
Choice of Magics Kri

Oct 14th, 2019
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  1. Chapter 1
  3. You and Tal stumbled on an ancient magic academy.
  4. You discovered a book of vivomancy, and an inquisitor chased you.
  5. You found an ancient dueling ground.
  6. You turned the inquisitor into a tortoise.
  7. You explored the academy library.
  8. A divination revealed that the most valuable treasure in the academy was in a room with a dragon and a broken-down airship.
  9. You animated a serving tray to retrieve an alchemy set, but in the process, you released some dangerous chemicals.
  10. You came across a spider-infested ancient auditorium.
  11. You retrieved the rings of the lead actor.
  12. You obtained a clutch of dragon eggs from the crow's nest of an ancient airship.
  13. It became clear that the spilled chemicals were going to consume the whole academy.
  14. You escaped the magic academy and headed for your hometown of Akriton.
  16. Chapter 2
  18. You flew up the coast of the Negative Sea back to Akriton.
  19. You created two Bords and freed them in the woods.
  20. You told your parents that you now wield great power.
  21. You read in True Life of Abraxas that those who follow orders regularly are more likely to be glamored.
  22. Seer Marie told your fortune with kalot cards.
  23. You taught Seer Marie real magic.
  24. You met a hat seller but bought nothing from her.
  25. You stopped a thief who stole from Fruitseller Fran.
  26. You saved an old man who mistook you for an angel.
  27. You saved a little girl from the death cloud.
  28. You saved a swineherd from a death cloud—and made pigs fly.
  29. You kissed Tal.
  30. You slept with Tal.
  31. You and Tal beheaded the dodecapede.
  32. You turned Banker Sara, head of the antishapeshifter Twilight Band in Akriton, into a tortoise.
  33. Mayor Cos publicly declared you Wizard Kri.
  34. You heard a pair of inquisitors had come to town.
  36. Chapter 3
  38. Two inquisitors came to your door: the more aggressive Blessed Jacob, and the kinder Blessed Sam.
  39. An old man intervened, claiming you weren't home.
  40. You cast a divination and learned the old man was Mayor Cos, shapeshifted.
  41. You waited until the inquisitors left.
  42. You went to a House of Sun service, led by Blessed Sam.
  43. In the middle, your vivomancy disguise wore off, but Blessed Sam did not take any action to pursue you.
  44. Blessed Sam asked you to heal his pet dragon, Thomas.
  45. You agreed and healed Sam's dragon.
  46. Blessed Sam helped you hatch your own baby dragon, Scalie.
  47. You offered to teach Sam vivomancy, and he agreed.
  49. Chapter 4
  51. Tal came with you to go to Edra, capital of Eirinia.
  52. Tal told you that she's a shapeshifter.
  53. You learned the location of the Magisterian capital from True Life of Abraxas.
  54. You sneaked into the Cathedral basement.
  55. You found a university student held in the Cathedral dungeon—the last mage left there.
  56. You freed the student, whose name was Vera.
  57. You invited Vera to explore the Cathedral dungeon with you.
  58. You entered a room where mages are executed by a murderous golem.
  59. You defeated the executioner golem in combat.
  60. You found a room that looked similar to a vision of a pleasant afterlife.
  61. Noodles painted it.
  62. You found the Cathedral's library.
  63. You found an old statue of Abraxas that promised to answer questions about the Church.
  64. You learned that an item called the Great Oracle lies in the Magisterian palace, and that it could be used to join all minds into one.
  65. The hierophant came to make an offer of sainthood to you.
  66. Inquisitors and Church guards pursued you out of the capital.
  67. You escaped the Cathedral and headed home.
  69. Chapter 5
  71. You glamored the guards pursuing you and told them to report that you were dead.
  72. You headed back to Akriton.
  73. You visited an artifact seller in the market who sold a variety of rare items, including something called a fateshaper.
  74. You bought the fateshaper.
  75. You set the fateshaper to the Dragonrider Monkey setting.
  76. Seer Marie told a fortune in which time is running out, things would come back from the past to haunt you, and you needed to pick something to concentrate in.
  77. She said further you would have your choice between power and chaos, ingenuity and a desperate plan, a shattering crown, a monster with an all-seeing eye, and a tree hiding an enemy, and that you should embrace the magics of the sun when you walk in the shadow of death.
  78. You told Cos that Fruitseller Fran was a spy.
  79. You wrote a letter to the queen warning her of a potential invasion by the Neighbors.
  80. You taught Vera and Seer Marie side by side as apprentices.
  81. You decided to maintain your distance with Vera socially.
  82. In response to your letter, the queen offered you a position as an advisor, which you accepted.
  84. Chapter 6
  86. You returned to the capital, summoned by the queen for an interview.
  87. You became the official court wizard for the queen.
  88. You moved into the royal palace.
  89. Spymaster Dol reported that the Neighbors' airships were spotted near the Negative Sea, confirming your earlier fears.
  90. The queen asked you to determine in what ways the kingdom should adopt magic to stay competitive with the Magisterians.
  91. Blessed Sam became Blessed Advisor Sam when you arrived at court.
  92. You recommended using vivomancy-created beasts to supply the kingdom's labor and enhance its military.
  93. You suggested the queen use glamor magic when interacting with the people.
  94. Over dinner, the queen told a story of a glass princess, and you correctly guessed that the hero turned to glass as well and lived happily ever after with the princess.
  95. Over dinner with Tal and the queen, you learned of the queen's childhood stuffed animal, Bear Bearson.
  96. You animated Noodles and Bear Bearson to introduce them, but they fought, embarrassing Tal.
  97. Your plan to create beasts to perform the kingdom's labor and fighting appeared to be working.
  98. Cos revealed a penchant for piloting.
  99. You taught entertainers glamors to help keep the people happy.
  100. Tal proposed.
  101. You accepted.
  102. While you were visiting your mother, a Magisterian airship attacked.
  103. Your mother's house was destroyed by a Magisterian bombardment.
  104. You captured a Magisterian airship.
  105. You told the queen you would try to negotiate for peace.
  107. Chapter 7
  109. You were brought before the high magister, who interviewed you in front of the Magisterian Senate.
  110. You gave the high magister a fake location for the sunken academy where you learned magic.
  111. You caught a glimpse of a gigantic tortoise in the Mild Woods.
  112. You convinced the Magisterian Senate to opt for peace.
  113. You married Tal.
  114. You created a new kind of creature, a Sim Danish National Treasure named Chancellor Sim Danson.
  115. Odd vivomancy-related incidents were reported throughout the kingdom.
  116. In the Mild Woods, you encountered a giant tortoise demanding revenge.
  118. Chapter 8
  120. The tortoise was the inquisitor who encountered you in the sunken academy.
  121. Your adversary used vivomancy to cause the vines around you to ensnare you.
  122. You were saved by the horde of Bords that had been left to breed in the Mild Woods.
  123. You cast a spell to shrink the rebelling monsters, only it seems to have shrunk all your creations, everywhere.
  125. Chapter 9
  127. You and Tal had a baby girl.
  128. Cos and Thecla married.
  129. No longer mayor of Akriton, Cos tried to develop his own flying machines.
  130. Queen Thecla went mad from rot.
  131. Your dragon and Sam's dragon Thomas seem to have chosen each other as mates.
  132. Vera opened up a school for mages.
  133. You took pride in the now-tiny creatures filling the palace gardens.
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