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- All of the following Pokémon and items that I have mentioned are not sendable through GTS, which is why I banned them.
- -If you request a banned Pokémon, I will skip your request.
- -Furthermore, if the Pokémon is unsendable and not mentioned on this list, I will give you a second chance.
- -If you request a banned item, I will send your Pokémon without the item.
- -Furthermore, if the item is unsendable and not mentioned on this list, I will give you a second chance.
- Please use CTRL+F to find your Pokénon or item in question!
- Banned Pokemon:
- -Mew
- -Celebi
- -Jirachi
- -Deoxys
- -Manaphy
- -Phione
- -Darkrai
- -Shaymin
- -Arceus
- -Victini
- -Keldeo
- -Meloetta
- -Genesect
- -Diancie
- -Hoopa
- -Volcanion
- -Magearna
- -Marshadow
- -All Ash/Hat/Costume Pikachus
- Banned items:
- -Venusaurite
- -Blastoisinite
- -Alakazite
- -Gengarite
- -Kangaskhanite
- -Gyaradosite
- -Aerodactylite
- -Ampharosite
- -Scizorite
- -Blazikenite
- -Gardevoirite
- -Mawilite
- -Medichamite
- -Banettite
- -Absolite
- -Garchompite
- -Lucarionite
- -Abomasite
- -Charizardite X
- -Pinsirite
- -Mewtwonite X
- -Tyranitarite
- -Manectite
- -Charizardite Y
- -Mewtwonite Y
- -Heracronite
- -Houndoominite
- -Aggronite
- -Beedrilite
- -Pidgeotite
- -Slowbronite
- -Steelixite
- -Sceptilite
- -Swampertite
- -Sablenite
- -Sharpedonite
- -Cameruptite
- -Altarianite
- -Glalitite
- -Salamencite
- -Metagrossite
- -Latiasite
- -Latiosite
- -Lopunnite
- -Audinite
- -Diancite
- -Blue Orb
- -Red Orb
- -Meteorite
- -Gracidea
- -Adamant Orb
- -Griseous Orb
- -Lustrous Orb
- -Draco Plate
- -Dread Plate
- -Earth Plate
- -Fist Plate
- -Flame Plate
- -Icicle Plate
- -Insect Plate
- -Iron Plate
- -Meadow Plate
- -Mind Plate
- -Pixie Plate
- -Sky Plate
- -Splash Plate
- -Spooky Plate
- -Stone Plate
- -Toxic Plate
- -Zap Plate
- -Rainbow Wing
- -Silver Wing
- -Clear Bell
- -Tidal Bell
- -Jade Orb
- -Light Stone
- -Dark Stone
- -GS Ball
- -Lunar Wing
- -Azure Flute
- -Reveal Glass
- -Prison Bottle
- -Music Box
- -Wish Stone
- -Secret Slab
- -Mystery Part
- -Cherish Ball
- -Safari Ball
- -Loot Sack
- -Rule Book
- -Seal Bag
- -Red Chain
- -Oak's Letter
- -S.S. Ticket
- -Contest Pass
- -Magma Stone
- -Fire Gem
- -Water Gem
- -Electric Gem
- -Grass Gem
- -Ice Gem
- -Fighting Gem
- -Poison Gem
- -Ground Gem
- -Flying Gem
- -Psychic Gem
- -Bug Gem
- -Rock Gem
- -Ghost Gem
- -Dragon Gem
- -Dark Gem
- -Steel Gem
- -Normal Gem
- -Fairy Gem
- -Enigma Berry
- -Aloraichium Z
- -Buginium Z
- -Darkinium Z
- -Decidium Z
- -Dragonium Z
- -Eevium Z
- -Electrium Z
- -Fairium Z
- -Fightinium Z
- -Firium Z
- -Flyinium Z
- -Ghostium Z
- -Grassium Z
- -Groundium Z
- -Icium Z
- -Incinium Z
- -Marshadium Z
- -Mewnium Z
- -Normalium Z
- -Pikanium Z
- -Pikashunium Z
- -Poisonium Z
- -Primarium Z
- -Psychium Z
- -Rockium Z
- -Snorlium Z
- -Steelium Z
- -Tapunium Z
- -Waterium Z
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