
Cyclone Style - Mawaryu

Feb 12th, 2018
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  1. Fighting style - Cyclone Style - Mawaryu
  2. Utilization - Polearms and Blade
  3. Six Power Utilization - Kami-E
  5. Description - Mawaryu,the Cyclone Fighting Style, is an ability that users are adept at turning their wrist, spinning their weapons at extreme speeds, making your person significantly more proficiant at tristing and turning your weapon at extreme speeds and fast angles. Using Kami-E to flex the elbow in a plethera of ways, but this is a weapon style, so it grands the usage of polearms and swords to an extent.
  7. Two Types;
  8. (Hei)Pointed Spin (Similar to cracker's technique)- Spinning your weapon in place at great speeds for move peircing power, making attacks stronger.
  9. (Choku)Fan Spin - Used to counter attacks for the most part.
  11. Wind Generation Skill - This skill utilized the polearm, or blade, the user can skill a weapon to generation winds that pust back their opponents. This skill starts at a 10 stam drain per turn and with each level of skills it take off one.
  12. 1 - You can have a fan, cool someone off if you'd like
  13. 10 - You you maybe blow someone back if they are off balance?
  14. 30 - It will be a bit hard for a person to walk through, you can blow back simple projectile, and move the trajectory of a bullet.
  15. 50 - Hard for a person to walk through, completely pushing back arrows, shurikens, etc.
  16. 80 - Gale force winds, potentially weather changing.
  17. 100 - TO it's name, cyclone powered winds created from turning your weapon so fast.
  19. 1-10: 3 Stamina
  20. Mawahei (Horizontal pivot) - For a brief moment, a person can spin their weapon in the point movement, and twist their weapon at an intense speed, to interupt a clash, or do more damage to a person in an powerful peircing attack.
  21. Mawachoku (Verital pivot) - A twirling like attack in which breifly swirls the attack to break slashes, or quickly block.
  23. Mawaritan (Cycle Return) - With hopes to catch the enermy off gaurd, the user moves from one direct attack, as long as they are not attacking all out, change their direction of their attack mid slash to hit the user un predictibaly.
  25. 10-15: 5 Stamina
  26. Mawaheihei Kuan (Cyclone Counter) - An ability that allows the user to turn their weapon at extreme speeds to parry and counter attacks.
  28. 15-20 5 stamina
  29. Mawachoku Kudo (Cyclone Peirce) - Similar the Charolette Cracker, the user spins the weapon at extreme speeds, draining stamina each time, this makes piercing attack outstandingly more damageful.
  31. 25-30 3 Stamina
  32. Mawa Suro (Cyclone Toss) - Utilizing the spinning mechanic, much like a good football throw, this makes the weapon spin at an extreme rate, in which when you throw the weapon, it travels longer, faster, and eventually having a much harder impact than normal.
  34. 30-35 6 Stamina
  35. Mawkenren (Spinning Drill) - A spinning attack in which the user can easily send their weapon into the ground, their powerful pivotting wrists able to lodge the weapon into things, the strength is a s shown.
  36. 10 - Dirt
  37. 30 - Stone
  38. 50 - Brick
  39. 70 - Metal/Crystal
  41. 35-40 5 stamina to start, 3 after every turn
  42. Mawauku (Floating Cycle) - The user spins a polearm to the extend that the user themselves can sustain airtime, allowing them to slowly decend to the ground rather than falling full speed.
  44. 40-50 6 Stamina
  45. Mawkosen (Spiral Beam) - Using a Pointed weapon, and spinning it so fast, you can send a beamof concentrated wind that peirces and travels at the speed of wind to people.
  47. 60-70 10 Stamina to start, 2 per turn
  48. Mawahisho (Cyclone flight) - Utilizing yet again a polearm, the user then gains the ability to take off the the wind power gain from your spins, allowing the user to actually fly like a helicopter as long as the spin is still active.
  50. 70-80 5 Stamina
  51. Mawatsuki (Cycle Moon) - A slash attack in which makes the user turn their arm in a full cycle, to cut a 360 circle to main the enemy.
  53. 80-90 3 Stamina per attack
  54. Mawkansetsu muchiuchi (Unpredictable Flurry) - A combination attack attacking the same area, but in unreal ways, coming from a plathera of different angles.
  57. 90-100
  58. Nise no tekubi (Unreal Wrists) - The users arm rotations and twists are seemingly unreal as the direction of their cut is untracable.
  60. Battle Advantages - When it comes to this style of fighting, it's main given advantages are as shown.
  61. Faster Reaction - speeds with your weapon, not like perception, if you can percieve the move, you can react quickly with little effort in movement.
  62. Weapon comfortability - Weapons like swords and Polearms aren't the easiest to use without any skill in them, using the skill gives you the novice experience of both, learning more as you give points.
  63. Wrist Power - The users of these powers typically have extreme wrist strength, allowing them to push off of their wrists with extreme power, making their hands weapons.
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