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Aug 12th, 2023
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  1. Loden Greatstorm was among the finest teachers in the Jedi Order, even if his methods could be at
  2. times unsettling for his students. The Twi’lek master had taken multiple Padawans throughout his
  3. lifetime and approached each of them in the same way. He saw every moment as a learning oppor-
  4. tunity. “If I do everything, no one learns anything,” he would famously say, often before putting his
  5. Padawan through the next challenge in an endless gauntlet of nearly impossible tasks. The life of a
  6. Greatstorm apprentice meant being pushed off of tall buildings or having to calm a charging mon-
  7. ster while the master stood back and observed.
  8. Jedi Zettifar and Greatstorm attempt to rescue a family on Elphrona from Nihil kidnappers.
  9. Greatstorm had a knack for choosing fine Padawans who could survive and thrive through his
  10. teachings. Time and again, they emerged as Knights more prepared than any other. Years of hands-
  11. on training forged them into fine leaders and masters in their own right, spreading a legacy of
  12. Greatstorm’s lessons far across the Order.
  14. Star Wars Chronicles of the Jedi Chapter 4
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