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Feb 14th, 2015
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  1. Treasure Hunter CYOA
  3. There are two relevant statistics:
  4. SUCCESS RATE: The chance that you will be able to find and acquire the treasure.
  5. SURVIVAL RATE: The chance that you will make it out of this expedition alive.
  6. Ideally, you'll want to both SUCCEED and SURVIVE.
  7. If you SUCCEED but don't SURVIVE, you will be posthumously famous and forever immortalized in the history books.
  8. If you SURVIVE but don't SUCCEED, you probably won't have a chance to treasure hunt again. At least you've made
  9. some great memories and some valuable friends.
  11. ********************************TREASURES************************************
  12. Gangga Negara
  15. Paititi
  16. Somewhere in the Peruvian rainforest is a lost Incan city, legendarily home to incomprehensible
  17. riches, soaring temples of a once-great civilization, and... wait... a-are those... people?
  20. Tomb of Qin Shi Huang
  24. ********************************COMPANIONS************************************
  25. FINANCIER (Three filthy rich financiers each offer to foot the bill for your expedition party; all they want in return is a little favor. Unless you're planning on a solo treasure hunt, you'll have to choose a financier. You can choose to take them with you, or convince them to stay at home.)
  26. Lady Trevalyn (provides 6 credits)
  27. "My, my! You're very welcome, darling. Don't spend it all in one place."
  28. Wealthy noblewoman with too much time on her hands
  29. Ensures that your treasure hunting has no legal repercussions.
  30. Eloquent socialite, inspires morale and keeps the party working together
  31. Very motherly
  32. Literally no other relevant skills, will be largely dead weight
  33. QUEST: Trevalyn suspects that the long-extinct and stunningly beautiful Cyros Flower
  34. can be found at your site. Find some flowers and bring them back to her.
  35. This will take a lot of tedious and exhaustive searching.
  36. Richard Kestrel (provides 8 credits)
  37. "One third is bigger than one fourth. Even someone like you can figure that out."
  38. Runs a "large business enterprise". Won't say more than that.
  39. Ensures that your treasure hunting has no legal repercussions.
  40. Very logical and shrewd, with an excellent knack for puzzles
  41. Can't walk without a cane, will have to stop frequently to catch his breath
  42. QUEST: Kestrel wants one of your teammates dead. He'll tell you who the target
  43. is, and you'll have to kill him or her before the quest is over, without
  44. the rest of your party knowing.
  45. Sentinel Mio (provides 10 credits)
  46. "Burn it! Burn it all! :3"
  47. The extremely wealthy, extremely fanatical, and possibly magical Church of Nyos finances your operation
  48. Mio can somehow emit a strange glow which slowly heal the wounds of party members
  49. She's weaker than tissue paper and every creak will have her bawling in tears
  50. QUEST: The Church wants this site burned to the ground.
  51. After you find the treasure, you'll have to find some way to destroy the entire site.
  52. Not only will this destroy a priceless piece of human culture, but this ensures that
  53. authorities from all over will want to see you and your team in jail, or worse.
  55. HUNTER (3 credits)
  56. They've seen things you wouldn't believe. These professionals each have a massive, diverse skill set, as well as the knowledge, experience, and physical capabilities to back it up.
  57. Donna Betelisi
  58. "Oh come on, it's just a pit full of baby spiders. They're not even fully grown!"
  59. An excellent shot with her trusty pistol
  60. Sexy accent
  61. Team-oriented and a charismatic leader
  62. Loves taking risks and never follows the same path twice
  63. Cares more about having a good story to tell later than actually finding treasure
  64. John Montane
  65. "...Wait here."
  66. Reclusive hunter, quiet guy who keeps to himself
  67. The most accomplished hunter on the list, with dozens of solo expeditions under his belt
  68. Knows all the tricks
  69. Wields a set of throwing knives because they're quiet
  70. If members of the party are slowing him down, he won't hesitate to abandon them
  71. Winnie Yau
  72. "Boost me. Oh, um, i-if you're comfortable with that, that is..."
  73. Only started doing adventures a couple years ago; lots of book knowledge though
  74. Decent with a rifle but likes using her katana more because she's a weeaboo
  75. Self-sufficient, intrepid, hasn't gone exploring with a group before
  76. Graceful by herself, surprisingly awkward and shy in social situations
  78. TRAVELER (2 credits)
  79. These men have been to some of the dankest hellholes on Earth and back. They possess excellent wilderness survival skills and will keep your party on its feet and moving in the right direction.
  80. Pollinus Satch
  81. "How useful! I have got to get myself one of these 'Google Maps'!"
  82. Has been living in the woods for decades
  83. Carries around a ton of useful crap; always seems to have just what you need
  84. Hilarious, grandfather figure, wonderful storyteller
  85. Very out of shape and he has a strange illness
  86. Expect to have to stop and rest very often and go into coughing fits
  87. Ruya Watalli
  88. "I do not walk to get somewhere. I walk to get away."
  89. Has spent more time in the desert than everyone else on this list combined
  90. Deep-set cynicism for both humanity and the world in general
  91. Highly practical survivalist but abstruse philosophical conversation
  92. Welcomes death with open arms
  93. Wallace Artley
  94. "Is that a stalagmite in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
  95. Accountant by day, talented spelunker by night
  96. Excellent navigational abilities
  97. Great decisionmaking and logical skills
  98. Will constantly hit on every male in the party
  99. Has not really faced real adversity before and tends to crack under stress
  101. SOLDIER (2 credits)
  102. Think of them as guns on legs.
  103. Tekla Kallela
  104. "Sir, there is no need. This one is mine."
  105. Master of archery, swordplay, and polearms
  106. Even more fearsome when riding a mount
  107. Wears medium armor
  108. Fiercely, 100% loyal to whoever proves to be the leader of the group
  109. Cold determination in combat, pleasantly deferential outside of combat
  110. Uncomfortable with warm temperatures
  111. Spotty English
  112. Sal Morgan
  113. "Fuck, I'm out of grenades. Pass me that big-ass rock, will you?"
  114. Wields a variety of guns and explosives
  115. Excellent tank, solid marksman, team player
  116. Quite slow, as you might imagine
  117. Usually a real bro
  118. Refuses to take off his armor or helmet around other people
  119. Tries not to speak often, but when he does, it's in a strange, gruff, forced baritone
  120. Hector Guerrero
  121. "God gives me strength. I give him corpses."
  122. Wields a variety of guns and knives
  123. Very strong and wears medium armor
  124. Absolutely ruthless and a very quick shot
  125. Hotheaded, brash, and follows his (usually correct) instincts
  126. Will challenge you to a fistfight for leadership
  127. An almost fanatically devout Catholic
  129. GREASE MONKEY (2 credits)
  130. These are the acrobats and rogues who can blaze through obstacle courses, dodge deadly traps, and squeeze into tight spaces without breaking a sweat. As you may imagine, they are very, very good in bed.
  131. Katie Marchand
  132. "Good morning! You woke up four minutes late. No time for breakfast. Move. MOVE!"
  133. Great flexibility, speed, and dexterity
  134. Excellent stealth capabilities
  135. Talented unarmed combatant
  136. Sexy French accent
  137. Very polite, professional, and efficient
  138. Plans every little aspect of her life days and even weeks in advance
  139. Gets really upset if anything disrupts her schedule
  140. Ming-na Wu
  141. "You have a beautiful weapon! My granny gave me one as a toy when I was six."
  142. Ridiculous flexibility, speed, and dexterity
  143. By far the best acrobat and contortionist on the list
  144. Prefers a blade in combat, but she's still a novice
  145. Cold around men but very friendly and sociable around women
  146. Obliviously demeaning, racist, and pretentious
  147. Missing eye requires frequent medical attention
  148. Refuses to wear anything more than very skimpy clothing
  149. Ray Carver
  150. "Baby, every part of my body is flexible. Well... except one..."
  151. Good flexibility, speed, and dexterity
  152. Good shot with his pistol
  153. A spectacular driver, should you encounter a vehicle
  154. Former stuntman, will desperately try to impress every girl in the group
  155. Tries to be the jokester of the group, but he's smarter than he lets on
  157. DOCTOR (2 credits)
  158. Most people just call them "nerds".
  159. George Wertheim
  160. "Take these once a day. ...Yes, I know the bottle says twice a day. I am running low."
  161. Highly accomplished general surgeon
  162. Knows how to treat almost every type of non-mortal injury and affliction
  163. Surprisingly strong and adept in combat, when he wants to be
  164. Austere, cold, unsociable man who doesn't like talk and hates being bossed around
  165. Refuses to harm anything unless he is personally in peril
  166. His methods requires rare reagents that will deplete quickly if you get injured a lot
  167. Donald Cephal
  168. "I'm currently working on a cure for the aching pains that erodes my heart. Ha."
  169. Strong grasp of surgery and medicine
  170. Chemical analysis can help you find what you're looking for faster
  171. If you have access to water, he brews delicious coffee for the party in the mornings
  172. Friendly but very sarcastic, with a dark sense of humor
  173. Insomniac; only sleeps rarely and at inconvenient times
  174. Constantly drowsy and fatigued
  175. Sue Larenko
  176. "Sue. 21. Medical. Going to shave now. Our conversation will continue after."
  177. Still in college, but she has a good grasp of surgery and medicine
  178. Near-photographic memory will be indispensable at times
  179. On the varsity track team - excellent stamina
  180. Enjoys company but hates social niceties and conventions
  181. Was born male; still has a penis
  182. Meticulous hygiene regimen takes hours every day
  183. Almost completely blind without her glasses
  185. ARCHAEOLOGIST (1 credit)
  186. The difference between a doctor and an archaeologist? About 200,000 dollars a year.
  187. Florence Kandel
  188. "I'm hungryyyyy. Is it lunchtime yet? Or will I have to eat you instead? Heehee~"
  189. Extensive relevant knowledge
  190. Fluent in every language you are likely to encounter
  191. A bit of a flirt
  192. Energetic and animated
  193. Scatterbrained, very easily distracted
  194. Very rarely takes things seriously
  195. Henry Faulds
  196. "I do have a drinking problem... the problem is I don't have enough whiskey!"
  197. Extensive relevant knowledge
  198. Has done absolutely zero fieldwork
  199. When not drunk, he's soft-spoken and understanding
  200. Excellent boxer
  201. Addicted to smoking and drinking
  202. A violent and angry drunk
  203. Judith Fern
  204. "Marie Curie inspires me. Such great genius from a Polack? Who would have thought!"
  205. Has done tons of fieldwork
  206. Extensive knowledge on "primitive cultures", as she puts it
  207. A motivated and very hard worker
  208. Believes in the pursuit and accumulation of knowledge above all else
  209. Strict adherence to scientific and academic methods
  210. White supremacist
  211. Will hate and be hated by any and all non-white people she meets
  213. BEAST (1 credit)
  214. These strangely intelligent animals can be purchased to help you on your expedition.
  216. Hoover
  217. Can carry impressive loads and take one rider
  218. Amazing stamina
  219. Doesn't require much sustenance
  220. Impressive kick
  221. Dislikes everyone in the group except you and will spit on them constantly
  222. Not good at navigating uneven terrain
  223. Jane
  224. A strange species of insect you have never seen before
  225. Incredible flying agility and speed
  226. An apple can sustain her for a month
  227. Can quietly scout out your surroundings for you
  228. Communicates in a hissing language that you will learn slowly
  229. Tiny and fragile
  230. Vara
  231. Very agile in all sorts of terrain
  232. Surprisingly strong
  233. Whirlwind of teeth and claws if you are ever attacked
  234. Cuddles will improve party morale
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