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Jun 21st, 2019
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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <systemList>
  3. <system>
  4. <name>amstradcpc</name>
  5. <fullname>Amstrad CPC</fullname>
  6. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amstradcpc</path>
  7. <extension>.cdt .cpc .dsk .zip .CDT .CPC .DSK .ZIP</extension>
  8. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ amstradcpc %ROM%</command>
  9. <platform>amstradcpc</platform>
  10. <theme>amstradcpc</theme>
  11. </system>
  12. <system>
  13. <name>arcade</name>
  14. <fullname>Arcade</fullname>
  15. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade</path>
  16. <extension>.7z .cue .fba .iso .zip .7Z .CUE .FBA .ISO .ZIP</extension>
  17. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ arcade %ROM%</command>
  18. <platform>arcade</platform>
  19. <theme>arcade</theme>
  20. </system>
  21. <system>
  22. <name>atari2600</name>
  23. <fullname>Atari 2600</fullname>
  24. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atari2600</path>
  25. <extension>.7z .a26 .bin .rom .zip .gz .7Z .A26 .BIN .ROM .ZIP .GZ</extension>
  26. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ atari2600 %ROM%</command>
  27. <platform>atari2600</platform>
  28. <theme>atari2600</theme>
  29. </system>
  30. <system>
  31. <name>atari5200</name>
  32. <fullname>Atari 5200</fullname>
  33. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atari5200</path>
  34. <extension>.7z .a52 .bin .car .zip .7Z .A52 .BIN .CAR .ZIP</extension>
  35. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ atari5200 %ROM%</command>
  36. <platform>atari5200</platform>
  37. <theme>atari5200</theme>
  38. </system>
  39. <system>
  40. <name>atari7800</name>
  41. <fullname>Atari 7800 ProSystem</fullname>
  42. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atari7800</path>
  43. <extension>.7z .a78 .bin .zip .7Z .A78 .BIN .ZIP</extension>
  44. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ atari7800 %ROM%</command>
  45. <platform>atari7800</platform>
  46. <theme>atari7800</theme>
  47. </system>
  48. <system>
  49. <name>atari800</name>
  50. <fullname>Atari 800</fullname>
  51. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atari800</path>
  52. <extension>.7z .atr .atr.gz .atx .bas .bin .car .cas .com .dcm .rom .xex .xfd .xfd.gz .zip .7Z .ATR .ATR.GZ .ATX .BAS .BIN .CAR .CAS .COM .DCM .ROM .XEX .XFD .XFD.GZ .ZIP</extension>
  53. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ atari800 %ROM%</command>
  54. <platform>atari800</platform>
  55. <theme>atari800</theme>
  56. </system>
  57. <system>
  58. <name>atarilynx</name>
  59. <fullname>Atari Lynx</fullname>
  60. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atarilynx</path>
  61. <extension>.7z .lnx .zip .7Z .LNX .ZIP</extension>
  62. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ atarilynx %ROM%</command>
  63. <platform>atarilynx</platform>
  64. <theme>atarilynx</theme>
  65. </system>
  66. <system>
  67. <name>coleco</name>
  68. <fullname>ColecoVision</fullname>
  69. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/coleco</path>
  70. <extension>.bin .col .rom .zip .BIN .COL .ROM .ZIP</extension>
  71. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ coleco %ROM%</command>
  72. <platform>colecovision</platform>
  73. <theme>colecovision</theme>
  74. </system>
  75. <system>
  76. <name>fba</name>
  77. <fullname>Final Burn Alpha</fullname>
  78. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/fba</path>
  79. <extension>.7z .cue .fba .iso .zip .7Z .CUE .FBA .ISO .ZIP</extension>
  80. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ fba %ROM%</command>
  81. <platform>arcade</platform>
  82. <theme>fba</theme>
  83. </system>
  84. <system>
  85. <name>fds</name>
  86. <fullname>Famicom Disk System</fullname>
  87. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/fds</path>
  88. <extension>.7z .nes .fds .zip .7Z .NES .FDS .ZIP</extension>
  89. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ fds %ROM%</command>
  90. <platform>fds</platform>
  91. <theme>fds</theme>
  92. </system>
  93. <system>
  94. <name>gamegear</name>
  95. <fullname>Sega Gamegear</fullname>
  96. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gamegear</path>
  97. <extension>.7z .gg .bin .sms .zip .7Z .GG .BIN .SMS .ZIP</extension>
  98. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ gamegear %ROM%</command>
  99. <platform>gamegear</platform>
  100. <theme>gamegear</theme>
  101. </system>
  102. <system>
  103. <name>gb</name>
  104. <fullname>Game Boy</fullname>
  105. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gb</path>
  106. <extension>.7z .gb .zip .7Z .GB .ZIP</extension>
  107. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ gb %ROM%</command>
  108. <platform>gb</platform>
  109. <theme>gb</theme>
  110. </system>
  111. <system>
  112. <name>gba</name>
  113. <fullname>Game Boy Advance</fullname>
  114. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gba</path>
  115. <extension>.7z .gba .zip .7Z .GBA .ZIP</extension>
  116. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ gba %ROM%</command>
  117. <platform>gba</platform>
  118. <theme>gba</theme>
  119. </system>
  120. <system>
  121. <name>gbc</name>
  122. <fullname>Game Boy Color</fullname>
  123. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gbc</path>
  124. <extension>.7z .gbc .zip .7Z .GBC .ZIP</extension>
  125. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ gbc %ROM%</command>
  126. <platform>gbc</platform>
  127. <theme>gbc</theme>
  128. </system>
  129. <system>
  130. <name>mame-libretro</name>
  131. <fullname>Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator</fullname>
  132. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-libretro</path>
  133. <extension>.zip .ZIP</extension>
  134. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ mame-libretro %ROM%</command>
  135. <platform>arcade</platform>
  136. <theme>mame</theme>
  137. </system>
  138. <system>
  139. <name>mame-mame4all</name>
  140. <fullname>Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator</fullname>
  141. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-mame4all</path>
  142. <extension>.zip .ZIP</extension>
  143. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ mame-mame4all %ROM%</command>
  144. <platform>arcade</platform>
  145. <theme>mame</theme>
  146. </system>
  147. <system>
  148. <name>mastersystem</name>
  149. <fullname>Sega Master System</fullname>
  150. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mastersystem</path>
  151. <extension>.7z .sms .bin .zip .7Z .SMS .BIN .ZIP</extension>
  152. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ mastersystem %ROM%</command>
  153. <platform>mastersystem</platform>
  154. <theme>mastersystem</theme>
  155. </system>
  156. <system>
  157. <name>megadrive</name>
  158. <fullname>Sega Mega Drive</fullname>
  159. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/megadrive</path>
  160. <extension>.7z .smd .bin .gen .md .sg .zip .7Z .SMD .BIN .GEN .MD .SG .ZIP</extension>
  161. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ megadrive %ROM%</command>
  162. <platform>megadrive</platform>
  163. <theme>megadrive</theme>
  164. </system>
  165. <system>
  166. <name>msx</name>
  167. <fullname>MSX</fullname>
  168. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/msx</path>
  169. <extension>.rom .mx1 .mx2 .col .dsk .zip .m3u .ROM .MX1 .MX2 .COL .DSK .ZIP .M3U</extension>
  170. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ msx %ROM%</command>
  171. <platform>msx</platform>
  172. <theme>msx</theme>
  173. </system>
  174. <system>
  175. <name>n64</name>
  176. <fullname>Nintendo 64</fullname>
  177. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/n64</path>
  178. <extension>.z64 .n64 .v64 .zip .Z64 .N64 .V64 .ZIP</extension>
  179. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ n64 %ROM%</command>
  180. <platform>n64</platform>
  181. <theme>n64</theme>
  182. </system>
  183. <system>
  184. <name>neogeo</name>
  185. <fullname>Neo Geo</fullname>
  186. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo</path>
  187. <extension>.7z .cue .fba .iso .zip .7Z .CUE .FBA .ISO .ZIP</extension>
  188. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ neogeo %ROM%</command>
  189. <platform>neogeo</platform>
  190. <theme>neogeo</theme>
  191. </system>
  192. <system>
  193. <name>nes</name>
  194. <fullname>Nintendo Entertainment System</fullname>
  195. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/nes</path>
  196. <extension>.7z .nes .zip .7Z .NES .ZIP</extension>
  197. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ nes %ROM%</command>
  198. <platform>nes</platform>
  199. <theme>nes</theme>
  200. </system>
  201. <system>
  202. <name>ngp</name>
  203. <fullname>Neo Geo Pocket</fullname>
  204. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ngp</path>
  205. <extension>.7z .ngp .zip .7Z .NGP .ZIP</extension>
  206. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ ngp %ROM%</command>
  207. <platform>ngp</platform>
  208. <theme>ngp</theme>
  209. </system>
  210. <system>
  211. <name>ngpc</name>
  212. <fullname>Neo Geo Pocket Color</fullname>
  213. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ngpc</path>
  214. <extension>.7z .ngc .zip .7Z .NGC .ZIP</extension>
  215. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ ngpc %ROM%</command>
  216. <platform>ngpc</platform>
  217. <theme>ngpc</theme>
  218. </system>
  219. <system>
  220. <name>pcengine</name>
  221. <fullname>PC Engine</fullname>
  222. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/pcengine</path>
  223. <extension>.7z .pce .ccd .chd .cue .zip .7Z .PCE .CCD .CHD .CUE .ZIP</extension>
  224. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ pcengine %ROM%</command>
  225. <platform>pcengine</platform>
  226. <theme>pcengine</theme>
  227. </system>
  228. <system>
  229. <name>psx</name>
  230. <fullname>PlayStation</fullname>
  231. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/psx</path>
  232. <extension>.cue .cbn .chd .img .iso .m3u .mdf .pbp .toc .z .znx .CUE .CBN .CHD .IMG .ISO .M3U .MDF .PBP .TOC .Z .ZNX</extension>
  233. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ psx %ROM%</command>
  234. <platform>psx</platform>
  235. <theme>psx</theme>
  236. </system>
  237. <system>
  238. <name>retropie</name>
  239. <fullname>RetroPie</fullname>
  240. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu</path>
  241. <extension>.rp .sh</extension>
  242. <command>sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch %ROM% &lt;/dev/tty &gt;/dev/tty</command>
  243. <platform/>
  244. <theme>retropie</theme>
  245. </system>
  246. <system>
  247. <name>sega32x</name>
  248. <fullname>Sega 32X</fullname>
  249. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/sega32x</path>
  250. <extension>.7z .32x .smd .bin .md .zip .7Z .32X .SMD .BIN .MD .ZIP</extension>
  251. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ sega32x %ROM%</command>
  252. <platform>sega32x</platform>
  253. <theme>sega32x</theme>
  254. </system>
  255. <system>
  256. <name>segacd</name>
  257. <fullname>Mega CD</fullname>
  258. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/segacd</path>
  259. <extension>.iso .cue .chd .ISO .CUE .CHD</extension>
  260. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ segacd %ROM%</command>
  261. <platform>segacd</platform>
  262. <theme>segacd</theme>
  263. </system>
  264. <system>
  265. <name>sg-1000</name>
  266. <fullname>Sega SG-1000</fullname>
  267. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/sg-1000</path>
  268. <extension>.7z .sg .bin .zip .7Z .SG .BIN .ZIP</extension>
  269. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ sg-1000 %ROM%</command>
  270. <platform>sg-1000</platform>
  271. <theme>sg-1000</theme>
  272. </system>
  273. <system>
  274. <name>snes</name>
  275. <fullname>Super Nintendo</fullname>
  276. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/snes</path>
  277. <extension>.7z .bin .bs .smc .sfc .fig .swc .mgd .zip .7Z .BIN .BS .SMC .SFC .FIG .SWC .MGD .ZIP</extension>
  278. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ snes %ROM%</command>
  279. <platform>snes</platform>
  280. <theme>snes</theme>
  281. </system>
  282. <system>
  283. <name>vectrex</name>
  284. <fullname>Vectrex</fullname>
  285. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/vectrex</path>
  286. <extension>.7z .vec .gam .bin .zip .7Z .VEC .GAM .BIN .ZIP</extension>
  287. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ vectrex %ROM%</command>
  288. <platform>vectrex</platform>
  289. <theme>vectrex</theme>
  290. </system>
  291. <system>
  292. <name>zxspectrum</name>
  293. <fullname>ZX Spectrum</fullname>
  294. <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/zxspectrum</path>
  295. <extension>.7z .sh .sna .szx .z80 .tap .tzx .gz .udi .mgt .img .trd .scl .dsk .zip .rzx .7Z .SH .SNA .SZX .Z80 .TAP .TZX .GZ .UDI .MGT .IMG .TRD .SCL .DSK .ZIP .RZX</extension>
  296. <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ zxspectrum %ROM%</command>
  297. <platform>zxspectrum</platform>
  298. <theme>zxspectrum</theme>
  299. </system>
  300. </systemList>
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