

May 9th, 2013
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  149. newsText[6] = "Your Site Has been Hacked By LulzSec Hacker";
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  214. <center><font face="Lucida Handwritting"><font size="4" color=Yellow >Special Thanks To :
  215. </center>
  216. <span><center><marquee direction="center" height="25" width="470">
  217. <b><font color="white" face="Lucida Handwritting" size="2">Allah SWT| Anonymous| Penjaga Masjid | Khaeza | Sheikh Viirus | Dika K3nT4ng| ./ Cyber007 A.K.A D'Jawa Undetected | BimaCR7 | And ALL Member Indonesian Defacer
  218. </font></b></marquee><br><img src="" height="7" width="502"><br><img src="" height="17" width="209"></center>
  219. </span></center></font></b:include></body></html><!--Beginning of IP Script-->
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