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a guest
May 2nd, 2017
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  1. # use encoding 'shift-jis'; # Uncomment this to use shift-jis in strings. ALSO uncomment the "no encoding" at the end of the file!
  3. # Wakaba configuration
  5. use constant ADMIN_PASS => 'mackenhauer'; # Admin password. For fucks's sake, change this.
  6. use constant SECRET => 'ajkgha;weoitu3985p2398j324waptiowegspoiajspgjapdfoibjzoxnhy8zdsr0y8zw4yw4'; # Cryptographic secret. CHANGE THIS to something totally random, and long.
  7. use constant SQL_DBI_SOURCE => 'DBI:mysql:database=yerface;host=localhost'; # DBI data source string (mysql version, put server and database name in here)
  8. use constant SQL_USERNAME => 'hurrr'; # MySQL login name
  9. use constant SQL_PASSWORD => 'durrrrrr'; # MySQL password
  10. use constant SQL_BACKUP_TABLE => '__waka_backup'; # Table backup
  11. use constant SQL_ADMIN_TABLE => 'admin'; # Table used for admin information
  12. use constant SQL_PROXY_TABLE => 'proxy'; # Table used for proxy information
  13. use constant USE_TEMPFILES => 1; # Set this to 1 under Unix and 0 under Windows! (Use tempfiles when creating pages)
  14. use constant DATE_STYLE => 'futaba'; # Date style ('futaba', '2ch', 'localtime', 'tiny')
  15. use constant ERRORLOG => ''; # Writes out all errors seen by user, mainly useful for debugging
  16. use constant CONVERT_COMMAND => 'convert'; # location of the ImageMagick convert command (usually just 'convert', but sometime a full path is needed)
  17. use constant CONVERT_COMMAND = '/usr/bin/convert';
  18. use constant ALTERNATE_REDIRECT => 0; # Use alternate redirect method. (Javascript/meta-refresh instead of HTTP forwards. Needed to run on certain servers, like IIS.)
  19. use constant USE_SECURE_ADMIN => 1; # Use HTTPS for admin logins.
  20. use constant USE_TEMPFILES => 1; # Use temporary files. (1: Unix; 0: Windows)
  21. use constant PAGE_EXT => '.html'; # File extension for all board pages.
  22. use constant CHARSET => 'utf-8';
  23. use constant CONVERT_CHARSETS => 1; # Do character set conversions internally
  24. use constant SPAM_FILES => 'spam.txt';
  25. use constant USE_XHTML => 1;
  26. use constant HOME => '/';
  27. use constant HTACCESS_PATH => './';
  28. use constant PASSFAIL_THRESHOLD => 5; # Number of times a user may fail a password prompt prior to banning.
  29. use constant PASSFAIL_ROLLBACK => 1*24*3600; # How long a failed password prompt is held against a host.
  30. use constant PASSPROMPT_EXPIRE_TO_FAILURE => 300; # How long password prompts last before timing out and counting against the user.
  31. use constant MAX_FCGI_LOOPS => 250;
  32. use constant TIME_OFFSET => 0; # Time offset in seconds, for display on board pages. You can use this to adjust board time to your local time!
  33. # Positive value adjusts forward; negative value adjusts backward.
  34. use constant SQL_REPORT_TABLE => 'user_report';
  35. use constant STAFF_LOG_RETENTION => 30*24*3600; # How long should staff log entries be retained? (Seconds)
  36. use constant REPORT_RETENTION => 30*24*3600; # How long should report entries be retained? (Seconds)
  38. use constant POST_BACKUP=>1; # 1: Back up posts that are deleted or edited. 0: Do not back up.
  39. use constant POST_BACKUP_EXPIRE => 3600*24*14; # How long should backups last prior to purging?
  41. use constant REPLIES_PER_STICKY => 1; # Number of replies per stickied thread.
  43. use constant ENABLE_ABBREVIATED_THREAD_PAGES => 1; # Want to enable "Last xx Posts?" Then set this to 1.
  44. use constant POSTS_IN_ABBREVIATED_THREAD_PAGES => 50; # Number of posts to show in abbreviated reply views.
  46. use constant ENABLE_RSS => 1; # Do RSS feeds.
  47. use constant RSS_LENGTH => 10; # Number of items in each feed.
  48. use constant RSS_WEBMASTER => " (Navy)";
  49. # Webmaster email address and name. Example format should be preserved for RSS spec.
  51. no encoding;
  53. 1;
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