

Jun 7th, 2017
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  1. #!/usr/local/env ruby
  2. require_relative 'lib/imports/constants_and_requires'
  4. #
  5. # Options banner
  6. #
  7. def banner_message
  8. [
  9. "USAGE: ruby #{$0} -[SHORT-OPTS] [ARGS] --[LONG-OPTS] [ARGS]".cyan.bold,
  10. "Mandatory options : -[d|f|s] FILE|URL --[default|file|spider] FILE|URL".cyan.bold,
  11. "Enumeration options: -[x] NUM --[dry-run|batch|run-x] NUM".cyan.bold,
  12. "Anomity options : -[p] IP:PORT --[rand-agent|proxy] IP:PORT".cyan.bold,
  13. "Processing options : -[D|c] DORK|NAME --[sqlmap|dork|column] DORK|NAME".cyan.bold,
  14. "Misc options : -[l|b|u] --[legal|banner|beep|update]".cyan.bold,
  15. "Dev options : --[test]".cyan.bold,
  16. " " # Blank line for nice formatting
  17. ].join("\n")
  18. end
  20. #
  21. # Usage page, basic help page for commands
  22. #
  23. def usage_page
  24."Check the file for a list of flags and further information or go here: #{FUNCTION_PAGE_LINK}\n")
  25. end
  27. #
  28. # Append into the OPTIONS constant so that we can call the flag from the constant instead of a class
  29. #
  30. ARGV << '-h' if ARGV.empty? # Display help dialog if no flags are passed
  31. do |opt|
  32. opt.banner = banner_message
  33. opt.on('-f FILE', '--file FILE', 'Pass a filename to scan for vulnerabilities') { |o| OPTIONS[:file] = o }
  34. opt.on('-s URL', '--spider URL', 'Spider a web page and save all the URLS') { |o| OPTIONS[:spider] = o }
  35. opt.on('-p IP:PORT', '--proxy IP:PORT', 'Configure to run with a proxy, must use ":"') { |o| OPTIONS[:proxy] = o }
  36. opt.on('-x NUM', '--run-x NUM', 'Run the specified amount of dry runs') { |o| OPTIONS[:run] = o }
  37. opt.on('-D DORK', '--dork DORK', 'Use your own dork to do the searching') { |o| OPTIONS[:dork] = o } # Issue #32
  38. opt.on('-d', '--default', 'Run in default mode, scrape Google') { |o| OPTIONS[:default] = o }
  39. opt.on('-l', '--legal', 'Show the legal information and the TOS') { |o| OPTIONS[:legal] = o }
  40. opt.on('-b', '--banner', 'Hide the banner') { |o| OPTIONS[:banner] = o }
  41. opt.on('-v', '--version', 'Display the version number and exit') { |o| OPTIONS[:version] = o }
  42. opt.on('-u', '--update', 'Update whitewidow with the newest version') { |o| OPTIONS[:update] = o }
  43. opt.on('-S', '--search-engine', 'Configure whitewidow to use a random search engine') { |o| OPTIONS[:searchengine] = o }
  44. opt.on('--dry-run', 'Run a dry run (no checking for vulnerability with prompt)') { |o| OPTIONS[:dry] = o }
  45. opt.on('--batch', 'No prompts, used in conjunction with the dry run') { |o| OPTIONS[:batch] = o }
  46. opt.on('--beep', 'Make a beep when the program finds a vulnerability') { |o| OPTIONS[:beep] = o }
  47. opt.on('--rand-agent', 'Use a random user agent') { |o| OPTIONS[:agent] = o }
  48. opt.on('--sqlmap', 'Run sqlmap through the SQL_VULN.LOG file as a bulk file') { |o| OPTIONS[:sqlmap] = o }
  49. opt.on('--test', 'Used mostly for development use') { |o| OPTIONS[:test] = o }
  50. opt.on('-h', '--help', 'Display this help dialog and exit') do
  51. hidden = "--search-engine"
  52. usage_page
  53. puts opt.to_s.split("\n").delete_if { |line| line =~ /#{hidden}/ }.join("\n")
  54. end
  55. end.parse!
  57. # This case statement has to be empty or the program won't read the options constants
  58. begin
  59. case
  60. when OPTIONS[:default]
  61. begin
  62. SETTINGS.hide_banner?
  63. SETTINGS.show_legal?
  64. Whitewidow::Scanner.get_urls(OPTIONS[:proxy])
  65. if File.size("#{SITES_TO_CHECK_PATH}") == 0
  66. FORMAT.warning("No sites found for search query: #{SEARCH_QUERY}. Adding query to blacklist so it won't be run again.") # Add the query to the blacklist #"#{QUERY_BLACKLIST_PATH}", "a+") { |query| query.puts(SEARCH_QUERY) }
  67."Query added to blacklist and will not be run again, exiting..")
  68. exit(1)
  69. elsif OPTIONS[:dry]
  70. #if OPTIONS[:dry]
  71. dry = FORMAT.prompt('Run the sites[Y/N]') unless OPTIONS[:batch]
  72. dry = 'N' if OPTIONS[:batch]
  73. if dry.upcase == 'N'
  74.'Sites saved to file, will not run scan now..')
  75. exit(0)
  76. else
  77. Whitewidow::Scanner.vulnerability_check(file_mode: false)
  78. end
  79. else
  80. Whitewidow::Scanner.vulnerability_check(file_mode: false)
  81. end
  82."#{ERROR_LOG_PATH}", 'a+') {
  83. |s| s.puts("No sites found with search query #{DEFAULT_SEARCH_QUERY}")
  84. } if File.size("#{SITES_TO_CHECK_PATH}") == 0
  85. File.truncate("#{SITES_TO_CHECK_PATH}", 0)
  86."I'm truncating SQL_sites_to_check file back to #{File.size("#{SITES_TO_CHECK_PATH}")}")
  88. File.truncate("#{TEMP_VULN_LOG}", 0)
  89."I've run all my tests and queries, and logged all important information into #{SQL_VULN_SITES_LOG}")
  90. rescue *FATAL_ERRORS => e
  91., 'a+') { |error| error.puts("#{}\n#{e.backtrace}\n---") }
  92. FORMAT.fatal("Issue template has been generated for this error, create a new issue named: #{SETTINGS.random_issue_name} #{e}")
  93."An issue template has been generated for you and is located in #{ISSUE_TEMPLATE_PATH}")
  94. SETTINGS.create_issue_page("Getting error: #{e}", e, "Run with #{OPTIONS}",
  95. OPTIONS[:dork] == nil ? DEFAULT_SEARCH_QUERY : OPTIONS[:dork])
  96. end
  97. when OPTIONS[:file]
  98. begin
  99. SETTINGS.hide_banner?
  100. SETTINGS.show_legal?
  101.'Formatting file')
  102. Whitewidow::Scanner.format_file(OPTIONS[:file])
  103. Whitewidow::Scanner.vulnerability_check(file_mode: true)
  104. File.truncate("#{SITES_TO_CHECK_PATH}", 0)
  105."I'm truncating SQL_sites_to_check file back to #{File.size("#{SITES_TO_CHECK_PATH}")}")
  106. FileUtils.copy(TEMP_VULN_LOG, SQL_VULN_SITES_LOG)
  107. File.truncate("#{TEMP_VULN_LOG}", 0)
  109. "I've run all my tests and queries, and logged all important information into #{SQL_VULN_SITES_LOG}"
  110. ) unless File.size("#{SQL_VULN_SITES_LOG}") == 0
  111. rescue *FATAL_ERRORS => e
  112., 'a+') { |error| error.puts("#{}\n#{e.backtrace}\n---") }
  113. FORMAT.fatal("Issue template has been generated for this error, create a new issue named: #{SETTINGS.random_issue_name} #{e}")
  114."An issue template has been generated for you and is located in #{ISSUE_TEMPLATE_PATH}")
  115. SETTINGS.create_issue_page("Getting error: #{e}", e, "Run with #{OPTIONS}",
  116. OPTIONS[:dork] == nil ? DEFAULT_SEARCH_QUERY : OPTIONS[:dork])
  117. end
  118. when OPTIONS[:legal]
  119. SETTINGS.show_legal?
  120. when OPTIONS[:run]
  121. OPTIONS[:run].to_i.times do
  122. system('ruby whitewidow.rb -d --dry-run --batch --banner')
  123. end
  124."#{OPTIONS[:run]} runs completed successfully.")
  125. when OPTIONS[:sqlmap]
  126."Launching sqlmap..")
  127. if SETTINGS.sqlmap_config
  128. system("#{}")
  129. else
  130. system("#{}")
  131., "a+").truncate(0)
  132. end
  133. when OPTIONS[:spider]
  134. begin
  135. if URI(OPTIONS[:spider]).query
  136. arr = SPIDER_BOT.pull_links(OPTIONS[:spider])
  137. SPIDER_BOT.follow_links(arr)
  138."Found a total of #{} links. Running them as file..")
  139. system("ruby whitewidow.rb --banner -f #{BLACKWIDOW_LOG}")
  140. File.truncate("tmp/blackwidow_log.txt", 0)
  141. else
  142. FORMAT.err("No valid query parameter found for: #{OPTIONS[:spider]}.")
  143. FORMAT.err("URL should contain a query parameter. I.E.")
  144. end
  145. rescue *SPIDER_ERRORS => e
  146. File.size(BLACKWIDOW_LOG) == 0 ? FORMAT.fatal("No sites obtained for #{OPTIONS[:spider]}, failed with #{e}") :
  147. FORMAT.err("#{OPTIONS[:spider]} encountered an error and cannot continue. Running sites obtained so far")
  148. system("ruby whitewidow.rb --banner -f #{BLACKWIDOW_LOG}") if File.size(BLACKWIDOW_LOG) != 0
  149. end
  150. when OPTIONS[:version]
  151."Currently version: #{VERSION}")
  152. exit
  153. when OPTIONS[:update]
  154."Updating to newest version..")
  155. SETTINGS.update!
  156. when OPTIONS[:test]
  157. system('rspec')
  158. else
  159. exit(1)
  160. end
  161. rescue => e
  162. FORMAT.err("Failed with error code #{e}")
  163. if e.inspect =~ /OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError/
  164. FORMAT.warning("Your user agent is bad, make an issue with the user agent")
  165."Trying again with a different user agent") # Temp fix until I can fix the user agents.
  166. begin
  167. system("ruby whitewidow.rb -d --banner --rand-agent")
  168. rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError
  169. FORMAT.fatal("User agent failed to load for the second time, running as default..")
  170. system("ruby whitewidow.rb -d --banner")
  171. end
  172. elsif e.inspect =~ /tIDENTIFIER/
  173. FORMAT.fatal("What we have here is a P.I.C.N.I.C. To run this program you need a Ruby version >=2.3.0.")
  174. FORMAT.fatal("Your current ruby version: #{RUBY_VERSION}")
  175. FORMAT.fatal("Download the latest Ruby by#{SETTINGS.ruby_download_link}")
  176. exit(1)
  177. else
  178. FORMAT.fatal("Program failed with error code: #{e}, error saved to error_log.txt")
  179., 'a+') { |error| error.puts("#{}\n---\n#{e.backtrace}\n#{e.backtrace_locations}\n---\n") }
  180. FORMAT.fatal("Issue template is being generated for this error, create a new issue named: #{SETTINGS.random_issue_name} #{e}")
  181. SETTINGS.create_issue_page("Getting error: #{e}", e, "Run with #{OPTIONS}",
  182. OPTIONS[:dork] == nil ? DEFAULT_SEARCH_QUERY : OPTIONS[:dork])
  183."An issue template has been generated for you and is located in #{ISSUE_TEMPLATE_PATH}")
  184. end
  185. rescue Interrupt
  186. FORMAT.err("User aborted scanning.")
  187. exit(1)
  188. end
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