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  34. error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
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  37. error_reporting(E_ALL);
  39. error_reporting(E_WARNING);
  40. // Same as error_reporting(E_ALL);
  41. ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL);
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  44. error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
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  70. $mail->addAddress('', 'Pest in Peace Control Solutions Website Inquiry');
  71. $mail->Subject = 'Pest in Peace Control Solutions';
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  73. $mail->AltBody = 'Inquiry';
  75. if($submit){
  76. if($name && $email && $address && $phonenumber && $subject && $message){
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  101. echo'</div>';
  102. }
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  186. <h1 class="aqua-darken-text">Pest in Peace</h1>
  187. <h2 class="aqua-text">Control Solutions</h2>
  188. <h4 class="light-gray-text">
  189. It's time to exterminate! We offer professional pest control solutions to Saskatoon surrounding areas.
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  198. <h1 class="white-text">Guaranteed returned service</h1>
  199. <h4 class="light-gray-text">We will guarantee our technicians' work by offering return service if the customer is not satisfied with the treatments. This applies to all customers with service agreements. </h4>
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  207. <h1 class="white-text">Response time</h1>
  208. <h4 class="light-gray-text">The company will send a technician within 24 hours.</h4>
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  216. <h1 class="white-text">Instant quote</h1>
  217. <h4 class="light-gray-text">After an inspection, a technician will provide a quote for treatment, which can help you stay within your budget, even in an emergency situation.</h4>
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  237. <h2 class="aqua-text">Our Products</h2>
  238. <p class="aqua-darken-text">It’s time to exterminate!</p>
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  245. <img src=" img/icons/bug.png" alt="" class="img-circle " style="width: 50%;">
  246. <h4>Bait stations, rodent control</h4>
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  251. <div class="our-services uk-padding-small">
  252. <img src=" img/icons/bug.png" alt="" class="img-circle " style="width: 50%;">
  253. <h4>Glue boards for insects and rodent control</h4>
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  259. <img src=" img/icons/bug.png" alt="" class="img-circle " style="width: 50%;">
  260. <h4>Insects Fly lights</h4>
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  266. <img src=" img/icons/bug.png" alt="" class="img-circle " style="width: 50%;">
  267. <h4>Poison corn for pigeon</h4>
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  273. <img src=" img/icons/bug.png" alt="" class="img-circle " style="width: 50%;">
  274. <h4>Trays for birds control</h4>
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  280. <img src=" img/icons/bug.png" alt="" class="img-circle " style="width: 50%;">
  281. <h4>Domestic insecticides</h4>
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  287. <img src=" img/icons/bug.png" alt="" class="img-circle" style="width: 50%;">
  288. <h4>Rodent devices</h4>
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  294. <img src=" img/icons/bug.png" alt="" class="img-circle" style="width: 50%;">
  295. <h4>Wild life live traps</h4>
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  310. <h2 class="white-text">WHY CHOOSE PEST IN PEACE CONTROL SOLUTION?</h2>
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  326. <h4 class="white-text">Residential, Commercial & Industrial Pest Control Services</h4>
  327. <p class="light-gray-text">
  328. Pest in domestic homes, commercial properties and industrial areas are not only annoying but they can also cause structural damage and health risks to humans.<br>
  329. </p>
  330. <p><a class="btn aqua white-text" href="#residential" uk-toggle>Read More</a></p>
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  342. <h2>Residential, Commercial & Industrial Pest Control Services</h2>
  343. <p>
  344. Pest in domestic homes, commercial properties and industrial areas are not only annoying but they can also cause structural damage and health risks to humans.
  345. <br><br>
  346. Pest-in-Peace Control Solutions puts you and your family first with safe, quick and thorough pest treatment and prevention solutions. We take the time to understand your needs and determine the best solution. Our team will explain the process and guide you, every step of the way so you know exactly what to expect.
  347. <br><br>
  348. Our treatments and products that we use are pest specific and not harmful to humans or pets. Rest assured, knowing your pest concern will be treated with the highest quality products, in a safe and environmentally friendly method.
  349. <br><br>
  350. All treatments are carried out by friendly, well-trained, licensed, professional pest technicians. We always follow the Canada standards where applicable and use only the highest quality products to ensure your pest problem is treated thoroughly.
  351. <br><br>
  352. Our professional pest technicians are trained not only to treat the pest problem but also to look at the cause of your home pest problems. They will take the time to understand your concerns and provide feedback and recommendations on how to minimize pests in and around the home.
  353. <br><br>
  354. All our professionally trained and experienced technicians take care when carrying out treatment at your home and will work with your family to accommodate any of your pest control needs.
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  365. <h4 class="white-text">Inspections</h4>
  366. <p class="light-gray-text">
  367. We begin our relationship with each customer with a thorough inspection of the building or home so we can develop a customized pest control plan.<br>
  368. </p>
  369. <p><a class="btn aqua white-text" href="#inspections" uk-toggle>Read More</a></p>
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  381. <h2>Inspections</h2>
  382. <p>We begin our relationship with each customer with a thorough inspection of the building or home so we can develop a customized pest control plan. The technician will provide a list of the areas treated, along with information about how long the treated areas need to be avoided. This type of detailed report is important, especially for those who are sensitive to common chemicals used in pest eradication.
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  392. <h4 class="white-text">Pest removal</h4>
  393. <p class="light-gray-text">Prevention services includeblocking all possible entry points in the building exterior and interior, cutting off all source of feeding the.</p>
  394. <p><a class="btn aqua white-text" href="#pest-removal" uk-toggle>Read More</a></p>
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  406. <h2>Pest removal</h2>
  407. <p>Prevention services include blocking all possible entry points in the building exterior and interior, cutting off all source of feeding the pest could possible get the food that attract the pest.
  408. Elimination services involve spraying insecticide, baiting, traps, pesticides, rodenticides and more.</p>
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  500. <li> Saskatoon, Saskatchewan</li>
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