
Viva Las Pegasus

Mar 12th, 2017
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  1. “Wha-wha-Winter Wrap up Break!”
  3. The young stallion stood up on his hind legs, striking a pose, his two friends following suit and striking poses of their own, the information ground fountain spraying water every which way. Nearby ponies paused momentarily to stare at the trio before they broke their poses and laughed.
  5. “Oh man, I can't believe we are finally here! Las Pegasus!” A red coated Stallion exclaimed
  7. “I'm gonna finally see the Great and Powerful Trixie perform!” The next Stallion said, a emerald coated pony wearing a hat
  9. “Oh, you would Patch. You gonna ask her for an autograph like you did last time?” The red stallion asked.
  11. “That was just my nerves Pimento,” Patch replied
  13. “Yeah okay,” Pimento said before holding up his hoof as if he were holding an object. “Oh, miss great and powerful, c-can I marry you?” Pimento mocked, adopting a falsetto voice to imitate his green buddy.
  15. Patch rolled his eyes, looking at the silent member of their party “Yo, Cookie, get your brother under control would ya?”
  17. Cookie smiled warmly and shook his head ‘no’ to Patch.
  19. “Yeah, okay. So what's the plan?” Patch asked
  21. “Well we have to check into our hotel, get settled in. After that Equestria is our oyster colts!” Pimento exclaimed.
  23. The party arrived at the hotel. The lobby itself was epic in size. Floors upon floors above their heads a skylight let the sunlight illuminate what it could as the day reached its end. Pillars, matching the lobby in its size, tastefully carved supported each floor. Supplementing the natural sunlight, the edges of the walls, ceilings, and floors emitted a soft warm glow that the floor, waxed to mirror shine, caught and tossed around the lobby. There was no shortage of stores, outlets and boutiques to light either. Movie Theatre, an all you can eat buffet advertising an open bar, a general store. A round desk dominated the center of all the grandeur, receptionists taking ponies one at a time. Velvet rope line pegs marked where the stallions could enter to check in.
  25. Quick and efficient, the trio presented the receptionist with the requested information and in short order, found themselves in their room. The room itself was no less impressive. A sliding glass door leading to a balcony, giving an incredible view of Las Pegasus below. A table and chairs, polished to a mirror sheen, sat on the opposite side of the room to the beds; upon which sat a charming, welcoming basket of fruits. A door, one side a full length body mirror, leading to the bathroom with a floral motif on the wall paper, etched into the glass walls and door of the standing shower, even the bath mats on the tiled floor.
  27. “They forgot the chocolates on the pillows,” Pimento snarked.
  29. “For a standard room this place is ritzy!” Patch remarked giving another pass through the room.
  31. Cookie claimed his bed. The blue stallion setting his possessions on the bed closest to the wall and then laying back.
  33. “Hey Pimento, check the fruit basket out,” Patch said pulling out some of the fruit “Oranges, bananas apples, the standard stuff but check this out,”
  35. Pimento watched his friend present a Pineapple, tall and spiny it appeared to be freshly picked
  37. “Crazy huh? What is this even?” Patch said tossing the fruit into the air as if it were a baseba
  38. “It’s a pineapple,” Pimento said.
  40. Patch looked at Pimento and smirked “What?”
  42. “That fruit you are holding is a pineapple,” Pimento reiterated, pointing to the spiked fruit for emphasis.
  44. “No way. No it isn’t!” Patch began.
  46. Cookie relaxed, watching as his buddy Patch dealt with his first encounter with a pineapple and Pimento laughing the whole time. Cookie, yawned. Blinking became heavy, his mind wandered and soon enough Cookie fell asleep.
  48. It was night when Cookie woke up. Curled up in his bed, he lay there for a moment, listening for any sound. It was silent, even for a city like Las Pegasus, it was surprisingly quiet. Reaching for the lamp on the stand Cookie clicked on the light and rolled out of bed making his way to the bathroom. Cookie found he was the only one in the room, his friends had left for their own entertainment and hadn’t come back yet, leaving only a note and cell phone on the table next to the half empty basket of fruit.
  50. “In case of emergency, call us
  51. Have fun
  52. -Bro”
  54. Cookie smiled and picked up the phone and after attaching it to a lanyard, he decided it was time to eat. A quick elevator ride took him to the lobby where he found the buffet still lit up and advertising it’s open bar. Cookie walked into the area and did as a sign said and waited to be seated. Only moments of waiting and Cookie suddenly felt someone come up behind him and draped a hoof over his shoulders.
  56. “Hey little guy, at this time of night it’s serve yourself,” the stranger said.
  58. Cookie was met with the soft rounded face of a mare and the sweet smell of berries.
  60. “My name is Berry Punch.Here, let me buy you a drink. You’re old enough to drink, right?” Berry said leading Cookie to the bar.
  62. Cookie opened his mouth to answer Berries question before she continued
  64. “Rhetorical question little guy,”
  66. Cookie sat on the bar stool and turned his head to look at the pushy mare, ready to ask her what the big idea was. The words died in his throat when he saw Berry sit down right next to him, a clear view of her round, plump ass as it spread out against the seat of the bar stool. Turning away immediately, before Berry could see him Cookie took a deep breath.
  68. “So what’s your poison?” Berry asked the young stallion.
  70. Cookie only shrugged in response.
  72. “Ah, I got you covered buddy! Yo! Barkeep!”
  74. Cookie could hardly help himself. Berry was obviously an older mare, her face having the crows feet and creases that come with age. How old she was, Cookie couldn’t pin but judging by her pear shaped rump she was old enough for kids.
  76. Two identical drinks were set down in front of Berry and Cookie, the golden liquid rested in shot glasses on a their individual napkins. Berry tossed her drink back and after a moment let the drink slid down her throat with a light gulp before looking at Cookie. Cookie followed suit and had an entirely different reaction. His pallette picked up the taste of the alcohol and sent a swimming sensation through his senses, and when he swallowed it felt like a trail of fire followed after his drink.
  78. Berry laughed as the young stallion quickly crumbled off the barstool, trying to cough up the liquid fire clinging to his throat.
  80. “Come on buddy, the pain is only temporary. Shake it off!” Berry said waving for another round.
  82. The burning died down, Cookie wiping his eyes of the tears looked up at Berry. Her body shape was even more pronounced, her love handles acting as a soft top to her luscious rump, and blending seamlessly to the paunch of her stomach. Berry smiled and tilted her head.
  84. “You see something you like, colt?”
  86. Cookie shook his head ‘no’ and dragging his eyes away from Berry’s figure, he took his place on the barstool. Cookie looked at the next drink with a grimace, he began to question what he was doing. Weighing his options he could walk away, but if he stayed...he stole another peek at Berry’s soft looking body. The alternative was more appealing. Cookie picked up the shot glass and held it up to Berry.
  88. “I knew you were the right choice,” Berry said, clinking her glass to the stallion.
  90. Downing the next drink, Berry got the next shots ordered and made some small talk with her stallion companion. It was only two more drinks before Cookie began to feel drowsy and his sight became unfocused...Berry looked him up and down, her smile became mischievous.
  92. “You alright?” Berry asked
  94. It was a simple question, a question Cookie found answering more difficult than usual. He felt like he was spinning and Cookie fell off his stool as if there was a weight around his head. Berry was quick, for a drunk, and caught him on her back, letting the young one hang over her mumbling incoherently.
  97. “Didn’t think you would drop so quick. You’re really a lightweight aren’t-” Berry tensed when she felt Cookie running his hoof down her hip and resting it on her rounded rump.
  99. “Alright, let’s get you out of here…” Berry said licking her lips.
  101. Paying for the drinks, Berry transported a very hands on stallion up to her room. Laughing as he tried to spank her soft butt but only succeeding in giving her a weak pat. Berry’s room was much the same as every other room in the hotel, save for a singular king sized bed which Berry tossed her drugged stallion on. Cookie languidly reached up to try and touch the shadows on the ceilings while Berry joined him on the bed.
  103. Berry’s heart raced, laying down on Cookie she began to pepper his cheek and neck with small kisses, tiny licks and gentle nibbles. Trailing her attentions down the stupefied stallion her ministrations got progressively more intense, bite marks on his chest, small hickey marks appeared on his tummy in place of kisses, long trails of warm saliva covered his cutiemark. Cookie moaned, unable to resist what was happening to him, limply letting Berry do as she wished.
  105. Licking Cookie was much more enjoyable than Berry had anticipated, a slight taste of sweet on his baby blue coat. Hooking her fore hooves around his thighs and keeping him still, Berry lapped at Cookies belly, licking up the sweetness of his coat. When his belly was damp with spit, Berry turned the Stallion over and sat her thick ass down on his head before treating his back to the same treatment.
  107. “So good, so sweet,” Berry breathed as she licked over Cookies cutiemark again and then moved onto his legs.
  109. Cookie thrust his hips forwards, his body reacting for him in his addled state. His erection throbbed, wanting satisfaction. Berry heard mumbling from underneath her full ass, standing and dismounting from her spot, Berry had no idea what the mumbling was all about, until she saw the stallions length.
  111. “Oh, I see.You want to be inside me don’t you?” Berry teased.
  113. Berry trotted to the foot of the bed, and rubbed the paunch of her belly.
  115. “Probably not the way you want, but who cares what food wants?”
  117. Berry opened wide and brought Cookies hooves into her mouth and quickly from there into her throat. Berry sighed, content as more and more of the young stallion disappeared into her maw and each gulp pulled him deeper into her experienced throat. Every few gulps Berry stopped to suck and taste the sweet flavor, thoroughly matting his coat before moving him along to her gullet. Berry leaned forward as she reached the end of his legs and scooped the stallions hind quarters up in her jaws.
  119. Cookie was aware of a warm wet feeling around his legs that gently tugged at him in a rhythmic motion. Looking back, it was a kaleidoscope of color that only made him smile even as Berry’s lips folded over his tush and swallowed down into her gullet. Berry paused, giving her drool a chance to soak into her meals coat to get the most taste out of her meal, pressing her teeth into his cheeks, thighs and lower back. The odd sensation of being firmly gnawed on made Cookie start to weakly chuckle.
  121. The rippling pull began again, but the gnawing continued as the combination of warmth and wet crept up the young stallion’s rear and past his hips; Berry packing his flesh away to a better place. Berry could already see his hoofs pushing out against her belly, reaching one hoof down she rubbed the hooves as they kicked gently against the walls of her stomach. A sudden moan of pleasure from Cookie brought Berry’s attention back to him, realizing that his still hard erection was now sliding into the snug and slick confines of her mouth, her tongue sliding over the length and making it achingly throb for release. Berry rolled her eyes, these kids were all the same. Using one hoof to lift her meal up, and the other to balance him, Berry began steadily feeding the horny, limp, little mess down her throat.
  123. All the way up his midriff, Cookie’s body was treated the same. The gentle undulation of being swallowed, the tag team of aa tongue roaming ll over his coat, gentle pressure of gnawing and the feeling of being sucked on, and of course all of this happening in snug embrace of what could be described as a welcoming sauna. While Cookie was not in the presence of mind to enjoy the treatment, his body reacted for him. Berry heard familiar pants and grunts coming from her meal, now just a head and a set of fore hooves protruding from her maw, his muscles spasming as the gentle swell of her belly squirmed while she cradled it.
  125. When he finally settled down, Berry moved to the full length body mirror on the bathroom door. This was her favorite part, pressing Cookie face to face with his reflection rousing the stallion momentarily from his stupor she spoke through her mouth full.
  127. “Wav buh-buh, liddle ga,”
  129. Berry pantomimed the action of waving goodby to the reflection to drive the point home. Cookie caught on and weakly raised his hoof to wave good bye, before booping the nose of his mirror counterpart. Berry chuckled and, placing her hoof on the real Cookies muzzle, pushed him the rest of the way into her mouth before closing her mouth, sealing him darkness. Berry sat her ample and well padded ass down, the softness mushing underneath her, and ran her tongue over the rest of her meal before swallowing once more sending him down. In one smooth motion Cookies forehooves disappeared behind her lips and followed the bulge that was Cookies head down into her now sagging gut.
  131. Licking her lips for any stray taste of sweetness, Berry rubbed her belly as it shook placidly with a twitching pony inside.
  133. “Another notch in my belt…” Berry remarked with a soft burp before lifting herself up.
  135. Walking to the king sized bed, Berry gently got positioned on her side, effectively spooning the fleshy bulge of her belly as she curled up to sleep for the night. The devoured pony gave no trouble as through the night, Berry’s body made short work of the young stallion, his body broken down and used to add another layer of fat to the pear shape he lusted for.
  137. It was well into the afternoon of the next day when a musical tone popped into Berry’s head waking her up from her food coma. Sitting up, she looked around for an alarm clock but the only one in the room was silent.
  139. “Huh…” Berry said tapping the clock.
  141. Attending to more important matters, Berry handled what was left of her meal from last night and after a quick use of the facilities Berry took a moment to admire the new addition to her figure. The way her generous ass swelled and jiggled with each step, her belly fat swaying to and fro with the newly acquired weight, the rounded fullness of her thighs. The young sheen on her her coat, mane and tail.
  143. “I knew I made the right choice with him,” Berry said giving her flank a slap and watching it jiggle.
  145. Berry trotted out of her room, her head held high with pride, as she went to the elevator. How many she had devoured, Berry had lost count moons ago, but she just couldn’t get over how delicious young stallions tasted.
  147. As if temptation were a living breathing thing, two stallions trotted down the hall, one a red coated, the other a emerald green. Berry could already feel herself salivating, her eyes running up and down the two coming up to her elevator. The doors opened up and all three stepped in.
  149. “What floor you guys getting off on?” Berry asked with a wink.
  151. “We’re going to the lobby,” Patch said.
  153. A press of the button, and the three were heading down in silence. Berry spent the time trying to figure out how to snag one...maybe both of them, they certainly looked like the partying type.
  155. “You want to try giving Cookie another call?” Patch asked.
  157. “When we get into the lobby, service sucks in an elevator,” Pimento replied,
  159. Patch looked back at Berry and shot her a friendly smile before speaking.
  161. “Sorry to bug you, but you wouldn’t happen to have seen a younger stallion around have you? Baby blue coat? Goldenrod colored eyes?
  163. Berry’s blood ran cold. They knew the little guy. Berry absent mindedly put her hoof to the soft pudge on her belly.
  165. “Sorry, I haven’t. Have you reported it yet?” Berry asked
  167. “Going to do that right now,” Pimento answered.
  169. The elevator doors opened to the busy lobby and Berry was the first one out, cantering to get the out of there a quickly as her thick ass would let her. She only made it a few feet into the lobby when a familiar tone sounded in her ears again. The sound that woke her up this afternoon...the muffled sound of a cell phone ringing from her inside her belly.
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