

Jul 13th, 2017
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  1. on first join:
  2. set {level::%uuid of player%} to 0
  3. set {xp::%uuid of player%} to 0
  4. set {xpmax::%uuid of player%} to 50
  5. clear player's inventory
  6. give dead bush of knockback 1 to player
  7. give wood pickaxe of efficiency 5 with lore "&9This tool can mine any ore" to player
  8. give 16 steak to player
  9. set slot 8 of player to player's skull named "&aMy Profile" with lore "&7Right click me to view your profile"
  11. command /reset:
  12. trigger:
  13. set {level::%uuid of player%} to 0
  14. set {xp::%uuid of player%} to 0
  15. set {xpmax::%uuid of player%} to 50
  17. on build:
  18. if player is not op:
  19. cancel event
  21. on break:
  22. cancel event
  23. if event-block is coal ore:
  24. set event-block to stone
  25. give coal item to player
  26. execute console command "/xp add %player% 5"
  27. wait 10 seconds
  28. set event-block to coal ore
  30. if event-block is iron ore:
  31. set event-block to stone
  32. give iron ingot to player
  33. execute console command "/xp add %player% 5"
  34. wait 10 seconds
  35. set event-block to iron ore
  37. if event-block is gold ore:
  38. set event-block to stone
  39. give gold ingot to player
  40. execute console command "/xp add %player% 5"
  41. wait 10 seconds
  42. set event-block to gold ore
  44. if event-block is diamond ore:
  45. if {level::%uuid of player%} < 20:
  46. message "&c&lYou must be at least Level 20 to mine this!"
  47. else:
  48. set event-block to stone
  49. give diamond to player
  50. execute console command "/xp add %player% 5"
  51. wait 10 seconds
  52. set event-block to diamond ore
  54. if event-block is emerald ore:
  55. if {level::%uuid of player%} < 20:
  56. message "&c&lYou must be at least Level 20 to mine this!"
  57. else:
  58. set event-block to stone
  59. give emerald to player
  60. execute console command "/xp add %player% 5"
  61. wait 10 seconds
  62. set event-block to emerald ore
  64. on drop:
  65. cancel event
  67. on chat:
  68. cancel event
  69. broadcast "&7Lvl. %{level::%uuid of player%}% %coloured player's prefix% &e%player% &f%message%"
  71. command /xp [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>]:
  72. executable by: console
  73. trigger:
  74. if arg 1 is "add":
  75. add arg 3 to {xp::%uuid of arg 2%}
  76. message "&a&l + %arg 3% XP" to arg 2
  77. if {xp::%uuid of arg 2%} >= {xpmax::%uuid of arg 2%}:
  78. add 1 to {level::%uuid of arg 2%}
  79. set {xp::%uuid of arg 2%} to 0
  80. message "&e&lYou are now Level %{level::%uuid of arg 2%}%" to arg 2
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