
The Cellist, the DJ, and the Guitarist

Feb 21st, 2015
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  1. >You are Anonymous, guitarist and roommate to Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch.
  2. >You've been living with them for a while.
  3. >You met them during one of your shows, and got some drinks with them.
  4. >One thing led to another, and now you share a bed with the two of them.
  5. >You can't say you're complaining.
  6. >Bedding two bisexual ladies was a fantasy of yours back on Earth.
  7. >But this was about more than just sex.
  8. >They were genuinely fun to hang out with.
  9. >"Vinyl, have you seen my cello?"
  10. >"It's in the living room hun, I polished it off for you!"
  11. >"Thank you dear!"
  12. >You have to admit, it was weird seeing Vinyl act so civilized.
  13. >How did she put it?
  14. >"I can't party all the time, sometimes I just wanna relax."
  15. >As much of a handful as she was for Tavi, she did care deep down.
  16. >When you asked how two mares like them ended up together, their answer was simple.
  17. >They were both highly respected in their fields.
  18. >Vinyl was fun to be around, even if she could be a bit of a mess.
  19. >And... well, Octavia was highly bangworthy, and generally fun to be with.
  20. >Also the one that kept the place in order.
  21. >You once jokingly called her Momtavia.
  22. >She slapped you, but didn't mind the idea of it.
  23. >Vinyl joked about being the dad.
  24. >You accused them of only wanting you for your fingers.
  25. >They spent all night cuddling you and kissing your face.
  26. >You were only joking, but you won't turn down cuddles.
  27. "Morning girls, what're we doing today?"
  28. >They turned to you and smiled.
  29. >"Good morning Anon."
  30. >"Now it's a party."
  31. >You all sit down to eat breakfast.
  32. >Vinyl made some awesome blueberry waffles.
  34. >You helped clean up the table.
  35. "We got any customers to play for today? Any shows?"
  36. >They both smiled at each other.
  37. >"I'm afraid not, looks like you'll get to hang out with us today."
  38. >"Yeah, shame you have to put up with us with nothing to do."
  39. >You grinned, these girls.
  40. "I can think of worse things. You wanna go hang out in the park?"
  41. >They both nodded.
  42. >The three of you set off towards Ponyville's park.
  43. >It was weird, not being in Canterlot.
  44. >But Vinyl said she wanted to come back to her hometown.
  45. >Something about how the new Princess needed musicians.
  46. >You think she just got homesick.
  47. >Octavia was surprisingly lax about the whole thing.
  48. >She found the countryside quaint.
  49. >Apparently she had a cousin living in Ponyville.
  50. "Actually... can we meet your famous cousin, Tavi?"
  51. >She got really flustered.
  52. >"Y-you don't want to meet her, she's not that interesting!"
  53. >She did a little nervous dance.
  54. "Now I think I really want to meet her."
  55. >She hung her head, "Fine, let's go find her farm."
  56. >Oh, this was gonna be good.
  58. >You stood in front of a small peach farm.
  59. >Sweet Peach Acres.
  60. >The Apple Family ran deep, and dipped into other markets.
  61. >They did have relatives who worked with other fruit, for some reason.
  62. >You heard a lovely little folkish tune being played.
  63. >The three of you followed the sound to a pretty looking mare.
  64. >Not just pretty, she looked remarkably like Octavia.
  65. >She had colors like a scarecrow, but she was Tavi's cousin alright.
  66. >You clapped out of reflex.
  67. >She turned around with a frown.
  68. >"I don't like bein' interrupted... Tavi!"
  69. >She ran up to her and gave her a big hug.
  70. >"It's been too long cousin! How've you been?"
  71. >She returned the hug, "Well you two, meet my cousin."
  72. >She gave the three of you a flourish, tossing her hat into the air.
  73. >"Fiddlesticks Harmonica, at your service!"
  74. >The hat landed right back on her head, nice trick.
  76. >"So cousin, what brings you to Ponyville?"
  77. >Octavia gives a nervous laugh.
  78. >"Well, we've been living here for a while."
  79. >Fiddlesticks lets out a fake gasp.
  80. >"And you never visited me? For shame!"
  81. >She giggles, "I would've helped you move into your house y'know?"
  82. >"I guess she thought we'd find you embarrassing."
  83. >Vinyl gives Fiddle a hoofbump.
  84. >"So you're the DJ I've heard so much about."
  85. >She whistles, and looks at Tavi.
  86. >"You sure know how to pick 'em!"
  87. >She blushes, "T-thanks Fiddle."
  88. >Looking at you, the farmpony laughs.
  89. >"Pardon me, but I can't tell if you're a minotaur or not."
  90. "Do I look like I have horns? I'm a human."
  91. >She shrugs, "Never heard of 'em."
  92. "I haven't met any others in this land. I might be the only one of my kind here."
  93. >"I dunno, you look kinda like an ape."
  94. "... Uh, that's cause humans are part of the Great Ape family."
  95. >"So..."
  96. "No, it doesn't work like that."
  97. >"I dunno, I've known some kinky unicorns, like that one time-"
  98. >"Cousin, sweetie! Dear, I think that's enough. Maybe we should just relax in the fields?"
  99. >Octavia pulls her in for a hug, "Like old times?"
  101. >The four of you just watched clouds roll by.
  102. >You wrapped your arms around Tavi and Vinyl.
  103. "It's been too long since we just relaxed."
  104. >"Yeah... feels nice, not having to worry about what high society thinks of you."
  105. >"Just chillin' with you guys, I don't need any parties to enjoy that."
  106. >"Sounds like you three haven't had much of a chance to relax since you got here."
  107. "Hah, where do I start? Should I tell you about how Vinyl and I got into a rap battle?"
  108. >"I heard Rhyme Buster and Beat Rhythm were in town, you were there?"
  109. >"Oh totally! Anon over here was getting sick of their boasting."
  110. "Alright, alright. I'll tell the story."
  112. >You are flashback Anon, and you decided to take the girls to a show.
  113. >Now you wish you'd stayed home.
  114. >"So any of you fillies and colts wanna try and step to us?"
  115. >You let out a yawn, you were never amused by tryhards.
  116. >It's one thing when people in show business hype things up.
  117. >You didn't mind magicians showing off for the crowd.
  118. >You wished that these guys would just get to the music.
  119. >Apparently, yawning was the wrong choice.
  120. >"You there! The freak in the suit!"
  121. >You look around, before pointing to yourself.
  122. >"Yeah, the hornless minotaur!"
  123. >You bet your horn was still longer than theirs'.
  124. "Just get to the music, will you? You're starting to bore me."
  125. >He grimaced, "Like you could do any better!"
  126. "Maybe I can! Come on Vinyl, let's kick some ass!"
  127. >The two of you made your way up onto the stage.
  128. >They tossed you a couple of microphones.
  129. >Making sure they worked properly, you stood there, waiting for them to get started.
  130. >Rhyme turned to the crowd, "Are you ready Ponyville?!"
  131. >"The freakshow and his little DJ friend are gonna take us on!"
  132. >Beat chimed in, "We're gonna teach you why we're the best rappers around!"
  133. >"Look at him, aren't minotaurs supposed to be buff?"
  134. >"He doesn't even really look all that tough!"
  135. >You glared at them.
  136. "That's because I'm not a minotaur."
  137. >You took off your jacket and tossed it behind you.
  138. "I'm a human, and I only have one thing to say to you before we get started."
  139. >They both looked at each other, "What?"
  140. "I am sick of listening to your bullshit."
  142. >Beat started up his rhythm.
  143. >Rhyme readied his mic.
  145. >"Yo it's Rhyme Buster, and I'm bustin' out some sick rhymes!"
  146. >"And it's Beat Rhythm, spittin' slick tunes right on time!"
  147. >"We'll make you lose your mind, leave you behind!"
  148. >"You stepped to the wrong Gs!"
  149. >"Give your girl the better Ds!"
  150. >"Go on home, all alone, left on your own!"
  151. >"After we're done you'll have nothing to bone!"
  153. >If that's all they got, this'll be easy.
  154. "You sure like to talk about your junk."
  155. "Someone might think you two share a bunk!"
  156. >"His horn's bigger than your's, by the way."
  157. >"I'd take him over you chumps any day!"
  158. "I've heard better raps from the local school!"
  159. >"How does it feel knowing you ain't that cool?"
  160. "You guys are just a couple of two-bit tools."
  161. >"The both of you are a pair of washed-up fools!"
  162. "We're smarter, faster, stronger, tougher, better."
  163. >"You wanna file a complaint? Write us a letter."
  164. "You picked a fight with the wrong pair."
  165. >"They don't even have any flair!"
  167. >"You two really grind my gears."
  168. >"We'll make you shed some tears!"
  169. >"A hairless minotaur, and a DJ dyke!"
  170. >"How does it feel to know you're riding a bike?"
  171. >"I bet you don't need any lube!"
  172. >"Not to fit inside of her tube!"
  173. >"Everypony knows she's banging that prissy mare!"
  174. >"The one that can't even stand to mess up her hair!"
  175. >"So take that cello bow and stick it up your rear!"
  176. >"Cause the two of us have got nothing to fear!"
  178. >Vinyl was getting ready to fire back when someone else took her mic.
  179. >Well shit, you weren't expecting her to get up here.
  181. >Octavia looked pretty pissed.
  182. >"I'll have you know that she's not some sort of common whore."
  183. >"As Anon here would say, I'll knock your ass right on the floor!"
  184. >"The two of you have no style, no class, no grace!"
  185. >"All you've made me want is to put you in a brace!"
  186. >"You are both completely and utterly crude."
  187. >"What mare would want a mate so filthy and rude?"
  188. >"I may be a prissy mare, but I don't care!"
  189. >"Certainly not about my hair, even messy I still look fair!"
  190. >"I think you two should just pack your things and be leaving."
  191. >"You are in our hood now, stay and you will be grieving."
  192. >"I'll see to it myself, you will get no help."
  193. >"Now run along, you insignificant whelps."
  195. >She dropped the mic, and Vinyl just barely caught it.
  196. >"Dude, that was awesome. Thanks for sticking up for me."
  197. "I didn't know you had it in you. A bit proper, but it worked."
  198. >RB and BR were pretty mad.
  199. >"Yeah well, shut up!"
  200. >"We're still cool!"
  201. >"We're relevant!"
  202. >The crowd started laughing at them and leaving.
  203. >"Pay attention to us!"
  204. >The three of you decided to go home.
  205. >"You can't just walk away! Get back here!"
  206. "Sure we can, we're done. Have fun with your rep, mates."
  207. >You heard some equipment being broken in rage.
  208. >Not your problem.
  210. >You all shared a giggle from that story.
  211. "I about lost my shit when Tavi got up on the stage."
  212. >"Yeah, who knew she'd throw down a rap?"
  213. >She blushed, "Just couldn't take them talking about you two like that."
  214. >She scooched over and gave the two of you a peck on the cheek.
  215. >"I love the two of you."
  216. >You nuzzled her.
  217. "Love you too, Tavi."
  218. >Vinyl had scooted over and wrapped her hooves around Tavi's chest.
  219. >"Don't forget about your best mare, I'll always love you!"
  220. >Octavia was crimson red, "Y-yeahthanksIloveyouguys."
  222. >Fiddlesticks invited you inside for her peach pie.
  223. >If she could cook like Tavi or Vinyl, you were in for a treat.
  224. >You knew she'd be able to cook, she was part of the Apple Family.
  226. >"Ah, I missed your cooking dear cousin."
  227. >"If you visited more often you'd get more!"
  228. >Octavia sighed, regret in her eyes.
  229. >"You know my relationship with the rest of the family has been... strained."
  230. >"I was wondering where you were during the reunion."
  231. >Tavi giggled, "I was moving back in here, I told Granny Smith I wouldn't be able to make it."
  232. >Fiddle laughed, "Now I get why they said we were all here. You're home now Tavi."
  233. >"I still prefer the big city, but there is a certain je nais se quoi about Ponyville."
  234. >Fiddle got serious for a moment, "You know the family forgave you a long time ago, right?"
  235. >"I still feel bad about ruining that bake sale. I spent years teaching myself how to cook better after that."
  236. >"Tavi, nopony blamed you. We knew your talent was with music, not food."
  237. >"Still, I cut myself off. Wasn't my best choice, but now I'm here to try and make amends."
  238. "You're also here because you love me and Vinyl."
  239. >"Oh hush you, I'm being serious for a moment."
  240. >"Aren't you always serious?"
  241. >She gives Vinyl a kiss.
  242. >"There, satisfied?"
  243. >She nods, a little grin on her face.
  244. >"Well, Applejack's harvesting apples right now, you could go help her out."
  245. "We've got nothing better to do."
  246. >"But Applejack is really tough and stubborn and-"
  247. "You're afraid of how she'll react, aren't you?"
  248. >She shuffles around in her seat.
  249. >"Y-yes. I'm not one to disappoint, but I have a feeling it's my only choice this time."
  250. >You give her a pat on the head.
  251. "Don't worry, everything will be fine."
  252. >You part ways with Fiddlesticks, thanking her for the lunch.
  253. "Let's go fix some family ties, shall we?"
  254. >The three of you headed off to Sweet Apple Acres.
  256. >Octavia was nervous the whole way.
  257. "What's wrong?"
  258. >"What's wrong? Oh nothing, just that I've been putting this off for a while."
  259. >She frowned.
  260. >"An ancient centaur attacked our town and drained our magic, I should've visited back then."
  261. >She had a good point.
  262. "Luckily you guys had me, Mr. No Magic!"
  263. >"I almost thought you were broken with the way he flung you."
  264. "Look if he wasn't so big, stabbing him totally would've worked."
  265. >"Really now?"
  266. "Yeah, I would've went for the eyes, then I would've-"
  267. >"I don't need the image in my head, please."
  268. "Heh, sorry. I just couldn't stand watching him drain you two."
  269. >"Bro, you were in the hospital for like a week and a half because of how hard he threw you!"
  270. >Vinyl hugs your leg.
  271. >"You're lucky you're still with us man!"
  272. "I'm lucky he didn't break my spine, though I do have a badass scar now."
  273. >"That's because you cut your arm with the knife after getting thrown across the room."
  274. "Shh, nobody needs to know that."
  275. >Tavi rolled her eyes, "You two would be lost without me."
  276. "Yeah, but you'd be bored to death without us."
  277. >"I'd certainly be saner."
  278. >"For better, or worse?"
  279. >"... Being driven crazy is worth it for you two."
  281. >You finally got to the apple orchard.
  282. >It was... huge.
  283. >Apple trees as far as the eye could see and then some.
  284. >The centerpiece of it all was a homestead and a barn.
  285. >The three of you had some walking to do.
  286. >On the way you ran into a trio of fillies.
  287. >They looked up at you in awe.
  288. >"Wooow, what are you?"
  289. >You crouched down, petting their heads.
  290. "Name's Anonymous, but you can call me Anon. I'm a human."
  291. >"What's a hoo-man?"
  292. >"You look like a minotaur without horns."
  293. >"Do you have a Cutie Mark?"
  294. "Nope, we gotta figure out our talents on our own."
  295. >"You mean you're a blank flank?"
  296. "I got a lot of talents, don't need a mark to tell me what to do."
  297. >You gave them a hug.
  298. "Don't worry, you'll find your talents someday."
  299. >"Thanks mister, see you later!"
  301. >Octavia smiled.
  302. >"I see little Apple Bloom is growing into a fine young mare."
  303. "The one that looked like an apple?"
  304. >"Gee, how did you know?"
  305. "Lucky guess."
  306. >"You certainly are a lucky one, aren't you?"
  307. "Guess I just make my own luck."
  308. >"Howdy y'all!... Octavia? Is that you?"
  309. >Applejack was carrying a couple baskets of apples.
  310. >"Hello Applejack, I would've visited sooner but I was moving in, and then you were always so busy."
  311. >She laughs, "Guess it took getting drained by that monster to worry about you."
  312. >AJ sat the baskets down and gave her a hug.
  313. >"Ain't nopony blaming you sugarcube, you knew that as well as the rest of us."
  314. >"... How long you been here?"
  315. >Tavi blushes, "Um... since the family reunion?"
  316. >"Y'all got some catching up to do. I'll let you off the hook this time."
  317. >She gives her a pat on the back, "So! Mind introducing me to your friends there?"
  318. >"This is Vinyl Scratch, the DJ."
  319. >"Howdy Vinyl, been a while. How've you been?"
  320. >"I've been pretty good, I can't complain."
  321. >"... How's she been?"
  322. >"Oh pretty good, you should see her in-"
  323. >"Please not in front of the family dear."
  324. >Applejack just laughed, "Least she can get you to loosen up."
  325. >"And this is Anonymous, he plays the guitar and isn't half-bad at singing either."
  326. "Please, just call me Anon. It's what everyone calls me."
  327. >"You're a tall one, ain'tcha?"
  328. "Mama grew them tall, I suppose."
  329. >She chuckles, she has a hearty laugh.
  330. >"I suppose she did, what are you anyway? If'n you don't mind me asking, that is."
  331. "It's a fair question, I'm a human. The minotaur without horns comparison is apt, but not accurate."
  332. >You point to your feet.
  333. "No hooves, also we generally wear clothing because we have little to no fur."
  334. >"You like to talk, don'tcha? Well, that's alright. So do I. Why don't you come in for dinner?"
  335. >You just ate, didn't you?
  336. >No wait, that was before the trip across the entire town, and walking through a big stretch of orchard.
  337. "Sounds great."
  339. >You thought the other girls had great cooking.
  340. >You took one bite of AJ's apple pie and nearly fell over from how good it was.
  341. "This is the best motherfucking apple pie I've ever eaten, holy shit how do you even?"
  342. >It was perfect, you tried to find a flaw.
  343. >You couldn't.
  344. >This couldn't be possible, but here you are, eating the perfect apple pie.
  345. >AJ blushes, "Aw come on now, I ain't that good."
  346. >"You better be! I taught you how to make those things."
  347. >"I mean, yes I am the best! Thank you for realizing that."
  348. >She looked over at Granny Smith, sweating a little.
  349. >Granny just nodded, and went back to sleep.
  350. >Note to self, don't piss off grandma.
  351. >"Anyway, that's how we ended up here."
  352. >"Fascinating tale you got there Tavi, glad to have you back!"
  353. >"Thank you, it means a lot to hear you say that."
  354. >"You know what we say, once an Apple..."
  355. >"... Always an Apple. I was a fool. I hope you can forgive me."
  356. >"We already have, Octavia."
  357. >You didn't even hear the other guy walk by, you were so focused on the pie.
  358. "Whoa, where'd you come from big guy?"
  359. >He gave you a little smile, "Name's Big Macintosh, but you can call me Big Mac."
  360. "Anonymous, but please just call me Anon."
  361. >You looked him over, the epitome of stallions.
  362. >Much better than that Blueblood guy you had to entertain once.
  363. >You wouldn't mind being his Little Mac, but two girls were enough for you.
  364. >"Yo Anon, eyes over here dude. Didn't know you swung our way."
  365. >You snap out of it, looking at Vinyl.
  366. "Because all of the other stallions we've met have been uptight pricks."
  367. >She laughs, "You're still mad about Blueblood forcing you to do a private show, right?"
  368. >You'd brought it up before, he was at some shows the three of you played at.
  369. "He didn't even tip that well, stingy little asshole."
  370. >"But if you please him he won't stop talking about how good you are."
  371. "Sounds like you had to deal with him too."
  372. >"Had to get my hoofs off the ground somehow, didn't I?"
  374. >You look at the time.
  375. "Well, we should probably get going."
  376. >"Come back soon y'all! You're always welcome here at Sweet Apple Acres!"
  377. >She hands you a basket full of apples.
  378. "You are the best farmer I've ever known."
  379. >"Thanks sugarcube."
  380. >She hands Octavia a recipe.
  381. >Whispering into her ear, you see Tavi smile.
  382. >"Thank you, I appreciate it."
  383. "What's that?"
  384. >"You'll just have to wait until tomorrow morning."
  385. "Fine, well let's go now."
  386. >The three of you started to leave.
  387. >"Hold it right there, missy!"
  388. >You turn around, Granny Smith had a frown.
  389. >"You didn't think you were leavin' without givin' me a hug, did you?"
  390. >Tavi gives her a warm smile, and goes over to hug her.
  391. >"Thank you young'un. Means a lot that you came back."
  392. >"You were always there for me Granny."
  393. >"Aww, you know I ain't your granny."
  394. >"You're the Apple Family's granny, so you're my granny."
  395. >"I'm just a mare, same as you."
  396. "Weren't you there for the founding of Ponyville? How are you still alive?"
  397. >"Because somepony has to take care of these whippersnappers!"
  398. >She thinks for a moment.
  399. >"Also, I came across an artifact when we were settling the area."
  400. >She laughs, "Guess I should've figured it out a hundred and thirty years ago, huh?"
  401. >Note to self, really don't piss off Granny.
  402. >"If I focus I can get ta lookin' like I used to. All the stallions were after me back then."
  403. >She molds her face into something more youthful.
  404. >Oh that just ain't right.
  405. >Must be why it was a curse, cause damn she used to be a looker.
  406. >Note to self, Granny Smith was once a MILF.
  407. >Also don't piss her off ever because that was terrifying.
  409. >You were back at home sweet home.
  410. >The three of you got ready for bed.
  411. >"Hey Anon, could you play us that one song?"
  412. "I know a lot of songs, which one do you want?"
  413. >"The one you were playing when we asked you to come to the bar with us."
  414. "Ah, that one. I never understood why you two liked it so much."
  415. >"It's very calming. A nice thing to sleep on."
  416. >You made sure your guitar was tuned, and got to playing.
  417. >It was a slow, somber and melancholy tune.
  418. >But it was very soothing, and had an uplifting ending.
  419. >You got into bed with them and cuddled up.
  420. >"Thank you Anon, that was lovely."
  421. "Almost as lovely as the two of you."
  422. >"Good night Anon."
  423. >"We love you dude."
  424. >They both gave you a kiss on the cheek.
  425. >It was moments like this that made it all worth it.
  426. >Quiet nights holding each other tight.
  427. >You looked over at their sleeping faces.
  428. >It felt good to see them so peaceful.
  429. >The smiles on their faces filled you with joy.
  430. >You went to sleep, content with yourself.
  432. >You woke up the next morning.
  433. >You gave Vinyl a kiss.
  434. "Morning Vinyl..."
  435. >You turned to Octavia.
  436. >She wasn't there.
  437. >The smell of apple pie entered the room.
  438. >You went downstairs, carrying Vinyl in your arms.
  439. >"I can walk dude, this is so girly!... But you are comfy."
  440. >You saw Octavia wearing an apron, baking apple pies.
  441. "... So that's what she gave you."
  442. >She turns around and smiles.
  443. >"Surprise! I'm making your favorite!"
  444. >You gave Vinyl a squeeze and ran over to give Octavia a kiss.
  445. "Have I ever told you two how much I love you?"
  446. >She giggles, "Always... but thank you."
  448. The End.
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