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Jan 14th, 2017
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  1. # Visit the Setup Guide on VRs Bukkit Page to learn how to create awards or
  2. # use the in-game Award Creator (/vr create).
  3. # Note: Each Reward/Milestone must have a unique name and you can *NOT* use tabs.
  4. Milestones:
  5. Recruit:
  6. items:
  7. '320':
  8. amount: '16'
  9. '265':
  10. amount: '8'
  11. '264':
  12. amount: '2'
  13. xpLevels: 5
  14. commands:
  15. - manuadd %player% recruit
  16. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &6&lRecruit!'
  17. votes: 1
  18. Commoner:
  19. items:
  20. '362':
  21. amount: '5'
  22. '392':
  23. amount: '1'
  24. '391':
  25. amount: '1'
  26. '320':
  27. amount: '64'
  28. '265':
  29. amount: '24'
  30. '388':
  31. amount: '5'
  32. '264':
  33. amount: '4'
  34. xpLevels: 7
  35. commands:
  36. - manuadd %player% member
  37. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &6&lCommoner!'
  38. votes: 4
  39. Regular:
  40. items:
  41. '264':
  42. amount: '8'
  43. '388':
  44. amount: '10'
  45. '265':
  46. amount: '32'
  47. '421':
  48. amount: '4'
  49. '320':
  50. amount: '64'
  51. xpLevels: 10
  52. commands:
  53. - manuadd %player% Regular
  54. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &6&lRegular!'
  55. votes: 12
  56. Veteran:
  57. items:
  58. '276':
  59. amount: '1'
  60. name: Veteran Sword
  61. enchants: sharpness(4), knockback(2), looting(2), unbreaking(3)
  62. '421':
  63. amount: '8'
  64. '322':
  65. amount: '2'
  66. '266':
  67. amount: '20'
  68. '388':
  69. amount: '20'
  70. '264':
  71. amount: '16'
  72. xpLevels: 15
  73. commands:
  74. - manuadd %player% Veteran
  75. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &6&lVeteran!'
  76. votes: 25
  77. Elite:
  78. items:
  79. '264':
  80. amount: '27'
  81. '388':
  82. amount: '25'
  83. '266':
  84. amount: '25'
  85. '421':
  86. amount: '16'
  87. '322':
  88. multiple:
  89. '1':
  90. amount: '1'
  91. dataID: 1
  92. '397':
  93. amount: '1'
  94. dataID: 3
  95. skullOwner: StackedGold
  96. '261':
  97. amount: '1'
  98. name: Elite Bow
  99. enchants: unbreaking(3), power(4), punch(2), flame(1)
  100. xpLevels: 18
  101. commands:
  102. - manuadd %player% Elite
  103. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &6&lElite!'
  104. votes: 45
  105. Commander:
  106. items:
  107. '17':
  108. amount: '1'
  109. name: Twees wood?
  110. enchants: sharpness(3)
  111. '264':
  112. amount: '35'
  113. '388':
  114. amount: '32'
  115. '266':
  116. amount: '35'
  117. '322':
  118. multiple:
  119. '1':
  120. amount: '8'
  121. '421':
  122. amount: '32'
  123. xpLevels: 22
  124. commands:
  125. - manuadd %player% Commander
  126. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &6&lCommander!'
  127. votes: 85
  128. Master:
  129. items:
  130. '322':
  131. multiple:
  132. '1':
  133. amount: '15'
  134. '399':
  135. amount: '1'
  136. '373':
  137. amount: '1'
  138. name: C+ Bleached Cocaine
  139. lore:
  140. - Insane to the somewhat Meme-Brain
  141. potionEffects: PotionEffectType[1, SPEED](7/12000), PotionEffectType[3, FAST_DIGGING](5/12000), PotionEffectType[5, INCREASE_DAMAGE](2/12000), PotionEffectType[6, HEAL](5/12000), PotionEffectType[10, REGENERATION](5/12000), PotionEffectType[11, DAMAGE_RESISTANCE](4/12000), PotionEffectType[12, FIRE_RESISTANCE](1/12000), PotionEffectType[13, WATER_BREATHING](1/12000), PotionEffectType[16, NIGHT_VISION](1/12000), PotionEffectType[21, HEALTH_BOOST](12/12000), PotionEffectType[22, ABSORPTION](1/12000), PotionEffectType[23, SATURATION](1/12000)
  142. '421':
  143. amount: '32'
  144. '266':
  145. amount: '40'
  146. '388':
  147. amount: '32'
  148. '264':
  149. amount: '40'
  150. '414':
  151. amount: '1'
  152. name: Rabbies Groosome Gift
  153. xpLevels: 26
  154. commands:
  155. - manuadd %player% Masterly
  156. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &6&lMaster!'
  157. votes: 135
  158. Godly:
  159. items:
  160. '266':
  161. amount: '64'
  162. '388':
  163. amount: '48'
  164. '397':
  165. amount: '1'
  166. dataID: 3
  167. skullOwner: Trajan
  168. '322':
  169. multiple:
  170. '1':
  171. amount: '10'
  172. dataID: 1
  173. '421':
  174. amount: '64'
  175. '399':
  176. amount: '2'
  177. '280':
  178. amount: '1'
  179. name: Useless Stick
  180. '300':
  181. amount: '1'
  182. name: Crappy Armor
  183. enchants: protection(4), fire protection(2), blast protection(3), projectile protection(2)
  184. armorColor: 0,188,238
  185. '373':
  186. multiple:
  187. '1':
  188. amount: '1'
  189. name: C+ Bleached Cocaine
  190. lore:
  191. - Insane to the somewhat Meme-Brain
  192. potionEffects: PotionEffectType[1, SPEED](7/12000), PotionEffectType[3, FAST_DIGGING](5/12000), PotionEffectType[5, INCREASE_DAMAGE](2/12000), PotionEffectType[6, HEAL](5/12000), PotionEffectType[10, REGENERATION](5/12000), PotionEffectType[11, DAMAGE_RESISTANCE](4/12000), PotionEffectType[12, FIRE_RESISTANCE](1/12000), PotionEffectType[13, WATER_BREATHING](1/12000), PotionEffectType[16, NIGHT_VISION](1/12000), PotionEffectType[21, HEALTH_BOOST](12/12000), PotionEffectType[22, ABSORPTION](1/12000), PotionEffectType[23, SATURATION](1/12000)
  193. '264':
  194. amount: '64'
  195. xpLevels: 30
  196. commands:
  197. - manuadd %player% Godly
  198. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &6&l&oGodly!!'
  199. votes: 185
  200. Extremest:
  201. items:
  202. '322':
  203. amount: '15'
  204. dataID: 1
  205. '397':
  206. multiple:
  207. '1':
  208. amount: '1'
  209. name: Specialized Head
  210. enchants: protection(4), projectile protection(5)
  211. '421':
  212. amount: '64'
  213. '399':
  214. amount: '3'
  215. '373':
  216. multiple:
  217. '1':
  218. amount: '1'
  219. name: A+ Bleached Cocaine
  220. lore:
  221. - Insane to the MEME-BRAIN
  222. potionEffects: PotionEffectType[1, SPEED](15/12000), PotionEffectType[3, FAST_DIGGING](5/12000), PotionEffectType[5, INCREASE_DAMAGE](5/12000), PotionEffectType[6, HEAL](10/12000), PotionEffectType[10, REGENERATION](10/12000), PotionEffectType[11, DAMAGE_RESISTANCE](4/12000), PotionEffectType[12, FIRE_RESISTANCE](1/12000), PotionEffectType[13, WATER_BREATHING](1/12000), PotionEffectType[16, NIGHT_VISION](1/12000), PotionEffectType[21, HEALTH_BOOST](24/12000), PotionEffectType[22, ABSORPTION](3/12000), PotionEffectType[23, SATURATION](1/12000)
  223. '349':
  224. amount: '32'
  225. dataID: 3
  226. '301':
  227. amount: '1'
  228. name: Crappy Armor
  229. enchants: protection(4), fire protection(3), blast protection(3), projectile protection(3), thorns(1)
  230. armorColor: 0,188,238
  231. '347':
  232. amount: '1'
  233. name: Insane Clockster
  234. '264':
  235. multiple:
  236. '1':
  237. amount: '64'
  238. '266':
  239. amount: '64'
  240. '388':
  241. amount: '64'
  242. xpLevels: 35
  243. commands:
  244. - manuadd %player% Extremest
  245. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &4&l&oE&c&ox&4&ot&c&or&4&oe&c&om&4&oe&c&os&4&ot&3!'
  246. votes: 245
  247. Dictator:
  248. items:
  249. '41':
  250. amount: '64'
  251. '301':
  252. amount: '1'
  253. name: Crappy Armor
  254. enchants: protection(4), fire protection(3), blast protection(3), projectile protection(3), thorns(1)
  255. armorColor: 0,188,238
  256. '397':
  257. multiple:
  258. '1':
  259. amount: '1'
  260. dataID: 3
  261. skullOwner: luke4891
  262. '2':
  263. amount: '1'
  264. dataID: 3
  265. name: ยงfSkull of TreeHD
  266. skullOwner: TreeHD
  267. '3':
  268. amount: '1'
  269. dataID: 3
  270. skullOwner: xXJDerekXx
  271. '373':
  272. multiple:
  273. '1':
  274. amount: '1'
  275. name: A+ Bleached Cocaine
  276. lore:
  277. - Insane to the MEME-BRAIN
  278. potionEffects: PotionEffectType[1, SPEED](15/12000), PotionEffectType[3, FAST_DIGGING](5/12000), PotionEffectType[5, INCREASE_DAMAGE](5/12000), PotionEffectType[6, HEAL](10/12000), PotionEffectType[10, REGENERATION](10/12000), PotionEffectType[11, DAMAGE_RESISTANCE](4/12000), PotionEffectType[12, FIRE_RESISTANCE](1/12000), PotionEffectType[13, WATER_BREATHING](1/12000), PotionEffectType[16, NIGHT_VISION](1/12000), PotionEffectType[21, HEALTH_BOOST](24/12000), PotionEffectType[22, ABSORPTION](3/12000), PotionEffectType[23, SATURATION](1/12000)
  279. '2':
  280. amount: '1'
  281. name: A+ Bleached Cocaine
  282. lore:
  283. - Insane to the MEME-BRAIN
  284. potionEffects: PotionEffectType[1, SPEED](15/12000), PotionEffectType[3, FAST_DIGGING](5/12000), PotionEffectType[5, INCREASE_DAMAGE](5/12000), PotionEffectType[6, HEAL](10/12000), PotionEffectType[10, REGENERATION](10/12000), PotionEffectType[11, DAMAGE_RESISTANCE](4/12000), PotionEffectType[12, FIRE_RESISTANCE](1/12000), PotionEffectType[13, WATER_BREATHING](1/12000), PotionEffectType[16, NIGHT_VISION](1/12000), PotionEffectType[21, HEALTH_BOOST](24/12000), PotionEffectType[22, ABSORPTION](3/12000), PotionEffectType[23, SATURATION](1/12000)
  285. '399':
  286. amount: '4'
  287. '421':
  288. amount: '64'
  289. '420':
  290. amount: '1'
  291. name: Whip Of Trechery
  292. '322':
  293. amount: '32'
  294. dataID: 1
  295. '264':
  296. multiple:
  297. '1':
  298. amount: '64'
  299. '2':
  300. amount: '64'
  301. '133':
  302. amount: '20'
  303. xpLevels: 50
  304. commands:
  305. - manuadd %player% Dictator
  306. message: '&3Congrats! Someone Made &6&lD&7&li&6&lc&7&lt&6&la&7&lt&6&lo&7&lr&3!'
  307. votes: 340
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