Guest User

Banned Pokémon and Items

a guest
Aug 5th, 2017
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  1. All of the following Pokémon and items that I have mentioned are not sendable through GTS, which is why I banned them.
  3. -If you request a banned Pokémon, I will skip your request.
  4. -Furthermore, if the Pokémon is unsendable and not mentioned on this list, I will give you a second chance.
  6. -If you request a banned item, I will send your Pokémon without the item.
  7. -Furthermore, if the item is unsendable and not mentioned on this list, I will give you a second chance.
  9. Please use CTRL+F to find your Pokénon or item in question!
  11. Banned Pokemon:
  12. -Mew
  13. -Celebi
  14. -Jirachi
  15. -Deoxys
  16. -Manaphy
  17. -Phione
  18. -Darkrai
  19. -Shaymin
  20. -Arceus
  21. -Victini
  22. -Keldeo
  23. -Meloetta
  24. -Genesect
  25. -Diancie
  26. -Hoopa
  27. -Volcanion
  28. -Magearna
  29. -Marshadow
  30. -All Ash/Hat/Costume Pikachus
  32. Banned items:
  33. -Venusaurite
  34. -Blastoisinite
  35. -Alakazite
  36. -Gengarite
  37. -Kangaskhanite
  38. -Gyaradosite
  39. -Aerodactylite
  40. -Ampharosite
  41. -Scizorite
  42. -Blazikenite
  43. -Gardevoirite
  44. -Mawilite
  45. -Medichamite
  46. -Banettite
  47. -Absolite
  48. -Garchompite
  49. -Lucarionite
  50. -Abomasite
  51. -Charizardite X
  52. -Pinsirite
  53. -Mewtwonite X
  54. -Tyranitarite
  55. -Manectite
  56. -Charizardite Y
  57. -Mewtwonite Y
  58. -Heracronite
  59. -Houndoominite
  60. -Aggronite
  61. -Beedrilite
  62. -Pidgeotite
  63. -Slowbronite
  64. -Steelixite
  65. -Sceptilite
  66. -Swampertite
  67. -Sablenite
  68. -Sharpedonite
  69. -Cameruptite
  70. -Altarianite
  71. -Glalitite
  72. -Salamencite
  73. -Metagrossite
  74. -Latiasite
  75. -Latiosite
  76. -Lopunnite
  77. -Audinite
  78. -Diancite
  79. -Blue Orb
  80. -Red Orb
  81. -Meteorite
  82. -Gracidea
  83. -Adamant Orb
  84. -Griseous Orb
  85. -Lustrous Orb
  86. -Draco Plate
  87. -Dread Plate
  88. -Earth Plate
  89. -Fist Plate
  90. -Flame Plate
  91. -Icicle Plate
  92. -Insect Plate
  93. -Iron Plate
  94. -Meadow Plate
  95. -Mind Plate
  96. -Pixie Plate
  97. -Sky Plate
  98. -Splash Plate
  99. -Spooky Plate
  100. -Stone Plate
  101. -Toxic Plate
  102. -Zap Plate
  103. -Rainbow Wing
  104. -Silver Wing
  105. -Clear Bell
  106. -Tidal Bell
  107. -Jade Orb
  108. -Light Stone
  109. -Dark Stone
  110. -GS Ball
  111. -Lunar Wing
  112. -Azure Flute
  113. -Reveal Glass
  114. -Prison Bottle
  115. -Music Box
  116. -Wish Stone
  117. -Secret Slab
  118. -Mystery Part
  119. -Cherish Ball
  120. -Safari Ball
  121. -Loot Sack
  122. -Rule Book
  123. -Seal Bag
  124. -Red Chain
  125. -Oak's Letter
  126. -S.S. Ticket
  127. -Contest Pass
  128. -Magma Stone
  129. -Fire Gem
  130. -Water Gem
  131. -Electric Gem
  132. -Grass Gem
  133. -Ice Gem
  134. -Fighting Gem
  135. -Poison Gem
  136. -Ground Gem
  137. -Flying Gem
  138. -Psychic Gem
  139. -Bug Gem
  140. -Rock Gem
  141. -Ghost Gem
  142. -Dragon Gem
  143. -Dark Gem
  144. -Steel Gem
  145. -Normal Gem
  146. -Fairy Gem
  147. -Enigma Berry
  148. -Aloraichium Z
  149. -Buginium Z
  150. -Darkinium Z
  151. -Decidium Z
  152. -Dragonium Z
  153. -Eevium Z
  154. -Electrium Z
  155. -Fairium Z
  156. -Fightinium Z
  157. -Firium Z
  158. -Flyinium Z
  159. -Ghostium Z
  160. -Grassium Z
  161. -Groundium Z
  162. -Icium Z
  163. -Incinium Z
  164. -Marshadium Z
  165. -Mewnium Z
  166. -Normalium Z
  167. -Pikanium Z
  168. -Pikashunium Z
  169. -Poisonium Z
  170. -Primarium Z
  171. -Psychium Z
  172. -Rockium Z
  173. -Snorlium Z
  174. -Steelium Z
  175. -Tapunium Z
  176. -Waterium Z
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