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Sep 21st, 2019
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  1. List of masc/fem factors included
  2. ===
  3. Personality: expressivity, vulnerability, aggressiveness, perfectionism
  4. Vocations: educated realistic vs helping/children, masculine business/sports vs arts, flashy risk-taking vs feminine conventional
  5. Media genres: communal/popular vs masculine cerebral, thrilling/action vs mind
  6. Childhood play (1D, so no subfactors)
  7. Sexuality: sociosexuality vs romantic sex
  14. Short form
  15. ===
  17. ### Personality fragment
  18. fkey Am often told by others that I understand them.
  19. Cry easily.
  20. Challenge others' points of view.
  21. Like being well-dressed at all times.
  22. mkey Don't waste time with others' troubles.
  23. Am not easily disturbed by events.
  24. Do my best to avoid arguments.
  25. Pay no attention to my appearance.
  26. ### Vocational fragment
  27. fkey Elementary school teacher
  28. Interior decorator
  29. Receptionist
  30. mkey Computer programmer
  31. Business executive
  32. Jet pilot
  33. ### Media interests
  34. fkey Romantic
  35. Psychology books
  36. mkey Scientific media
  37. Action
  38. ### Childhood play
  39. fkey Play with girls
  40. mkey Play with boys
  41. ### Sexuality
  42. fkey Feeling affection and emotional connection while having sex.
  43. mkey Being a promiscuous person who has many attractive sexual partners.
  50. Long form
  51. ===
  53. Expressivity
  54. +key
  55. Hug my close friends.
  56. Love children's art work.
  57. Am good at understanding others' feelings.
  58. Am often told by others that I understand them.
  59. Feel other people's joy.
  60. -key
  61. Do not enjoy watching dance performances.
  62. Prefer talking to people about their daily activities rather than their feelings.
  63. Find it difficult showing people that I care about them.
  64. Don't waste time with others' troubles.
  65. Can't be bothered with other's needs.
  68. Vulnerability
  69. +key
  70. Cry easily.
  71. Show my fear.
  72. Become overwhelmed by events.
  73. Am very sensitive and easily hurt.
  74. Need reassurance.
  75. -key
  76. Feel up to any task.
  77. Am not easily bothered by things.
  78. Am not easily disturbed by events.
  79. Am calm even in tense situations.
  80. Keep my emotions under control.
  83. Aggressiveness
  84. +key
  85. Challenge others' points of view.
  86. Am not afraid of providing criticism.
  87. Love a good fight.
  88. Have strong sexual urges.
  89. Like taking risks.
  90. -key
  91. Do my best to avoid arguments.
  92. Can't stand confrontations.
  93. Don't think that I'm better than other people.
  94. See myself as an average person.
  95. Hate being the center of attention.
  98. Perfectionism
  99. +key
  100. Continue until everything is perfect.
  101. See that rules are observed.
  102. Keep myself well-groomed.
  103. Like being well-dressed at all times.
  104. Keep things tidy.
  105. -key
  106. Rarely clean house.
  107. Pay too little attention to details.
  108. Am not bothered by disorder.
  109. Leave a mess in my room.
  110. Pay no attention to my appearance.
  113. Educated Realistic vs Helping/Children
  114. +key
  115. Author of a technical book
  116. Computer programmer
  117. Interplanetary scientist
  118. Experimental lab engineer
  119. Aeronautical design engineer
  120. -key
  121. Clinical psychologist
  122. Elementary school teacher
  123. Social worker
  124. Interpreter
  125. Speech therapist
  128. Masculine Business / Sports vs Art
  129. +key
  130. Sales manager
  131. Business executive
  132. Sports coach
  133. Stock trader
  134. Professional athlete
  135. -key
  136. Interior decorator
  137. Costume designer
  138. Florist
  139. Commercial artist
  140. Children's clothing designer
  143. Flashy Risk-taking vs Feminine Conventional
  144. +key
  145. Army officer
  146. Racing car driver
  147. Jet pilot
  148. Secret service agent
  149. Blaster (dynamiter)
  150. -key
  151. Bookkeeper
  152. Receptionist
  153. Librarian
  154. Secretary
  155. Office manager
  158. Communal/Popular vs Masculine Cerebral
  159. +key
  160. Romantic
  161. Dramas
  162. Soul/Rythm&Blues music
  163. True crime
  164. Musicals
  165. -key
  166. Scientific media
  167. History books
  168. Documentaries
  169. Cult film
  170. Business books
  173. Thrilling/action vs Mind
  174. +key
  175. Action
  176. Sci-fi or fantasy
  177. Westerns
  178. War film
  179. Thrillers
  180. -key
  181. Psychology books
  182. Meditative music
  183. Healthy living
  184. Dieting guides
  185. Mind and spirit books
  188. Childhood play
  189. +key
  190. Play with toy guns or objects meant to simulate them (e.g. gun-shaped sticks)
  191. Use or play with tools, such as hammers and saws
  192. Play with toy trucks, toy trains or similar
  193. Play with swords or objects meant to simulate swords (e.g. small branches of wood)
  194. Fight with other kids
  195. Play with boys
  196. -key
  197. Use, make or play with jewelry
  198. Play with dolls
  199. Avoid getting dirty
  200. Play house, e.g. pretending to clean, cook and have a family
  201. Play by pretending to take care of babies
  202. Play with girls
  205. Sociosexuality vs romantic sex
  206. +key
  207. Having sex with two or more attractive partners at the same time.
  208. Being a promiscuous person who has many attractive sexual partners.
  209. Pleasuring many other people while having group sex.
  210. Having casual sex with a person I just met and find attractive.
  211. Receiving sexual pleasure from many people.
  212. -key
  213. My partner telling me how good-looking and sexy I am.
  214. Being with special person and showering them with love and devotion.
  215. My partner doing something special and romantic for me.
  216. Feeling affection and emotional connection while having sex.
  217. Sweeping a special person off their feet and teach them all about romance and sex.
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