
ser merik

Jun 7th, 2014
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  1. Ser Merik
  3. backstory
  4. Your older brother Nolan was always heir to your house and you were glad
  5. enough of it; you never aspired to lordly title or the fealty of vassals. You have
  6. always been more comfortable among simpler men: fighting men, craftsmen,
  7. and the smallfolk of your house’s lands. Even as a boy, you found more friends
  8. among the sons of your father’s vassals and the castle’s tradesmen than among
  9. the landed sons and daughters of your father’s peers. Nolan was always the
  10. one with the gifted tongue, who knew the right things to say and do, so you
  11. were pleased and proud to support him in his rightful rule.
  12. Indeed, the only thing you ever envied your brother was the hand of the
  13. beautiful Alanna, his wife. Although Nolan was the mind and strong
  14. hand of the castle, Alanna has long been its heart and soul. She brought
  15. joy and color and laughter to its halls, and delighted in music and fêtes.
  16. You never spoke of your love for her—she was your brother’s betrothed,
  17. and then wife!—but you swore to defend her with your life, if need
  18. be. Since Nolan’s passing, you have longed to reach out to Alanna,
  19. to comfort her, but propriety has stayed your hand and choked off
  20. your voice. Any road, she seems to have found her solace in the
  21. Sept, praying to the gods. You were married yourself, but only for a short time. Her name was
  22. Shawna, a shy young thing; the daughter of a house that wished
  23. to curry favor with your father by the match. She died less than
  24. a year after your wedding, in childbirth, the babe she bore along with her. You never remarried, although you have had your dalliances and distractions from time to time. You preferred
  25. instead to focus your time and attention on serving your house, first your
  26. brother, and now his son, Rhys. Although the lad is gifted, and much like his
  27. father, you know he will need you in the months and even years to come if he
  28. is to grow into the strong leader and lord you know he can be.
  29. Now comes this summons to the tourney at King’s Landing. Ordinarily, you
  30. would welcome such an opportunity: to joust and test your mettle against
  31. the finest knights in the Seven Kingdoms, but now you have other concerns,
  32. and must look out for your young lord and for the Lady... that is, for Septa Alanna, who has chosen to accompany you.
  35. EXP
  36. Total: 180
  37. Remaining: 40
  39. Abilities
  41. Agility 4*
  42. Animal Handling 3 ride 2B*
  43. Athletics 4* Strength 2B
  44. Awareness 3
  45. Endurance 4: Resilience 2B
  46. Fighting 5 Long Blades 3B* / spears 2B*
  47. Language (common tongue) 3
  48. Status 5
  49. Warfare 3
  51. Cunning 2
  52. Deception 2
  53. Healing 2
  54. Knowledge 2
  55. Marksmanship 2
  56. Persuasion 2
  57. Stealth 2
  58. Survival 2
  59. Thievery 2
  60. Will 2
  61. ------
  63. Attributes
  65. Awareness 3 (12)
  66. Intrigue Defense 9 / Composure 6
  67. Move 3 / Sprint 14 (with Lance, Move 2 / Sprint 12)
  68. Combat Defense 3 (5 with Shield) / Armor Rating 10 / Health 12
  69. Attack Bastard Sword 5+1B (4 Damage; Adaptable)
  70. Attack Shield 5 (1 Damage; Defensive +2)
  71. Attack Tourney Lance 3+1B (6 damage; bulk 2, mounted, powerful, reach, slow)
  72. -----
  73. Personal Gear
  75. excellent plate and mail (painted with sigil), large shield (painted with sigil), superior greatsword and scabbard, bastard sword and scabbard, excellent quality greatsword: "Severance" (+2 damage) , superior war lance, saddle, destrier with excellent coinmail, 9985 gold dragons
  76. -----
  77. Qualities
  79. Destiny Points: 1*
  81. Anointed: Add +2 to the result of all Status tests. You may
  82. draw strength from your commitment to the knightly virtues.
  83. Once per day, as a Free Action, increase both Defenses and all
  84. passive ability results by +5 for 1 round.
  86. Flaw: You take a –1 penalty die on all tests involving the
  87. Thievery ability.
  89. Long Blade Fighter I: When armed with a Long Blade, you
  90. may sacrifice your Long Blades bonus dice on a Fighting test to
  91. gain +1 degree of success if you successfully hit your opponent.
  92. In addition, adversaries wielding non-shield parrying
  93. weapons take a –1 penalty to their Combat Defense
  94. against your attacks.
  96. Sponsor: A person of quality (in this case,
  97. Lord Rhys), vouches for you and serves as
  98. your patron.
  100. Famous
  101. -----
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