
Dust for Megumi

Jul 15th, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]The Road Warrior[/i][/font][/size][/center]
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  12. [right][i]Faster than death[/i][/right]
  14. They call her a whirlwind for her speed and tempestuous nature. There is no distance too great and no foe too daunting for her; she will run or fight for as far or as long as she needs to, and she will always succeed. Her hide is crisscrossed with scars, maps to places unknown and dangers untold. She's seen it all and burns to see more still.
  16. Dust is a road warrior, running the expanse of her territory in search of disturbances to quell or adversaries to vanquish. She is loved by those she's defended and respected by those she's bested, and feared by the ones who aren't either of those. Her strength is only part of it, for Dust is also gifted with one skill more: she can traverse the world of the living and the dead the same as day and night. There is no creature, flesh and blood or spirit, who can shake her if she should choose to pursue. Her claws can rend flesh same as ectoplasm, and even the undead and immortal know better than to cross her.
  18. She’s the fastest mirror in the clan, and likely the fastest dragon of any stripe as well. If she puts her mind to it, Dust can run from one end of Sornieth to the other in a day without stopping for food, drink, or rest. There’s a saying around these parts that Dust can outrun death itself -- and it’s not half-wrong, either.
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  22. [center][size=2]Bio by [url=]Rifter #2226[/url].[/size][/center]
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