
FEF9: Ivy ag Rodvaric (Gaterhyme)

Jul 17th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Name: Ivy ag Rodvaric
  2. Class: Huntress -> Battle Mage
  3. Character Specific Skill: Taunt
  4. Affinity: Fire
  5. Personal Fault: Fully Offensive - when taunting, -10 Dodge against all other enemies.
  6. Personal Skill: No Kill Like Overkill - when over 50% HP, +10 Critical.
  7. Personal Skill: "Warning" Shot - when target is over 50% HP, +15 Hit.
  8. //Personal Skill: Light Eater - when fighting Monks or their promotions, +2 RES.
  10. Preferred Stats: SKL, RES
  12. Weapon profs: Light (D), Bows (D)
  14. Level: 5
  15. Total: 9
  17. Progression spent: 330%
  19. HP: 16 (40%)
  20. STR: 0+2 (40%)
  21. MAG: 4+1 (60%)
  22. SKL: 3 (40%)
  23. LCK: 3 (10%)
  24. DEF: 1 (20%)
  25. RES: 4 (60%)
  26. SPD: 3+1 (60%)
  28. CON: 4
  29. AID: 3
  30. MOV: 4
  32. Character Creation: +2 STR, +1 MAG, +1 SPD
  33. Trainee class lvl2: +MAG, +LCK, +RES, +SPD
  34. Trainee class lvl3: +MAG, +SKL, +RES
  35. Trainee class lvl4: +DEF, +MAG
  36. Trainee class lvl5: +MAG, +SKL, +RES
  37. Promotion to Huntress: +2 HP, +1 STR, +1 MAG, +2 SKL, +1 LCK, +1 SPD, +2 CON/AID; 5 MOV; +5% SPD
  38. First class lvl2: +HP, +MAG, +SKL, +SPD
  39. First class lvl3: +STR, +SKL, +SPD
  40. First class lvl4: +SKL, +RES, +SPD
  41. First class lvl5: +HP, +MAG, +DEF, +SPD
  43. Current stats:
  45. HP: 20 (40%)
  46. STR: 4 (40%)
  47. MAG: 12 (60%)
  48. SKL: 10 (40%)
  49. LCK: 5 (10%)
  50. DEF: 3 (20%)
  51. RES: 8 (60%)
  52. SPD: 10 (65%)
  54. CON: 6
  55. AID: 5
  56. MOV: 5
  58. Inventory:
  59. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  60. Photon Holy (E)1-2 2 5 10 90 32/40 [E]
  61. Vulnerary (2)
  63. Battle Stats (Photon):
  64. AT: 14
  65. Hit: 112
  66. AS: 10
  67. Eva: 25
  68. Crt: 15
  69. DG: 5
  71. Backstory: As the middle child and only daughter of the Rodvaric family, Ivy descends from a long line of Hestian nobility. Though the Rodvarics have never been a powerful force in Hestian politics, they have many existing connections within the royal court, and Ivy's father is a more cunning man than most of his predecessors. From an early age, Ivy and her siblings were encouraged to make friendships with fellow nobles. Though they were children simply making friends, her father already had a hand in things, not least in the nobles that they were exposed to. The day that Ivy met Prince Aland and the time afterwards that saw them become friends, that was what her father was counting on.
  73. Ivy was never an ideal child. She was contrarian, given to rebellion, inclined to cutting curiosity and questioning her elders over directions and orders, and despite being the Rodvaric child who had the most potential to harness powerful light magic, she would always skip training if given the chance. The problem was only solved one day when her father threatened to punish her by reducing her free time and access to her friends. Ivy immediately responded by marching up to the prince the next time they met and declaring her loyalty to him as his bodyguard.
  75. Though that circumvented her father's punishment, perhaps that was something he had planned for. Being a bodyguard required training. Though Ivy thought at first she wouldn't push herself too hard, she found herself putting in a good amount of training to not let the prince down, and her natural curiosity eventually led her to enjoy practicing magic for its own sake. Before long, she became capable and reliable in combat, even if she is occasionally inclined to use an excessive amount of force and continues to lack the discipline and respect of a typical soldier.
  77. In social situations, Ivy has highly sarcastic tendencies, enough that it is rare or even difficult for her to be genuine. She has no concern over having to succeed her father since her brothers are well-suited to the task, and therefore has little reason to change. As for the Silver Goddess Umi, belief in her is one of the things that Ivy has never yet found reason to question except for a few fleeting thoughts in her early childhood. She has no exceptional feelings of fervor but grew up considering belief in the goddess and the punishment of heretics as so ordinary and expected that she doesn't think deeply about it at all.
  79. Someday, her father may attempt to use her friendship with the prince to their family's advantage. But if it doesn't harm the prince himself or anyone else she cares about, Ivy is content to keep living the way she is, and let things play out as they will.
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