

Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
  2. <soapenv:Header/>
  3. <soapenv:Body>
  4. <ns:UpdateCase>
  5. <ns:request UserName="apacapi" Password="Ca$eA9i" UserLanguageID="en" Type="Update">
  6. <ns:Case company_id="SYS" b07_code="21" case_status_code="O" b05_code="AU BOBBI BROWN" case_id="-1" APCWEditMode="New" b06_code="EM" b03_code="O" b10_code="AUS">
  7. <ns:AddressList>
  8. <ns:Address APCWEditMode="New" address_id="0" address_type_code="Consumer" address1="Level 20" address2="28 Freshwater Place " city="Southbank " company_id="SYS" country="AUS" email2="" email3="" given_names="Aveda" a07_code="Au-En" last_name="Light" postal_code="3006" state="NSW">
  9. <ns:PhoneList>
  10. <ns:Phone phone_type_code="Cell" phone="92880000" address_phone_seq="-1"/>
  11. </ns:PhoneList>
  12. </ns:Address>
  13. </ns:AddressList>
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  16. </ns:Issue>
  17. </ns:IssueList>
  18. <ns:CaseTextList>
  19. <ns:CaseText text_type_code="Internal Notes" description="2" language_id="Au" case_text="Testing message for AV AU Testing message for AV AU Testing message for AV AU Testing message for AV AU &#x000a; REGISTERED: No" issue_seq="-1"/>
  20. </ns:CaseTextList>
  21. </ns:Case>
  22. <ns:ResponseFormat>
  23. <ns:CaseList>
  24. <ns:Case AllAttributes="-1">
  25. <ns:AddressList>
  26. <ns:Address AllAttributes="-1">
  27. <ns:PhoneList>
  28. <ns:Phone AllAttributes="-1"/>
  29. </ns:PhoneList>
  30. </ns:Address>
  31. </ns:AddressList>
  32. <ns:IssueList>
  33. <ns:Issue AllAttributes="-1">
  34. <ns:IssueDetailList>
  35. <ns:IssueDetail AllAttributes="-1"/>
  36. </ns:IssueDetailList>
  37. </ns:Issue>
  38. </ns:IssueList>
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  40. <ns:CaseText AllAttributes="-1"/>
  41. </ns:CaseTextList>
  42. </ns:Case>
  43. </ns:CaseList>
  44. </ns:ResponseFormat>
  45. </ns:request>
  46. </ns:UpdateCase>
  47. </soapenv:Body>
  48. </soapenv:Envelope>
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