
Losing Her Luster (1/3)

Jul 28th, 2012
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  1. >”Sawah, who dis?”
  2. >There's a weird-ass looking fluffy pony in the front passenger seat of your cousin's car.
  3. >Why's it got wings and a horn?
  4. >”This is Tiffany. She's going to be your new mommy.”
  5. >Big smile from the fluffy freak.
  6. >”Hi Tiffn'y! Fwuffy name Auwa!”
  7. >”That's Aura...” Sarah translates.
  8. >”Dat wha' Auwa say!”
  9. >Sarah opens the door, and the fluffy hops down and waddles over to you.
  10. >Aura is a rich golden color, with a purple mane and tail and silvery eyes.
  11. >She hugs your black boot.
  12. >”Tiffn' talkies?” she asks, looking up and batting her long eyelashes.
  13. “In a minute, kid. I need to talk to Sarah first.”
  14. >Aura lets go of your leg and waddles away a few feet. “Okay! Auwa wai' hewe!”
  15. >You look over at Sarah.
  16. “She's pretty obedient.”
  17. >Sarah shrugs, leaning against her Porsche.
  18. >”She's an alicorn. They're a lot smarter than the regular fluffy.
  19. >”Auwa am smawty! Am goo' fwuffy!”
  20. “What do I owe ya?”
  21. >”Six hundred even.”
  22. “Just take it out of my paycheck for the next few weeks.”
  23. >She nods, her eyes darting skyward as she calculates a payment plan.
  24. >A few seconds later, she motions for you to get in the car.
  25. >”Whewe Tiffn'y an' Sawah go?” Aura asks.
  26. >”We're just getting in the car. We're not leaving.”
  27. >”Okay! Auwa wai' fo' hoomans!”
  28. >Once you've gotten in and shut the door, Aura waves at you from outside.
  29. >She remains seated, however.
  30. “What d'ya want me to do, exactly?”
  31. >Sarah idly checks her fingernail polish. “I want you to find out what this thing is capable of.”
  32. >You tilt your head.
  33. “Is this a fluffy that can fight back?”
  34. >She laughs briefly and smirks. “Of course not. I mean emotionally. An alicorn is supposed to be a lot deeper than a regular fluffy.”
  35. >So your cousin wants you to experiment with this thing. Sweet.
  36. “Why ask me?”
  37. >She rolls her eyes and looks over at you.
  38. >”Because you're the only one willing to do this kind of thing.”
  39. >You can't help but smirk.
  40. “Hey, you and Luce are almost as messed up as me.”
  41. >Sarah folds her arms. “Our mother never hit us with a shovel.”
  42. “At least I got attention from mine. How long d'ya want this to take?”
  43. >”Lucy's just gotten a breeding pair, so you've got some time.”
  44. “Sure ya don't wanna have this one screw? She's a nice color.”
  45. >”She's also barren. Trust me, if I could get foals out of her, I would.”
  46. “Fine. What am I lookin' for, exactly?”
  47. >”Lucy's handling the pregnancy part, but I want to know how they act under...less than positive circumstances before her pair bears foals.”
  48. “You want me to fuck with her. 'Kay, I'm game.”
  49. >”Of course you are. I'll drop by tomorrow and see how our guinea pig is doing.”
  50. >You nod, getting back out as Sarah does. You both walk back over to Aura.
  51. >”Auwa goo' fwuffy!” she chirps.
  52. >”You certainly were. two have fun,” Sarah grins, before getting back in her car and leaving.
  53. >Aura follows you to the porch, her shimmering fluff waving in the hot breeze.
  54. >”Tiffn'y, Auwa hung'y, can haf nummies pwease?” she asks as you both walk into the house.
  55. >How polite.
  56. “Sure, I guess can we can eat before we get started.”
  57. >It's very quiet in the house this weekend.
  58. >Usually, you'd have a few fluffy ponies, a pool of the condemned waiting to die for the sins of the fluffies at the shop.
  59. >Aura waddles around, examining her surroundings curiously.
  60. >”Fwoow sof'! Auwa hoofies feew goo'!” she chirps happily. “Whewe nummies, pwease?”
  61. “Wait right here.”
  62. >You wander into the kitchen, open the fridge, and get the first thing that you see.
  63. >Pimento cheese.
  64. “Hey, Aura, come in here.”
  65. >”Auwa do wha' say!” she confirms, waddling into the kitchen with a big smile.
  66. >You scoop out a little of the cheese onto a plate and set it down.
  67. “Try that.”
  68. >Aura sniffs at it before taking a small bite.
  69. >”No wike dis...Tiffn'y pwease gif new nummies?”
  70. >She's sitting on her haunches, looking up at you. Even in the kitchen light, her fluff is shiny.
  71. >You say nothing, instead folding your arms and glaring.
  72. >Surprisingly, Aura cowers and frowns. “No mean wook, pwease, Auwa jus' wan' new nummies...”
  73. >Interesting. Your regular fluffies would just keep asking for new food.
  74. >You'll be nice for now.
  75. “All right. Since ya asked nicely, I'll let ya try something else.”
  76. >There's a box of leftover pizza from last night. Since you were going to eat it for lunch anyway, you heat it all up in the oven.
  77. >Aura gets a small slice with the pepperoni removed; that meat would make her shit smell even worse than usual.
  78. >Again, she sniffs at it and takes a bite.
  79. >”Wike dis nummie! Fank yoo, Tiffn'y!”
  80. >She chows down, asking for another piece when she's done.
  81. >You deny her. She frowns and waddles over to where you're sitting, pawing on your boot.
  82. >”Pwease? Stiww hung'y...”
  83. >Suddenly, her stomach gurgles. “Uh oh! Poopie feww! Whewe make goo' poopies?”
  84. >You smirk and remain silent.
  85. >”Pwease teww! No wan' make bad poppies!”
  86. >She hops around on her hooves in a circle, her face panicked. She even holds her tail down over her rear end.
  87. >After a few more seconds, she can hold it no more and drops a pile on your kitchen floor.
  88. >”Nuuuu! No mean make poopies hewe! Auwa vewy sowwy, no mean be bad! No mean make bad poopies!”
  89. >You watch her as she tries to nose the logs away, crying. “Make betta! Auwa make poopies go 'way! Vewy sowwy!”
  90. >She's awfully penitent – and coherent – for a fluffy pony.
  91. >”No can make betta!” she whines, after a few moments of pushing the shit. “No smeww pwetty!”
  92. >She looks back up at you, her golden snout smeared with brown. “Am vewy sowwy!”
  93. >It looks like she honestly means it, too.
  94. >Too bad. You stand up and look down at her.
  95. “This isn't where you're supposed to shit.”
  96. >”Auwa sowwy! No say whewe go! Poopies no stay in!”
  97. >You slam your fist into your open palm.
  98. >Aura drops to her stomach and trembles, but she doesn't try to 'hide'.
  99. >”No say whewe go, Auwa no bad fwuffy, Auwa twy be goo'...”
  100. >Usually, you'd just get a stream of 'fwuffy sowwy'.
  101. “Tried to be good...but didn't.”
  102. >”Am sowwy! Am sowwy!” she cries. A yellow puddle appears under her back half.
  103. >”Nuuuuuu! Peepeee no hewe! Why peepee?! Sowwy! Auwa sowwy!”
  104. “You ain't bein' a very good fluffy, Aura.”
  105. >”Auwa am goo' fwuffy! Auwa no mean dis!” she replies, standing up again.
  106. >You pound your fist again.
  107. >”Nuuuu!” she cries, waddling around in a terrified circle, dripping piss as she goes.
  108. “Now you're makin' a bigger mess!”
  109. >”Sowwy! Auwa no mean make bad peepee!”
  110. >She stops running around and stares dumbly at the puddle, then the trail of drops she left.
  111. >”How make betta?! Auwa wan' make bad poopies and peepee go 'way!” she suddenly blurts out.
  112. >She stares at them again for a brief time before wailing.
  113. >”Auwa no can make betta...pwease no owwies...sowwy, sowwy,” she sniffles, dropping to her stomach again and staring up, pleading with her eyes.
  114. >Alicorns sure seem to have a deeper grasp of consequences.
  115. >You've not laid a hand on her and she's already terrified.
  116. >Your regular fluffies, after not being punished immediately, would just think everything was fine and go play.
  117. >Aura, however, is waiting for resolution.
  118. >You point to the living room.
  119. “Go back in there and wait for me.”
  120. >She nods furiously and shuffles, in reverse, toward the doorway, only looking back periodically.
  121. >”Auwa go, Auwa wai', be goo' fwuffy, be goo', no mo' do bad tingy...”
  122. >Her eyes shine with fear you've not seen before in a fluffy pony.
  123. >This is going to be a fun weekend.
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