the treatment.
  139. >For your part, you can’t help but laugh at how cheesy the damn thing is.
  140. >One of the characters, clearly the soon-to-be murderer, has yet to let go of the kitchen knife from the first scene.
  141. >This movie is so transparent...
  142. >The only thing you can’t seem to figure out is why a movie called Strangler in the Closet would be about a knife-murderer.
  143. >By now the knife guy and another character have gotten stuck in a cabin in the woods due to a storm.
  144. >Too easy.
  145. >You start a mental countdown until the first murder of the night.
  146. >5, 4, 3...
  147. >Knife guy is walking up behind the other character who is trying to find a light.
  148. >2, 1, and...
  149. >Metal plunges deep into flesh.
  150. >Octavia screams like a banshee, her back straightening violently and her body becoming tense.
  151. >You freak out as well, more because of her than anything else.
  152. >The two of you stare at each other before she blushes hard and looks away, whimpering.
  153. >You’re about to console her when you feel a warm, wet sensation at your side and underneath your hand.
  154. >Once you bring it up to your nose, you can tell right away what it is.
  155. “Ugh gross, Octavia! Down! Off the couch!”
  156. >She whines some more and hangs her head, jumping down to the floor.
  157. >You quickly run into the kitchen and grab some disinfectant spray, squirting a healthy amount onto the area.
  158. “I hope you know that you’re cleaning this tomorrow.”
  159. >Octavia nods solemnly.
  160. “It’s a good thing tomorrow is Maid Day...”
  161. >You lessen your harsh tone and sigh.
  162. “Well, we might as well get you clean then.”
  163. >She barks as you hook your fingers under her collar and pull her along into your bathroom.
  164. >How the hell is this your life?
  165. >You run some hot water and mix in some body wash, letting the tub fill up while you unfasten Octavia’s collar and remove your own clothes.
  166. >She’s always been messy in the tub when she’s playing pet and you know by now that your clothes won’t stay dry through the event.
  167. >Besides, you could use a bath too.
  168. >Any maybe you’ll even get lucky tonight.
  169. >Once the tub has filled up, you turn the tap off and set Octavia in the water.
  170. >Immediately she begins splashing, making waves all around her.
  171. >You watch from the side of the tub, suppressing a giggle.
  172. “Yeah, yeah. Have your fun now because I’m about to wash you silly.”
  173. >Her eyes widen in mock terror and she enters into some kind of water-stirring frenzy.
  174. “That's it! I’m coming in!”
  175. >You shout, making Godzilla stomps into the water and descending on the poor grey mare with a bear hug.
  176. “Gotcha!”
  177. >You pull her close and her splashing slows to a stop as she nuzzles her head into the crook of your neck.
  178. >The two of you stay like that for a moment.
  179. >In the gentle quiet, the warm water laps against your body and Octavia’s chest presses against your own with each breath.
  180. >It’s times like these that you remember why you put up with all her antics.
  181. >Eventually, you reach over and grab a loofa from your pile of bathroom toiletries.
  182. >You dip it into the soapy water and bring it up along Octavia’s side.
  183. >She coos lightly, wiggling into your touch and turning to face away from you.
  184. >You gently sponge her chest and withers, wrapping your free arm around her belly and bringing her close.
  185. >With loving care, you work your way down slowly, spending a little extra time at her flanks.
  186. >You ditch the loofa, instead choosing to work your fingers into her plush cutie marks.
  187. >Her breath hitches at your touch, her tail batting softly between your legs.
  188. >The gentle movement brings you to a rise and you press against her cheeks.
  189. >You decide to work your way to her underbelly, lightly teasing her tiny nipples.
  190. >She moans out quietly, her eyes fluttering and mouth agape.
  191. >You leave one hand behind to gingerly twist a nipple while the other ventures further south.
  192. >It isn’t long before it finds its prize and you part her lips with a finger.
  193. >She gasps and groans. “A-Anon...”
  194. “Shh... Don’t worry, hun. I’ll take care of you tonight.”
  195. >You’re about to plunge your finger into her depths when she pulls away.
  196. >”Anon... I... I can’t... It’s still too strange.”
  197. >She looks away bashfully.
  198. “You think you’re the only one that thinks things between us are weird? We’ve been together for nearly a year and still haven’t had sex.”
  199. >She turns to face you, confused and hurt.
  200. “And what about all your fetish play? All the diapers, latex, lingerie, pet stuff, maid play, even that living furniture thing we tried. And for what? For me? You think I’m into those kinds of things?”
  201. >You stand up and step out of the tub, dripping onto the bath mat.
  202. “No, Octavia. Those things are for your benefit because you said that they’d ‘loosen you up for the experience.’ I don’t need to work up the courage to be intimate.”
  203. >You sigh and start toweling off.
  204. “I love you, Octavia. But sometimes I wonder how you feel about me.”
  205. >She stands in the tub, shifting water to either end in waves.
  206. >”I love you too, Anon!”
  207. "Yet you've never said it in public. And you always shy away whenever I do."
  208. >”Because the other ponies-” she answers abruptly, then winces when you interrupt her.
  209. “Exactly! The other ponies’ opinions are all you care about! I know that that’s the reason you’re so distant in public. I just thought you cared about me more than that.”
  210. >You quickly put your clothes back on.
  211. >Octavia remains motionless in the tub.
  212. >”I do care about you Anon, it’s just... Well, I’m a well-respected performer. I can’t let my reputation-”
  213. “There it is again! Your reputation. You care more about your reputation than you care about our relationship. The difference between your public and personal image is a testament to that.”
  214. >You close your eyes and breathe a deep sigh.
  215. “I think I should go. I think we both have some thinking to do.”
  216. >Octavia extends a hoof in speechless protest as you exit the bathroom.
  217. >You head to your room to gather up a few things, folding clothes and stacking them into a small suitcase.
  218. >Maybe you can stay at a motel for a few nights...
  219. >From the other room comes a loud thud, accompanied by wooden cracking and sharp twangs.
  220. >You have a pretty good idea what would make such a distinct sound.
  221. >But there’s no way.
  222. >She couldn’t have possibly...
  223. >Abandoning your previous plans, you sprint into the living room.
  224. >There, in the back of the room, sits Octavia silently weeping amidst broken pieces of her beloved cello.
  225. >You run up to her, kneeling down and placing your hand on her withers.
  226. “Octy, what have you done? That was your favorite thing in the world. Your cutie mark. Your destiny.”
  227. >She lets the pieces fall from her hooves as she sniffles.
  228. >”Some things are more important than performing,” she says, looking into your eyes while tears flow from her own. “Some things, you can’t get back.”
  229. >You pull her close and hug her tight.
  230. >She nuzzles into the crook of your neck, staining your shirt with tears.
  231. >The world is silent aside from Octavia’s infrequent sobs.
  232. >”I love you more than anything, Anon.”
  233. >You stroke her back soothingly and hold her as tight as you can.
  234. “I love you too, baby.”
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