
Ajin Pendant (Gaelan)

Feb 10th, 2020
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  1. [18:38] Gaelan follows Rain into his home. It was quite nice. Really just seeing this made him wanna get a house with Nessa more. He takes a seat at the arrangement and opens his satchel. A small amount of Arcanium is placed on the table and the Corrupted Ice shard he had gotten from the Giant.
  3. The shadow seems to be following the crystal. Like it wanted it. However it didn't do anything.
  5. The young man looked to Rain with a smile. "So how much do you want for the crafting? I don't mind paying you." He asked.
  6. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [18:38] {Item} You drop Arcanium x2.
  10. [18:38] {Item} You drop Ice Shards x1.
  11. [18:44] The man didn't know that Gaelan wanted a house, but if he did, he would wonder how the Fenrir would feel if he knew that the Multhunder has two houses in Theria. The other one which he plans to give to Illith.
  13. When it comes to the arcanium, he takes it in his hands, inspecting the ore for several moments, while he uses a tong to pick up the ice shard and inspect it as well.
  15. With a nod, he looks at his friened.
  17. "I don't even know... it's not like I need money in the first place nor alchemy reagents. At this point in my life, I don't know what I want when it comes to material items."
  19. With a shrug, he takes out a piece of chalk from his pocket and pulls out the tablecloth in front of them, revealing a mythril plating underneath on which he starts to write runes.
  21. "By the way, I'll need you to take care of something if you don't mind. Your help normally wouldn't be necessary, but considering this isOccult magic, I need to deal with this carefully."
  22. (Rain Multhunder)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [18:52] He rubs his head. It does make sense that he doesn't really care much for material based things. However it does make him feel a bit bad not paying for it. The man doesn't press him on it. Since it was nice of him to forge this for him.
  27. A smile is revealed. "Alright, my shadow and I will help to the best we can. Just let us know." As he spoke a shadowy Gaelan baring red eyes and a sinister smile, rose and sat next to Rain.
  29. "Oh yes of course... I would love~ to be stronger..." "More strength means more killing! I do love that~. Hehehe" "Whatever it takes to end my insufferable daughter." The shadow speaks in three different voices. First male and sinister, second female and hyperactive, last was a depressed sounding old mad.
  31. "So what do we need to do?"
  32. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [19:38] Clicking his tongue at Gaelan's shadow while it speaks in several different voices, he shakes his head. An eyebrow being raised when they mentioned 'daughter', but it was none of his business.
  37. "I need you to absorb or ward off most of the occult magic that tries to lash out at me."
  39. Finishing with carving the runes along the plating's surface. The man yawns Picking up a tong, he uses it to place the Ice Shard on the middle of the rune circles alongside the arcanium and Orchilacum.
  41. "I said most because not getting in contact with it is impossible. So either way, I'm gonna get hurt. Still, a fool who's not careful might end up getting a serious injury or at the worst case, die if they're not careful.
  43. Normally, this wouldn't be too hard, but since I'm a Holy Magi, the shard will be prompted to lash out at me one way or another once it feels it's being tampered with. All you need to do is take care of it's attacks so I can keep working on it."
  45. Getting up, and walking to the side, he carves a rune equation that mixes fire, wind, water and ice elemnts in the wall. This house now had a powerful AC. It was needed since this ice shard would likely change the temperature as well.
  47. Taking a tome from the insides of his robes, a white book with a rainbow like gem in the center of it's cover. Opening and flipping through it's pages, one could see hundreds, if not thousands of runes overall. Such knowledge inscribed into the pages of the thick book which was attached to the man's waist by a small chain.
  49. "In case you wish to know what I'm doing. Each rune circle I just carved has a purpose. The first one removes the impurities of the arcanium and orchilacum.
  51. The second one allows me to mold the metal to my liking. The third one is an ice one to allow me to deal with the item. Same for the fourth one, occultic runes. And the fifth are ethereal runes, it acts as a 'water tap' for the energy I'm feeding all the runes.
  53. It acts as safety measure in case the objects or runes get instable due to the mana molding and feeding them.
  55. Anyways... I leave the dealing of the occultic energy that's gonna attack me to you four."
  57. With a deep breath, he gets infront of the rune circle. Raising a hand above the runes carved into the pages of his tome, he sends a stream of mana into it. In return, the gem embedded in the tome's cover starts to feed the rune circles in the same way, thus acting as a medium, a tool for controlling all five of them at once.
  59. Slowly, but surely, the minerals would start to be refined, losing their impurities that fall on top of the table.
  61. Soon after such was done, the metals would seemingly start to melt, before coming together as if they had a life of their own. They attempt to gather around the Corrupted Ice Shard, to create their form around the magical object and connect with it.
  63. However, it wouldn't be that easy. As the ice and occultic runes attempt to do their job to make the magical energy of the shard resonate with the orchilacum and arcanium, and thus, have it's power increased by allowing it's wearer to channel it more easily... it wouldn't see it as a good thing.
  65. Feeling as though it was being tampered with, the shard lashes out. The temperature in the room would begin to drop, and bolts of occultic energy would fling themselves at the artificer who was trying to do this dangerous job.
  67. Three bolts in total, one going for his eye, another for his left leg, and one for his hand. All of it capable of dealing tremendous damage considering the man was not focused on defending himself.
  69. Trusting Gaelan and the shadow's want in this Ice Shard, he believed that even if he was harmed, he would be able to continue.
  71. It wouldn't be easy, each step of the way that he managed to make the shard's magic resonate better with the metals, disgust would be felt in the corner of his mind due to the occult magic of the item in question being slowly amplified. Such disgust slowly became pain as it even through so many runes, the occult energy would start to burn him, probably resonating with the own occult energy inside his body which caused him to burn when using his holy magic.
  73. The orchilacum takes most of the space, the chain that would go around one's neck, as well as most of the pendant's body, while the Arcanium would serve like gem-like ornaments around each corner of the item. Each having a different color due to it's magical properties that sometimes makes the ore seem rainbow colored once it has been refined.
  75. The job wasn't over yet, and as more time progressed, it's attacks would become faster and more powerful, to the point that small cuts would start to appear around the Multhunder's body despite Gaelan and the shadow's attempts at protecting him, one in specific being rather deep on his left shoulder which would need something to stop the bleeding.
  77. Occult energy
  78. (Rain Multhunder)
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. [19:59] All they need to do is restrain the occult power that resides with in? That would quite easy in all honesty. To a lesser degree. Since he wasn't an Occultist himself, he wasn't able to control it. However his shadow that he wields can. Gaelan relaxed himself as he watched Rain's movements around the room. He even started to tell him what he was gunna do. Their was a lot of preparation that went into this. He wondered if this is normal. He doubted it.
  83. "I see... well I'm make sure he doesn't release his grasp on the shard. Since I can't really help in this regard." He shrugged. At this point in time his shadow encased the shard that held the occult power. A thick black layer of surrounded it. His shadow kept to himself for the most part. He wanted Rain to focus on this as much as Gaelan did.
  85. Once he started to tamper with it. The ex-deacon started to get attacked by it. As most of the attacked were weakened but none halted. Once that would be lethal was made to be mere scratches. Fatal was made lethal. And so on.
  87. The young man's arms were crossed. As he watched the two of them work. He wasn't really able to do anything at all. The only thing he was able to do was pour his mana into his shadow. Empowering its overall control over the power within.
  89. He remained silent.
  90. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [20:04] A dark, pale miasma seems to emanate from the corurpted shard as they finally reach completion. One could feel as though they would be corrupted and turned into ice just by getting in contact with it.
  95. Without any delay though, the occultic runes coupled with the ice runes and the 'AC' immediately disperse such away, making the area once again safer for themselves.
  97. With a heavy sigh... it seems the job was done.
  99. A glance at the pendant, which still didn't have a name, and he nodded. This was quite tough... His eyes goes towards the injury on his left shoulder. Maybe 'quite tough' was an understatement.
  101. "That was tiring..."
  103. Blinkiing a few times, he falls on top of a cushion with a sigh.
  105. That pendant... it was certainly dangerous, not only for the wearer to some extent, but also to others who it would be used against. Just from his position he can already feel it's cold and dark energy.
  107. One who wore it, would never feel hot, and if one didn't have occultic or shadow magic, their minds were likely gonna be corroded, and invaded by the occultic energy in case it was worn for long periods of time, slowly, but surely, taking over it's wearer. Thankfully, none of that would affect Gaelan, this was really a perfect magical object for him.
  109. Laying down, a small smile appears on the man's face while water magic moves to heals his injuries. The smile becomes a smirk, and soon, he actually starts laughing. A gemuine laugh which would echo around the room.
  111. "Hey Gaelan."
  113. He calls out for his friend.
  115. "Don't you think it's quite funny... something that may one day be considered an occult relic... having actually been made by a Holy magic."
  117. He continues to laugh, thinking about how ironic this was.
  118. (Rain Multhunder)
  119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. [20:12] After the conclusion everything. The item was finally created. He let out a sigh as he looked over Rain's torn up body. He wasn't able to stop the assault the crystal let out. He did weaken it, as best he could.
  123. He was also tired but not a exhausted as Rain. He gave him a smile. "Yea it was... Thanks for that..." He rubbed the back of his head, and let out a light chuckle.
  125. "Yup. That will be quite the tale. I wonder if people will hear about it. They surely won't think your quite 'Holy' then." He laughs.
  126. (Gaelan Fenrir)
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