
Rea All Grown Up

Jan 29th, 2014
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  1. >You are Page, the centaur doctor.
  2. >You have visited many centaur communities bringing medical knowledge to these lovely group of beings.
  3. >With your help, you have started a college for centaurs to help take care of their own, because knowledge is power.
  4. >However, even though the doctors there can get help done, some things they call you for.
  5. >Today is one of those days.
  6. >You make a home visit to one of your past students.
  7. >"Hey there Professor. I'm glad you could make it."
  8. >You chuckle.
  9. "Now now. You're no longer my student Dr. Veatu. We're colleagues now. Or do you mind me calling you Rick?"
  10. >"Rick is fine. Either way, you're still my professor, after everything you've done for me."
  11. "No problem. I'm glad to see my brightest student after so long. I see you even made a name for yourself."
  12. >Rick tries his hardest to keep his blush in check.
  13. >"Well, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be the centaur I am today."
  14. >He maneuvers around on his 4 legs, turning around completely.
  15. >Good thing this home is large and spacious.
  16. >"Come, let me take you to my daughter, Rea."
  17. "Ah, I haven't seen little Rea since she was...well..."
  18. >You lift your hand up to your shoulder.
  19. "Here."
  20. >Rick lets out a jovial laugh, patting you on the back.
  21. >"Well you'll be surprised on how much she's grown. She said that when she gets older, she wants to learn from you to be the best doctor."
  22. >You couldn't stop yourself from smiling like an idiot if you could.
  23. "Aw. Well, I'll be happy to teach her. Just hope you told her how evil I am when it comes to grading your exams."
  24. >"I think I'll leave that out, don't want her to think you're a bad guy. She does look up to you you know."
  25. >The two of you walk through the large home, larger than the usual ones made for centaurs.
  26. >As you strolled beside the dashing stallion, Rick filled you in on his pride and joy.
  27. >"Well Teach, my little princess has been having...needs for quite some time."
  28. >You nod as you take in the information.
  29. "So she's in heat?"
  30. >"Yes...but it's strange. Usually it lasts for a few days before her body returns to business as usual. She locks herself in there to make sure she stays pure for her future husband."
  31. >He pauses for a moment, looking at the room at the far end of the hall.
  32. >"She's been in there for a good two weeks."
  33. "Oh dear..."
  34. >Rick didn't look particularly happy upon hearing those words coming out of your mouth.
  35. >You could sense how stressed he is if his hind leg stomping against the ground is any indication.
  36. >Placing your hand on his lower back, you give him a kind rub down.
  37. >The tenseness in his body slowly gives way and his muscles relax.
  38. "I promise I'll help Rea get better. Besides, she's my god-daughter."
  39. >Rick's lips curl into a sincere smile.
  40. >"Thank you."
  41. >With a nod, you walk forward towards helping Rea get better.
  42. >Not even 3 steps forward, the heavy scent of musky hay hits you like a freight truck.
  43. "Whoa..."
  44. >You stand there for a moment trying to gather your thoughts.
  45. >Steadfast and now acclimated, you continue your walk ahead.
  46. >The scent becomes thicker the closer you get.
  47. >It's to the point where you thought you could see it.
  48. >But that's just your eyes playing tricks on you.
  49. >It took some time, but you manage to make it to Rea's door.
  50. >That's not to say Rick didn't help you along to keep your from fainting.
  51. >You rap at the door a few times.
  52. >"GO THE HELL AWAY! "
  53. >The forceful, yet feminine voice did catch you off guard.
  54. >It's hard thinking that was actually sweet little Rea saying such a thing.
  55. >You look up at Rick, who nods.
  56. >" up. Page is here to..."
  57. >"EEEK! I...I...uh..."
  58. >You hear a cacophony of sounds pouring though the door.
  59. >It lasts for a good ten seconds before the door's lock clicks.
  60. >And then silence.
  61. >You and Rick are worried, until...
  62. >"C-Come in..."
  63. >You both sigh in relief.
  64. >That's the Rea you know.
  65. >You open the door and walk inside.
  66. >The sky blue room with fake grass underneath your feet reminds you of a luscious meadow back home.
  67. >Lying in the middle of the room on a mat and a blanket draped over her was a lone centauress.
  68. >Her blonde hair is tied up into a ponytail with a few ribbons laced throughout.
  69. >Those blue eyes shimmer like sapphires.
  70. >You couldn't really see the rest of her body, but from what you can see, she has grown into a wonderful woman.
  71. >"Hello Uncle..."
  72. >You smile.
  73. "Hello Princess."
  74. >Rick smiles and steps out backwards into the hall, stating that he'll let you two catch up on some missed time.
  75. >Despite her being in heat, Rea manages to keep a cool head.
  76. >You two discuss about what each of you have been up to, and her future.
  77. >"Well...I haven't changed my dream on being a doctor. And I still want to learn from you, Uncle."
  78. >Her fingers tense around her blanket, and she casts her gaze downward.
  79. >"I-I know I'll work hard an-..."
  80. >Your hand reaches up and gives her head a light rub.
  81. >A light scratch behind her left ear gets her sighing and nuzzling your hand, begging for more.
  82. "I know you will. You're a good girl. One day you'll be the best doctor, better than I ever was."
  83. >You pull away, which made Rea's head follow yours to keep contact.
  84. >She gives a slight pout, which makes her eyes twinkle.
  85. "Well, lets get started."
  86. >She nods, watching you reach into your medical bag, pulling out a stethoscope.
  87. "Okay, going to need you to move your blanket out of the way."
  88. >Rea struggles with that request, only to wrap herself tighter in its fleeced embrace.
  89. "Don't worry, I've seen everything there is to the centaur anatomy. This is strictly professional."
  90. >She nods and slowly let the blanket slip off her shoulders.
  91. >You watch on as her flawless skin showing being shown off.
  92. >No blemishes, no beauty marks, nothing.
  93. >Her skin is that of a goddess.
  94. >Not only that, you get a good look at her cleavage.
  95. >Those breasts have developed wonderfully, from the bit of overboob you can see.
  96. >The blanket stops right before she manages to show off her nipples, but you can spot her bright pink areolae peeking over the blanket.
  97. >It took some time to snap out of your daze before mentally slapping yourself.
  98. >This is your former student, friend's daughter you are ogling at you thought.
  99. >That is wrong on so many levels.
  100. >Besides, you're three times her age, you being in your late 30s and she around 12 years old (Centaurs reach maturity around age 8.)
  101. >Even if she has the body of a mature woman...
  102. >"I don't mind...if you look."
  103. >You look into the shy blue eyes of Rea.
  104. >Her cheeks redden even more, but she maintains eye contact.
  105. >"Since it's...strictly professional."
  106. "R-Right."
  108. >You press the stethoscope to her chest where her lungs are.
  109. >"C-Cold..."
  110. "It's normal. Sorry," you apologize.
  111. "Okay, breath in for me through your nose, then out through your mouth."
  112. >She does so, taking in deep breaths.
  113. >You listen for any irregularities, but find nothing wrong.
  114. >You do, however, get a face full of her perky nipples slipping out of hiding.
  115. >You gulp, and quickly move the listening tool over towards her heart.
  116. >You do notice that her heart rate is a bit too high.
  117. >Higher than the normal rate for those in heat or a rut.
  118. >It's strange.
  119. >"Am I...okay?"
  120. >You don't want to worry her.
  121. "Well...your heart rate is way higher than normal."
  122. >You notice her blush has deepen even more, and her eyes are a bit glazed.
  123. >She's panting slightly.
  124. >"C-Can you continue...the examination. I think you need to check...other areas."
  125. "I was getting ready to check your other organs, so would you be so kind to fully re-"
  126. >Rea slips out of her blanket, baring it all just for you.
  127. >Her perky breasts bounce slightly, giving you the impression that they were firm, yet pliable if you touch them.
  128. >Looking at her horse half, you notice that her light brown coat has a nice sheen to it.
  129. >Her hygiene is perfect, even though it smells of a barn due to her excessive estrus cycle.
  130. >The blonde tail, unlike her hair, just hangs loosely and close to where you suspect is her privates.
  131. >"You can get hands on, Uncle. I won't mind if it's you, since you're a professional and all."
  132. >You didn't want to believe there were not any undertones to her statement.
  133. >Or you did, but blocked it out.
  134. "Well, I must check every system to see if they are functioning properly. Excuse me."
  135. >You start at the top, reaching for her arms.
  136. >She holds it out for you for easier access.
  137. >Her skin is soft, and her muscles are lean, just as you would expect for a female centaur.
  138. >After her arms, you linger on the thought of giving her breasts an exam.
  139. >You could see Rea staring at your hands hovering, but she doesn't try to cover up.
  140. >When you move to her stomach, you hear a slight grunt of annoyance, but chalked it up to your hands maybe being a bit too cold.
  141. "Kidneys: Fine. Liver: okay. Everything seems to be in ord..."
  142. >Her hands grab at your wrist, lifting your digits higher until she firmly plants them onto her rather meager breasts.
  143. >Rea looks away when your eyes meet hers.
  144. >"You forgot to examine these, Doctor Uncle..."
  145. >You try to pull away, but centaurs are way stronger than humans would ever be, especially one in her prime against on nearing middle age.
  146. >"Didn't you say that you must check everything to get an accurate diagnosis in your book?"
  147. >She glances over at you, her lips purse slightly as she looks up at you from her low vantage point.
  148. "Well...yes, but this..."
  149. >"Don't you want me to get better, Uncle?"
  150. >Her voice, albeit a bit childish, has a hint of seduction twisted in there.
  151. >You keep repeating the mantra "Keep it professional" in your mind.
  152. >It helped you through doing things to your patients; Some of the males were just as bad as the females.
  153. >It worked, but for some reason, Rea is different.
  154. >You watched her grow up, visit her when she was sick, and grew close to her as if you were her second dad.
  155. >These feelings shouldn't manifest itself, but the growing bulge in your pants says otherwise.
  156. >With Rea looking downward, you are sure she could see it.
  157. "I guess you're right."
  158. >You start of light with a soft squeeze, testing to see how hard you can go before the supple flesh gives way to your grip.
  159. >Rea moves your hands how she wanted them to go.
  160. >From pressing her breasts against her to kneading the lovely flesh orbs, she did it all.
  161. >In time, she frees you from her grip, but instead of letting go, your body continues onward to "examining" your god-daughter's breasts.
  162. >Your thumb and index finger gives Rea's nipple a light tweak.
  163. >The cutest squeak breaks forth from her mouth, and she leans forward, laying her hands on your shoulders.
  164. >"M-More...examine me more."
  165. >Your mind is in a muddled state and any reasonable thought is tossed out the window.
  166. >She moves her hands behind your head and firmly pulls your face forward.
  167. >With little resistance, you fall forward into her chest pillows, relishing in her lovely natural scent mixed with the thick arousal coming from behind.
  168. >"Uncle...maybe you should give them an oral examination as well."
  169. "It's not...scientific, but I guess we have to try everything."
  170. >You open your mouth and latch onto her left nipple, suckling on the firm fleshy protrusion on her breast while giving the other your diligent hand's attention.
  171. >She tastes a bit salty, but that's normal.
  172. >No milk comes out, but seeing as she isn't pregnant, that's normal as well.
  173. >You decide to give her a firm suckle to make sure that she isn't lactating.
  174. >Rea whinnies really loud, which shocks you from your stupor.
  175. >You slip out of her grasp, wiping your mouth free of any saliva dripping from your mouth.
  176. >Rea looks a bit frustrated, but manages to keep her calm demeanor.
  177. "Sorry about that. That shouldn't have happ-"
  178. >Rick rushes into the room, cutting off your apology.
  179. >"What's wrong, Princess?"
  180. >Rea shakes her head.
  181. >"The stethoscope was a bit too cold. It caught me by surprise. Right Uncle?"
  182. >You nod.
  183. "Yes. I tried hard to get it warm, but I guess it wasn't enough. So far she's fine from what I could see."
  184. >"Thank goodness...Well, I'll let you get back to work."
  185. >Rick leave the two of you alone, rather trusting of you with her daughter.
  186. "That...won't happen again."
  187. >Rea nods, and you continue onto checking her lower half.
  188. >Everything seems to be in order, albeit her temperature being within estrus parameters.
  189. "It's strange, you seem to be perfectly fine."
  190. >Rea shakes her head.
  191. >"But...I'm not. Everything is burning up, and my loins feel like they are on fire. I can't think straight. It's hard when your thoughts keep coming back to 'When will I get mounted so this can go away', and the special toys just don't help relieve the pressure no matter how hard I try."
  192. >She whimpers, covering her face.
  193. >Her ears flatten against her head.
  194. >It pains you to see Rea like this.
  195. >"And it got worse..."
  196. >She pauses, looking over at you as you pack your things up.
  197. >"When you got here, Uncle."
  199. >Your body visibly tenses up.
  200. >Rea bites her lower lip while keeping her eyes trained on you.
  201. "Y-You don't mean that. You're just under a lot of stress."
  202. >"No! You don't understand!"
  203. >She grabs your hand and places it over her heart.
  204. >"My heart never raced this hard before when you weren't around. Not even the most handsome stallion could make this happen."
  205. >She shudders.
  206. >"I always looked forward to when you'd visit, Uncle. You are nice, you treat me like the girl I deserved to be treated. Every guy I met treats me like another conquest just because of my looks. You make me feel..."
  207. >She gives your hand a hard, yet loving squeeze.
  208. >"You make me feel like a Princess. It wasn't until I realized this..."
  209. "Don't say it, Rea."
  210. >Tears gather underneath her eyes, and a few drops roll down her rosy cheeks.
  211. >"I..."
  212. "Please...don't say it."
  213. >You are finding it hard not to tear up as well.
  214. >She slides her hands up your arm and hooks them behind your neck.
  215. >Those lovely sapphire eyes draw you in even more, despite your logical side screaming for you to stop her.
  216. >Slowly she tugs your face closer, puckering her lips as the seconds drag on.
  217. >She stops when your lips are so close that you could barely feel her rosy pillows brushing against yours.
  218. >There's no seduction, no teasing, nothing lustful in nature.
  219. >But you could feel something, like a tiny spark.
  220. >"I..."
  221. >And it hits the right kindling to ignite an inferno of passion deep in you.
  222. >"I love you."
  223. >No matter how wrong this seems, you can't fight her advances.
  224. >At first, it's just a light peck on the lips, but that peck turned into a simple kiss.
  225. >That was enough to make your knees grow weak, and you fall into her body, nuzzling her close.
  226. >Looking up into her eyes, you try so hard to keep yourself together.
  227. "R-Rea...that..."
  228. >She smiles, leaning close to nuzzle your cheek.
  229. >"I mean it. I've been saving myself for you."
  230. >She pulls away from you clearly in shock.
  231. >After rising onto her hooves, she turns about and lays back onto the mat.
  232. >The thick scent is now even more apparent, and it works more as an aphrodisiac than a deterrent for you.
  233. >She lifts her tail, showing you how drenched her backside has become.
  234. >It looks like a kid went to town and unloaded a whole Super-soaker onto her.
  235. >Rea's human half twists around, looking over her rump as she smiles lovingly at you.
  236. >"I want you to be my first, Uncle."
  237. >From what reasoning is left, you know much about centaur culture, and the biggest thing is that centaurs mate for life.
  238. >She's willing to give herself to you out of love.
  239. "B-But I...I ca-"
  240. >"Uncle, I know...that your last marriage didn't last. But, I promise not to leave you."
  241. "But your father..."
  242. >She shakes her head.
  243. >"This isn't his decision. It's solely mine. And I chose you."
  244. >Her rump wiggles a bit, trying to entice you.
  245. >"I'm old enough to marry anyway. And when I vow to be with you...I mean it. So mine."
  247. >Whatever reasoning you had is now gone.
  248. >The pressure in your groin grows to the point where you thought you'd burst, so you took the time to relieve it by removing your jeans.
  249. >After kicking your pants off to the side, you easily slip out of your briefs, letting your bulging erection stand proudly.
  250. >You are finding it rather difficult to keep your breathing in check...if you could call it that.
  251. >It was more like primal grunts and snorts.
  252. >Rea got an eyeful of your cock, and judging by her smile you are sure she likes what she sees.
  253. >Of course, you can't match up to her centaur brethren in length, seeing as you are barely a third of the size of a bucking stallion, and probably not even close to their girth.
  254. >You are sure she have seen the perfect specimen that could breed her like the centaur she is.
  255. >Rea probably doesn't care, as long as you're hers.
  256. >You take your position behind the lovely woman, who snorts in appreciation of you taking the lead.
  257. >Not even a moment after taking your spot do you feel the intense heat radiating off of Rea's slick horse pussy.
  258. >Entering her without mentally preparing your mind will lead to melting into a puddle of ooze, and you wouldn't want that.
  259. >Quick shots are not your style.
  260. >Rubbing the tip of your cock against her sensitive, wet lips earns you a slutty moan from your new future lover.
  261. >You inhale deeply, staring at Rea's large, yet majestic body, eyeing every nuance and curve that gives your "Princess" her unique and radiating beauty.
  262. "Rea..."
  263. >She just gives you a silent nod of sincerity with a smile gracing her beautiful face.
  264. >Adjusting your hips, you position your hard pole against her virgin slit, which is interestingly tight despite her saying she used toys before.
  265. >Those toys aren't small in any case.
  266. >"Just...go slow, okay."
  267. >You give her your assent and place one of your hands on her back, rubbing her gently enough to calm her tense nerves, which in turn helps relax her slippery muff.
  268. >With your other hand guiding your dick into her sodden box, you gently thrust forward, but you come to a halt as you reach a type of barrier an inch inside.
  269. >Rea's human half leans forward as she lets out a grunt to suppress what you suggest is pain.
  270. >She literally is leaning forward and bracing herself with the floor.
  271. >You actually look over in worry to see if she is all right.
  272. >She looks over her body at you, shooting you a wincing smile, but that fails to get you to keep moving forward.
  273. >"I-I'm fine...I want this. J-Just go on three."
  274. "Rea, we can stop. We can just..."
  275. >She shakes her head.
  276. >"Please, let's be wed. I mean that I love you...and I know you feel the same."
  277. >You take what little time to consider her words before she bucks her hips back into you.
  278. >"Three..."
  279. >Rea lets out a flustered gasp as your spear involuntarily thrusts deeper inside the centaur's tight love canal.
  280. >She tries her best to keep her squeals under control by biting at her knuckle.
  281. >You, on the other hand, are lost in the sensations her bloomed flower bestowing on you.
  282. >Intense heat radiating around your cock, indescribable tightness of her soft walls moist with her desire hugging you, and her silky coat rubbing against the palm of your hands leave your mind in a pile of mush.
  283. >"Y-You're love to me, husband..."
  285. >Her words hit you hard, and you can feel her clit winking against your cum-churning balls.
  286. >It's like it's begging you to give her your everything.
  287. >The little girl you once cared for, watch grow up and played with is coaxing you on to pleasure her in ways a woman yearns from her lover.
  288. >Those sincere eyes stays lowers to give her natural beauty the seductive aura that hits all your buttons.
  289. "R..."
  290. >You stutter, trying to convey your feelings for her.
  291. >Once again, your intellect fails you in the most crucial moment of your life.
  292. >Words fail you, so you decide to go with another way of communication: body language.
  293. >You will tell her how much you love her.
  294. >With firm hands on her buttox, you pull your hips away from her, feeling her love canal gripping your rod to feel your head drag along her insides.
  295. >Involuntary shivers wreak havoc on your lower body, abs contracting so hard that you thought you were going into shock.
  296. >You could barely get half of your hard cock out of her sloppy muff before thrusting back into her warm depths with vigor.
  297. >Warmth explodes through your core and dissipates as it spreads outwards.
  298. >Rea moans softly.
  299. >Her body shivers, which sends tiny vibrations through your fingertips.
  300. >All the while, her tight vagina keeps your cock warm and secure in her depths.
  301. >The soft pitter-patter of her musky juices fall against the soaked mat.
  302. >She feels so warm, and you would give anything to stay like this and snuggle her.
  303. >But now isn't the time to snuggle, you have a task at hand.
  304. >You grit your teeth while pulling your cock out of her, leaving only the tip inside her slick passage.
  305. >She coos and lift her arms to grab hold of her breasts.
  306. >"Yes...just like that, love me."
  307. >A grunt escapes your lips when you thrust your hips forward.
  308. >It slaps against her firm backside with a satisfying sound, which echoes off of the walls once before it goes quiet.
  309. >"Ooooh, t-this is your experience showing. You know how to make me feel loved."
  310. >Her words flipped your switch.
  311. >You can't hold back any longer.
  312. >One hand moves to her tail, grabbing it by the dock and lifting it with your thumb pointing downward.
  313. >Rea gasps in surprise, and looks back to see what you're actually up to.
  314. >With your grip established, your hips pull back, and then you slam yourself back inside her.
  315. >It starts with a slow, steady rhythm, but that didn't last long.
  316. >Your long, deep thrusts shift to quick, shallow pumps.
  317. >For any human woman, this wouldn't get her off, but for a centauress with a very sensitive vulva, this is pleasure beyond measure.
  318. >Rea tosses her head backwards, whipping her ponytail about until it comes to a rest.
  319. >Her moans carry a melodic tune.
  320. >It sounds like an opera of sexual release ringing in your ear.
  321. >You want to hear more of this sound, so you keep at this quickened pace, sawing at her juicy, winking cunt.
  322. >But you wanted to tease her some more.
  323. >Taking your chances, you move your thumb down her tail dock lower.
  324. >It brushes the hairless part of her tail until it reaches her pert pucker hole.
  325. >"Ah...w-wait! What are you doing?"
  326. >The look in her eyes show worry.
  327. >You're totally going to give her a little surprise.
  328. "Something wonderful."
  329. >You give her pronounced anus a gently rub, which get a nice reaction in the form of a sharp gasp into a whinny.
  330. >"Page, stop. That's..."
  331. >You don't give her time to finish her warning before slipping your thumb deep inside her stink hole.
  332. >Her pupil constrict to tiny dots as you shove your thumb all the way to the second knuckle.
  333. >"AAAAH!"
  334. >Her voice raises an octave higher, and her body tenses up.
  335. >Your movements come to an abrupt halt when her powerful vaginal muscles clamp down on your cock.
  336. >It doesn't hurt you, but it's a heavy pressure which keeps you immobile.
  337. >You managed to get a 500 lb creature off who are more accustomed to a larger phallus.
  338. >Witnessing Rea's body twitch through her orgasmic moment is a sight to behold.
  339. >She twitches, writhes, and even gives her nipples a tweak to prolong her pleasure.
  340. >Her pussy constricts and relaxes at random, which is pleasurable to you.
  341. >It is too pleasurable.
  342. >You dig your fingers into her flesh, feeling her muscles flex against you.
  343. >Leaning forward, you cock twitches inside her once, threatening to make you cum.
  344. >"Do it, cum...cum and make me a mother."
  345. >It was too much for you.
  346. >You cry out as your cock twitches once more, letting out a weak stream of spunk.
  347. >But that was the calm before the storm.
  348. >The next spurt was thicker and voluminous, even for someone like you.
  349. >Your head flutters in ecstasy and your own body goes into it's own fit of convulsions.
  350. >Dumping load after load of your milky cream deep inside her horse pussy fills you with joy.
  351. >You're not sure if you even are able to make her pregnant, but if you do, you will gladly help raise her child.
  352. >Either way, you're taking her as your bride, even if Rick has something to say about tha...
  353. >"What in the world?!"
  354. >"D-DAD!"
  355. >You snap out of your daze and shoot up, slipping your cock out of her tight vag and your thumb out of her puckered ass hole.
  356. "R-Rick."
  358. >He stares at the two of you with an intense anger in his eyes.
  359. >The consequences of your actions finally caught up to you.
  360. >You could feel the tension in the air.
  361. >No one wants to speak, and rightfully everyone has their reasons to keep their mouth shut.
  362. >This isn't really helping at all, so you decide to start off the only way you know how.
  363. "I-I'm...sorry."
  364. >Rick grunts stomping towards you.
  365. >"Sorry? Sorry won't bring back my daughter's dream of having her first time with her special man."
  366. >You stare up, not wanting to look away and anger your friend even more.
  367. >At this rate, he may be your ex-friend.
  368. >"How could you, Page! I trusted you and you go and do this behind my back."
  369. >You want to run, but where would you go?
  370. >Your life is basically over, after word spreads of this.
  371. >But you have decided this on your own.
  372. "I'm sorry," you pause for a moment before looking up at Rick with solid resolve shining in your eyes, "but I love Rea. And I will do anything to be with her."
  373. >Rick's angered scowl remained on his face, but the longer he stares into your eyes, his anger subsides.
  374. >You stay focused, keeping your determined face fixated on him to show that your words aren't empty.
  375. >That's not to say your body is filled with the fear of getting trampled underneath this powerful being's hooves.
  376. >Every muscle tenses, a cold sweat gathers on your brow, and you do have a hard time breathing out of fear and being slightly choked by Rick.
  377. >However, you stand firm in your conviction...despite not standing at all.
  378. >The soft steps on turf crunch slightly, snapping both of your attentions away from one another and resting them on Rea.
  379. >She places a hand on her father's shoulder and smiles.
  380. >"Papa, Uncle Page was nice to me ever since I was a young girl. When the others tease me, he was there to make me happy. When I became old enough, I've decided that I want him to be my husband."
  381. >She nuzzled his side, wrapping her arms around Rick.
  382. >"You've done a lot for me, papa, and I will always love you for that. But one thing will never change," She turns her gaze on you and smiles, "I love this man. I want to spend my life with him."
  383. "Rea..."
  384. >"Rea..."
  385. >You feel yourself being lowered to the ground.
  386. >Rick releases his grip on your shirt and sighs.
  387. >He looks at you and nods.
  388. >"I guess...I can't stay mad. Although I'm a bit miffed this happened, I feel...relieved she chose someone who will truly look after her."
  389. >Rea gasps, "You mean?"
  390. >The older centaur smiles at his daughter, and then turns his attentions onto you.
  391. >Placing his hands on your shoulders, he looks you in the eyes.
  392. >"I leave my daughter in your care, friend. Treat her right."
  393. >"EEEEEEEE!"
  394. >In a blink of an eye, Rea sweeps you off your feet, lifting you up in the air and bringing your body close to hers in a bone-crushing hug.
  395. >Good thing her breasts are good for some cushion.
  396. >"Yes! Yes! Yes! Honey, we can be together! It's a dream come true!"
  397. >You chuckle and hug her back.
  398. >Rick turns about and heads out the room.
  399. >"Well. I guess we'll get those preparations for a wedding in order."
  400. >You smile.
  401. >Despite almost getting thrashed by your former student and friend, this turned out pretty well.
  402. >"Oh! And if you hurt my Rea...concider your life void."
  403. > should have seen that coming.
  404. >But it's not like you'd ever hurt Rea.
  405. >After hearing a crack, you're more worried of Rea hurting you.
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