

Mar 1st, 2019
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  1. on join:
  2. wait 1 tick
  3. give chest named "&5家電ショップ" to player
  4. if {point::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  5. set {point::%uuid of player%} to 1
  6. set {points::%uuid of player%} to 0
  7. set {tensei::%uuid of player%} to 0
  8. set {furnace::%uuid of player%} to 0
  9. set {grandma::%uuid of player%} to 0
  10. set {farm::%uuid of player%} to 0
  11. set {factory::%uuid of player%} to 0
  12. set {mine::%uuid of player%} to 0
  13. set {miner::%uuid of player%} to 0
  14. set {portal::%uuid of player%} to 0
  15. set {witch::%uuid of player%} to 0
  16. set {meteor::%uuid of player%} to 0
  17. set {planet::%uuid of player%} to 0
  18. set {matter::%uuid of player%} to 0
  19. message "&a&lCookieAfker&bは_mIrAgEdayo_によって作られました。"
  20. send "&eダウンロードしたい方はこちら &e"
  22. every 1 second in "world":
  23. loop all players:
  24. add {point::%uuid of loop-player%} to {points::%uuid of loop-player%}
  25. set action bar of loop-player to "&e&n所持クッキー数&a: &5&l%{points::%uuid of loop-player%}% &e&n秒間獲得クッキー数&a: &5&l%{point::%uuid of loop-player%}%"
  27. command /totalranking:
  28. trigger:
  29. message "&6所持クッキー数ランキング"
  30. set {_h} to 0
  31. loop {points::*}:
  32. set {_list::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  33. loop 10 times:
  34. loop {_list::*}:
  35. loop-value-2 > {_h}
  36. set {_h} to loop-value-2
  37. set {_highplayer} to loop-index parsed as player
  38. set {_hp} to loop-index
  39. message "&a&l%loop-number%位 &b%{_highplayer}%&5:&e%{_h}%&bCookies"
  40. set {_h} to 0
  41. delete {_list::%{_hp}%}
  43. command /clickranking:
  44. trigger:
  45. message "&6クリック枚獲得クッキー数ランキング"
  46. set {_h} to 0
  47. loop {point::*}:
  48. set {_list::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  49. loop 10 times:
  50. loop {_list::*}:
  51. loop-value-2 > {_h}
  52. set {_h} to loop-value-2
  53. set {_highplayer} to loop-index parsed as player
  54. set {_hp} to loop-index
  55. message "&a&l%loop-number%位 &b%{_highplayer}%&5:&e%{_h}%&bCookies"
  56. set {_h} to 0
  57. delete {_list::%{_hp}%}
  59. on right click with chest:
  60. if name of player's tool is "&5家電ショップ":
  61. cancel event
  62. open chest with 6 rows named "&5家電製品ショップ" to player
  63. wait 1 tick
  64. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%uuid of player%}%"
  65. wait 5 tick
  66. set slot 8 of player's current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%uuid of player%}%"
  67. wait 5 tick
  68. set slot 19 of player's current inventory to glowing furnace named "&c&l強化かまど &7値段:1000クッキー" with lore "&7通常より強化されたかまどを設置" and "&7所持数: &e%{furnace::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +1"
  69. wait 2 tick
  70. set slot 21 of player's current inventory to glowing cookie named "&f&lおばあちゃん &7値段:2000クッキー" with lore "&7一番安心する味" and "&7所持数: &e%{grandma::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +2"
  71. wait 1 tick
  72. set slot 23 of player's current inventory to glowing wheat named "&a&lクッキー畑 &7値段:4000クッキー" with lore "&7クッキーの種でクッキーを栽培" and "&7所持数: &e%{farm::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +4"
  73. wait 1 tick
  74. set slot 25 of player's current inventory to glowing crafting table named "&e&lクッキー工場 &7値段:8000クッキー" with lore "&7最新鋭の技術を使って高速でクッキーを生産" and "&7所持数: &e%{factory::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +8"
  75. wait 1 tick
  76. set slot 29 of player's current inventory to glowing wooden pickaxe named "&b&lクッキー洞窟 &7値段:16000クッキー" with lore "&7大量のクッキーが埋蔵されている洞窟" and "&7所持数: &e%{mine::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +16"
  77. wait 1 tick
  78. set slot 31 of player's current inventory to glowing diamond pickaxe named "&b&lクッキー自動採掘機 &7値段:32000クッキー" with lore "&7地中のクッキーを自動で探し採掘する" and "&7所持数: &e%{miner::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +32"
  79. wait 1 tick
  80. set slot 33 of player's current inventory to glowing purple stained glass pane named "&5&lクッキーポータル &7値段:64000クッキー" with lore "&7亜空間から大量のクッキーが転送される" and "&7所持数: &e%{portal::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +64"
  81. wait 1 tick
  82. set slot 37 of player's current inventory to glowing brewing stand named "&5&l世界クッキー研究所 &7値段:128000クッキー" with lore "&729世紀の技術を使用してクッキー大量生産" and "&7所持数: &e%{witch::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +128"
  83. wait 1 tick
  84. set slot 39 of player's current inventory to glowing obsidian named "&4&lクッキーメテオ &7値段:256000クッキー" with lore "&7巨大なメテオからクッキーを抽出" and "&7所持数: &e%{meteor::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +256"
  85. wait 1 tick
  86. set slot 41 of player's current inventory to glowing grass named "&6&lクッキー星 &7値段:512000クッキー" with lore "&7全てがクッキーで出来た巨大な星で採取" and "&7所持数: &e%{planet::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +512"
  87. wait 1 tick
  88. set slot 43 of player's current inventory to glowing purple dye named "&5&lクッキーマター &7値段:1024000クッキー" with lore "&7マターを使って超速度でクッキーを生成" and "&7所持数: &e%{matter::%uuid of player%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +1024"
  90. on inventory click:
  91. if name of player's current inventory contains "&5家電製品ショップ":
  92. if clicked slot is 0:
  93. cancel event
  94. if clicked slot is 8:
  95. cancel event
  96. if clicked slot is 19:
  97. cancel event
  98. furnace(player)
  99. if clicked slot is 21:
  100. cancel event
  101. grandma(player)
  102. if clicked slot is 23:
  103. cancel event
  104. farm(player)
  105. if clicked slot is 25:
  106. cancel event
  107. factory(player)
  108. if clicked slot is 29:
  109. cancel event
  110. mine(player)
  111. if clicked slot is 31:
  112. cancel event
  113. miner(player)
  114. if clicked slot is 33:
  115. cancel event
  116. portal(player)
  117. if clicked slot is 37:
  118. cancel event
  119. witch(player)
  120. if clicked slot is 39:
  121. cancel event
  122. meteor(player)
  123. if clicked slot is 41:
  124. cancel event
  125. planet(player)
  126. if clicked slot is 43:
  127. cancel event
  128. matter(player)
  130. function furnace(p: player):
  131. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  132. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 1000:
  133. add 1 to {point::%{_u}%}
  134. add 1 to {furnace::%{_u}%}
  135. remove 1000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  136. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  137. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  138. set slot 19 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing furnace named "&c&l強化かまど &7値段:1000クッキー" with lore "&7通常より強化されたかまどを設置" and "&7所持数: &e%{furnace::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +1"
  139. else:
  140. close {_p}'s inventory
  141. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  143. function grandma(p: player):
  144. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  145. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 2000:
  146. add 2 to {point::%{_u}%}
  147. add 1 to {grandma::%{_u}%}
  148. remove 2000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  149. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  150. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  151. set slot 21 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&f&lおばあちゃん &7値段:2000クッキー" with lore "&7一番安心する味" and "&7所持数: &e%{grandma::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +2"
  152. else:
  153. close {_p}'s inventory
  154. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  156. function farm(p: player):
  157. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  158. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 4000:
  159. add 4 to {point::%{_u}%}
  160. add 1 to {farm::%{_u}%}
  161. remove 4000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  162. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  163. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  164. set slot 23 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing wheat named "&a&lクッキー畑 &7値段:4000クッキー" with lore "&7クッキーの種でクッキーを栽培" and "&7所持数: &e%{farm::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +4"
  165. else:
  166. close {_p}'s inventory
  167. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  169. function factory(p: player):
  170. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  171. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 8000:
  172. add 8 to {point::%{_u}%}
  173. add 1 to {factory::%{_u}%}
  174. remove 8000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  175. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  176. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  177. set slot 25 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing crafting table named "&e&lクッキー工場 &7値段:8000クッキー" with lore "&7最新鋭の技術を使って高速でクッキーを生産" and "&7所持数: &e%{factory::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +8"
  178. else:
  179. close {_p}'s inventory
  180. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  182. function mine(p: player):
  183. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  184. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 16000:
  185. add 16 to {point::%{_u}%}
  186. add 1 to {mine::%{_u}%}
  187. remove 16000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  188. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  189. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  190. set slot 29 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing wooden pickaxe named "&b&lクッキー洞窟 &7値段:16000クッキー" with lore "&7大量のクッキーが埋蔵されている洞窟" and "&7所持数: &e%{mine::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +16"
  191. else:
  192. close {_p}'s inventory
  193. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  195. function miner(p: player):
  196. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  197. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 32000:
  198. add 32 to {point::%{_u}%}
  199. add 1 to {miner::%{_u}%}
  200. remove 32000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  201. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  202. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  203. set slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing diamond pickaxe named "&b&lクッキー自動採掘機 &7値段:32000クッキー" with lore "&7地中のクッキーを自動で探し採掘する" and "&7所持数: &e%{miner::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +32"
  204. else:
  205. close {_p}'s inventory
  206. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  208. function portal(p: player):
  209. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  210. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 64000:
  211. add 64 to {point::%{_u}%}
  212. add 1 to {portal::%{_u}%}
  213. remove 64000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  214. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  215. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  216. set slot 33 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing purple stained glass pane named "&5&lクッキーポータル &7値段:64000クッキー" with lore "&7亜空間から大量のクッキーが転送される" and "&7所持数: &e%{portal::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +64"
  217. else:
  218. close {_p}'s inventory
  219. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  221. function witch(p: player):
  222. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  223. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 128000:
  224. add 128 to {point::%{_u}%}
  225. add 1 to {witch::%{_u}%}
  226. remove 128000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  227. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  228. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  229. set slot 37 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing brewing stand named "&5&l世界クッキー研究所 &7値段:128000クッキー" with lore "&729世紀の技術を使用してクッキー大量生産" and "&7所持数: &e%{witch::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +128"
  230. else:
  231. close {_p}'s inventory
  232. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  234. function meteor(p: player):
  235. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  236. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 256000:
  237. add 256 to {point::%{_u}%}
  238. add 1 to {meteor::%{_u}%}
  239. remove 256000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  240. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  241. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  242. set slot 39 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing obsidian named "&4&lクッキーメテオ &7値段:256000クッキー" with lore "&7巨大なメテオからクッキーを抽出" and "&7所持数: &e%{meteor::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +256"
  243. else:
  244. close {_p}'s inventory
  245. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  247. function planet(p: player):
  248. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  249. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 512000:
  250. add 512 to {point::%{_u}%}
  251. add 1 to {planet::%{_u}%}
  252. remove 512000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  253. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  254. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  255. set slot 41 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing grass named "&6&lクッキー星 &7値段:512000クッキー" with lore "&7全てがクッキーで出来た巨大な星で採取" and "&7所持数: &e%{planet::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +512"
  256. else:
  257. close {_p}'s inventory
  258. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
  260. function matter(p: player):
  261. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  262. if {points::%{_u}%} >= 1024000:
  263. add 1024 to {point::%{_u}%}
  264. add 1 to {matter::%{_u}%}
  265. remove 1024000 from {points::%{_u}%}
  266. set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing cookie named "&aあなたの所持クッキー数: &e%{points::%{_u}%}%"
  267. set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing book named "&aあなたの秒間獲得クッキー数: &e%{point::%{_u}%}%"
  268. set slot 43 of {_p}'s current inventory to glowing purple dye named "&5&lクッキーマター &7値段:1024000クッキー" with lore "&7マターを使って超速度でクッキーを生成" and "&7所持数: &e%{matter::%{_u}%}%" and "&7秒間獲得クッキー数 +1024"
  269. else:
  270. close {_p}'s inventory
  271. send "&cクッキーが足りません。" to {_p}
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