
FoE RPG G0 - #037 Marching Jungle: Turtles and Coins

Nov 15th, 2013
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  1. [21:17]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #37 starts now
  2. [21:17]<SpiritOfFate> ================================
  3. [21:27]<SpiritOfFate> Raindrops fall from the leaves, the forest rustling under the wind. A limp and a squirming griffon lay in pools of blood, two turtles look befuddled at each other and the group can enjoy their success.
  4. [21:28]? Hawkeye walks over toward the wounded griffon, loading buckshot into her shotgun. "Went better than expected," she says softly. "Everyone all right?"
  5. [21:29]? Sotho nods, rubbing his wound. "I'd be better if I didn't get a bottle to my side."
  6. [21:31]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Could have been worse. Could have been more plasma. Bruises heal easier than magic burns." She levels the shotgun at the wounded griffon's head. "Stomp one of those turtles for me, would ya, Sotho? Afore they turn back into dangerous things?"
  7. [21:31]? Firefly flies back to the cave entrance. "Nick Knack? We took care of them!"
  8. [21:32]? Sotho tilts his head and nods, trotting to the turtle and bringing his hoof down hard on its shell
  9. [21:32]? Ignis strides near and inspects the lot with a few concurring grunts. "Yup, went without much of a hitch, now that one..." and he nods towards the metal wreck "Might have proven problmatic if we given him time..." He grins.
  10. [21:32]? Wintergreen trots up to Sotho's side in worry. "Hold still," she directs, inspecting the wound.
  11. [21:32]? Sotho nods a bit. "I'll put my brusies in your care." He smiles
  12. [21:33]? Wintergreen blinks at Hawkeye. "Whoa. Wait, no!" She steps away from Sotho. "They're beat! We don't need to kill them!"
  13. [21:33]? Royal_Lace waves her hooves, "NO! Stop we already won for ponies sake!!! We dont have to kill them!!!"
  14. [21:33]? Sotho did not actually stomp on the turtle
  15. [21:34]<Hawkeye> "Sorry it had t'be this way, stranger," Hawkeye tells the griffon. "But y'all knew the risks when y'all became a mercenary." She stops and looks at Wintergreen. "Uh, yes we do. Them zebra said 'no witnesses.' Leavin' these folks alive counts as livin' witnesses." She snorts. "Don't want them slavers thinkin' the zebra did this an' enslavin' them instead of y'all now, do ya?"
  16. [21:37]? Wintergreen shakes her head and pouts. "Of course not, but that still doesn't mean we need to kill them..." She stops her hoof. "Moreover, if they got away, then the slavers would KNOW it was us and not the zebras."
  17. [21:37]<Wintergreen> "Otherwise... they could blame them." Wintergreen nods. "Who's to say these mercs haven't been checking in to their employers with radios? If they are near zebra territory, then go missing..." She leaves the rest to Hawkeye's imagination.
  18. [21:37]<SpiritOfFate> .
  19. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho has a spot of his coat scorched by burning plasma.
  20. [21:45]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack rushes along the cave. "Oh. I got lost." One of the wooden ghouls turns its head following her as she crosses the cave to the exit where Firefly is.
  21. [21:48]? Firefly nods to Knick Knack, smiling. "Yeah, caves are spooky." The filly darts in, grabbing the radio from where she hid it before joining Knick Knack outside.
  22. [22:52]? Royal_Lace levetates the two turtles away from the others in the group and places them underneath herself, "The fight is OVER!"
  23. [22:52]? Sotho nods. "Yeah. I suppose it is."
  24. [22:53]? Royal_Lace looks down under her barrel at the two confused griff turtles, trying her best to give them a reasuring look.
  25. [22:53]? Hawkeye rounds on Royal_Lace. "It ain't over when they could turn back inta mercs and kill every single pony Ah care about!" she shouts. "Ah swear, Lace. Yer kindness an' optimism about th'nature o' folks is gonna get not just you, but me, an miz Green, an' Firefly killed!"
  26. [22:54]? Wintergreen frowns. "The fight -is- over. I agree with Lace."
  27. [22:54]<Hawkeye> "Let's see if them griffons agree with you once they ain't turtles no more," Hawkeye growls.
  28. [22:54]<Sotho> "Well, unless we incapacitate them." He points out to Hawkeye. "Tying them up or trapping them."
  29. [22:55]? Royal_Lace points to the griff-turtles gear where the two had been transformed, "And if they turn back they are outnumbered and outgunned. We hold all the cards, so we can play this OUR way, we dont have to play there game of kill or be killed. we have OPTIONS!"
  30. [22:55]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack trots out of the cave and grimaces. "Geez, just don't start shooting each other."
  31. [22:55]? Ignis shrugs as he gives a cursory, bored look at the turtles. "Even now, we outnumber them...they don't have much on the choice department."
  32. [22:55]? Firefly flits back to Hawkeye and the others, radio back in her pack. "Why are we arguing? We beat up the bad griffins. Shouldn't we be happy?"
  33. [22:56]? Hawkeye lets out an exasperated whinny. "Sweet Celestia in a handbag! You ponies! Ah just! Argh!" Hawkeye holsters her shotgun but gets her rifle out again. "Y'all cain't tie up turtles. And y'all can't take the sharp claws from a griffon." She looks at Royal_Lace. "Well, y'can, but Ah'm sure that'd just piss Lace off even worse."
  34. [22:57]? Royal_Lace levatates the two turtles out to face her, "You two are smart enought to know that fleeing us would be futile, right?". Pausing she thinks about there state and adds, "...A simple nod will do"
  35. [22:58]<SpiritOfFate> The turtles look to each other then nod to Royal_Lace
  36. [22:58]? Sotho looks to Hawkeye. "Cool it Hawkeye. We're a team."
  37. [22:58]<SpiritOfFate> Buck trots closer. "And you are going to take their word?"
  38. [22:58]<Sotho> "Which means we decide things as one."
  39. [22:59]? Royal_Lace grins and spin the turtles around, "See? They may be mercinaries but they know when they are outclassed". Turning to buck she raises a brow, "Why do we have to take there word? We clearly have the upper hoof over them"
  40. [23:00]<Hawkeye> "Ah know we're a team, Sotho," Hawkeye says. "But Ah'm with Buck on this one. They came here to *kill or enslave y'all* and Ah'm puzzled as to why we ain't returnin' the favor. We cain't trust them as far as Miz Wintergreen could throw them." She turns to Royal_Lace. "And what, we're gonna watch em every second for the rest of their lives? The minute y'all take a prisoner, y'all take...
  41. [23:00]<Hawkeye> ...responsibility for 'em. As opposed to them attackin' us, which was muh responsibility t'make sure they didn't hurt y'all."
  42. [23:00]? Sotho facehoofs once more. "Royal." He looks at her. "Would you not agree we were outnumbered when we escaped from the slaver compound? Or when we faced Averita?"
  43. [23:01]<SpiritOfFate> Avaritia sounds from her necklace. "Why are you quarreling over the victus when there is all this spoil free for taking?"
  44. [23:01]? Firefly nods at Sotho. "Yeah! And we still beat them up!" Firefly smiles. "I'll look at all this stuff." Adults are silly.
  45. [23:02]? Hawkeye looks down at her necklace. "Point taken. Ah don't care what y'all do with the griffons, but if they shoot you, Miz Lace, y'all won't catch me cryin' no tears. C'mon, Buck, let's tally the spoils." She stomps over toward the pile of weapons and armor lifted from the griffons.
  46. [23:02]? Royal_Lace looks around before locking onto wintergreen. Troting over, turtles in her grasp, she holds them up to her. "You agree with me, dont you Miss Green?"
  47. [23:02]? Ignis wasn't much interested on the fate of the griffons, instead, he turned to scavenge the goods with the others
  48. [23:03]? Sotho sighs and smiles. "Thank you firefly for proving my point." He shrugs. "I'm going to help her get stuff." He sighs. "I'm playing the right to remain silent.
  49. [23:03]? Wintergreen nods her head. "If we kill them, we're no better than the slavers. Besides that, what would it solve? They'll just send more after us!" She sighs. "Lace, can you take that spell off of them? We need to talk to them to decide how to handle them."
  50. [23:03]<SpiritOfFate> Buck moves over to the fallen flamer griffon, stripping him out of his armor and dragging it to the pile along with the flamer and the saddlebags
  51. [23:04]? Sotho 's ear twitches. "DONT!" He says. "Don't take the spell off!"
  52. [23:05]? Firefly pokes around with the fried robot, trying to figure out how to open it up and get it to work.
  53. [23:05]<Hawkeye> "If y'all are intent on' makin' sure they survive this mess, for some reason," Hawkeye reminds Wintergreen, "then y'all might want t'see to this one." She waves a hoof at the crippled griffon. "Oh, and as for you," the sniper says to the griffon, "if y'all harm one hair of miz Green's mane, Ah'll set y'all on fire with yer own flamer."
  54. [23:05]? Royal_Lace blinks, "Ummm... well the spell should wear off after a time. But Im not so sure about ending it prematurely, I have never tried it before. They should be returned to there normal state by tommorow morning however". Nodding towards the heavily injured griffion she blanches, "If you want to talk to some being sooner I would suggest patching him up before he passes"
  55. [23:08]? Wintergreen rolls her eyes as she approaches the crippled griffin. "The other two won't be trouble. Keep them at gunpoint so they don't fight us when you turn them back." She nods, reaffirming her point, "We need to talk to them... and besides, what's better; Lace -thinking- they'll turn in the morning, a random time, or -our- time."
  56. [23:09]? Wintergreen nods, looking over the crippled griffon and inspecting his wounds...
  57. [23:09]<Hawkeye> "Gunpoint Ah can get behind," Hawkeye grudgingly admits. "Specially when they know Ah ain't a bleedin-heart pacifist." She waves her rifle at the turtles. "In fact, Ah'm gonna sit right here an HOPE one of them gives me an excuse," she says darkly.
  58. [23:10]? Ignis trudges over to the robot and scoops up all the scrap, to add to the pile of loot
  59. [23:10]? Royal_Lace holds the griffins in mid air and checks that her gun is at least free in its holster, a golden glow inveloping its handle as she gives the turtles a sturn look. "Please dont give me a reason to use this. I dispise harming any living being but I love these ponies to much to take to many chances"
  60. [23:10]<Wintergreen> "Just don't shoot -before- you have that reason, please..."
  61. [23:11]? Firefly continues to fiddle with the robot.
  62. [23:11]? Sotho returns to looking for useful loot for himself
  63. [23:12]? Hawkeye sighs, and her glare softens. "If y'all feel that strongly about it, miz Green, Ah'll do muh best. Just 'cuz Ah think it'd dumber than a bag o' hammers don't mean Ah have the right t'try an stop y'all." She walks over, changing weapons again, and sits next to Royal_Lace. "Ah don't like y'all," she tells the turtles bluntly. "Unlike Lace, Ah WANT y'all to give me a reason to use this. So...
  64. [23:12]? Hawkeye ...y'all might want to listen to the nice one." She hefts her shotgun for emphasis.
  65. [23:12]? Royal_Lace glances at the dead griffin and then looks back to the turtles, "Im... deeply sorry about the loss of your compainion. I had hoped to subdue you all before my more ferocious friends brought any of you to your demise. Consider yourselves the lucky ones""
  66. [23:14]? Royal_Lace gives Hawkeye a sidelong glance but says nothing in return, she hates it but she knows that she herself is probably wrong in this matter. Still, its an inch she is unwilling to consideed to the wasteland.
  67. [23:16]? Royal_Lace looks at the dead griffin again, "Do... you want to bury him? or do you have another method of disposing or remembering your fallen?"
  68. [23:17]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon is bleeding heavily from the chest, his left talon and paw seem to be broken.
  69. [23:17]<Hawkeye> "Griffons and Pegasi burn their dead, if Ah recall," Hawkeye says wryly. "Give their spirits back to th'air or some nonsense. Lucky they brought us an incinerator."
  70. [23:18]? Royal_Lace looks to the turtles, "Is this true? And if so would you like for us to... do the funeral rights?"
  71. [23:23]<Hawkeye> "Ah wouldn't waste the fuel," Hawkeye says laconically. "They was just going t'set us on fire. But Ah can appreciate the irony."
  72. [23:26]? Wintergreen smiles. "Arms up please," she instructs the griffon. "So I can wrap the bandage."
  73. [23:26]? Wintergreen looks back. "Does anyone have something that'd allow me to set his broken limbs?"
  74. [23:27]<SpiritOfFate> The turtles frown and nod to Royal_Lace
  75. [23:27]? Firefly fiddles with the insides of the robot, pulling out a sparkle cola. Nifty!
  76. [23:28]? Sotho moves to Firefly. "Hmm. I wish I knew how to work technology. I guess I'm a bit old." He laughs.
  77. [23:28]? Ignis leans close to the robot and gives it a little inspection
  78. [23:29]? Royal_Lace nods to the turtles, "Miss Green will try her best to be sure we dont have to do the same for your friend". Turning she looks to Miss green, suggesting, "A limb maybe?". Turning she gives Hawkeye a serious face, "If you could please intur them, if not for them then for me? I dispise death and wish to see his body handled in the way of his kind. If not I can as Ignis"
  79. [23:29]? Firefly is now partially inside the robot, and muttering to herself as she fiddles with the gears, wires, and other interesting things.
  80. [23:30]? Sotho examines Firefly
  81. [23:30]? Hawkeye looks like she's going to argue for a moment, but then nods. "Because y'all asked, Lace," she says. "Not to do them airborne rodents any favors." She walks over to get the incinerator.
  82. [23:32]<Wintergreen> As the griffon (presumably) raises its arms, Wintergreen wraps a healing bandage around its chest. Healies, yay!
  83. [23:34]? Hawkeye takes the flame cannon from the pile and begins a controlled burn of the now-stripped griffon corpse. She doesn't have to aim too much, which is good because the thing is heavy, and she's not exactly used to weapons with no recoil.
  84. [23:34]? Wintergreen nods, sitting back. "Give me a moment, and we'll set your limbs too." She turns back. "Firefly, can you break a few branches off of the nearby trees and give them to me?"
  85. [23:34]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon was too goes along with it reluctantly. It's better than being in pain.
  86. [23:35]<Firefly> The fluffy filly calls out from inside the robot. "In a minute Miss Green!"
  87. [23:36]<SpiritOfFate> The hull of the griffbot opens to to show a number of energy cells, some of them exploded, a spark battery and a mini fridge full of beverages.
  88. [23:37]? Firefly climbs out the back of the robot as it opens up, her front half, once fluffy, now covered in black grease. "Ooooh."
  89. [23:38]? Wintergreen nods and calls back, "Bring them to me when you can!" She turns to the griffon. "Just wait here. I'll be right back."
  90. [23:38]? Wintergreen looks around... where's Sotho.
  91. [23:39]? Sotho is right near Firefly
  92. [23:40]? Ignis ' pupils dilatate. "So much stuff...they've been really raking on the caps, makes me wonder how much coin the slavers make to spend so much on mercs."
  93. [23:41]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis finds that most of the electronic boards of the robot are fried, but he can figure out the frequency the broadcast matrix was tuned to, and retrieve a strange chip from it that still was in a good state
  94. [23:41]? Firefly takes all the drinks and puts them in her saddle bags before she flies over to get some branches for Miss Green.
  95. [23:41]<Hawkeye> "Enough that Ah don't feel the least bit bad for relievin' them of it," Hawkeye says over the crackle of the fire. "And shuttin' them down and takin' the rest, just as soon as we can." She looks down at her necklace.
  96. [23:41]? Ignis merely stores that away, he would igure out what to do with it later, if he was able to retrieve the contents from it.
  97. [23:42]? Wintergreen spots Sotho and promptly trots over to his side. "Hold still." She looks over his wound again.
  98. [23:43]? Sotho sighs and nods. "Alrighty."
  99. [23:44]? Firefly flies back to Wintergreen after a couple minutes, carrying several branches. They also have some of the black grease that the filly has on her... and all through her fur and mane. "Here you go Miss Green!"
  100. [23:46]? Royal_Lace casts a quick 'clean' spell at Firefly to rid her of the greese. Turning she spots what looks like a fridge of some sort. "Oh, is that what I think it is? Also, would anypony mind if I kept it if it is?"
  101. [23:47]<SpiritOfFate> A strange creak echoes through the forest.
  102. [23:47]? Sotho looks up, his ears twitching.
  103. [23:47]? Royal_Lace levetates the fridge over to herself. "what... was that?"
  104. [23:48]? Hawkeye perks her ear toward the forest. "That don't sound great. Remember that plan we had where we was leavin'? Ah still like that plan."
  105. [23:48]<Firefly> The filly's dirty coat resists the spell for a moment, as all children are strangely resistant to staying 'clean'. However, all the dirt and grease floats off the filly, landing on the ground. The filly looks around as the creaking starts. "...Uh... wait... if the forest is a spirit... you think it likes fire?"
  106. [23:48]<Ignis> "Who doesn't?"
  107. [23:49]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack looks back at the cave. "A-are those creeps going to come after us again?"
  108. [23:49]<Sotho> "A forest Spirit." He says to ignis with a dull look.
  109. [23:49]<Royal_Lace> "Forest spirits?"
  110. [23:50]<Hawkeye> "Probably should put this away, heh, uh..." Hawkeye tries to hide the large flamer weapon behind herself with very little success.
  111. [23:50]<Ignis> "But weren't we done with that sorta bull?" He asks, eyeing over to Sotho.
  112. [23:51]<Sotho> "No." He sighs. "We faced a greed spirit, which I mistook as the forest spirit. Which Averita is not."
  113. [23:51]? Wintergreen wraps bandages around Sotho while he's talking!
  114. [23:52]? Royal_Lace holds up the turtles, "well lets make our retreat then!"
  115. [23:53]<Hawkeye> "Whoa, Lace, Ah have t'put muh hoof down on this one," Hawkeye says. "We ain't bringin' them with us. They're a liability."
  116. [23:53]<SpiritOfFate> "Plants are seldom worth much." Avaritia says. "But the aura of this forest is off. It is not your average hippie behind this."
  117. [23:54]? Sotho nods. "I saw it." He shivers. "The screams of the souls it captured... They haunt my dreams still."
  118. [23:54]? Royal_Lace looks to Hawkeye, "You think after putting on a show of not killing them im going to leave them defensless with some crazy forest spirit about?"
  119. [23:54]? Wintergreen frowns. "We are bringing them with us, until we figure out what to do otherwise."
  120. [23:55]<Hawkeye> "Better than taking murder griffons with us," Hawkeye argues. "Ah swear, y'all are tartarus-bent on gettin' us killed..." She rolls her eye. "Ah cain't stop y'all, Ah guess. Ah just want to point out what a short-sighted and possibly dangerous idea bringin' them along is."
  121. [23:56]? Sotho looks to Wintergreen and Royal_Lace. "We take them, but if they slow us down, we abandon them." He says sternly. "I won't have anypony hurt because we couldn't out run a celestia damned forest."
  122. [23:57]? Ignis stifles a giggle.
  123. [23:57]<Hawkeye> "Ah'm with the zebra on this one," Hawkeye says. "We take 'em if that'll make y'all feel better. But the minute they stand to get one of us hurt or killed, Ah ain't playing your games anymore. Unnerstand?"
  124. [23:57]? Royal_Lace nods in agreement, "If we find ourselves in a situation where I, Royal Lace, cannont get them out and they would slow us down, then I wont argue"
  125. [23:58]? Hawkeye frowns. "Good enough, Ah guess. Let's get going."
  126. [23:58]? Sotho starts to move.
  127. [23:58]? Ignis hmpths. "Sure, this forest gives me the creeps anyways..."
  128. [23:58]? Royal_Lace looks to Wintergreen , "Can he move, or dose he need help?"
  129. [23:59]? Wintergreen shrugs, moving to the crippled Griff's side. "Can you move, or do you need a helping hoof?"
  130. [23:59]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon limps after the group. "I can do this."
  131. [00:00]<Hawkeye> "Good," Hawkeye says, taking the rear. "Ah'll be Right. Behind. You." she adds pointedly.
  132. [00:01]? Wintergreen nods, moving forward.
  133. [00:01]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon caws bitterly.
  134. [00:01]? Firefly looks around at the forest for a few moments before flying behind the others. "Creepy."
  135. [00:03]<SpiritOfFate> The wooden ponies all face the direction the group comes through. As you make your way, they creak and slowly start to move.
  136. [00:03]? Sotho looks to them and then to his hoof. "If they attack, we are ready. Right Ignis?"
  137. [00:03]<Hawkeye> "Should have thought harder about workin' for an addle-pated knock-kneed lump of rotted bailin' wire," Hawkeye says, nudging the griffon along. "Did ya think karma wouldn't catch up to y'all for makin' folks' lives miserable for a livin'?"
  138. [00:05]? Ignis slants his gaze, it pierces all around. "Yeah, if their mud brains know better, they'll just be at bay this time."
  139. [00:05]? Wintergreen draws her laser pistol... just in case.
  140. [00:06]<SpiritOfFate> "...that's rich." The wounded griffon grunts.
  141. [00:07]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack frowns.
  142. [00:07]? Hawkeye retrieves her mines before the group enters the cave.
  143. [00:08]? Royal_Lace looks backwards, "Maybe pull back a bit on the insults Hawkeye? we are sort of still in a bit of danger... maybe"
  144. [00:09]? Hawkeye frowns. "We'll talk later, feathers. Ah'm sure y'all got just as much reason to do what y'did as anyone. Just came down on the wrong side of it this time. Now stay close, an' Ah'll make sure they don't get you." She looks over the griffon to Royal_Lace. "No offense, sugarcube, but shut up. Ah've had enough of bein' ordered around already today."
  145. [00:10]? Royal_Lace rolls her eyes, "I dont order, I make polite suggestions... "
  146. [00:10]? Royal_Lace frowns, "Also that one was a question, not a suggestion even"
  147. [00:11]<Hawkeye> "Well Ah've had enough of your 'polite suggestions that come with threat of bein' turned into a turtle or teleported away' then too." Hawkeye snorts. "Keep your eyes on the road."
  148. [00:12]? Royal_Lace pouts and looks downcast
  149. [00:14]? Wintergreen rolls her eyes, speaking with a mouth full of energy pistol, "P'ay nishe."
  150. [00:14]<Hawkeye> "Y'all can shut up too," Hawkeye growls. "Ah love y'all t'pieces, but y'all are awful hard to get along with sometimes."
  151. [00:16]? Wintergreen huffs.
  152. [00:18]<SpiritOfFate> As you make your way through the cave, the ghouls start to follow. Knick Knack bumps on Firefly in the dim cave, tripping.
  153. [00:19]? Royal_Lace looks to Kinck Nack, "Are you ok?"
  154. [00:20]? Firefly somersaults in the air as she gets tripped on, landing on the stone floor with an 'Owe'. She shakes herself off and goes back to flying.
  155. [00:21]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack scrambles to her hooves, trying to get away before the ghouls reach her. "Y-Yeah."
  156. [00:21]? Hawkeye digs out the Incinerator and warily watches the wooden ghouls gathering behind them. "Y'all might want to pick up the pace. These things look mighty hungry."
  157. [00:24]? Royal_Lace picks up the pace but moves closer to Nick Nack
  158. [00:28]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly hits her head on the cave celing and falls, falling over one of the ghouls.
  159. [00:30]? Firefly lays over the back on one of the ghouls, shaking her head. "Owie... stupid caves..." It takes a moment for the filly to realize where she ended up. "Yikes!" She darts back to the group.
  160. [00:32]<SpiritOfFate> Shortly the group makes it back out of the village, the ghouls dispersing before reaching the protective tiles
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