

Aug 14th, 2020
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  1. le._apps.format = {
  2. categories: "Utility",
  3. silent: true,
  4. hascli: true,
  5. exec: function() {
  6. $confirm(
  7. "Are you sure to reinstall Windows93, you will loose all your saved data (trust me, im a dolphin...)",
  8. function(ok) {
  9. if (ok) {
  10. $file.format(function() {
  11. document.location.reload(true);
  12. });
  13. }
  14. }
  15. );
  16. }
  17. },
  18. le._apps.end = {
  19. categories: "Utility",
  20. silent: true,
  21. hascli: true,
  22. exec: function() {
  23. = window.innerHeight + "px";
  24. = "#000";
  25. document.body.className = "noscroll animate zoomOut";
  26. $audio("/c/files/sounds/shutdown.mp3").play();
  27. setTimeout(function() {
  28. document.body.innerHTML = "<div style='display: table;width: 100%;height: "+window.innerHeight+"px;text-align:center;'><p style='display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;'>IT'S NOW SAFE TO TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER<br><br>...OR IS IT?</p></div>";
  29. = "#C3FF00";
  30. document.body.className = "noscroll animate zoomIn";
  31. }, 1000);
  32. }
  33. },
  34. le._apps.shutdown = {
  35. silent: true,
  36. hascli: true,
  37. categories: "Utility",
  38. exec: function() {
  39. $confirm({
  40. title: "Exit Windows",
  41. msg: "This will end your Windows session.",
  42. buttons: false,
  43. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/info.png"
  44. }, function(ok){
  45. if (ok) {
  46. $exe('end')
  47. }
  48. })
  49. }
  50. }
  51. le._apps.h = {
  52. categories: "Utility",
  53. silent: true,
  54. terminal: true,
  55. exec: function() {
  56. $'h');$log.repeat('h');$log.cyan.repeat('h');$'h');$'h')
  57. }
  58. },
  59. le._apps.threedee = {
  60. hascli: true,
  61. silent: true,
  62. categories: "Graphics;Viewer",
  63. icon: "/c/sys/skins/w93/apps/3d.png",
  64. inject: "arguments",
  65. exec: function(txt, color) {
  66. txt = txt || "Cock and ball torture";
  67. var definedColor = false;
  68. if (typeof color === "string" && color.length > 0) {
  69. if (color[0] !== "#") color = "#" + color;
  70. definedColor = true;
  71. } else {
  72. color = "#c3ff00";
  73. }
  74. if (this.cli && !txt) {
  75. $log("Usage: 3d TEXT [COLOR]");
  76. return;
  77. }
  78. function changeRoute() {
  79. if (definedColor) $route('3d "' + txt + '" ' + color);
  80. else $route('3d "' + txt + '"');
  81. }
  82. var key;
  83. $, {
  84. title: "3d - " + txt,
  85. automaximize: true,
  86. baseClass: "ui_desktop_layer ui_layer_3d",
  87. url: "/c/programs/3d/index.html",
  88. onready: function() {
  89. var that = this;
  90. that.el.iframe.contentWindow.setup(txt, color);
  91. changeRoute();
  92. key = $key().up(function(k) {
  93. if (that && that.el) {
  94. if (k === "esc") that.close();
  95. else if (k === "backspace") {
  96. txt = txt.slice(0, -1);
  97. that.el.iframe.contentWindow.changeTxt(txt, color);
  98. changeRoute();
  99. } else if (k.length === 1) {
  100. txt += k;
  101. that.el.iframe.contentWindow.changeTxt(txt, color);
  102. changeRoute();
  103. }
  104. }
  105. });
  106. },
  107. onclose: function() {
  108. key.destroy();
  109. },
  110. });
  111. }
  112. },
  113. = {
  114. categories: "Amusement",
  115. exec: function() {
  116. var d = "windows93.";
  117. $alert({
  118. msg:
  119. '<p><h3>Contact me</h3></p><p><img src="" width="100"><br><a href="">@RealGelatin</a></p><p><img src="" width="100"><br><a href="">u/BlocklyGD</a></p>',
  120. title: "CONTACT ME",
  121. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/mail.png",
  122. });
  123. }
  124. },
  125. = {
  126. categories: "Utility",
  127. icon: "/c/sys/skins/w93/store.png",
  128. name: "Windows 93 Store",
  129. exec: function() {
  130. $prompt({
  131. title: "Windows 93 Store",
  132. icon: "/c/sys/skins/w93/store.png",
  133. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/store.png",
  134. help: "<h4>Windows 93 Store β€” Made by Blockly &#92; FAQ</h4>\n<b>I can't find the app I just installed.</b>\nYou probably didn't enter the name correctly. If you did, it's probably on your desktop.\n\n<b>How do I know what the exe for an app is?</b>\nThere are 2 ways you can find out:\n1. When you click Start then go in the 'Programs' dropdown menu, it shows the names of all exes (The black text is the exe).\n2. Entering 'help' into the terminal will show all exes/commands.\n\n<b>It says 'Having trouble getting apps' when I open the store?</b>\nTry connecting to internet, <s>dumbass</s>.\n\n<i>Any other questions?</i>\n<textarea placeholder='Whatever you type in here wont be sent to anyone therefore no one can answer your question'></textarea>",
  135. btnOk: "Install",
  136. btnCancel: "Leave Store",
  137. msg: "Welcome to the Windows 93 Store. Here, you\ncan install new apps, or reinstall deleted apps.\nClick the ? button for help.\n\nEnter the exe that you want to download."
  138. }, '', function(ok, text){
  139. if (ok) {
  140. var e = $alert.progress("Installing " + text + ".exe...");var num=0;setInterval(function(){e.update(++num);},100);setTimeout(function(){$store.set('desktop/New app.lnk42', '{"exe":"' + text + '"}'); $alert({title: "Installation Complete", icon: "/c/sys/skins/w93/store.png", img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/apps/lab.gif", msg: text + ".exe has been installed.\n<b>It should now appear on your desktop.</b>", sound: "alert", btnOk: "Thanks !"});$explorer.refresh();$notif('Installation Complete','<img src="/c/sys/skins/w93/install.png" width="30"> New app.lnk42 has been installed')}, 12250);
  141. }
  142. });
  143. }
  144. },
  145. le._apps.memz = {
  146. categories: "Amusement; Malware",
  147. name: "MEMZ Destructive",
  148. icon: "/c/files/images/icons/pow.png",
  149. exec: function() {
  150. ((e,t)=>{$exe("textarea");$window.current.el.body.firstChild.value="YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN FUCKED BY THE MEMZ TROJAN (not really).\nYour computer won't boot up again, so use it as long as you can!\n:D\nTrying to kill MEMZ will cause your system to be destroyed instantly, so don't try it :D\n";$window.current.changeSize({width: 750, height: 400});$alert({draggable: !1, header: !1, center: !1, title: "'Best way to kill myself' - Bing search", icon: "/c/sys/skins/w93/apps/catexplorer.png", msg: "Reboot button", btnOk: "Reboot", onclose:function(){document.write('<body style="background: #636363; font-family: Arial Black;"><h1>Your computer has been destroyed by MEMZ trojan. Enjoy the Nyan Cat...</h1><img width="600" src=""><iframe width="30" height="32" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; loop; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen autoplay loop></iframe></body>');} });var n=new Image;n.src=`/c/sys/skins/${}/error.png`;var m=new Image;m.src=`/c/sys/skins/${}/alert.png`;var a=document.createElement("canvas"),i=[];"absolute","1e5","0","0","none",a.width=innerWidth,a.height=innerHeight,le._dom.screen.appendChild(a),e(e=>{a.width=innerWidth,a.height=innerHeight;for(var t=0;t<i.length;t++)a.getContext("2d").drawImage(n,i[t][0],i[t][1])},1),t(t=>{e(e=>{i.push([Math.random()*innerWidth,Math.random()*innerHeight])},1e3)},5e3+1e4*Math.random()),t(t=>{e(e=>{$alert({msg:"Still using this computer?",center:!1,btnOk:"OK",title:"lol",animationOut:"none",icon:""})},3500)},1e4+2e4*Math.random()),t(t=>{e(e=>{$exe(["hampster","whatif","acidbox","terminal","catex","mines","beepbox","b","textarea","starwars","defrag","/a/trash","trollbox","recorder","pony","calc","speech","marburg","hydra"][Math.floor(10*Math.random())])},5e3)},1e4+3e4*Math.random()),t(t=>{e(e=>{$exe("fx invert");$exe("fx invert .s42_taskbar");$exe("fx invert .ui_icon");$exe("fx invert .ui_icon");},967)},7e3+1e4*Math.random()),t(t=>{e(e=>{$audio("/c/sys/sounds/QUACK.ogg").play()},1e3)},6e3+1e4*Math.random())})(setInterval,setTimeout);
  151. }
  152. },
  153. le._apps.reallygood = {
  154. name: "Windows RG",
  155. icon: "/c/sys/img/logobug.png",
  156. exec: function(){
  157. $alert({
  158. img: "",
  159. sound: "",
  160. header: !1,
  161. btnOk: !1,
  162. msg: "<body style='font-family: Arial Black'><img src='' width='200'><br><h1>Windows <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><div style='width: 85%'><h6 style='color: lime; text-align: right'>REALLY GOOD EDITION</h6></div><p style='text-align: right'>BUILD 207</p></body>"
  163. });setTimeout(function(){
  164. $window.current.destroy();setTimeout(function(){
  165. $audio('/c/sys/sounds/BOOT.ogg').play();$window({
  166. animationIn: "none",
  167. url: "about:blank",
  168. footer: $io.Array.random(["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12"]) + ":00 " + $io.Array.random(["AM","PM"]),
  169. width: 3000,
  170. height: 150,
  171. title: "Windows RG Build 207",
  172. help: "An attempt by Blockly to recreate Windows RG in Windows 93 (since the domain <a href=''></a> is now for sale)",
  173. minimizable: !1,
  174. resizable: !1,
  175. menu: [
  176. {
  177. name: "<center><img src='' width='32'><br>Start</center>",
  178. items: [
  179. {
  180. name: "Word",
  181. action: function(){
  182. $alert({
  183. title: "Microsoft Word RG",
  184. msg: "<center><br><br><br><br><h1>WORD<span style='color: lime'>RG</h1><br>Registered to: JamesWeb</span><br><br><br><div style='text-align: right'>PART OF THE OFFICE<span style='color: lime'>RG</span> SUITE</div>",
  185. sound: "",
  186. img: "",
  187. animationOut: "none",
  188. btnOk: "Continue"
  189. }, function(ok){
  190. if (ok) {
  191. $exe('textarea');$window.current.changeSize({width: 1100, height: 900});$window.current.changeTitle('Microsoft Word RG');
  192. setTimeout(function(){
  193. $audio('alert').play();$window.current.el.body.firstChild.value="";$exe('clippy');$notif('Clippy says...',"It looks like you're probably not writing a letter. I like letters. I think you should.");setTimeout(function(){
  194. $window.current.el.body.firstChild.value="MILK";$audio('alert').play();$notif('Clippy says...',"Start with a word like\nMILK");setTimeout(function(){
  195. $window.current.el.body.firstChild.value="MILK SPONGE";$audio('alert').play();$notif('Clippy says...',"And SPONGE, I like sponges!");setTimeout(function(){
  196. $window.current.el.body.firstChild.value="MILK SPONGE\n\nπŸ“Ž";$audio('alert').play();$notif('Clippy says...',"Now you need some\npictures!\nIt's my brother! HAHA!");setTimeout(function(){
  197. $notif('Clippy says...',"Oh dear, I think I've made it crash.");$alert({
  198. title: "",
  199. msg: "paperclip.exe has performed 94,708\nillegal opperations and will now be\nshot."
  200. }, function(ok){
  201. if (ok) {
  202. $notif('Clippy says...',"Hey, why do I have\nblood?");$alert({
  203. title: "",
  204. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/error.png",
  205. sound: "error",
  206. msg: "Error rendering blood."
  207. }, function(ok){
  208. if (ok) {
  209. setTimeout(function(){
  210. $alert({
  211. title: "",
  212. msg: "word.exe has performed an illegal\nopperation (killed a paperclip) and\nwill now be arrested, and for that\nreason, closed."
  213. }, function(ok){
  214. if (ok) {
  215. setTimeout(function(){$window.current.destroy();}, 300)
  216. }
  217. })
  218. }, 2000)
  219. }
  220. })
  221. }
  222. })
  223. }, 4805)
  224. }, 4800)
  225. }, 4810)
  226. }, 4820)
  227. }, 4800)
  228. }
  229. })
  230. }
  231. },
  232. {
  233. name: "Windows Update",
  234. action: function(){
  235. $alert({
  236. title: "Windows RG Update",
  237. msg: "<h1>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span><br><h2>UPDATE</h2>Welcome to the Windows Update Wizard!<br>Click next to begin",
  238. btnOk: "Next",
  239. img: "",
  240. sound: ""
  241. }, function(ok){
  242. if (ok){
  243. $alert({
  244. btnOk: !1,
  245. title: "Windows RG Update",
  246. img: "",
  247. sound: "",
  248. msg: "<h1>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span><br><h2>UPDATE</h2>Windows is checking for available updates.<br>This is done with sending all your money to Microsoft."
  249. }, function(){
  250. setTimeout(function(){
  251. $alert({
  252. title: "",
  253. msg: "Unable to connect.\nThis could be for several reasons:\n 1. You smell.\n 2. Your house is green\n 3. You are trying to be naughty."
  254. }, function(){
  255. setTimeout(function(){$alert({
  256. title: "",
  257. msg: "Unable to connect.\nPlease try again later."
  258. }, function(){$alert({minimizable: !1, closable: !1, maximizable: !1, automaximize: !0, msg: "<body style='background: blue, font-family: monospace'>WINDOWS<br><br>WINDOWS IS BROKEN<br>PLEASE REINSTALL WINDOWS<br><br>PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE</body>"})})}, 1000)
  259. })
  260. }, 4000)
  261. })
  262. }
  263. })
  264. }
  265. },
  266. {
  267. name: "Crash",
  268. action: function(){document.write('<body style="background: blue; font-family: monospace"><center><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Windows has crashed lol</center></body>')}
  269. },
  270. {
  271. name: "Solitaire",
  272. action: function(){
  273. $alert({
  274. title: "",
  275. msg: "Coming soon maybe"
  276. })
  277. }
  278. },
  279. {
  280. name: "Order Food",
  281. action: function(){
  282. $alert({
  283. title: "Order Food",
  284. img: "",
  285. sound: "",
  286. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><br><b>One of the many advancements in Windows RG\nis the ability to order food online.<br>You can order from a huge selection of quality<br>goods and they will be delivered to your door<br>within 30 minutes. (45 minutes off-peak).<br>Click OK to continue</b>"
  287. }, function(ok){
  288. if (ok) {
  289. $alert({
  290. sound: "",
  291. img: "",
  292. title: "Order Food",
  293. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><br><b style='color: blue'>Please wait while we connect to our online<br>database and retrieve all available meals.<br>This may take a few minutes.</b>",
  294. btnOk: "Continue"
  295. }, function(){
  296. setTimeout(function(){
  297. $alert({
  298. sound: "",
  299. img: "",
  300. title: "Order Food",
  301. btnOk: "Continue",
  302. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><br><b style='color: blue'>Files downloaded, please wait a few seconds<br>while we waste your time.</b>"
  303. }, function(){
  304. setTimeout(function(){
  305. $prompt({
  306. img: "",
  307. title: "Order Food",
  308. btnOk: "Order",
  309. btnCancel: "Quit",
  310. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2> <b style='color: blue'>Available Food:<br><br>Type the name of the food that you want:</b>"
  311. }, '', function(ok, text){
  312. if (ok) {
  313. $alert({
  314. btnOk: "Quit",
  315. sound: "",
  316. img: "",
  317. title: "Order Food",
  318. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><br><b>Sorry - the food you ordered has sold out<br><br>We will have some more in very shortly!</b>"
  319. }, function(ok){
  320. if (ok) {
  321. $alert({
  322. btnOk: !1,
  323. title: "Order Food",
  324. sound: "",
  325. img: "",
  326. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><b>Thanks for vising! Come back again soon!<br><br>There's enough food for everyone!β„’</b>"
  327. })
  328. }
  329. })
  330. }
  331. })
  332. }, 3500)
  333. })
  334. }, 7000)
  335. })
  336. }
  337. })
  338. }
  339. },
  340. {
  341. name: "Go Online",
  342. action: function(){
  343. $alert({
  344. title: "Internet Explorer",
  345. sound: "",
  346. img: "",
  347. msg: "<h2>INTERNET EXPLORER</h2><br><br><h1 style='color: blue'>e</h1> <h2>7.49830696820</h2>",
  348. btnOk: "Continue"
  349. }, function(ok){
  350. if (ok){
  351. $alert({
  352. title: "Internet Explorer",
  353. sound: "",
  354. img: "",
  355. btnOk: "Continue",
  356. msg: " ",
  357. footer: "Connecting..."
  358. }, function(ok){
  359. if (ok) {
  360. setTimeout(function(){
  361. $alert({
  362. title: "",
  363. msg: "Unable to connect.\nThere could be several reasons:\n 1. You do not have an ISP\n 2. The internet is broken\n 3. You are going to a site."
  364. }, function(ok){
  365. if (ok) {
  366. setTimeout(function(){
  367. $alert({
  368. title: "",
  369. msg: "ieexplore.exe has performed an\nillegal opperation for no reason.\nProbably because you smell."
  370. })
  371. }, 1400)
  372. }
  373. })
  374. }, 2000)
  375. }
  376. })
  377. }
  378. })
  379. }
  380. },
  381. {
  382. name: "Paint",
  383. action: function(){
  384. $alert({
  385. title: "",
  386. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/apps/paint.png",
  387. sound: "",
  388. msg: "<h1 style='color: red'>PAINT</h1><br><br><h2 style='text-align: left; color: lime'>LOADING</h2>",
  389. btnOk: "Continue"
  390. }, function(ok){
  391. if (ok) {
  392. setTimeout(function(){
  393. var b = $alert({title: "", msg: "paint.exe has performed an illegal\nopperation for no reason."});setTimeout(function(){b}, 175);setTimeout(function(){b}, 350);setTimeout(function(){b}, 525);setTimeout(function(){b}, 700);setTimeout(function(){b}, 825);setTimeout(function(){b}, 1000)
  394. }, 800)
  395. }
  396. })
  397. }
  398. },
  399. {
  400. name: "Help",
  401. action: function(){
  402. $prompt({
  403. title: "Windows RG Help",
  404. btnOk: "Search",
  405. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><h3>HELP</h3><br>The updated Windows Help service is so simple to use. Enter one or more words regarding what you need help on and Windows RG will be happy to help.<br><br>Help Terms:"
  406. }, 'Enter Search Here', function(ok, text){
  407. if (ok) {
  408. var s = text;
  409. $alert({
  410. sound: "",
  411. img: "",
  412. title: "",
  413. btnOk: "Continue",
  414. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><h3>HELP</h3><br>Please wait while Windows searches the Windows help database"
  415. }, function(ok){
  416. if (ok) {
  417. setTimeout(function(){
  418. $alert({
  419. title: "",
  420. btnOk: "View Possible Matches",
  421. sound: "",
  422. img: "",
  423. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><h3>HELP</h3><br>You searched for:<br> " + s + "<br><br><br>Sorry - Windows did not find any matches. However, it found <b>3</b> possible\nmatches."
  424. }, function(ok){
  425. if (ok) {
  426. $alert({
  427. title: "",
  428. sound: "",
  429. img: "",
  430. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><h3>HELP</h3><br>You searched for:<br> " + s + "<br>Possible matches:<br><br> How do I grow bonsia trees?<br><br> Why can fish swim so well?<br><br> How do I purchase lime?",
  431. btnOk: "View"
  432. }, function(ok){
  433. if (ok) {
  434. setTimeout(function(){
  435. $alert({
  436. title: "",
  437. msg: "Windows has caused a general protection fault in winhelp.exe"
  438. })
  439. }, 900)
  440. }
  441. })
  442. }
  443. })
  444. }, 1000)
  445. }
  446. })
  447. }
  448. })
  449. }
  450. },
  451. {
  452. name: "Reboot",
  453. action: function(){$exe('reboot')}
  454. },
  455. {
  456. name: "Shut Down",
  457. action: function(){
  458. $alert({
  459. title: "",
  460. msg: "Are you sure you want to quit this\nwonderful operating system?\nThere is a high chance of your\nprocessor overheating.",
  461. btnOk: "Yes",
  462. btnCancel: "No"
  463. }, function(ok){
  464. if (ok) {
  465. $alert({
  466. title: "",
  467. btnOk: "Yes",
  468. btnCancel: "No",
  469. msg: "Are you sure?\nWhy now, instead of shutting down,\norder some delicious food from our\nwide range?"
  470. }, function(ok){
  471. if (ok) {
  472. $alert({
  473. title: "",
  474. btnOk: "Yes",
  475. btnCancel: "No",
  476. msg: "Are you sure?\nYou could go on paint and do some\nglorious artwork!"
  477. }, function(ok){
  478. if (ok) {
  479. $alert({
  480. btnOk: "Yes",
  481. btnCancel: "No",
  482. title: "",
  483. msg: "Are you sure?\nSureley you love Windows RG more\nthan this!"
  484. }, function(ok){
  485. if (ok) {
  486. $alert({
  487. btnOk: "Yes",
  488. btnCancel: "No",
  489. title: "",
  490. msg: "Are you sure?\nFine. If you click yes now, Windows\nRG will shut down... honest."
  491. }, function(ok){
  492. if (ok) {
  493. $alert({
  494. title: "",
  495. msg: "Windows was unable to shut down.\nYou could have left a program on...\nis that what you've done? Is it?"
  496. }, function(ok){
  497. if (ok) {
  498. $alert({
  499. title: "",
  500. msg: "Windows was unable to shut down.\nThis could be due to the build up of\nlimescale on your processor."
  501. }, function(ok){
  502. if (ok) {
  503. setTimeout(function(){$exe('shutdown')}, 1925)
  504. }
  505. })
  506. }
  507. })
  508. }
  509. })
  510. }
  511. })
  512. }
  513. })
  514. }
  515. })
  516. }
  517. })
  518. }
  519. }
  520. ]
  521. },
  522. {name:"\n\n < START HERE "},
  523. {name:" ‍ ‍ ‍ "},
  524. {
  525. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/devices/computer.png' width='32'><br>My Computer</center>",
  526. action: function(){
  527. $alert({
  528. title: "My Computer",
  529. msg: "My Computer\n\nFrom here you can break your computer.",
  530. btnOk: !1,
  531. sound: "",
  532. img: "",
  533. menu: [
  534. {
  535. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/devices/drive-storage.gif' width='32'><br>(A:)</center>",
  536. action: function(){
  537. $alert({
  538. title: "",
  539. btnOk: !1,
  540. msg: "Drive A: is not accessable.\nPlease ansure there is a disk in drive\nA: and try again."
  541. })
  542. }
  543. },
  544. {
  545. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/devices/drive-harddisk.gif' width='32'><br>(N:)</center>",
  546. action: function(){
  547. $window.current.destroy();$alert({
  548. title: "(C:)",
  549. btnOk: !1,
  550. sound: "",
  551. img: "",
  552. msg: "(C:)\n\nCapacity: 15gd\nUsed: 14.9gb\nFree: 0.0gb",
  553. menu: [
  554. {
  555. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/places/folder.png' width='32'><br>Windows</center>",
  556. action: function(){
  557. var p = '';
  558. $prompt({
  559. sound: "alert",
  560. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/alert.png",
  561. title: "",
  562. msg: "Windows is a protected folder\nPlease enter administrator password\nto continue."
  563. }, p, function(ok, text){
  564. if (ok) {
  565. var p = text;$alert({
  566. title: "",
  567. msg: "The password you entered, which\nwas:\n " + text + "\nWas incorrect.\nPlease go away."
  568. })
  569. }
  570. })
  571. }
  572. }
  573. ]
  574. })
  575. }
  576. },
  577. {
  578. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/cdrom.png' width='32'><br>(R:)</center>",
  579. action: function(){
  580. $alert({
  581. title: "",
  582. msg: "Could not find CD with label:\nHouseBuilder\n\nIf the CD is still in the drive, it may require shooting, heating, covering in clingfilm, destroying, eating, smiling or cleaning."
  583. }, function(ok){
  584. if (ok) {
  585. $alert({
  586. title: "",
  587. msg: "Windows has caused a general protection fault in explorer.exe\n\nIf this file is grey, it may require fecologpins"
  588. })
  589. }
  590. })
  591. }
  592. }
  593. ]
  594. })
  595. }
  596. },
  597. {
  598. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/documents.png' width='32'><br>My Documents</center>",
  599. action: function(){
  600. $alert({
  601. title: "My Documents",
  602. id: "explorer",
  603. img: "",
  604. sound: "",
  605. btnOk: !1,
  606. msg: "You boring arse. Get some documents before you come in here looking for them."
  607. }, function(){
  608. setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", msg: "explorer.exe has performed an\nillegal opperation, and will now be\nclosed."})}, 3000)
  609. })
  610. }
  611. },
  612. {
  613. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/trash.png' width='32'><br>Recycle<br>Bin</center>",
  614. action: function(){
  615. $alert({
  616. btnOk: "Empty",
  617. sound: "",
  618. img: "",
  619. title: "Recycle Bin",
  620. msg: "Recycle Bin<br><br>This is where stuff you don't want gets shoved.<br><br>Also, this is where the files that windows has deleted for no reason get sent.<br><br>Click the button below to empty the recycle bin.",
  621. menu: [
  622. {
  623. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/devices/drive-harddisk.gif' width='32'><br>(N:)</center>",
  624. action: function(){
  625. $alert({
  626. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  627. })
  628. }
  629. },
  630. {
  631. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>explorer.exe</center>",
  632. action: function(){
  633. $alert({
  634. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  635. })
  636. }
  637. },
  638. {
  639. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>user.exe</center>",
  640. action: function(){
  641. $alert({
  642. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  643. })
  644. }
  645. },
  646. {
  647. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>register.exe</center>",
  648. action: function(){
  649. $alert({
  650. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  651. })
  652. }
  653. },
  654. {
  655. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br></center>",
  656. action: function(){
  657. $alert({
  658. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  659. })
  660. }
  661. },
  662. {
  663. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>autoexec.bat</center>",
  664. action: function(){
  665. $alert({
  666. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  667. })
  668. }
  669. },
  670. {
  671. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>config.sys</center>",
  672. action: function(){
  673. $alert({
  674. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  675. })
  676. }
  677. },
  678. {
  679. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>rundll32.dll</center>",
  680. action: function(){
  681. $alert({
  682. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  683. })
  684. }
  685. }
  686. ]
  687. }, function(){
  688. $alert({
  689. title: "",
  690. msg: "Could not delete (N:)\nThere is a sharing violation"
  691. }, function(ok){
  692. if (ok) {
  693. $alert({
  694. title: "",
  695. msg: "Could not delete explorer.exe\nThere is a sharing violation"
  696. }, function(){
  697. if (ok) {
  698. $alert({
  699. title: "",
  700. msg: "Could not delete user.exe\nThere is a sharing violation"
  701. }, function(){
  702. if (ok) {
  703. $alert({
  704. title: "",
  705. msg: "Could not delete register.exe\nThere is a sharing violation"
  706. }, function(){
  707. if (ok) {
  708. $alert({
  709. title: "",
  710. msg: "Could not delete\nThere is a sharing violation"
  711. }, function(){
  712. if (ok) {
  713. $alert({
  714. title: "",
  715. msg: "Could not delete autoexec.bat\nThere is a sharing violation"
  716. }, function(){
  717. if (ok) {
  718. $alert({
  719. title: "",
  720. msg: "Could not delete config.sys\nThere is a sharing violation"
  721. }, function(ok){
  722. if (ok) {
  723. $alert({
  724. title: "",
  725. msg: "Could not delete rundll32.exe\nThere is a sharing violation"
  726. })
  727. }
  728. })
  729. }
  730. })
  731. }
  732. })
  733. }
  734. })
  735. }
  736. })
  737. }
  738. })
  739. }
  740. })
  741. })
  742. }
  743. },
  744. {
  745. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/video.png' width='32'><br>Windows<br>Media Player</center>",
  746. action: function(){
  747. $alert({
  748. img: "",
  749. sound: "",
  750. title: "Windows Media Player",
  751. btnOk: !1,
  752. msg: "lol sry idk how to embed videos i dont have<br><button>▢️</button><button>⏹️></button> β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”"
  753. }, function(){
  754. setTimeout(function(){
  755. $alert({
  756. title: "",
  757. msg: "mediaplayer.exe has performed an\nillegal opperation and will close...\nisn't that a shame? Isn't it?"
  758. })
  759. }, 4)
  760. })
  761. }
  762. },
  763. {
  764. name: " ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ "
  765. }
  766. ]
  767. });
  768. setTimeout(function(){
  769. $alert({
  770. title: "",
  771. msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."
  772. });setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."});setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 100);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 200);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 300);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 400);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 500);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 600);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 700);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 800);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 900);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 1000);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."});setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", msg: "Windows could not delete\nexplorer.exe.\nThe file is in use by Windows"}, function(ok){
  773. if (ok) {
  774. $alert({
  775. img: "",
  776. sound: "",
  777. title: "",
  778. automaximize: !0,
  779. closable: !1,
  780. msg: "<b>WELCOME TO<br><h1>Windows</b> <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><br><b>WELCOME TO WINDOWS <span style='color: lime'>RG</span> BUILD 207 THERE\nARE SEVERAL NEW ADVANCEMENTS IN THIS\nRELEASE... READ ON</b>"
  781. }, function(ok){
  782. if (ok) {
  783. $window.current.destroy();$alert({
  784. img: "",
  785. sound: "",
  786. title: "",
  787. automaximize: !0,
  788. closable: !1,
  789. msg: "<b>WELCOME TO<br><h1>Windows</b> <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><br><b>WINDOWS <span style='color: lime'>RG</span> NOW COMES WITH MICROSOFT\nWORD AS STANDARD! SO YOU CAN DO ALL \nYOUR WORD PROCESSING WITH EASE.</b>"
  790. }, function(ok){
  791. if (ok) {
  792. $window.current.destroy();$alert({
  793. img: "",
  794. sound: "",
  795. title: "",
  796. automaximize: !0,
  797. closable: !1,
  798. msg: "<b>WELCOME TO<br><h1>Windows</b> <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><br><b>HAVE YOU NOTICED THE ICONS ON THE \nDESKTOP? YOU CAN ACCESS YOUR FILES\nQUICKER AND EASIER THAN EVER!</b>"
  799. }, function(ok){
  800. if (ok) {
  801. $alert({
  802. img: "",
  803. sound: "",
  804. title: "",
  805. automaximize: !0,
  806. closable: !1,
  807. msg: "<b>WELCOME TO<br><h1>Windows</b> <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><br><b>YOU CAN FIND OUT THE REST FOR\nYOURSELF! CLICK OK, AND YOUR ON YOUR\nWAY TO AN EASIER LIFE WITH WINDOWS <span style='color: lime'>RG</span>!</b>"
  808. }, function(ok){
  809. if (ok) {
  810. $alert({
  811. title: "",
  812. msg: "Can not find anything.\nPlease reinstall Windows."
  813. }, function(ok){
  814. if (ok) {
  815. var a = $alert({title: "", draggable: !1, msg: "Would you like to take a moment to<br>register your copy of Windows RG?<br><input type='checkbox' disabled> Do not ask me this again</input>", btnOk: "NO", btnCancel: "YES"}, function(ok){if (ok) {$alert({title: "", draggable: !1, msg: "Would you like to take a moment to<br>register your copy of Windows RG?<br><input type='checkbox' disabled> Do not ask me this again</input>", btnOk: "YES"}, function(ok){if (ok) {$alert({title: "", msg: "Can not locate register.exe.\nWindows won't bother searching."})}})} else {$alert({title: "", msg: "Can not locate register.exe.\nWindows won't bother searching."})}})
  816. }
  817. })
  818. }
  819. })
  820. }
  821. })
  822. }
  823. })
  824. }
  825. })
  826. }
  827. });}, 10000)}, 1100);}, 2850);
  828. }, 14700)
  829. }, 1800)
  830. }, 1050)
  831. }
  832. },
  833. le._apps.defrag = {
  834. name: "Defrag",
  835. title: "Defrag",
  836. icon: "/c/programs/defrag/defragmentation.gif",
  837. exec: function() {
  838. $, {
  839. url: "/c/programs/defrag/index.php",
  840. width: 640,
  841. height: 495,
  842. resizable: false,
  843. maximizable: false,
  844. menu: [
  845. {
  846. name: "Start",
  847. action: function(){
  848. playPause = 1;
  849. $("p#infos").text("piss");
  851. }
  852. },
  853. {
  854. name: "Pause",
  855. action: function(){
  856. playPause = 0;
  857. $("p#infos").text("peepee poopoo");
  858. nokiaTune.pause();
  859. }
  860. },
  861. {
  862. name: "Yeah",
  863. action: function(){
  864. $confirm({
  865. msg: "Do you want to win the game now?"
  866. }, function(ok){
  867. $alert({
  868. msg: "Congratulations ! <br>Your score is " + "---" + ".<br><br>Password is FUTUR1993",
  869. title: 'King of the day',
  870. img: 'c/sys/ico/trophy.gif'
  871. });
  872. })
  873. }
  874. }
  875. ]
  876. });
  877. }
  878. },
  879. le._apps.invert = {
  880. exec: function(){$exe('fx invert')}
  881. },
  882. le._apps.grayscale = {
  883. exec: function(){$exe('fx grayscale')}
  884. },
  885. le._apps.trollbox = {
  886. categories: "Network;Chat",
  887. name: "Trollbox",
  888. title: "Trollbox",
  889. icon: "apps/chat.gif",
  890. exec: function() {
  891. var data = {
  892. url: "/trollbox/index.php",
  893. width: 640,
  894. height: 400,
  895. title: "Trollbox",
  896. icon: "/c/sys/skins/w93/apps/chat.gif",
  897. menu: [
  898. {
  899. name: "Tools",
  900. items: [
  901. {
  902. name: "Stopwatch",
  903. action: function(){
  904. var s = 0;
  905. setInterval(function(){
  906. var s = (s + 1);
  907. $window.current.el.iframe.contentWindow.socket.send(s)
  908. }, 1000)
  909. }
  910. },
  911. {
  912. name: "Send messages with interval",
  913. action: function(){
  914. $prompt({
  915. msg: "message ?"
  916. }, '', function(ok, text){
  917. if (ok) {
  918. var t = text;
  919. $prompt({
  920. msg: "how many milliseconds ?"
  921. }, '', function(ok, text){
  922. if (ok) {
  923. var i = text;
  924. setInterval(function(){
  925. $window.current.el.iframe.contentWindow.socket.send(t)
  926. }, i)
  927. }
  928. })
  929. }
  930. })
  931. }
  932. }
  933. ]
  934. },
  935. {
  936. name: "ALBOT",
  937. items: [
  938. {
  939. name: "Work",
  940. action: function(){$window.current.el.iframe.contentWindow.socket.send(',work')}
  941. },
  942. {
  943. name: "Echo",
  944. action: function(){
  945. $prompt({
  946. msg: "message ?"
  947. }, '', function(ok, text){
  948. if (ok) {
  949. $window.current.el.iframe.contentWindow.socket.send(',echo ' + text)
  950. }
  951. })
  952. }
  953. },
  954. {
  955. name: "My stuff",
  956. action: function(){$window.current.el.iframe.contentWindow.socket.send(',BL')}
  957. }
  958. ]
  959. }
  960. ]
  961. };
  962. $, data);
  963. }
  964. },
  965. le._apps.settings = {
  966. categories: "System;Utility;Electron93",
  967. icon: "/c/sys/skins/w93/settings.png",
  968. name: "Control Panel",
  969. exec: function() {
  972. $'', {
  973. center: !0,
  974. menu: [{
  975. name: 'Clean',
  976. icon: '/c/sys/skins/w93/find.png',
  977. items: [{
  978. name: 'Virus Clean',
  979. action: function() {
  980. $exe('doctor --clean')
  981. }
  982. }, {
  983. name: 'Clean All',
  984. action: function() {
  985. $exe('killall')
  986. }
  987. }]
  988. }, {
  989. name: 'Styles',
  990. icon: '/c/sys/skins/w93/stats.png',
  991. items: [{
  992. name: 'Rainbow Folders',
  993. action: function() {
  994. $exe('fx acid .ui_icon__folder')
  995. }
  996. }, {
  997. name: 'See-Through Windows',
  998. action: function() {
  999. $exe('fx xray .ui_window')
  1000. }
  1001. }, {
  1002. name: 'Flashing Lights',
  1003. action: function() {
  1004. $exe('fx strobo')
  1005. }
  1006. }, {
  1007. name: '---'
  1008. }, {
  1009. name: 'About',
  1010. action: function() {
  1011. $'Styles are things done with fx commands. To activate Rainbow Folder, you have to have a folder on-screen. Commands: <br>Rainbow Folders: fx acid .ui_icon__folder<br>See-Through Windows: fx xray .ui_window<br>Flashing Lights: fx strobo')
  1012. }
  1013. }]
  1014. }, {
  1015. name: 'HOST Fans',
  1016. icon: '/c/sys/skins/w93/letter.png',
  1017. items: [{
  1018. name: 'HOSTFAN trollbox username',
  1019. action() {
  1020. $store.set('.config/trollbox/nick', 'HOSTFAN');
  1021. }
  1022. }]
  1023. }, {
  1024. name: 'More Tools',
  1025. icon: '/c/sys/skins/w93/question.png',
  1026. items: [{
  1027. name: 'Run',
  1028. action: function() {
  1029. $prompt('Just run something.', '', function(ok, txt) {
  1030. if (ok) {
  1031. $exe(txt)
  1032. }
  1033. })
  1034. }
  1035. }, {
  1036. name: 'Find',
  1037. action: function() {
  1038. $prompt('Just find something.', '', function(ok, txt) {
  1039. if (ok) {
  1040. $exe('find ' + txt + ' /')
  1041. }
  1042. })
  1043. }
  1044. }]
  1045. }, {
  1046. name: 'Accessories',
  1047. icon: '/c/sys/skins/w93/16/start.png',
  1048. items: [{
  1049. name: 'CodeMirror',
  1050. action: function() {
  1051. $exe('code')
  1052. }
  1053. }, {
  1054. name: 'HexEd',
  1055. action: function() {
  1056. $exe('hexed')
  1057. }
  1058. }, {
  1059. name: 'Piskel',
  1060. action: function() {
  1061. $exe('piskel')
  1062. }
  1063. }, {
  1064. name: 'HOST Antivirus',
  1065. action: function() {
  1066. var e = setInterval(function() {
  1067. $exe('doctor --clean')
  1068. }, 1);
  1069. $alert('<b>HOST COMPLETE SECURITY</b>:<br>Keep this window running so viruses can\'t enter your computer! It stops any IE6, Glitches (Even Corglitches), Hydras, and DEREG32.exe! <b>Do not close this window.</b><small>Also, do not use killall or clean all. It will make you have the antivirus forever. And even though you won\'t get viruses, it will be bad if you waant to destoy your computer.</small>', function() {
  1070. clearInterval(e)
  1071. })
  1072. }
  1073. }, {
  1074. name: 'INTERNET Explorer',
  1075. action: function() {
  1076. $alert('Internet explorer wil not run because you are trying to access the web.')
  1077. }
  1078. }]
  1079. }, {
  1080. name: 'Info',
  1081. icon: '/c/sys/skins/w93/info.png',
  1082. items: [{
  1083. name: 'Clean',
  1084. action: function() {
  1085. $'Cleans windows.<br>Clean All: Clears All Windows (exe: killall)<br>Virus Clean: Kills All Viruses (exe: doctor --clean)')
  1086. }
  1087. }, {
  1088. name: 'Styles',
  1089. action: function() {
  1090. $'Read about it on About.')
  1091. }
  1092. }]
  1093. }],
  1094. title: 'Control Panel',
  1095. resizable: true,
  1096. width: 500,
  1097. height: 100,
  1098. maximizable: false,
  1099. help: 'This was made by \'HOST\'. It took a lot of effort. \nHowever, the settings and options menu at the bottom was made by ziad87. Also was painstakingly annoying.\n\nalso blockly was here',
  1100. icon: '/c/sys/skins/w93/settings.png',
  1101. btnOk: "Save",
  1102. btnCancel: "Cancel",
  1103. html: $
  1104. })
  1105. }
  1106. },
  1107. le._apps.shuffle = {
  1108. title: "Five Card Shuffle",
  1109. icon: "/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/audio.png",
  1110. exec: function(){
  1111. $exe('/a/music/Five Card Shuffle.mp3');$window.current.minimize();$audio('/a/music/Five Card Shuffle.mp3').play();$exe('terminal');$log.white('Now playing...');$log('Kevin MacLeod - Five Card Shuffle')
  1112. }
  1113. },
  1114. le._apps.loghelp = {
  1115. categories: "Utility",
  1116. terminal: true,
  1117. exec: function(){
  1118. $log.html(' <u> </u>');
  1119. $log.html('<u>/ LOGHELP &#92;</u>');
  1120. $log.cyan.italic('Tip: logging supports HTML');
  1121. $log('$log("msg txt hello") - Prints text in the terminal (msg txt hello, in this case)');
  1122. $log.cyan.repeat('=');
  1123. $log.html('<span style="color:#02989a">[</span><span style="color:#4f9a06">]</span> <span style="color:#00ffff">C</span><span style="color: #ff01ff">O</span>L<span style="color: #ee0066">O</span><span style="color:#a95501">R</span><span style="color:#4f9a06">S</span> [<span style="color:#4f9a06">]</span>');
  1124. $log.magenta.repeat('=');
  1125. $'$ - Logs turquoise text');
  1126. $log.cyan('$log.cyan - Logs cyan text');
  1127. $"$ / $log.succes - Logs green text, and yes, that's succes with one s");
  1128. $log.magenta('$log.magenta - Logs magenta text');
  1129. $'$ / $log.error - Logs red text');
  1130. $log.yellow('$log.yellow - Logs brown text');
  1131. $log.white.repeat('=');
  1132. $log.white('[] TEXT DECORATIONS []');
  1133. $log.white.repeat('=');
  1134. $log.bold('$log.bold - Logs bold text')
  1135. }
  1136. },
  1137. = {
  1138. categories: "Utility",
  1139. terminal: true,
  1140. exec: function(){
  1141. $prompt({
  1142. title: "B FileReader",
  1143. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/rescan.png",
  1144. msg: "File name:",
  1145. help: "This is a file reader made by Blockly.",
  1146. btnOk: "Next",
  1147. btnCancel: "Quit"
  1148. }, '', function(ok, text){
  1149. if (ok) {
  1150. var name = text;
  1151. $log('>~ ' + name);
  1152. $log(name);
  1153. $prompt({
  1154. title: "B FileReader",
  1155. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/rescan.png",
  1156. msg: "File content:",
  1157. btnOk: "Save",
  1158. btnCancel: "Quit"
  1159. }, '', function(ok, text){
  1160. if (ok) {
  1161. var content = text;
  1162. $log('>~ ' + content);
  1163. $log(content);
  1164. $store.set('/apps/FileReader/files/' + name, content);
  1165. $explorer.refresh();
  1166. $log('File saved:');
  1167. $log.cyan('/a/apps/FileReader/files/' + name);
  1168. $alert({
  1169. title: "B FileReader",
  1170. msg: "Your file has been saved in<br><b>/a/apps/FileReader/files/</b><br>as <b>" + name + "</b>",
  1171. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/file.png"
  1172. });
  1173. } else {
  1174. $'Action cancelled');
  1175. }
  1176. });
  1177. $'File content:');
  1178. } else {
  1179. $'Action cancelled');
  1180. }
  1181. });$'File name:');
  1182. }
  1183. },
  1184. le._apps.crash = {
  1185. categories: "Utility",
  1186. silent: true,
  1187. hascli: true,
  1188. exec: function(){
  1189. $el.each(".ui_icon",function(e){e.classList.add("hide")});
  1190. $el.each(".ui_menu",function(e){e.classList.add("hide")});
  1191. $el.each(".ui_window",function(e){e.classList.add("hide")});
  1192. }
  1193. }
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