
Battle of the Bitches

Jan 20th, 2015
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Covet: -Cadence was in her room smoking, It was cold because she had a window open for the draft, so the smell didn't over kill the room. Laying on a large flat cushion she was playing on her playstaytion, pretty intent on the screen. Next to her was Hashie cleaning himself, and Haze was asleep on the back of the couch in the living room.-
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stepped out of the elevator and made her way down the hall to their door, fiddling with her keys as she tried to balance the shopping bags on her arms, unlocking the door and pushing it open. She stepped inside the apartment, pushing the door closed behind her and beginning to walk down the stairs into the living room. She dropped her shopping bags down on the floor beside the couch, walking over and running her hand over Haze's back, scratching at her fur. She turned her head to look toward Cadence's door, smelling the smoke coming out from underneath it. She let out a long breath, flicking her bangs out of her eyes and marching herself over to Cadence's bedroom door, pushing it open and stepping into the room to raise her voice over the sound of the tv. "Are you kidding me right now? Can you not fucking smell up th eentire apartment with that shit? Be courteous."-
  4. Covet: -Cadence heard the angry footsteps coming towards her door, notifying her of Steph's oncoming fury- He're we go....-she mumbled taking another drag off of her joint letting the smoke filter in front of the screen- Saddly no, I can't help it. Purely for the fact that you are the first offender by making this place smell more sterile than an emergency surgery room at the hospital. Pay backs a Bitch....-she took another drag off the joint, staring at the screen, paying attention to the game the whole time.-
  5. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, throwing her hands up into the air. "Is that a joke? Please tell me that's a joke. The smell of cleanliness is nothing in comparison to the smell of burning plants and paper. It's not a ridiculous request to ask you to not smoke in the apartment, but apparently that's even out of your reach too." She spun around, stalking out of Cadence's room and leaving the door open as she mumbled to herself, stepping back into the living room as Alfred ran between her feet in his best attempt to trip her like a douchebag. "Inconsiderate bitch..."-
  6. Covet: -hitting pause on her game she got up following after her. Putting the joint in the ashtray to smolder out- Yes, Just call me Groucho Marx, I've got all the great jokes -she said with a laugh, rolling her eyes- Apparently your senses are numb, probably due to the fact of the amount of bleach you use to clean everything. Do you even dilute it down? Because I can feel my nose hairs singing from the smell alone. If it wasn't all Hell freezing over outside, I would be out there, so sue me for choosing to stay warm over freezing my ass off in this bullshit. It was nice the first few days, now I'm getting sick of it. Just like I'm getting sick of the bleach. -she stood in the doorway- As for being an inconsiderate bitch, thank you, it takes one to know one.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She scoffed loudly, whipping her head around to stare at Cadence. "Oh, I'm the inconsiderate bitch? Gee, so sorry for wanting the apartment to actually be clean instead of leaving dirty disgusting dishes all over the kitchen and clouding the air with smoke. Do not fucking push your petty bullshit off on me, because I'm not the problem here. You are." She turned and walked around the side of the couch, grabbing her shopping bags hastily. "Just do yourself a favor and fuck off."-
  8. Covet: I'm sorry I was under the impression you were going to be moving out. So forgive me, for not having the amount of fucks required to give right now. I haven't left any dishes on the counter all week, This is the first day that I've really decided to start smoking in the house, case you haven't noticed, Outside is a natural embodiement of you right now. -she waved her hands around in the air- I'd love to fuck off, Dick...I really would, Unfortunately, I don't have the gas money to be able to oblige you. So, deal with it.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She slid the bags up onto her arms, straightening up and staring at Cadence. "You don't have the gas money? Oh cry me a fucking river Cadence about how you're so poor and woe is me, blah blah blah. You don't know shit about scraping money together for gas." She turned around and headed up to her room, pushing the door open with her foot and setting her bags down just inside the door.-
  10. Covet: I'm not crying a fucking river. Nor do I expect any pity from you. I realize that's an emotion foreign to you. You're right I don't know shit about it. I didn't realize that was a subject up for debate. You and my brother are the first to remind me of this sad fact, Congratulations, I'm starting to figure it out. both happy? -she yelled out across the room- But please...don't make me sound like I'm asking for a hand out because I'm not. I've got it...Thanks.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed, turning around to stand in her doorway as she raised her voice. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? Why the fuck would you need a hand out? The only reason we can afford this apartment is because of you. The only reason we could have afforded to go to Italy for Christmas was because of you. You drive a fucking Hummer for fucks sake. Listening to you worry about money is a god damn joke and you know it. So no... you're not getting pity from me because you don't deserve an ounce." She reached down to her bag, pulling out her phone and a new pair of jeans as she started to fold them, walking further into her room and over to her dresser.-
  12. Covet: GOOD BECAUSE I WASN'T ASKING FOR IT ANYWAY.....I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOY ALL THE THINGS I'VE DONE FOR YOU....YOU'RE FUCKING WELCOME! -She marched over to her room- I'm not worried about money right now, I was just letting you know that I'm not going anywhere right now, nor am I going outside to smoke. Sorry for the inconvenience. -Cadence grabbed Steph's door and slammed it shut, stomping off across the room, grabbing Haze off the back of the couch before making her way back to her own room and slamming that door too-
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She twirled around and walked across her room, forcing her door open to yell through the doorway at Cadence's closed door. "How about you go fuck yourself and don't slam my fucking door! You want to treat your stuff like shit, by all means, no one is going to stop you because you're slowly making everything in your life a worthless piece of shit, just like you!"-
  14. Covet: -Hearing her yell through the door She opened hers back up and yelled back- WOW...I should have given you the nickname Jason Todd, At least then I wouldn't feel bad, ACTUALLY replacing you. I'll slam all the doors I want in this place, what's the point of buying a place if you can't destroy some shit along the way?
  15. Alexithymiaa: (Ow.)
  16. Covet: [that was the line.....]
  17. Covet: [that was the one I've been saving this whole time]
  18. Alexithymiaa: (-slow claps-)
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Cadence's words stung her eyes, her breath catching in her throat as she stared across the apartment at her, her jaw clenching as she reached for the first thing in her grasp which happened to be her glass candle, hurdling it across the room in Cadence's direction.-
  20. Covet: -Cadence used her door as a shield hearing the solid thump and shatter of the glass against the door.- Do you feel better now? Careful throwing your own stuff...I can't pay for it to be replaced like normal. -she yelled out in a mocking tone.- Can I say that I'm actually more upset and hurt, that you assumed I was asking for pitty, instead of asking why...But it's cool. I can see now, when I'm at my worst, you don't care. You'd rather run away, than just be there, to listen at the very least. I don't ask a fucking thing from you...It almost makes me glad I'm burning the bridges I am now. -she said the words, trying not to sound emotional. But if taunting Steph was the only way to have her attention than so be it-
  21. Alexithymiaa: (Ugh you bitch)
  22. Covet: [I love you!]
  23. Alexithymiaa: -Steph snarled, stalking across the kitchen and over to Cadence's room, shoving her hands at the door to force it open as she stepped up into Cadence's personal space. "You're right, I don't care. Why would I give a flying fuck about someone like you when all you care about is yourself anyway? You're the biggest fucking hypocrite I've ever met in my life and I hope you're happy spending your life alone, coming in second to fucking ASPYN!"-
  24. Covet: REALLY!?! IF ALL I CARE ABOUT IS MYSELF, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I TAKE YOU TO ITALY....WHY THE FUCK WOULD I KEEP YOUR SHIT AROUND IN THIS PLACE, WHEN CLEARLY YOU DON'T WANT TO BE HERE? WHY WOULD I HAVE THIS PLACE? WHY DO I TRY TO GET ALONG WITH YOUR EGOMANIAC BOYFRIEND, WHY WOULD I SELL MY SHIT TO MAKE SURE I HAVE MONEY TO DONATE TO THE PLUNGE SO THAT ISN'T ONE MORE THING YOU CAN THROW IN MY FACE. -Cadence lost it hearing the comparrison to Aspyn. Her eyes glazed over in a split second and she reeled her arm back to sock Steph in the mouth. Her fist closed tightly, as her face turned a vibrant shade of red-
  25. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's head rocked back as Cadence punched her in the mouth, immediately bringing her hand up to her lips to cover the throbbing pain. She pulled her fingertips away from her mouth to look at the small traces of blood on her skin, her eyes shifting to look at Cadence before moving into a two step. She curled her hands into fists, taking one step forward and pivoting her hips, throwing her weight into the quick jab that was aimed at Cadence's nose, retracting her arm quickly and snapping it into place as she extended her left fist out following her right to strike from the opposite direction.-
  26. Covet: -Getting a return hit in the face did nothing to help, making Cadence see red. She knew it was pointless to swing a fist at her at this point, so she'd have to use her own weight against Steph.Stepping back she glared at her and charged her to wrap her arms around her torso, intending for both of them to hit the ground. Her nose was bleeding, she could taste the metallic coating on her lips and down her mouth-
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She fell backwards hard, her shoulders hitting the floor with Cadence on top of her as her legs thrashed. She brought her hands up, shoving them into Cadence's chest as hard as she could, attempting to knock her off. "Get the fuck off of me you son of a bitch!"-
  28. Covet: -She coughed as Steph's hands shoved her in the chest, but she didn't budge much. Instead she grabbed her hands andpinned them down by her sides, leaning down close to her- Now that's not very nice to speak about someone's dead parents...I'll get off when you take it back, I am nothing like that little manipulative, narccissistic, whorefaced, cum dumpster! -she was yelling right in Steph's face-
  29. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -Steph bucked her hips, gaining leverage on her feet and swinging her leg around in front of Cadence, pressing against her neck and hooking her knee around her back, attempting to push her off. "I didn't fucking say you were like her, I said she was better than you!"-
  30. Covet: -pushing back against her leg she spoke out hoarsely, her oxygen being cut off-Every fiber in my being is telling me to make you the first body we have to find a grave for...but Fine....If she's so much better...Go be best friends with her, See if she considers to help you get healthy, put a roof over your head, to keep you from killing your classmates, and give you a place for all your animals, See if that concieted, slack jawed slut will give you the time of fucking day, between trading out who's dick is logged in that bear trap she calls a pussy.....I'll just be on my merry way out of everyone's lives and you can be some faggoty ass nightwing fuckface, if you can pry the title from Chris's vagina pie covered fingers. -she got up and wiped the blood from her nose across her face, staining her white cardigan. Looking at Steph, with tears falling down her cheeks, making clean tracks through the blood, she turned on her heel and went into the bathroom to try to clean up-
  31. Alexithymiaa: -She sucked in through her teeth as she tried to catch her breath, pushing up off the floor quickly as she turned and stalked out of Cadence's room and over into her own. She nearly ripped the door off it's hinges when she opened her closet, grabbing the two cat carriers and setting them down on the floor, tossing a handful of cat treats into each carrier. Harvey immediately came running from what seemed like nowhere, dive bombing the treats in one carrier with Alfred on his tail running into the other to settle his kitty butt down. Harley blinked and watched the men run for the food from the lounger with Oswald beside her, trying to make his way down for his share of the treats. Steph walked over and scooped them both up, pushing them inside the carrers with Harvey and Alfred and shutting the gates. She grabbed for her shopping bags, sliding them onto her arms before bending to pick up the cat carriers, stepping down out of her room and moving through the living room to the front door. She jerked the door open, stepping out into the hallway and slamming the door behind her hard.-
  32. Covet: -Cadence heard the front door slam shut. When it did, she looked at herself in the mirror, wiping off the blood with a wet hand as she turned on the water. As her hand touched her nose, gingerly she winced and screamed out, throwing a punch at the mirror watching it shatter her image and fall into the sink, counter and floor.Cadence grabbed a towel as her body crumbled to the floor. Wrapping the towel around her fist, she curled up in a ball, pulling her legs to her chest as she leaned against the shelves next to the counter. Her phone was in her pocket, she pulled it out and sent off texts to a couple of people, the words blurred from her tears-
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