
cocoon crash

Mar 4th, 2020
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  1. [17:54:47] [1/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Win32NT client
  2. [17:54:47] [1/INFO] [tML]: Running on NetFramework 4.8
  3. [17:54:47] [1/INFO] [tML]: Engine: FNA
  4. [17:54:47] [1/INFO] [tML]: Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria\Terraria.exe
  5. [17:54:47] [1/INFO] [tML]: Working Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria
  6. [17:54:47] [1/INFO] [tML]: Launch Parameters:
  7. [17:54:54] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.IO.WorldFile::LoadChests(BinaryReader) added by Terraria
  8. [17:54:54] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.IO.WorldFile::SaveChests(BinaryWriter) added by Terraria
  9. [17:54:58] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  10. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
  11. Parameter name: ptr
  12. at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(IntPtr ptr, Type t)
  13. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.OpenGLDevice.LoadGLEntryPoints(String driver)
  14. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.OpenGLDevice..ctor(PresentationParameters presentationParameters, GraphicsAdapter adapter)
  15. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.CreateGLDevice(PresentationParameters presentationParameters, GraphicsAdapter adapter)
  16. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice..ctor(GraphicsAdapter adapter, GraphicsProfile graphicsProfile, PresentationParameters presentationParameters)
  17. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.Microsoft.Xna.Framework.IGraphicsDeviceManager.CreateDevice()
  18. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.get_GraphicsDevice()
  19. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoInitialize()
  20. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  21. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  22. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  23. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  25. [17:55:00] [1/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Graphics Device: Generic PnP Monitor {{Width:1920 Height:1080 Format:Color}}
  26. [17:56:06] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Fallback synchronization context assigned
  27. [17:56:23] [6/INFO] [Terraria]: JIT loading finished
  28. [17:57:02] [3/INFO] [tML]: Unloading mods
  29. [17:57:03] [3/INFO] [tML]: Finding Mods...
  30. [17:57:26] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BossChecklist
  31. [17:57:26] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CalamityMod
  32. [17:57:27] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CalamityExpansionDimensions
  33. [17:57:27] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CheatSheet
  34. [17:57:27] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ThoriumMod
  35. [17:57:27] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WebmilioCommons
  36. [17:57:28] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Laugicality
  37. [17:57:28] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: UnuBattleRods
  38. [17:57:28] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: DBZMOD
  39. [17:57:28] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SacredTools
  40. [17:57:28] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: JoostMod
  41. [17:57:28] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: FargowiltasSouls
  42. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Fargowiltas
  43. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: FKBossHealthBar
  44. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Gensokyo
  45. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: MagicStorage
  46. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: RecipeBrowser
  47. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ThoriamityConvergence
  48. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WeaponOut
  49. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WingSlot
  50. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WMITF
  51. [17:57:29] [3/INFO] [tML]: Instantiating Mods...
  52. [17:57:29] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: CalamityExpansionDimensions_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> CalamityMod_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  53. [17:57:30] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Laugicality_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> WebmilioCommons_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  54. [17:57:30] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ModLoader v0.11.6.2
  55. [17:57:32] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BossChecklist v1.0.11
  56. [17:57:32] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: BossChecklist_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaHooks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  57. [17:57:32] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.Events.DD2Event::WinInvasionInternal() added by BossChecklist_0
  58. [17:57:33] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CalamityMod v1.4.2.111
  59. [17:57:39] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CalamityExpansionDimensions v0.2.2.3
  60. [17:57:39] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CheatSheet v0.6.3
  61. [17:57:39] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ThoriumMod v1.6.1.4
  62. [17:57:43] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ApplyDamageToNPC(NPC, int, float, int, bool) added by ThoriumMod_0
  63. [17:57:44] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WebmilioCommons v0.1.9.10
  64. [17:57:44] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::SaveAndQuit(Action) added by WebmilioCommons_0
  65. [17:57:44] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Laugicality v0.14.2.1
  66. [17:57:46] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: UnuBattleRods v1.3.1.1
  67. [17:57:46] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: DBZMOD v1.0.9.4
  68. [17:57:47] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SacredTools v1.1.0.9
  69. [17:57:50] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: JoostMod v0.8.0.3
  70. [17:57:51] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: FargowiltasSouls v1.2.0.1
  71. [17:57:52] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Fargowiltas v1.7.3
  72. [17:57:52] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
  73. [17:57:52] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Gensokyo v0.5.37.4
  74. [17:57:53] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
  75. [17:57:53] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: RecipeBrowser v0.8.4.1
  76. [17:57:53] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Recipe::FindRecipes() added by RecipeBrowser_0
  77. [17:57:53] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::AdjTiles() added by RecipeBrowser_0
  78. [17:57:53] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ThoriamityConvergence v0.2.1
  79. [17:57:53] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WeaponOut v1.6.4
  80. [17:57:54] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WingSlot v1.7.3
  81. [17:57:54] [3/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WMITF v2.6
  82. [17:57:54] [3/INFO] [tML]: Setting up...
  83. [17:57:54] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ModLoader v0.11.6.2
  84. [17:57:54] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BossChecklist v1.0.11
  85. [17:57:54] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CalamityMod v1.4.2.111
  86. [17:57:56] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CalamityExpansionDimensions v0.2.2.3
  87. [17:57:56] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Goozma has been added to the Boss Log!
  88. [17:57:56] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CheatSheet v0.6.3
  89. [17:57:56] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriumMod v1.6.1.4
  90. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Grand Thunder Bird has been added to the Boss Log!
  91. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Patch Werk has been added to the Boss Log!
  92. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Queen Jellyfish has been added to the Boss Log!
  93. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Viscount has been added to the Boss Log!
  94. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Corpse Bloom has been added to the Boss Log!
  95. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Granite Energy Storm has been added to the Boss Log!
  96. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Buried Champion has been added to the Boss Log!
  97. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Star Scouter has been added to the Boss Log!
  98. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Borean Strider has been added to the Boss Log!
  99. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Coznix, the Fallen Beholder has been added to the Boss Log!
  100. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Lich has been added to the Boss Log!
  101. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Abyssion, the Forgotten One has been added to the Boss Log!
  102. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Ragnarök has been added to the Boss Log!
  103. [17:57:58] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WebmilioCommons v0.1.9.10
  104. [17:57:58] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Register(Achievement) added by WebmilioCommons_0
  105. [17:57:58] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::RegisterIconIndex(string, int) added by WebmilioCommons_0
  106. [17:57:58] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::GetIconIndex(string) added by WebmilioCommons_0
  107. [17:57:58] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Save() added by WebmilioCommons_0
  108. [17:57:58] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Load() added by WebmilioCommons_0
  109. [17:57:58] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.UI.Elements.UIAchievementListItem::.ctor(Achievement, bool) added by WebmilioCommons_0
  110. [17:57:59] [3/INFO] [WebmilioCommons]: Loaded 0 different ModAchievement
  111. [17:57:59] [3/INFO] [WebmilioCommons]: Loaded 5 different NetworkPacket
  112. [17:57:59] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Laugicality v0.14.2.1
  113. [17:57:59] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: UnuBattleRods v1.3.1.1
  114. [17:57:59] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Cooler has been added to the Boss Log!
  115. [17:57:59] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: DBZMOD v1.0.9.4
  116. [17:57:59] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SacredTools v1.1.0.9
  117. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: JoostMod v0.8.0.3
  118. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Pinkzor has been added to the Boss Log!
  119. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Rogue Tomato has been added to the Boss Log!
  120. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Forest's Vengeance has been added to the Boss Log!
  121. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Flowering Cactoid has been added to the Boss Log!
  122. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: ICU has been added to the Boss Log!
  123. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Spore Mother has been added to the Boss Log!
  124. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Roc has been added to the Boss Log!
  125. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Skeleton Demolitionist has been added to the Boss Log!
  126. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Imp Lord has been added to the Boss Log!
  127. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Alpha Cactus Worm has been added to the Boss Log!
  128. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Jumbo Cactuar has been added to the Boss Log!
  129. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: SA-X has been added to the Boss Log!
  130. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Gilgamesh and Enkidu has been added to the Boss Log!
  131. [17:58:00] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: FargowiltasSouls v1.2.0.1
  132. [17:58:03] [3/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  133. System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
  134. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
  135. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
  136. at FargowiltasSouls.Fargowiltas.PostSetupContent() in FargowiltasSouls\Fargowiltas.cs:line 587
  137. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.<>c.<Load>b__39_1(Mod mod) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 370
  138. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.LoadModContent(CancellationToken token, Action`1 loadAction) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 399
  139. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 372
  140. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 137
  141. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.<>c__DisplayClass44_0.<BeginLoad>b__0() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 114
  142. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  143. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  144. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  145. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
  146. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
  147. at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
  149. [17:58:03] [3/INFO] [FargowiltasSouls]: FargowiltasSouls PostSetupContent Error: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
  150. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
  151. at FargowiltasSouls.Fargowiltas.PostSetupContent() in FargowiltasSouls\Fargowiltas.cs:line 587An item with the same key has already been added.
  152. [17:58:03] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Fargowiltas v1.7.3
  153. [17:58:03] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Fargowiltas_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> FargowiltasSouls_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  154. [17:58:03] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
  155. [17:58:03] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Gensokyo v0.5.37.4
  156. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Lily White has been added to the Boss Log!
  157. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Rumia has been added to the Boss Log!
  158. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Eternity Larva has been added to the Boss Log!
  159. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Kisume has been added to the Boss Log!
  160. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Hina Kagiyama has been added to the Boss Log!
  161. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Sekibanki has been added to the Boss Log!
  162. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Nitori Kawashiro has been added to the Boss Log!
  163. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Medicine Melancholy has been added to the Boss Log!
  164. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Minamitsu Murasa has been added to the Boss Log!
  165. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Alice Margatroid has been added to the Boss Log!
  166. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Sakuya Izayoi has been added to the Boss Log!
  167. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Seija Kijin has been added to the Boss Log!
  168. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Toyosatomimi no Miko has been added to the Boss Log!
  169. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Kaguya Houraisan has been added to the Boss Log!
  170. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Utsuho Reiuji has been added to the Boss Log!
  171. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
  172. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: RecipeBrowser v0.8.4.1
  173. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriamityConvergence v0.2.1
  174. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WeaponOut v1.6.4
  175. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WingSlot v1.7.3
  176. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WMITF v2.6
  177. [17:58:04] [3/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...
  178. [17:58:05] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: FargowiltasSouls_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> ThoriumMod_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  179. [17:58:05] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: FargowiltasSouls_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> SacredTools_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  180. [17:58:05] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: AddBossWithInfo calls for the following are not utilizing Boss Log features. Mod developers should update mod calls with proper information to improve user experience: Desert Scourge, Crabulon, Hive Mind / Perforator, Slime God, Cryogen, Brimstone Elemental, Aquatic Scourge, Calamitas, Leviathan, Astrum Aureus, Plaguebringer Goliath, Ravager, Astrum Deus, Profaned Guardians, Bumblebirb, Providence, Ceaseless Void, Storm Weaver, Signus, Polterghast, Devourer of Gods, Yharon, Supreme Calamitas, The Annihilator, Slybertron, Steam Train, Dune Sharkron, Hypothema, Ragnar, Etheria, Dioritus, Andesia, The Decree, The Flaming Pumpkin, Jensen, Araneas, Harpy Queen Raynare, Primordia, Abaddon, Araghur, The Lost Siblings, Erazor, ???, Nihilus, Abominationn, Duke Fishron EX, Mutant
  181. [17:58:05] [3/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Updated Mod.Call documentation for BossChecklist:
  182. [17:58:08] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> RecipeBrowser_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  183. [17:58:08] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> RecipeBrowser_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  184. [17:58:15] [8/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  185. [17:58:16] [25/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: v0.11.6.2_lsn.txt?dl=1
  186. [17:58:16] [24/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: v0.11.6.2_lsn.txt
  187. [17:58:16] [24/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  188. [17:58:17] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  189. [17:58:17] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  190. [17:58:18] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  191. [17:58:18] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  192. [17:58:18] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  193. [17:58:18] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  194. [17:58:18] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  195. [17:58:18] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  196. [17:58:18] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  197. [17:58:25] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  198. [17:58:25] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  199. [17:58:25] [23/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  200. [17:58:25] [23/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: filename%3DCheatSheet.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
  201. [17:58:26] [20/INFO] [tML]: Releasing file handle for CheatSheet: Cheat Sheet
  202. [17:58:26] [20/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  203. [17:58:26] [23/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  204. [17:58:26] [27/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: filename%3DCalamityMod.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
  205. [17:58:40] [8/INFO] [tML]: Releasing file handle for CalamityMod: Calamity Mod (No Calamity Music)
  206. [17:58:40] [11/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  207. [17:58:40] [11/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  208. [17:58:40] [23/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  209. [17:58:40] [27/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: filename%3DRecipeBrowser.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
  210. [17:58:41] [12/INFO] [tML]: Releasing file handle for RecipeBrowser: Recipe Browser
  211. [17:58:41] [3/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  212. [17:58:41] [27/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  213. [17:58:41] [24/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: filename%3DBossChecklist.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
  214. [17:58:41] [16/INFO] [tML]: Releasing file handle for BossChecklist: Boss Checklist
  215. [17:58:41] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  216. [17:58:41] [24/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  217. [17:58:42] [24/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: filename%3DFargowiltasSouls.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
  218. [17:58:49] [8/INFO] [tML]: Releasing file handle for FargowiltasSouls: Fargo's Soul Mod
  219. [17:58:49] [8/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  220. [17:58:49] [8/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  221. [17:58:49] [23/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  222. [17:58:50] [23/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: filename%3DGensokyo.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
  223. [17:59:04] [11/INFO] [tML]: Releasing file handle for Gensokyo: Gensokyo
  224. [17:59:04] [12/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  225. [17:59:04] [12/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  226. [17:59:04] [24/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  227. [17:59:04] [23/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: filename%3DWebmilioCommons.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
  228. [17:59:04] [8/INFO] [tML]: Releasing file handle for WebmilioCommons: Webmilio's Commons Library
  229. [17:59:06] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading mods
  230. [17:59:06] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Which Mod Is This From? (WMITF)
  231. [17:59:06] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Wing Slot
  232. [17:59:06] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: WeaponOut
  233. [17:59:06] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Thorium + Calamity Convergence Mod
  234. [17:59:06] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Recipe Browser
  235. [17:59:07] [16/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  236. System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
  237. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  238. at RecipeBrowser.RecipeBrowser.<ConcurrentTaskHandler>d__16.MoveNext() in RecipeBrowser.cs:line 189
  239. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  240. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  241. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.MoveNextRunner.Run()
  242. at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(Action action, Boolean allowInlining, Task& currentTask)
  243. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations()
  244. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.TrySetCanceled(CancellationToken tokenToRecord, Object cancellationException)
  245. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.DelayPromise.Complete()
  246. at System.Threading.CancellationCallbackInfo.ExecuteCallback()
  247. at System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource.ExecuteCallbackHandlers(Boolean throwOnFirstException)
  248. at System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource.NotifyCancellation(Boolean throwOnFirstException)
  249. at RecipeBrowser.RecipeBrowser.Unload() in RecipeBrowser.cs:line 129
  250. at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.UnloadContent() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModInternals.cs:line 184
  251. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.UnloadModContent() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 433
  252. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.do_Unload() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 247
  253. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Unload() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 221
  254. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 124
  255. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.<>c__DisplayClass44_0.<BeginLoad>b__0() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 114
  256. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  257. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  258. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  259. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
  260. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
  261. at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
  263. [17:59:07] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 2 hooks, 2 detours and 2 native detours from RecipeBrowser
  264. [17:59:07] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Magic Storage
  265. [17:59:07] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Gensokyo
  266. [17:59:07] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Yet Another Boss Health Bar
  267. [17:59:07] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Fargo's Mutant Mod
  268. [17:59:07] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Fargo's Soul Mod
  269. [17:59:07] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: JoostMod
  270. [17:59:07] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Shadows of Abaddon (SacredTools)
  271. [17:59:08] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Dragon Ball Terraria
  272. [17:59:08] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Unusacies' Battle Rods
  273. [17:59:08] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: [c/85C1E9:The Enigma Mod!]
  274. [17:59:08] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Webmilio's Commons Library
  275. [17:59:08] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::SaveAndQuit(Action) removed by WebmilioCommons_0
  276. [17:59:08] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Register(Achievement) removed by WebmilioCommons_0
  277. [17:59:08] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::RegisterIconIndex(string, int) removed by WebmilioCommons_0
  278. [17:59:08] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::GetIconIndex(string) removed by WebmilioCommons_0
  279. [17:59:08] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Save() removed by WebmilioCommons_0
  280. [17:59:08] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Load() removed by WebmilioCommons_0
  281. [17:59:08] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.UI.Elements.UIAchievementListItem::.ctor(Achievement, bool) removed by WebmilioCommons_0
  282. [17:59:08] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Thorium Mod
  283. [17:59:08] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from ThoriumMod
  284. [17:59:08] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Cheat Sheet
  285. [17:59:08] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Calamity Dimensions (Fanmade)
  286. [17:59:08] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Calamity Mod (No Calamity Music)
  287. [17:59:09] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Boss Checklist
  288. [17:59:09] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from BossChecklist
  289. [17:59:09] [16/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: tModLoader
  290. [17:59:09] [16/WARN] [tML]: CalamityMod not fully unloaded during unload.
  291. [17:59:09] [16/WARN] [tML]: CalamityExpansionDimensions not fully unloaded during unload.
  292. [17:59:09] [16/WARN] [tML]: ThoriumMod not fully unloaded during unload.
  293. [17:59:09] [16/WARN] [tML]: Laugicality not fully unloaded during unload.
  294. [17:59:09] [16/WARN] [tML]: DBZMOD not fully unloaded during unload.
  295. [17:59:09] [16/WARN] [tML]: SacredTools not fully unloaded during unload.
  296. [17:59:09] [16/WARN] [tML]: JoostMod not fully unloaded during unload.
  297. [17:59:09] [16/WARN] [tML]: FargowiltasSouls not fully unloaded during unload.
  298. [17:59:09] [16/WARN] [tML]: WMITF not fully unloaded during unload.
  299. [17:59:09] [16/INFO] [tML]: Finding Mods...
  300. [17:59:10] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BossChecklist
  301. [17:59:10] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CalamityMod
  302. [17:59:10] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CalamityExpansionDimensions
  303. [17:59:10] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CheatSheet
  304. [17:59:10] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ThoriumMod
  305. [17:59:10] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WebmilioCommons
  306. [17:59:10] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Laugicality
  307. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: UnuBattleRods
  308. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: DBZMOD
  309. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SacredTools
  310. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: JoostMod
  311. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: FargowiltasSouls
  312. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Fargowiltas
  313. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: FKBossHealthBar
  314. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Gensokyo
  315. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: MagicStorage
  316. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: RecipeBrowser
  317. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ThoriamityConvergence
  318. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WeaponOut
  319. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WingSlot
  320. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WMITF
  321. [17:59:11] [16/INFO] [tML]: Instantiating Mods...
  322. [17:59:11] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: CalamityExpansionDimensions_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> CalamityMod_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  323. [17:59:11] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Laugicality_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> WebmilioCommons_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  324. [17:59:12] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ModLoader v0.11.6.2
  325. [17:59:13] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BossChecklist v1.0.15
  326. [17:59:13] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.Events.DD2Event::WinInvasionInternal() added by BossChecklist_1
  327. [17:59:13] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CalamityMod v1.4.3.1
  328. [17:59:19] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CalamityExpansionDimensions v0.2.2.3
  329. [17:59:19] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CheatSheet v0.6.4
  330. [17:59:19] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ThoriumMod v1.6.1.4
  331. [17:59:21] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ApplyDamageToNPC(NPC, int, float, int, bool) added by ThoriumMod_0
  332. [17:59:22] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WebmilioCommons v0.1.10.1
  333. [17:59:22] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::MouseText(string, int, byte, int, int, int, int) modified by WebmilioCommons_1
  334. [17:59:22] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::MouseText_DrawItemTooltip(int, byte, int, int) modified by WebmilioCommons_1
  335. [17:59:22] [16/INFO] [WebmilioCommons]: Loaded 3 different ModRarity
  336. [17:59:22] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::SaveAndQuit(Action) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  337. [17:59:22] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Laugicality v0.14.2.1
  338. [17:59:23] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: UnuBattleRods v1.3.1.1
  339. [17:59:23] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: DBZMOD v1.0.9.4
  340. [17:59:23] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SacredTools v1.1.0.9
  341. [17:59:25] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: JoostMod v0.8.0.3
  342. [17:59:26] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: FargowiltasSouls v1.2.0.3
  343. [17:59:27] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Fargowiltas v1.7.3
  344. [17:59:27] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
  345. [17:59:27] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Gensokyo v0.6.1.2
  346. [17:59:28] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
  347. [17:59:28] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: RecipeBrowser v0.8.5.1
  348. [17:59:28] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Recipe::FindRecipes() added by RecipeBrowser_1
  349. [17:59:28] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::AdjTiles() added by RecipeBrowser_1
  350. [17:59:28] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ThoriamityConvergence v0.2.1
  351. [17:59:28] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WeaponOut v1.6.4
  352. [17:59:28] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WingSlot v1.7.3
  353. [17:59:28] [16/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WMITF v2.6
  354. [17:59:28] [16/INFO] [tML]: Setting up...
  355. [17:59:29] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ModLoader v0.11.6.2
  356. [17:59:29] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BossChecklist v1.0.15
  357. [17:59:29] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CalamityMod v1.4.3.1
  358. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Desert Scourge has been added to the Boss Log!
  359. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Giant Clam has been added to the Boss Log!
  360. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Crabulon has been added to the Boss Log!
  361. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Hive Mind has been added to the Boss Log!
  362. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Perforators has been added to the Boss Log!
  363. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Slime God has been added to the Boss Log!
  364. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Cryogen has been added to the Boss Log!
  365. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Brimstone Elemental has been added to the Boss Log!
  366. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Aquatic Scourge has been added to the Boss Log!
  367. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Calamitas has been added to the Boss Log!
  368. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Great Sand Shark has been added to the Boss Log!
  369. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Leviathan has been added to the Boss Log!
  370. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Astrum Aureus has been added to the Boss Log!
  371. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Plaguebringer Goliath has been added to the Boss Log!
  372. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Ravager has been added to the Boss Log!
  373. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Astrum Deus has been added to the Boss Log!
  374. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Profaned Guardians has been added to the Boss Log!
  375. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Bumblebirb has been added to the Boss Log!
  376. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Providence has been added to the Boss Log!
  377. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Ceaseless Void has been added to the Boss Log!
  378. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Storm Weaver has been added to the Boss Log!
  379. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Signus has been added to the Boss Log!
  380. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Polterghast has been added to the Boss Log!
  381. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Devourer of Gods has been added to the Boss Log!
  382. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Yharon has been added to the Boss Log!
  383. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Supreme Calamitas has been added to the Boss Log!
  384. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CalamityExpansionDimensions v0.2.2.3
  385. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Goozma has been added to the Boss Log!
  386. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CheatSheet v0.6.4
  387. [17:59:31] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriumMod v1.6.1.4
  388. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Grand Thunder Bird has been added to the Boss Log!
  389. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Patch Werk has been added to the Boss Log!
  390. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Queen Jellyfish has been added to the Boss Log!
  391. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Viscount has been added to the Boss Log!
  392. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Corpse Bloom has been added to the Boss Log!
  393. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Granite Energy Storm has been added to the Boss Log!
  394. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Buried Champion has been added to the Boss Log!
  395. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Star Scouter has been added to the Boss Log!
  396. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Borean Strider has been added to the Boss Log!
  397. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Coznix, the Fallen Beholder has been added to the Boss Log!
  398. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Lich has been added to the Boss Log!
  399. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Abyssion, the Forgotten One has been added to the Boss Log!
  400. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Ragnarök has been added to the Boss Log!
  401. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WebmilioCommons v0.1.10.1
  402. [17:59:32] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Register(Achievement) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  403. [17:59:32] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::RegisterIconIndex(string, int) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  404. [17:59:32] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::GetIconIndex(string) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  405. [17:59:32] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Save() added by WebmilioCommons_1
  406. [17:59:32] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Load() added by WebmilioCommons_1
  407. [17:59:32] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.UI.Elements.UIAchievementListItem::.ctor(Achievement, bool) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  408. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [WebmilioCommons]: Loaded 0 different ModAchievement
  409. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [WebmilioCommons]: Loaded 5 different NetworkPacket
  410. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Laugicality v0.14.2.1
  411. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: UnuBattleRods v1.3.1.1
  412. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Cooler has been added to the Boss Log!
  413. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: DBZMOD v1.0.9.4
  414. [17:59:32] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SacredTools v1.1.0.9
  415. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: JoostMod v0.8.0.3
  416. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Pinkzor has been added to the Boss Log!
  417. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Rogue Tomato has been added to the Boss Log!
  418. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Forest's Vengeance has been added to the Boss Log!
  419. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Flowering Cactoid has been added to the Boss Log!
  420. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: ICU has been added to the Boss Log!
  421. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Spore Mother has been added to the Boss Log!
  422. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Roc has been added to the Boss Log!
  423. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Skeleton Demolitionist has been added to the Boss Log!
  424. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Imp Lord has been added to the Boss Log!
  425. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Alpha Cactus Worm has been added to the Boss Log!
  426. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Jumbo Cactuar has been added to the Boss Log!
  427. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: SA-X has been added to the Boss Log!
  428. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Gilgamesh and Enkidu has been added to the Boss Log!
  429. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: FargowiltasSouls v1.2.0.3
  430. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Abominationn has been added to the Boss Log!
  431. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Mutant has been added to the Boss Log!
  432. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Fargowiltas v1.7.3
  433. [17:59:33] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Fargowiltas_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> FargowiltasSouls_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  434. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
  435. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Gensokyo v0.6.1.2
  436. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Lily White has been added to the Boss Log!
  437. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Rumia has been added to the Boss Log!
  438. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Eternity Larva has been added to the Boss Log!
  439. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Kisume has been added to the Boss Log!
  440. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Hina Kagiyama has been added to the Boss Log!
  441. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Sekibanki has been added to the Boss Log!
  442. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Nitori Kawashiro has been added to the Boss Log!
  443. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Medicine Melancholy has been added to the Boss Log!
  444. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Minamitsu Murasa has been added to the Boss Log!
  445. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Alice Margatroid has been added to the Boss Log!
  446. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Sakuya Izayoi has been added to the Boss Log!
  447. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Seija Kijin has been added to the Boss Log!
  448. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Mayumi Joutouguu has been added to the Boss Log!
  449. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Toyosatomimi no Miko has been added to the Boss Log!
  450. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Kaguya Houraisan has been added to the Boss Log!
  451. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Utsuho Reiuji has been added to the Boss Log!
  452. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
  453. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: RecipeBrowser v0.8.5.1
  454. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriamityConvergence v0.2.1
  455. [17:59:33] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WeaponOut v1.6.4
  456. [17:59:34] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WingSlot v1.7.3
  457. [17:59:34] [16/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WMITF v2.6
  458. [17:59:34] [16/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...
  459. [17:59:35] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: FargowiltasSouls_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> SacredTools_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  460. [17:59:35] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Could not find Ice Queen from Terraria to add OrphanInfo to.
  461. [17:59:35] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Could not find Martian Saucer from Terraria to add OrphanInfo to.
  462. [17:59:35] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: AddBossWithInfo calls for the following are not utilizing Boss Log features. Mod developers should update mod calls with proper information to improve user experience: The Annihilator, Slybertron, Steam Train, Dune Sharkron, Hypothema, Ragnar, Etheria, Dioritus, Andesia, The Decree, The Flaming Pumpkin, Jensen, Araneas, Harpy Queen Raynare, Primordia, Abaddon, Araghur, The Lost Siblings, Erazor, ???, Nihilus, Duke Fishron EX
  463. [17:59:35] [16/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Updated Mod.Call documentation for BossChecklist:
  464. [17:59:37] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> RecipeBrowser_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  465. [17:59:37] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> RecipeBrowser_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  466. [17:59:37] [16/INFO] [tML]: Recipe Browser: Rebuilding Loot Cache
  467. [17:59:46] [16/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  468. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: minValue must be less than maxValue
  469. Parameter name: minValue
  470. at Terraria.Utilities.UnifiedRandom.Next(Int32 minValue, Int32 maxValue) in tModLoader\Terraria.Utilities\UnifiedRandom.cs:line 107
  471. at CalamityExpansionDimensions.DimensionsWorldGeneration.FindPlagueBiomePosition() in CalamityExpansionDimensions\DimensionsWorldGeneration.cs:line 65
  472. at CalamityExpansionDimensions.NPCs.DimensionsGlobalNPC.PreNPCLoot(NPC npc) in CalamityExpansionDimensions\NPCs\DimensionsGlobalNPC.cs:line 137
  473. at Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.PreNPCLoot(NPC npc) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\NPCLoader.cs:line 405
  474. at Terraria.NPC.NPCLoot() in tModLoader\Terraria\NPC.cs:line 59745
  475. at RecipeBrowser.LootCacheManager.CalculateLoot(NPC npc) in RecipeBrowser\LootCache.cs:line 512
  476. at RecipeBrowser.LootCacheManager.Setup(Mod recipeBrowserMod) in RecipeBrowser\LootCache.cs:line 420
  477. at RecipeBrowser.RecipeBrowser.PostAddRecipes() in RecipeBrowser.cs:line 219
  478. at Terraria.ModLoader.RecipeHooks.PostAddRecipes() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\RecipeHooks.cs:line 40
  479. at Terraria.Recipe.SetupRecipes() in tModLoader\Terraria\Recipe.cs:line 10820
  480. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.SetupRecipes(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 422
  481. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 384
  482. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 137
  483. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.<>c__DisplayClass44_0.<BeginLoad>b__0() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 114
  484. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  485. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  486. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  487. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
  488. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
  489. at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
  491. [18:00:14] [16/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  492. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  493. at Terraria.Projectile.Kill() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 39990
  494. at FargowiltasSouls.NPCs.AbomBoss.AbomBoss.NPCLoot() in FargowiltasSouls\NPCs\AbomBoss\AbomBoss.cs:line 1128
  495. at Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.NPCLoot(NPC npc) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\NPCLoader.cs:line 425
  496. at Terraria.NPC.NPCLoot() in tModLoader\Terraria\NPC.cs:line 63308
  497. at RecipeBrowser.LootCacheManager.CalculateLoot(NPC npc) in RecipeBrowser\LootCache.cs:line 512
  498. at RecipeBrowser.LootCacheManager.Setup(Mod recipeBrowserMod) in RecipeBrowser\LootCache.cs:line 420
  499. at RecipeBrowser.RecipeBrowser.PostAddRecipes() in RecipeBrowser.cs:line 219
  500. at Terraria.ModLoader.RecipeHooks.PostAddRecipes() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\RecipeHooks.cs:line 40
  501. at Terraria.Recipe.SetupRecipes() in tModLoader\Terraria\Recipe.cs:line 10820
  502. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.SetupRecipes(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 422
  503. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 384
  504. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 137
  505. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.<>c__DisplayClass44_0.<BeginLoad>b__0() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 114
  506. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  507. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  508. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  509. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
  510. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
  511. at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
  513. [18:00:16] [16/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes
  514. [18:00:57] [1/INFO] [tML]: memory bar loaded
  515. [18:01:09] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  516. [18:01:09] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  517. [18:01:09] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  518. [18:01:09] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  519. [18:01:12] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  520. [18:01:12] [35/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  521. [18:01:13] [36/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request: filename%3DCalamityModMusic.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
  522. [18:02:14] [7/INFO] [tML]: Enabling Mod: CalamityModMusic
  523. [18:02:15] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  524. [18:02:24] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  525. [18:02:24] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
  526. [18:02:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading mods
  527. [18:02:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Which Mod Is This From? (WMITF)
  528. [18:02:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Wing Slot
  529. [18:02:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: WeaponOut
  530. [18:02:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Thorium + Calamity Convergence Mod
  531. [18:02:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Recipe Browser
  532. [18:02:33] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 2 hooks, 2 detours and 2 native detours from RecipeBrowser
  533. [18:02:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Magic Storage
  534. [18:02:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Gensokyo
  535. [18:02:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Yet Another Boss Health Bar
  536. [18:02:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Fargo's Mutant Mod
  537. [18:02:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Fargo's Soul Mod
  538. [18:02:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: JoostMod
  539. [18:02:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Shadows of Abaddon (SacredTools)
  540. [18:02:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Dragon Ball Terraria
  541. [18:02:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Unusacies' Battle Rods
  542. [18:02:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: [c/85C1E9:The Enigma Mod!]
  543. [18:02:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Webmilio's Commons Library
  544. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::SaveAndQuit(Action) removed by WebmilioCommons_1
  545. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Register(Achievement) removed by WebmilioCommons_1
  546. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::RegisterIconIndex(string, int) removed by WebmilioCommons_1
  547. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::GetIconIndex(string) removed by WebmilioCommons_1
  548. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Save() removed by WebmilioCommons_1
  549. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Load() removed by WebmilioCommons_1
  550. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.UI.Elements.UIAchievementListItem::.ctor(Achievement, bool) removed by WebmilioCommons_1
  551. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::MouseText(string, int, byte, int, int, int, int) unmodified by WebmilioCommons_1
  552. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::MouseText_DrawItemTooltip(int, byte, int, int) unmodified by WebmilioCommons_1
  553. [18:02:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Thorium Mod
  554. [18:02:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from ThoriumMod
  555. [18:02:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Cheat Sheet
  556. [18:02:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Calamity Dimensions (Fanmade)
  557. [18:02:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Calamity Mod (No Calamity Music)
  558. [18:02:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Boss Checklist
  559. [18:02:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from BossChecklist
  560. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: tModLoader
  561. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: BossChecklist not fully unloaded during unload.
  562. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: CalamityMod not fully unloaded during unload.
  563. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: CalamityExpansionDimensions not fully unloaded during unload.
  564. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: CheatSheet not fully unloaded during unload.
  565. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: ThoriumMod not fully unloaded during unload.
  566. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: WebmilioCommons not fully unloaded during unload.
  567. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: Laugicality not fully unloaded during unload.
  568. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: UnuBattleRods not fully unloaded during unload.
  569. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: DBZMOD not fully unloaded during unload.
  570. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: SacredTools not fully unloaded during unload.
  571. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: JoostMod not fully unloaded during unload.
  572. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: FargowiltasSouls not fully unloaded during unload.
  573. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: Fargowiltas not fully unloaded during unload.
  574. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: Gensokyo not fully unloaded during unload.
  575. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: WeaponOut not fully unloaded during unload.
  576. [18:02:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: WMITF not fully unloaded during unload.
  577. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Finding Mods...
  578. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BossChecklist
  579. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CalamityMod
  580. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CalamityExpansionDimensions
  581. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CalamityModMusic
  582. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CheatSheet
  583. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ThoriumMod
  584. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WebmilioCommons
  585. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Laugicality
  586. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: UnuBattleRods
  587. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: DBZMOD
  588. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SacredTools
  589. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: JoostMod
  590. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: FargowiltasSouls
  591. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Fargowiltas
  592. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: FKBossHealthBar
  593. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Gensokyo
  594. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: MagicStorage
  595. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: RecipeBrowser
  596. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ThoriamityConvergence
  597. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WeaponOut
  598. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WingSlot
  599. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WMITF
  600. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Instantiating Mods...
  601. [18:02:36] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ModLoader v0.11.6.2
  602. [18:02:38] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BossChecklist v1.0.15
  603. [18:02:38] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.Events.DD2Event::WinInvasionInternal() added by BossChecklist_1
  604. [18:02:38] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CalamityMod v1.4.3.1
  605. [18:02:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CalamityExpansionDimensions v0.2.2.3
  606. [18:02:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CalamityModMusic v1.4.3.1
  607. [18:02:44] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CheatSheet v0.6.4
  608. [18:02:44] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ThoriumMod v1.6.1.4
  609. [18:02:46] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ApplyDamageToNPC(NPC, int, float, int, bool) added by ThoriumMod_0
  610. [18:02:46] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WebmilioCommons v0.1.10.1
  611. [18:02:46] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::MouseText(string, int, byte, int, int, int, int) modified by WebmilioCommons_1
  612. [18:02:46] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::MouseText_DrawItemTooltip(int, byte, int, int) modified by WebmilioCommons_1
  613. [18:02:46] [39/INFO] [WebmilioCommons]: Loaded 3 different ModRarity
  614. [18:02:46] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::SaveAndQuit(Action) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  615. [18:02:46] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Laugicality v0.14.2.1
  616. [18:02:47] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: UnuBattleRods v1.3.1.1
  617. [18:02:47] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: DBZMOD v1.0.9.4
  618. [18:02:48] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SacredTools v1.1.0.9
  619. [18:02:50] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: JoostMod v0.8.0.3
  620. [18:02:51] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: FargowiltasSouls v1.2.0.3
  621. [18:02:52] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Fargowiltas v1.7.3
  622. [18:02:53] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
  623. [18:02:53] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Gensokyo v0.6.1.2
  624. [18:02:55] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
  625. [18:02:55] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: RecipeBrowser v0.8.5.1
  626. [18:02:55] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Recipe::FindRecipes() added by RecipeBrowser_1
  627. [18:02:55] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::AdjTiles() added by RecipeBrowser_1
  628. [18:02:55] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ThoriamityConvergence v0.2.1
  629. [18:02:55] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WeaponOut v1.6.4
  630. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WingSlot v1.7.3
  631. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WMITF v2.6
  632. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Setting up...
  633. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ModLoader v0.11.6.2
  634. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BossChecklist v1.0.15
  635. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CalamityMod v1.4.3.1
  636. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Desert Scourge has been added to the Boss Log!
  637. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Giant Clam has been added to the Boss Log!
  638. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Crabulon has been added to the Boss Log!
  639. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Hive Mind has been added to the Boss Log!
  640. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Perforators has been added to the Boss Log!
  641. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Slime God has been added to the Boss Log!
  642. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Cryogen has been added to the Boss Log!
  643. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Brimstone Elemental has been added to the Boss Log!
  644. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Aquatic Scourge has been added to the Boss Log!
  645. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Calamitas has been added to the Boss Log!
  646. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Great Sand Shark has been added to the Boss Log!
  647. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Leviathan has been added to the Boss Log!
  648. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Astrum Aureus has been added to the Boss Log!
  649. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Plaguebringer Goliath has been added to the Boss Log!
  650. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Ravager has been added to the Boss Log!
  651. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Astrum Deus has been added to the Boss Log!
  652. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Profaned Guardians has been added to the Boss Log!
  653. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Bumblebirb has been added to the Boss Log!
  654. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Providence has been added to the Boss Log!
  655. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Ceaseless Void has been added to the Boss Log!
  656. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Storm Weaver has been added to the Boss Log!
  657. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Signus has been added to the Boss Log!
  658. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Polterghast has been added to the Boss Log!
  659. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Devourer of Gods has been added to the Boss Log!
  660. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Yharon has been added to the Boss Log!
  661. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Supreme Calamitas has been added to the Boss Log!
  662. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CalamityExpansionDimensions v0.2.2.3
  663. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Goozma has been added to the Boss Log!
  664. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CalamityModMusic v1.4.3.1
  665. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CheatSheet v0.6.4
  666. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriumMod v1.6.1.4
  667. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Grand Thunder Bird has been added to the Boss Log!
  668. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Patch Werk has been added to the Boss Log!
  669. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Queen Jellyfish has been added to the Boss Log!
  670. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Viscount has been added to the Boss Log!
  671. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Corpse Bloom has been added to the Boss Log!
  672. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Granite Energy Storm has been added to the Boss Log!
  673. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Buried Champion has been added to the Boss Log!
  674. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Star Scouter has been added to the Boss Log!
  675. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Borean Strider has been added to the Boss Log!
  676. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Coznix, the Fallen Beholder has been added to the Boss Log!
  677. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Lich has been added to the Boss Log!
  678. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Abyssion, the Forgotten One has been added to the Boss Log!
  679. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: The Ragnarök has been added to the Boss Log!
  680. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WebmilioCommons v0.1.10.1
  681. [18:02:56] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Register(Achievement) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  682. [18:02:56] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::RegisterIconIndex(string, int) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  683. [18:02:56] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::GetIconIndex(string) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  684. [18:02:56] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Save() added by WebmilioCommons_1
  685. [18:02:56] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Achievements.AchievementManager::Load() added by WebmilioCommons_1
  686. [18:02:56] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.UI.Elements.UIAchievementListItem::.ctor(Achievement, bool) added by WebmilioCommons_1
  687. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [WebmilioCommons]: Loaded 0 different ModAchievement
  688. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [WebmilioCommons]: Loaded 5 different NetworkPacket
  689. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Laugicality v0.14.2.1
  690. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: UnuBattleRods v1.3.1.1
  691. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Cooler has been added to the Boss Log!
  692. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: DBZMOD v1.0.9.4
  693. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SacredTools v1.1.0.9
  694. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: JoostMod v0.8.0.3
  695. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Pinkzor has been added to the Boss Log!
  696. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Rogue Tomato has been added to the Boss Log!
  697. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Forest's Vengeance has been added to the Boss Log!
  698. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Flowering Cactoid has been added to the Boss Log!
  699. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: ICU has been added to the Boss Log!
  700. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Spore Mother has been added to the Boss Log!
  701. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Roc has been added to the Boss Log!
  702. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Skeleton Demolitionist has been added to the Boss Log!
  703. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Imp Lord has been added to the Boss Log!
  704. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Alpha Cactus Worm has been added to the Boss Log!
  705. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Jumbo Cactuar has been added to the Boss Log!
  706. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: SA-X has been added to the Boss Log!
  707. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Gilgamesh and Enkidu has been added to the Boss Log!
  708. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: FargowiltasSouls v1.2.0.3
  709. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Abominationn has been added to the Boss Log!
  710. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Mutant has been added to the Boss Log!
  711. [18:02:56] [39/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  712. System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
  713. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
  714. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
  715. at FargowiltasSouls.Fargowiltas.PostSetupContent() in FargowiltasSouls\Fargowiltas.cs:line 604
  716. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.<>c.<Load>b__39_1(Mod mod) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 370
  717. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.LoadModContent(CancellationToken token, Action`1 loadAction) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 399
  718. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModContent.cs:line 372
  719. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 137
  720. at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.<>c__DisplayClass44_0.<BeginLoad>b__0() in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 114
  721. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  722. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  723. at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  724. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
  725. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
  726. at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
  728. [18:02:56] [39/INFO] [FargowiltasSouls]: FargowiltasSouls PostSetupContent Error: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
  729. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
  730. at FargowiltasSouls.Fargowiltas.PostSetupContent() in FargowiltasSouls\Fargowiltas.cs:line 604An item with the same key has already been added.
  731. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Fargowiltas v1.7.3
  732. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
  733. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Gensokyo v0.6.1.2
  734. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Lily White has been added to the Boss Log!
  735. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Rumia has been added to the Boss Log!
  736. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Eternity Larva has been added to the Boss Log!
  737. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Kisume has been added to the Boss Log!
  738. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Hina Kagiyama has been added to the Boss Log!
  739. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Sekibanki has been added to the Boss Log!
  740. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Nitori Kawashiro has been added to the Boss Log!
  741. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Medicine Melancholy has been added to the Boss Log!
  742. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Minamitsu Murasa has been added to the Boss Log!
  743. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Alice Margatroid has been added to the Boss Log!
  744. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Sakuya Izayoi has been added to the Boss Log!
  745. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Seija Kijin has been added to the Boss Log!
  746. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Mayumi Joutouguu has been added to the Boss Log!
  747. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Toyosatomimi no Miko has been added to the Boss Log!
  748. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Kaguya Houraisan has been added to the Boss Log!
  749. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Utsuho Reiuji has been added to the Boss Log!
  750. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
  751. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: RecipeBrowser v0.8.5.1
  752. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriamityConvergence v0.2.1
  753. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WeaponOut v1.6.4
  754. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WingSlot v1.7.3
  755. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WMITF v2.6
  756. [18:02:57] [39/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...
  757. [18:02:58] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Could not find Ice Queen from Terraria to add OrphanInfo to.
  758. [18:02:58] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Could not find Martian Saucer from Terraria to add OrphanInfo to.
  759. [18:02:58] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: AddBossWithInfo calls for the following are not utilizing Boss Log features. Mod developers should update mod calls with proper information to improve user experience: The Annihilator, Slybertron, Steam Train, Dune Sharkron, Hypothema, Ragnar, Etheria, Dioritus, Andesia, The Decree, The Flaming Pumpkin, Jensen, Araneas, Harpy Queen Raynare, Primordia, Abaddon, Araghur, The Lost Siblings, Erazor, ???, Nihilus, Duke Fishron EX
  760. [18:02:58] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Updated Mod.Call documentation for BossChecklist:
  761. [18:02:58] [39/INFO] [tML]: Recipe Browser: Rebuilding Loot Cache
  762. [18:02:59] [39/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes
  763. [18:03:11] [32/INFO] [Terraria]: Loading World: Reset already, IsCloud=False
  764. [18:03:11] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Resetting game objects
  765. [18:03:13] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Loading world data
  766. [18:03:14] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Settling liquids
  767. [18:03:16] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Loading map data
  768. [18:03:18] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Drawing map
  769. [18:03:23] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: DBZMOD_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Laugicality_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  770. [18:03:23] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: DBZMOD_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> UnuBattleRods_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  771. [18:03:24] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Entering world with player: Solaria, IsCloud=False
  772. [18:05:00] [29/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving map data
  773. [18:05:08] [29/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  774. [18:05:09] [29/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  775. [18:05:19] [34/INFO] [Terraria]: Loading World: Reset already, IsCloud=False
  776. [18:05:21] [34/INFO] [StatusText]: Resetting game objects
  777. [18:05:21] [34/INFO] [StatusText]: Loading world data
  778. [18:05:22] [34/INFO] [StatusText]: Settling liquids
  779. [18:05:24] [34/INFO] [StatusText]: Loading map data
  780. [18:05:27] [34/INFO] [StatusText]: Drawing map
  781. [18:05:27] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Entering world with player: Crossover, IsCloud=False
  782. [18:13:54] [10/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  783. [18:13:55] [10/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  784. [18:18:20] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  785. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  786. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  787. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralDirt.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralDirt.cs:line 37
  788. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  789. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  790. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrame(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47335
  791. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrameWithCheck(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47285
  792. at Terraria.Main.DrawTiles(Boolean solidOnly, Int32 waterStyleOverride) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 16242
  793. at Terraria.Main.RenderTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 52328
  794. at Terraria.Main.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57778
  795. at Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57324
  796. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  797. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  798. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  799. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  800. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  801. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  803. [18:18:20] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  804. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  805. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  806. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralStone.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralStone.cs:line 37
  807. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  808. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  809. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrame(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47335
  810. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrameWithCheck(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47285
  811. at Terraria.Main.DrawTiles(Boolean solidOnly, Int32 waterStyleOverride) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 16242
  812. at Terraria.Main.RenderTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 52328
  813. at Terraria.Main.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57778
  814. at Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57324
  815. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  816. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  817. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  818. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  819. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  820. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  822. [18:18:23] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  823. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  824. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  825. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralDirt.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralDirt.cs:line 37
  826. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  827. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  828. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrame(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47335
  829. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrameWithCheck(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47285
  830. at Terraria.Main.DrawTiles(Boolean solidOnly, Int32 waterStyleOverride) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 16242
  831. at Terraria.Main.RenderTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 52328
  832. at Terraria.Main.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57745
  833. at Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57324
  834. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  835. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  836. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  837. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  838. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  839. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  841. [18:20:29] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  842. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  843. at Terraria.Collision.StepConveyorBelt(Entity entity, Single gravDir) in tModLoader\Terraria\Collision.cs:line 3148
  844. at Terraria.Item.UpdateItem(Int32 i) in tModLoader\Terraria\Item.cs:line 43509
  845. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12968
  846. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12104
  847. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  848. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  849. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  850. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  851. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  852. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  854. [18:23:50] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  855. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  856. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  857. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralDirt.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralDirt.cs:line 37
  858. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  859. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  860. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47255
  861. at Terraria.WorldGen.KillTile(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean fail, Boolean effectOnly, Boolean noItem) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 37911
  862. at Terraria.Projectile.CutTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 9472
  863. at Terraria.Projectile.Damage() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 8279
  864. at Terraria.Projectile.Update(Int32 i) in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 10628
  865. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12940
  866. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12104
  867. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  868. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  869. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  870. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  871. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  872. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  874. [18:23:53] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  875. [18:23:53] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  876. [18:30:35] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  877. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  878. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  879. at CalamityMod.Tiles.AstralDesert.AstralSand.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\AstralDesert\AstralSand.cs:line 63
  880. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  881. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  882. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrame(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47335
  883. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrameWithCheck(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47285
  884. at Terraria.Main.DrawTiles(Boolean solidOnly, Int32 waterStyleOverride) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 16242
  885. at Terraria.Main.RenderTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 52328
  886. at Terraria.Main.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57745
  887. at Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57324
  888. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  889. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  890. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  891. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  892. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  893. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  895. [18:30:36] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  896. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  897. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  898. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralDirt.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralDirt.cs:line 37
  899. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  900. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  901. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrame(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47335
  902. at Terraria.WorldGen.SectionTileFrameWithCheck(Int32 startX, Int32 startY, Int32 endX, Int32 endY) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47285
  903. at Terraria.Main.DrawTiles(Boolean solidOnly, Int32 waterStyleOverride) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 16242
  904. at Terraria.Main.RenderTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 52328
  905. at Terraria.Main.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57724
  906. at Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 57324
  907. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  908. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  909. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  910. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  911. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  912. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  914. [18:33:53] [9/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  915. [18:33:54] [9/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  916. [18:39:33] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  917. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  918. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  919. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralDirt.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralDirt.cs:line 37
  920. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  921. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  922. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47251
  923. at Terraria.WorldGen.KillTile(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean fail, Boolean effectOnly, Boolean noItem) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 37911
  924. at Terraria.WorldGen.CheckPot(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 32818
  925. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 49219
  926. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47254
  927. at Terraria.WorldGen.KillTile(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean fail, Boolean effectOnly, Boolean noItem) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 37911
  928. at Terraria.Projectile.CutTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 9472
  929. at Terraria.Projectile.Damage() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 8279
  930. at Terraria.Projectile.Update(Int32 i) in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 10628
  931. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12940
  932. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12104
  933. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  934. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  935. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  936. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  937. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  938. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  940. [18:39:37] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  941. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  942. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  943. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralDirt.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralDirt.cs:line 37
  944. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  945. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  946. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47257
  947. at Terraria.WorldGen.KillTile(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean fail, Boolean effectOnly, Boolean noItem) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 37911
  948. at Terraria.Projectile.CutTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 9472
  949. at Terraria.Projectile.Damage() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 8279
  950. at Terraria.Projectile.Update(Int32 i) in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 10628
  951. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12940
  952. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12104
  953. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  954. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  955. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  956. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  957. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  958. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  960. [18:39:38] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  961. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  962. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  963. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralDirt.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralDirt.cs:line 37
  964. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  965. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  966. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47256
  967. at Terraria.WorldGen.KillTile(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean fail, Boolean effectOnly, Boolean noItem) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 37911
  968. at Terraria.WorldGen.CheckPot(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 32818
  969. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 49219
  970. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47250
  971. at Terraria.WorldGen.KillTile(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean fail, Boolean effectOnly, Boolean noItem) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 37911
  972. at Terraria.Projectile.CutTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 9472
  973. at Terraria.Projectile.Damage() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 8279
  974. at Terraria.Projectile.Update(Int32 i) in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 10628
  975. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12940
  976. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12104
  977. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  978. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  979. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  980. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  981. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  982. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  984. [18:39:48] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  985. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  986. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  987. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralDirt.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralDirt.cs:line 37
  988. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  989. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  990. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47251
  991. at Terraria.WorldGen.KillTile(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean fail, Boolean effectOnly, Boolean noItem) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 37911
  992. at Terraria.Projectile.CutTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 9472
  993. at Terraria.Projectile.Damage() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 8279
  994. at Terraria.Projectile.Update(Int32 i) in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 10628
  995. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12940
  996. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12104
  997. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  998. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  999. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  1000. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  1001. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  1002. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  1004. [18:40:11] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  1005. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  1006. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  1007. at CalamityMod.Tiles.SunkenSea.Navystone.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\SunkenSea\Navystone.cs:line 107
  1008. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  1009. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  1010. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47251
  1011. at CalamityMod.Tiles.SunkenSea.Navystone.RandomUpdate(Int32 i, Int32 j) in CalamityMod\Tiles\SunkenSea\Navystone.cs:line 93
  1012. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.RandomUpdate(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 750
  1013. at Terraria.WorldGen.UpdateWorld() in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 43621
  1014. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 13036
  1015. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12104
  1016. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  1017. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  1018. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  1019. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  1020. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  1021. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  1023. [18:40:11] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  1024. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  1025. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  1026. at CalamityMod.Tiles.SunkenSea.Navystone.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\SunkenSea\Navystone.cs:line 107
  1027. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  1028. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  1029. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47257
  1030. at CalamityMod.Tiles.SunkenSea.Navystone.RandomUpdate(Int32 i, Int32 j) in CalamityMod\Tiles\SunkenSea\Navystone.cs:line 93
  1031. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.RandomUpdate(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 750
  1032. at Terraria.WorldGen.UpdateWorld() in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 43621
  1033. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 13036
  1034. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12104
  1035. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  1036. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  1037. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  1038. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  1039. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  1040. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  1042. [18:42:24] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: FargowiltasSouls_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> DBZMOD_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  1043. [18:43:53] [34/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  1044. [18:43:54] [34/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  1045. [18:48:37] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  1046. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  1047. at CalamityMod.TileFraming.CustomMergeFrame(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 myType, Int32 mergeType) in CalamityMod\Utilities\TileFraming.cs:line 1725
  1048. at CalamityMod.Tiles.Astral.AstralDirt.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in CalamityMod\Tiles\Astral\AstralDirt.cs:line 37
  1049. at Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Int32 type, Boolean& resetFrame, Boolean& noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria.ModLoader\TileLoader.cs:line 760
  1050. at Terraria.WorldGen.TileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame, Boolean noBreak) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 48170
  1051. at Terraria.WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean resetFrame) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 47256
  1052. at Terraria.WorldGen.KillTile(Int32 i, Int32 j, Boolean fail, Boolean effectOnly, Boolean noItem) in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 37911
  1053. at Terraria.Projectile.CutTiles() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 9472
  1054. at Terraria.Projectile.Damage() in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 8279
  1055. at Terraria.Projectile.Update(Int32 i) in tModLoader\Terraria\Projectile.cs:line 10628
  1056. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12940
  1057. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12104
  1058. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  1059. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
  1060. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  1061. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 300
  1062. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 273
  1063. at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\FNALaunch.cs:line 30
  1065. [18:53:53] [10/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  1066. [18:53:54] [10/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  1067. [19:03:54] [19/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  1068. [19:03:54] [19/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  1069. [19:04:16] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving map data
  1070. [19:04:19] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  1071. [19:04:20] [32/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
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