

Aug 9th, 2019
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  1. Auferstandene Wache:4NK3:22291M1:2223K1:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nRunde 1: Schlaghagel\nRunde 2: Ausweichen\nRunde 3-5: Stampede\nUndead: Passe\nAfter that:\nPriority 1: Ausweichen on CD\nPriority 2: Schlaghagel on Shattered Defenses\nPriority 3: Stampede as filler\n
  2. Der Bucklige:4JC5:22281NI:ZR5:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nRunde 1: Ausweichen\nRunde 2-4: Stampede\nRunde 5: Schlaghagel\nRunde 6: Ausweichen\nRunde 7+: Schlaghagel until Huncher dies\nIf needed:\nBring in your Critter pet\nAny standard attack will finish the fight\n
  3. Fras Siabi:4NOM:221316M:11171A7:211C2AI:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nA special thank you to Macstallion for his moves with a B/B UBV. I've officially put them into the strat. :)\n\n**Note**: The whole idea for the UBV hitting with the Schattenschocks, is to get her as low on HP as possible before using Heimsuchung, because she needs to die on the first hit with the last enemy pet.\n\n**~~**: Macstallion's moves for the B/B Ungeborene Val'kyr\nRunde 1: Fluch der Verdammnis\nRunde 2: Schattenschock\nRunde 3: Heimsuchung\nAktiviere Makabre Marionette\nRunde 1: Tod und Verfall\nRunde 2+3: Totentanz \nPyro comes in\nRunde 1: Totentanz finishes\nRunde 2+: Makabre Maracas until Makabre Marionette or Pyro dies\nAktiviere Ungeborene Val'kyr\nRunde 1: Schattenschock to finish off Pyro\n~~: Jump down to Infectus moves from here.\n\n**~~**: H/H Ungeborene Val'kyr\nRunde 1: Schattenschock\nRunde 2: Fluch der Verdammnis\nRunde 3: Schattenschock\nRunde 4: Heimsuchung\nAktiviere Makabre Marionette\nRunde 1+2: Totentanz\nPyro comes in\nRunde 1: Totentanz continues\nRunde 2+: Makabre Maracas until Pyro dies\n\nInfectus comes in\nRunde 1: Pass from stun if Makabre Marionette is still up\nAktiviere Ungeborene Val'kyr\nRunde 1: Fluch der Verdammnis\nUndead: Schattenschock\nAktiviere Küstenkrabbler\nRunde 1-3: Stampede\nRunde 4: Blase\nRunde 5+: Frost spucken until Infectus dies
  4. Gruftbestie:4JBV:212ADL:21236H:2213EV:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nRunde 1: Kauen\nRunde 2-4: Stampede\nRunde 5+: Heimzahlen bis Kleiner schwarzer Widder stirbt\nAktiviere Lamm aus Elwynn\nRunde 1: Kauen\nRunde 2-4: Stampede\nRunde 5+: Heimzahlen bis Lamm aus Elwynn stirbt\nAktiviere Elfisches Kaninchen\nPriority 1: Ausweichen\nPriority 2: Schlaghagel as filler\nPriority 3: Eingraben when/if you want\n
  5. Liz die Peinigerin:4JCD:212415R:221414S:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nRotation for both Zandalari:\nRunde 1: Schwarze Klaue\nRunde 2+3: Jagdrudel\nRunde 4+: Sprung until dead\n
  6. Postmeister Malown:4NOL:2229C7:21231T0:ZR5:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nThis fight isn't terribly difficult. He has an Undead > Magic > Undead. You'll want something faster with a dodge to avoid Curse of Doom when it's up, but beyond that you should be okay to have:\n\n*Critter/Aquatic (with critter damage) \n*Non-Dragonkin with Dragonkin attacks, preferably a Beast\n*Critter/Aquatic (with critter damage). \n\nHere are the links for screenshots on where I found the letter: link ( and link (\n\nRunde 1: Ausweichen\nRunde 2-4: Stampede\nRunde 5+6: Schlaghagel (2 hits)\nUndead: Ausweichen\nPlagued Mailemental comes in \nRunde 1+: Stampede bis Bergbaumwollschwänzchen stirbt\nAktiviere Ätzmaul\nRunde 1+: Flammenatem until Plagued Mailemental dies\nSoul Collector comes in\nRunde 1: Glühendes Toxin\nRunde 2+3: Eingraben\nRunde 4+5: Flammenatem (2 hits)\nRunde 6: Glühendes Toxin\nRunde 7: Flammenatem\nRunde 8+9: Eingraben\nRunde 10+: Flammenatem until Soul Collector dies\n\nIf needed:\nBring in your Critter pet\nAny standard attack will finish the fight\n
  7. Ruchloser Terry:4JCH:022B2IO:ZR0:ZR0:N:Strategy added by Shenk\nYou can play it with the same Zitterstachelhuscher that was used against the Sludge Belcher, even though it's slightly hurt.\n\nRunde 1: Schwarze Klaue\nRunde 2-4: Schwarm\nRunde 5: Passe\n
  8. Schlickspucker:4JCA:222BDR:2225DP:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nThe third pet's HP will depend on your Alpine Hare. Mine has 1546 HP, hence the number. If you have the S/S breed of Alpine Hare, slot #3 needs to be more than 1400 HP. \n\nRunde 1: Ausweichen\nRunde 2-4: Stampede\nRunde 5: Schlaghagel for Shattered Defenses\nYour Berghase is swapped in\nPriority 1: Schlaghagel for Shattered Defenses\nPriority 2: Ausweichen on CD\nPriority 3: Stampede as filler\n
  9. Schwarzmähne:4JAA:12171TN:11141TO:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nRunde 1: Eisenhaut\nRunde 2+3: Falkosaurierschwarm!\nRunde 4: Raubtierschlag\nRunde 5: Passe\nRunde 6: Eisenhaut\nRunde 7-10: Falkosaurierschwarm! \nRunde 11: Eisenhaut\nRunde 12: Raubtierschlag\nRunde 13+: Falkosaurierschwarm!\nIf needed:\nAktiviere Scharfkrallenjunges\nPriority 1: Raubtierschlag on Shattered Defenses\nPriority 2: Wilde Winde on Shattered Defenses\nPriority 3: Falkosaurierschwarm! as filler\n
  10. Spuckling:4JCB:122814D:2219BQ:221549:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nPretty much anything with Dragonkin damage--doesn't even have to be a Dragonkin--can go in slot 1. Just keep in mind that the Belchling does Aquatic and Magic damage, so avoid using Flyers and Elementals. \n\nRunde 1+: Schwanzfeger until the Belchling dies\nEin gegnerisches Haustier wird aktiv\n\nPlague Whelp:\nRunde 1: Schwanzfeger\nRunde 2: Arkaner Sturm\nRunde 3+: Manawoge until Plague Whelp dies\n**Note**: The Plague Whelps are the only enemies where the turn order matters\n\nAll other enemies:\nPriority 1: Arkaner Sturm & Manawoge on CD\nPriority 2: Schwanzfeger all else\n\nAktiviere Kaninchen\nPriority 1: Ausweichen\nPriority 2: Schlaghagel as filler\nPriority 3: Eingraben when/if you want to\n
  11. Tommy der Grausame:4JC6:111ANB:ZR0:ZR0:N:Strategy added by Nordak\nRunde 1-3: Schwarm\nRunde 4: Kratzen\nRunde 5: Kratzen\nRunde 6: Passe\n
  12. Verseuchte Kleintiere:4NG9:11231KN:ZR0:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nIf the backline pets don't die before the active pet, you will face all the enemy pets. \n\nRunde 1: Flutwelle\nRunde 2: Flutwelle\nRunde 3: Regentanz\nAfter that:\nPriority 1: Regentanz on CD\nPriority 2: Flutwelle as filler\nPriority 3: Once the backline enemies are dead Regentanz & Wasserjet to kill enemy #1\n
  13. Wanderndes Trugbild:4JC2:222568:2225E0:ZR0:N:Strategy added by DragonAfterDark\nYou may want to bring a Beast for Slot #3. I got double Whelplings at one point, and their Dreadful Breath nearly caused me to lose the fight. \n\nRunde 1: Ausweichen\nRunde 2-4: Stampede\nRunde 5: Schlaghagel\nRunde 6: Ausweichen\nAfter that:\n~~: Stampede until dead\n~~: If Frühlingshase survives the Stampede, Schlaghagel\nAktiviere Hase\nPriority 1: Schlaghagel on Shattered Defenses\nPriority 2: Ausweichen on CD\nPriority 3: Stampede as filler\n
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