

Sep 5th, 2015
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  1. [color=blue][big][u]CYBORG LIMITED SERIES: AW-XIIV-GAIGNUN[/u][/big] [/color][quote][justify]Target is within 100 meters. Disabling standard security protocols, enabling maximum core efficiency, partionining drivers to allow simultaneous navigation and combat ability. Unit is ready to engage.[/justify][/quote]
  2. [justify]Nuts, volts, and a nuclear-powered core; these three things alone could tell you more about Gaignun than he's authorized to share. A cyborg equipped with high-end, secretive technology and under the command of an international military force, Gaignun acts as a soldier, bodyguard or crew member for a multitude of organizations depending on how much you're willing to pay up.[/justify]
  3. [collapse=Background Logs][justify]In the year 20XX, humanity has progressed substantially in terms of technology, developing better means of spacefare, mobile suits meant for combat both on planet and throughout the void of space, and, in Gaignun's case, engineered synthetic and nanomachine technology with the capability to improve every day aspects of life on Earth.
  5. A child orphaned by circumstance and hunger, Gaignun barely scraped by during his childhood, robbing from others and sustaining himself off the scraps of the rich. [/justify][/collapse]
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