
How the altright will fail if it does

Jan 19th, 2017
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  1. Inability for these two camps to reconcile.
  3. The Mellows: feckless, unwilling to vet, enamored with attention, not exciting
  5. Simps, not savs. High on their own ideas, too eager to share
  7. Example: giving Matt Forney room on because we had to include the whole movement. Matt Forney says he is part of the altright yet routinely attacks altrighters because he was more loyal to the manosphere. Didnt say disagree btw
  10. The Rads: retarded, too willing to burn bridges over breaches of purity, spurning attention, not moving to the next level. They kind of assume their own success, not realizing the role the builders played in that.
  12. Examples: red ice is jewed for talking to a jew
  14. Fighters, not builders. Low time preference
  16. A proper relationship would be the Rads realizing that by working together, more is accomplished. Even if it can be lame. Quitting over relatively trivial purity things is stupid if you really believe we're at risk.
  18. And the builders need to have better barriers to entry.
  20. The Enoch drama was a good example of this. The Mellows didnt handle it correctly but the Rads were fucking retarded. Many of them seemed to labor under the impression that TDS was not promoting ethnic nationalism or naming the Jew. Some even said it was just an establishment Republican podcast.
  22. The reason why TRS mattered is they did a lot of organization. The TRSEF, the podcasts, the pool parties, etc. We need organization. And a lot of that was crippled and the fact it was crippled was not acknowledged. The loss of Darwin Digest and Kulturkampf mattered a lot because they were the smart set and now I don't think BTFOing /leftypol/ in a debate will be as easy without the kulturkampf crew. This does lend credence to the criticism that the other side was purity spiraling larpers.
  24. This is not the only example, and it isnt just "not being properly white nationalist" but also namefagging in of itself is seen as bad.
  26. Then there is the paranoia about "irl namefags" among the grassroot chans. As if anonymous shitposting even started these ideas, much less ever get them realized in real life. Usually the irl namefags are not stepping on the Chans' toes and didnt even associate with the chans ever. They see these memes on twitter. The chans feel they own the ideas that they doubtless got from the outside, or from others who got them from the outside.
  28. This could easily be seen as larping anons hating anyone who sticks out due to jealousy. But I don't think that's true. I think there is inherent suspicion toward those who stand out, a sort of moral paranoia about being betrayed by someone who gets big and sells out on the important ideals is exploited by people who are resentful of others' success or some past beef. Matt Forney and Common Filth for example will signal boost any errant theory, no matter how ridiculous, that looks down on those they dislike in the altright. Despite Forney being a degenerate PUA from the manosphere, CF lets him on his show because he'll say "white girls fuck dogs" and that the altright is a gay mafia.
  30. >muh principles!
  31. The spiraling is justified by saying the person violated a contrived set of principles the spiraler holds (which he probably did at least once, and by contrived I mean it's unlikely the person ever agreed or endorsed them).
  33. This is bad because it's essentially self inflicted salami tactics. Yes, co-opting is a risk however that's not relevant to personal failings if the ideal is still advocated for, co-opting is when a person tries to to submit a contrary description or odeal to replace the real one. To purge/invalidate for mere "hypocrisy" is actually whay co-opters often do to get rid of their competition. It's also a common shitlib arguing tactic to suggest someone's personal hypocrisies and failings invalidate their advocacy for an ideal. Which is essentially what this is except self inflicted, as stated above
  35. Same rationale NEVERtrump used.
  37. Worse yet the spiralers will embrace non-WNs in doing this. People even further from them (but are at least "principled", in the spiraler's eyes at least) . Same thing cuckservatives did again. Showing what a good boy they are to those against them.
  39. If you wont have someone's back when they didnt do anything a non-autist would care about, nobody will have yours. The left knows that, hence why they get the Right to purge.
  41. There are also those who are "too good to ever get involved" despite largely agreeing. Never risking anything so never wrong.
  43. They almost always have something esoteric they suggest is the real deciding factor that everyone else ignores to their folly (often not even true that people ignore it, it's just not emphasized as strongly by enough for them), and/or special snowflake ways of judging anything which almost nobody shares (because of this almost nobody can prove them wrong due to unfamiliarity)
  45. Short on anything constructive to provide they snark about what everyone else tries. This important, they're too good to get involved but still want social media likes. So they have to tell you about their apathy and arrogance
  47. Also a lot the evidence is decontextualized (eg Woes "promoting Bestiality") or the kind of stuff you'll find on anyone (dumb/degenerate past behavior)
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