

Oct 17th, 2019
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  1. package com.facebook;
  3. import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
  4. import android.content.Intent;
  5. import android.os.Bundle;
  6. import android.os.Parcel;
  7. import android.os.Parcelable;
  8. import android.os.Parcelable.Creator;
  9. import android.text.TextUtils;
  10. import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
  11. import com.facebook.internal.Utility;
  12. import com.facebook.internal.Utility.GraphMeRequestWithCacheCallback;
  13. import com.facebook.internal.Validate;
  14. import java.util.ArrayList;
  15. import java.util.Collection;
  16. import java.util.Collections;
  17. import java.util.Date;
  18. import java.util.HashSet;
  19. import java.util.List;
  20. import java.util.Set;
  21. import org.json.JSONArray;
  22. import org.json.JSONException;
  23. import org.json.JSONObject;
  25. public final class AccessToken implements Parcelable {
  26. public static final String ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY = "access_token";
  27. private static final String APPLICATION_ID_KEY = "application_id";
  28. public static final Creator<AccessToken> CREATOR = new Creator() {
  29. public AccessToken createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) {
  30. return new AccessToken(parcel);
  31. }
  33. public AccessToken[] newArray(int i) {
  34. return new AccessToken[i];
  35. }
  36. };
  37. private static final int CURRENT_JSON_FORMAT = 1;
  38. public static final String DATA_ACCESS_EXPIRATION_TIME = "data_access_expiration_time";
  39. private static final String DECLINED_PERMISSIONS_KEY = "declined_permissions";
  40. private static final AccessTokenSource DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_SOURCE = AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_WEB;
  41. private static final Date DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_TIME = MAX_DATE;
  42. private static final Date DEFAULT_LAST_REFRESH_TIME = new Date();
  43. private static final String EXPIRED_PERMISSIONS_KEY = "expired_permissions";
  44. private static final String EXPIRES_AT_KEY = "expires_at";
  45. public static final String EXPIRES_IN_KEY = "expires_in";
  46. private static final String LAST_REFRESH_KEY = "last_refresh";
  47. private static final Date MAX_DATE = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE);
  48. private static final String PERMISSIONS_KEY = "permissions";
  49. private static final String SOURCE_KEY = "source";
  50. private static final String TOKEN_KEY = "token";
  51. public static final String USER_ID_KEY = "user_id";
  52. private static final String VERSION_KEY = "version";
  53. private final String applicationId;
  54. private final Date dataAccessExpirationTime;
  55. private final Set<String> declinedPermissions;
  56. private final Set<String> expiredPermissions;
  57. private final Date expires;
  58. private final Date lastRefresh;
  60. /* renamed from: permissions reason: collision with root package name */
  61. private final Set<String> f11permissions;
  62. private final AccessTokenSource source;
  63. private final String token;
  64. private final String userId;
  66. public interface AccessTokenCreationCallback {
  67. void onError(FacebookException facebookException);
  69. void onSuccess(AccessToken accessToken);
  70. }
  72. public interface AccessTokenRefreshCallback {
  73. void OnTokenRefreshFailed(FacebookException facebookException);
  75. void OnTokenRefreshed(AccessToken accessToken);
  76. }
  78. public int describeContents() {
  79. return 0;
  80. }
  82. public AccessToken(String str, String str2, String str3, @Nullable Collection<String> collection, @Nullable Collection<String> collection2, @Nullable Collection<String> collection3, @Nullable AccessTokenSource accessTokenSource, @Nullable Date date, @Nullable Date date2, @Nullable Date date3) {
  83. Validate.notNullOrEmpty(str, "accessToken");
  84. Validate.notNullOrEmpty(str2, "applicationId");
  85. Validate.notNullOrEmpty(str3, "userId");
  86. if (date == null) {
  88. }
  89. this.expires = date;
  90. this.f11permissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(collection != null ? new HashSet(collection) : new HashSet());
  91. this.declinedPermissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(collection2 != null ? new HashSet(collection2) : new HashSet());
  92. this.expiredPermissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(collection3 != null ? new HashSet(collection3) : new HashSet());
  93. this.token = str;
  94. if (accessTokenSource == null) {
  95. accessTokenSource = DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_SOURCE;
  96. }
  97. this.source = accessTokenSource;
  98. if (date2 == null) {
  100. }
  101. this.lastRefresh = date2;
  102. this.applicationId = str2;
  103. this.userId = str3;
  104. if (date3 == null || date3.getTime() == 0) {
  106. }
  107. this.dataAccessExpirationTime = date3;
  108. }
  110. public static AccessToken getCurrentAccessToken() {
  111. return AccessTokenManager.getInstance().getCurrentAccessToken();
  112. }
  114. public static boolean isCurrentAccessTokenActive() {
  115. AccessToken currentAccessToken = AccessTokenManager.getInstance().getCurrentAccessToken();
  116. return currentAccessToken != null && !currentAccessToken.isExpired();
  117. }
  119. public static boolean isDataAccessActive() {
  120. AccessToken currentAccessToken = AccessTokenManager.getInstance().getCurrentAccessToken();
  121. return currentAccessToken != null && !currentAccessToken.isDataAccessExpired();
  122. }
  124. static void expireCurrentAccessToken() {
  125. AccessToken currentAccessToken = AccessTokenManager.getInstance().getCurrentAccessToken();
  126. if (currentAccessToken != null) {
  127. setCurrentAccessToken(createExpired(currentAccessToken));
  128. }
  129. }
  131. public static void setCurrentAccessToken(AccessToken accessToken) {
  132. AccessTokenManager.getInstance().setCurrentAccessToken(accessToken);
  133. }
  135. public static void refreshCurrentAccessTokenAsync() {
  136. AccessTokenManager.getInstance().refreshCurrentAccessToken(null);
  137. }
  139. public static void refreshCurrentAccessTokenAsync(AccessTokenRefreshCallback accessTokenRefreshCallback) {
  140. AccessTokenManager.getInstance().refreshCurrentAccessToken(accessTokenRefreshCallback);
  141. }
  143. public String getToken() {
  144. return this.token;
  145. }
  147. public Date getExpires() {
  148. return this.expires;
  149. }
  151. public Date getDataAccessExpirationTime() {
  152. return this.dataAccessExpirationTime;
  153. }
  155. public Set<String> getPermissions() {
  156. return this.f11permissions;
  157. }
  159. public Set<String> getDeclinedPermissions() {
  160. return this.declinedPermissions;
  161. }
  163. public Set<String> getExpiredPermissions() {
  164. return this.expiredPermissions;
  165. }
  167. public AccessTokenSource getSource() {
  168. return this.source;
  169. }
  171. public Date getLastRefresh() {
  172. return this.lastRefresh;
  173. }
  175. public String getApplicationId() {
  176. return this.applicationId;
  177. }
  179. public String getUserId() {
  180. return this.userId;
  181. }
  183. public static void createFromNativeLinkingIntent(Intent intent, final String str, final AccessTokenCreationCallback accessTokenCreationCallback) {
  184. Validate.notNull(intent, "intent");
  185. if (intent.getExtras() == null) {
  186. accessTokenCreationCallback.onError(new FacebookException("No extras found on intent"));
  187. return;
  188. }
  189. final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(intent.getExtras());
  190. String string = bundle.getString("access_token");
  191. if (string == null || string.isEmpty()) {
  192. accessTokenCreationCallback.onError(new FacebookException("No access token found on intent"));
  193. return;
  194. }
  195. String string2 = bundle.getString("user_id");
  196. if (string2 == null || string2.isEmpty()) {
  197. Utility.getGraphMeRequestWithCacheAsync(string, new GraphMeRequestWithCacheCallback() {
  198. public void onSuccess(JSONObject jSONObject) {
  199. try {
  200. bundle.putString("user_id", jSONObject.getString("id"));
  201. accessTokenCreationCallback.onSuccess(AccessToken.createFromBundle(null, bundle, AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_WEB, new Date(), str));
  202. } catch (JSONException unused) {
  203. accessTokenCreationCallback.onError(new FacebookException("Unable to generate access token due to missing user id"));
  204. }
  205. }
  207. public void onFailure(FacebookException facebookException) {
  208. accessTokenCreationCallback.onError(facebookException);
  209. }
  210. });
  211. } else {
  212. accessTokenCreationCallback.onSuccess(createFromBundle(null, bundle, AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_WEB, new Date(), str));
  213. }
  214. }
  216. public String toString() {
  217. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  218. sb.append("{AccessToken");
  219. sb.append(" token:");
  220. sb.append(tokenToString());
  221. appendPermissions(sb);
  222. sb.append("}");
  223. return sb.toString();
  224. }
  226. public boolean equals(Object obj) {
  227. boolean z = true;
  228. if (this == obj) {
  229. return true;
  230. }
  231. if (!(obj instanceof AccessToken)) {
  232. return false;
  233. }
  234. AccessToken accessToken = (AccessToken) obj;
  235. if (!this.expires.equals(accessToken.expires) || !this.f11permissions.equals(accessToken.f11permissions) || !this.declinedPermissions.equals(accessToken.declinedPermissions) || !this.expiredPermissions.equals(accessToken.expiredPermissions) || !this.token.equals(accessToken.token) || this.source != accessToken.source || !this.lastRefresh.equals(accessToken.lastRefresh) || (this.applicationId != null ? !this.applicationId.equals(accessToken.applicationId) : accessToken.applicationId != null) || !this.userId.equals(accessToken.userId) || !this.dataAccessExpirationTime.equals(accessToken.dataAccessExpirationTime)) {
  236. z = false;
  237. }
  238. return z;
  239. }
  241. public int hashCode() {
  242. return ((((((((((((((((((527 + this.expires.hashCode()) * 31) + this.f11permissions.hashCode()) * 31) + this.declinedPermissions.hashCode()) * 31) + this.expiredPermissions.hashCode()) * 31) + this.token.hashCode()) * 31) + this.source.hashCode()) * 31) + this.lastRefresh.hashCode()) * 31) + (this.applicationId == null ? 0 : this.applicationId.hashCode())) * 31) + this.userId.hashCode()) * 31) + this.dataAccessExpirationTime.hashCode();
  243. }
  245. @SuppressLint({"FieldGetter"})
  246. static AccessToken createFromRefresh(AccessToken accessToken, Bundle bundle) {
  247. AccessToken accessToken2 = accessToken;
  248. Bundle bundle2 = bundle;
  249. if (accessToken2.source == AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_WEB || accessToken2.source == AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_NATIVE || accessToken2.source == AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_SERVICE) {
  250. Date bundleLongAsDate = Utility.getBundleLongAsDate(bundle2, EXPIRES_IN_KEY, new Date(0));
  251. String string = bundle2.getString("access_token");
  252. Date bundleLongAsDate2 = Utility.getBundleLongAsDate(bundle2, DATA_ACCESS_EXPIRATION_TIME, new Date(0));
  253. if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(string)) {
  254. return null;
  255. }
  256. AccessToken accessToken3 = new AccessToken(string, accessToken2.applicationId, accessToken.getUserId(), accessToken.getPermissions(), accessToken.getDeclinedPermissions(), accessToken.getExpiredPermissions(), accessToken2.source, bundleLongAsDate, new Date(), bundleLongAsDate2);
  257. return accessToken3;
  258. }
  259. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  260. sb.append("Invalid token source: ");
  261. sb.append(accessToken2.source);
  262. throw new FacebookException(sb.toString());
  263. }
  265. static AccessToken createExpired(AccessToken accessToken) {
  266. AccessToken accessToken2 = new AccessToken(accessToken.token, accessToken.applicationId, accessToken.getUserId(), accessToken.getPermissions(), accessToken.getDeclinedPermissions(), accessToken.getExpiredPermissions(), accessToken.source, new Date(), new Date(), accessToken.dataAccessExpirationTime);
  267. return accessToken2;
  268. }
  270. static AccessToken createFromLegacyCache(Bundle bundle) {
  271. List permissionsFromBundle = getPermissionsFromBundle(bundle, LegacyTokenHelper.PERMISSIONS_KEY);
  272. List permissionsFromBundle2 = getPermissionsFromBundle(bundle, LegacyTokenHelper.DECLINED_PERMISSIONS_KEY);
  273. List permissionsFromBundle3 = getPermissionsFromBundle(bundle, LegacyTokenHelper.EXPIRED_PERMISSIONS_KEY);
  274. String applicationId2 = LegacyTokenHelper.getApplicationId(bundle);
  275. if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(applicationId2)) {
  276. applicationId2 = FacebookSdk.getApplicationId();
  277. }
  278. String str = applicationId2;
  279. String token2 = LegacyTokenHelper.getToken(bundle);
  280. try {
  281. AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(token2, str, Utility.awaitGetGraphMeRequestWithCache(token2).getString("id"), permissionsFromBundle, permissionsFromBundle2, permissionsFromBundle3, LegacyTokenHelper.getSource(bundle), LegacyTokenHelper.getDate(bundle, LegacyTokenHelper.EXPIRATION_DATE_KEY), LegacyTokenHelper.getDate(bundle, LegacyTokenHelper.LAST_REFRESH_DATE_KEY), null);
  282. return accessToken;
  283. } catch (JSONException unused) {
  284. return null;
  285. }
  286. }
  288. static List<String> getPermissionsFromBundle(Bundle bundle, String str) {
  289. ArrayList stringArrayList = bundle.getStringArrayList(str);
  290. if (stringArrayList == null) {
  291. return Collections.emptyList();
  292. }
  293. return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList(stringArrayList));
  294. }
  296. public boolean isExpired() {
  297. return new Date().after(this.expires);
  298. }
  300. public boolean isDataAccessExpired() {
  301. return new Date().after(this.dataAccessExpirationTime);
  302. }
  304. /* access modifiers changed from: 0000 */
  305. public JSONObject toJSONObject() throws JSONException {
  306. JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
  307. jSONObject.put("version", 1);
  308. jSONObject.put(TOKEN_KEY, this.token);
  309. jSONObject.put("expires_at", this.expires.getTime());
  310. jSONObject.put("permissions", new JSONArray(this.f11permissions));
  311. jSONObject.put(DECLINED_PERMISSIONS_KEY, new JSONArray(this.declinedPermissions));
  312. jSONObject.put(EXPIRED_PERMISSIONS_KEY, new JSONArray(this.expiredPermissions));
  313. jSONObject.put(LAST_REFRESH_KEY, this.lastRefresh.getTime());
  314. jSONObject.put("source",;
  315. jSONObject.put(APPLICATION_ID_KEY, this.applicationId);
  316. jSONObject.put("user_id", this.userId);
  317. jSONObject.put(DATA_ACCESS_EXPIRATION_TIME, this.dataAccessExpirationTime.getTime());
  318. return jSONObject;
  319. }
  321. static AccessToken createFromJSONObject(JSONObject jSONObject) throws JSONException {
  322. Collection jsonArrayToStringList;
  323. if (jSONObject.getInt("version") <= 1) {
  324. String string = jSONObject.getString(TOKEN_KEY);
  325. Date date = new Date(jSONObject.getLong("expires_at"));
  326. JSONArray jSONArray = jSONObject.getJSONArray("permissions");
  327. JSONArray jSONArray2 = jSONObject.getJSONArray(DECLINED_PERMISSIONS_KEY);
  328. JSONArray optJSONArray = jSONObject.optJSONArray(EXPIRED_PERMISSIONS_KEY);
  329. Date date2 = new Date(jSONObject.getLong(LAST_REFRESH_KEY));
  330. AccessTokenSource valueOf = AccessTokenSource.valueOf(jSONObject.getString("source"));
  331. String string2 = jSONObject.getString(APPLICATION_ID_KEY);
  332. String string3 = jSONObject.getString("user_id");
  333. Date date3 = new Date(jSONObject.optLong(DATA_ACCESS_EXPIRATION_TIME, 0));
  334. List jsonArrayToStringList2 = Utility.jsonArrayToStringList(jSONArray);
  335. List jsonArrayToStringList3 = Utility.jsonArrayToStringList(jSONArray2);
  336. if (optJSONArray == null) {
  337. jsonArrayToStringList = new ArrayList();
  338. } else {
  339. jsonArrayToStringList = Utility.jsonArrayToStringList(optJSONArray);
  340. }
  341. AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(string, string2, string3, jsonArrayToStringList2, jsonArrayToStringList3, jsonArrayToStringList, valueOf, date, date2, date3);
  342. return accessToken;
  343. }
  344. throw new FacebookException("Unknown AccessToken serialization format.");
  345. }
  347. /* access modifiers changed from: private */
  348. public static AccessToken createFromBundle(List<String> list, Bundle bundle, AccessTokenSource accessTokenSource, Date date, String str) {
  349. Bundle bundle2 = bundle;
  350. String string = bundle.getString("access_token");
  351. Date bundleLongAsDate = Utility.getBundleLongAsDate(bundle, EXPIRES_IN_KEY, date);
  352. String string2 = bundle.getString("user_id");
  353. Date bundleLongAsDate2 = Utility.getBundleLongAsDate(bundle, DATA_ACCESS_EXPIRATION_TIME, new Date(0));
  354. if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(string) || bundleLongAsDate == null) {
  355. return null;
  356. }
  357. AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(string, str, string2, list, null, null, accessTokenSource, bundleLongAsDate, new Date(), bundleLongAsDate2);
  358. return accessToken;
  359. }
  361. private String tokenToString() {
  362. if (this.token == null) {
  363. return "null";
  364. }
  365. return FacebookSdk.isLoggingBehaviorEnabled(LoggingBehavior.INCLUDE_ACCESS_TOKENS) ? this.token : "ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED";
  366. }
  368. private void appendPermissions(StringBuilder sb) {
  369. sb.append(" permissions:");
  370. if (this.f11permissions == null) {
  371. sb.append("null");
  372. return;
  373. }
  374. sb.append("[");
  375. sb.append(TextUtils.join(", ", this.f11permissions));
  376. sb.append("]");
  377. }
  379. AccessToken(Parcel parcel) {
  380. this.expires = new Date(parcel.readLong());
  381. ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
  382. parcel.readStringList(arrayList);
  383. this.f11permissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet(arrayList));
  384. arrayList.clear();
  385. parcel.readStringList(arrayList);
  386. this.declinedPermissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet(arrayList));
  387. arrayList.clear();
  388. parcel.readStringList(arrayList);
  389. this.expiredPermissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet(arrayList));
  390. this.token = parcel.readString();
  391. this.source = AccessTokenSource.valueOf(parcel.readString());
  392. this.lastRefresh = new Date(parcel.readLong());
  393. this.applicationId = parcel.readString();
  394. this.userId = parcel.readString();
  395. this.dataAccessExpirationTime = new Date(parcel.readLong());
  396. }
  398. public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) {
  399. parcel.writeLong(this.expires.getTime());
  400. parcel.writeStringList(new ArrayList(this.f11permissions));
  401. parcel.writeStringList(new ArrayList(this.declinedPermissions));
  402. parcel.writeStringList(new ArrayList(this.expiredPermissions));
  403. parcel.writeString(this.token);
  404. parcel.writeString(;
  405. parcel.writeLong(this.lastRefresh.getTime());
  406. parcel.writeString(this.applicationId);
  407. parcel.writeString(this.userId);
  408. parcel.writeLong(this.dataAccessExpirationTime.getTime());
  409. }
  410. }
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