

Feb 27th, 2018
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  1. variables:
  2. {%player%.diamondpoint} = 0
  3. {%player%.diamondpointmax} = 10
  4. {%player%.diamondlevel} = 1
  5. {%player%.diamondgold} = 0
  6. {diamondamout} = 1
  7. #ダイヤ鉱石破壊時のイベント
  8. On break of diamond ore:
  9. add 1 to {%player%.diamondpoint}
  10. add 1 to {%player%.diamondgold}
  12. every 5 tick in "world":
  13. loop all players:
  14. #アクションバー設定
  15. send action bar from "&b現在のDG &n%{%loop-player%.diamondgold}%&r&b 現在のDP &n%{%loop-player%.diamondpoint}%&r&b 現在のDLevel &n%{%loop-player%.diamondlevel}%&r&b 次のDLevelまで &n%{%loop-player%.diamondpointmax}%&r" to loop-player
  16. if {%loop-player%.diamondpoint} is greater than or equal to {%loop-player%.diamondpointmax}:
  17. remove {%loop-player%.diamondpointmax} from {%loop-player%.diamondpoint}
  18. add 1 to {%loop-player%.diamondlevel}
  19. add {%loop-player%.diamondpointmax} to {%loop-player%.diamondpointmax}
  20. send "&a&lレベルアップ! ダイヤレベルが %{%loop-player%.diamondlevel}% になりました!" to loop-player
  22. command /dmenu:
  23. trigger:
  24. open chest with 1 rows named "&b&lDiamond Flat Main Menu" to player
  25. wait 1 tick
  26. format slot 0 of player with 278 named "&a&l%player%のステータス" with lore "&b現在のダイヤポイント %{%player%.diamondpoint}% DP||&b現在のダイヤゴールド %{%player%.diamondgold}% DG||&b現在のダイヤレベル Level %{%player%.diamondlevel}%||&b次のレベルまで %{%player%.diamondpointmax}% DP" to run [make player execute command "dmenu"]
  27. format slot 1 of player with 56 named "&adiazonにアクセスする" with lore "&bダイヤゴールドで様々なものを購入できます。||&aショートカットコマンド /diazon" to run [make player execute command "diazon"]
  28. command /ddebug:
  29. trigger:
  30. set {%player%.diamondpoint} to 0
  31. set {%player%.diamondlevel} to 1
  32. set {%player%.diamondpointmax} to 10
  33. set {%player%.diamondgold} to 0
  34. command /dgget <number>:
  35. trigger:
  36. add arg-1 to {%player%.diamondgold}
  37. command /diazon:
  38. trigger:
  39. open chest with 6 rows named "&a&lDiazon" to player
  40. wait 1 tick
  41. format slot 53 of player with barrier named "&aメインメニューに戻る" to run [make player execute command "dmenu"]
  42. format slot 0 of player with gold nugget named "&6現在のDG %{%player%.diamondgold}% DG" to run [make player execute command "diazon"]
  43. format slot 10 of player with diamond named "&aダイヤモンドを買う 1DG" to run [make player execute command "buy diamond"]
  44. format slot 11 of player with iron ingot named "&a鉄を買う 64DG" to run [make player execute command "buy iron"]
  45. command /buy <text>:
  46. trigger:
  47. if argument is "diamond":
  48. if {%player%.diamondgold} is greater than or equal to 1:
  49. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:diamond"
  50. remove 1 from {%player%.diamondgold}
  51. if argument is "iron":
  52. if {%player%.diamondgold} is greater than or equal to 64:
  53. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:iron_ingot"
  54. remove 64 from {%player%.diamondgold}
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