
TPAFreeCamMod Table List

Aug 15th, 2018
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  1. TPAFreeCamMod - Direct Table Launching
  3. Add to mod's command line:
  4. Target: "C:\TPAFreeCamMod.exe" -table Totan
  6. (* Table is not supported by Arcooda Pinball Arcade)
  8. ACDC *
  9. AddamsFamily
  10. AttackFromMars
  11. BanzaiRun *
  12. BigHurt
  13. BigShot
  14. BlackHole
  15. BlackKnight2000
  16. BlackRose
  17. BoneBusters
  18. BridePB
  19. BuckHunter *
  20. CactusCanyon
  21. CactusJacks
  22. Centaur
  23. Centigrade37
  24. CentralPark
  25. ChampionPub
  26. Cirqus
  27. Class1812
  28. Creature
  29. CueBallWizard
  30. Cyclone
  31. Diner
  32. DoctorWho
  33. DoctorWhoRegen
  34. Dracula
  35. DrDude
  36. EarthShaker
  37. EightBallDeluxe
  38. ElDorado
  39. ElDoradoEM
  40. ElviraPartyMonst
  41. Fathom *
  42. Fireball
  43. Firepower2 *
  44. Firepwr
  45. FishTales
  46. Flight2000 *
  47. FnHouse
  48. Frankenstein *
  49. Genie
  50. GhostBustersSter *
  51. Gladiators
  52. Gofers
  53. GoinNuts
  54. Gorgar
  55. HarleyDavidson *
  56. HauntedHouse
  57. HighRollerCasino *
  58. HighSpeed
  59. HighSpeed2
  60. Hurricane
  61. Indy500
  62. JackBot
  63. JacksOpen
  64. JudgeDredd
  65. JunkYard
  66. KnightEmu
  67. LastActionHero *
  68. LightsCameraActi
  69. Mediev
  70. MonsterBash
  71. Mustang *
  72. NoFear
  73. Paragon *
  74. PartyZone
  75. PhantomOfTheOper *
  76. PinBot
  77. PistolPoker *
  78. Rescue911
  79. Ripleys *
  80. RoadShow
  81. SafeCracker
  82. ScaredStiff
  83. Shuttle
  84. Sorcerer *
  85. SpanishEyes *
  86. StarshipTroopers *
  87. StarTrek *
  88. StarTrekTNG
  89. SwordsOfFury
  90. Taxi
  91. TeedOff
  92. Terminator2
  93. TheaterOfMagic
  94. Tomcat
  95. Totan
  96. TwilightZone
  97. TxSector
  98. Victory
  99. WhirlWind
  100. WhiteWater
  101. WhoaNellie *
  102. WhoDunnit
  103. WildCard *
  104. Wipeout *
  105. WorldCup *
  106. WorldTour
  107. Xenon
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