
Fluttershy X Rarity

Jul 29th, 2014
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  1. It was a dark and rainy night. Not so much like any other night this time of year. It was late autumn in Equestria and it would be snowing soon.
  2. She hated the winter.
  3. All her animal friends would go into hibernation and with the exceptions of her pony friends, she would be alone at home most of the time.
  4. Luckily one of her best friends was coming over today.
  5. Just to check up on her and make sure she wasn't getting into any trouble living so close to the Everfree forest.
  6. She knew she needed to get some sleep but she could never sleep when she was anxious, or any other time really because there was always something that could happen.
  7. Her paranoia was not unfounded however.
  8. Her and her friends had saved the world time after time and they always came out on top but she still couldn't help but fear for them.
  9. She had grown to rely on one of her friends in particular to help her overcome her fears and keep her in check.
  10. After all she felt so powerless most of the time.
  11. Everyone had these wonderfully special talents and abilities and she just had her animals and when she needed, a very assertive side of her to defend those she loved.
  12. "No!" She shouted to no one in particular.
  13. She was letting herself get carried away again.
  14. She laid down and shut her eyes for the last time that night and hopefully tomorrow would be better.
  15. ---
  16. She awoke to a knocking on her door.
  17. "Coming!" She yelled as she sprint downstairs.
  18. She slept in again.
  19. She was always so tired and dizzy lately but didn't know why.
  20. 'Must be all this excitement we've been going through lately' She would always tell herself, even when things were quiet and peaceful.
  21. "Well hello sleepyhead, slept in again darling?"
  22. "Yes, but um, I didn't mean to! I was going to make us some brunch or whatever you wanted."
  23. "Oh its quite alright dear, I brought some with me for us to share. Did you want to eat outside? I made you a new scarf since it is getting so cold out lately."
  24. Rarity said this as she took out the scarf from her saddle bag and levitated it up and around her favorite pegasus's neck. Fluttershy blushed at the attention she was getting and smiled at her best friend's generosity.
  25. "Oh that would be wonderful! Just lead the way."
  26. As they made there way to a hill overlooking Ponyville, Rarity noticed Fluttershy was even more quiet than usual.
  27. In groups, even among friends, she was quiet but one on one Fluttershy could be quite the talker and even more the flirt.
  28. Rarity was thankful for her companionship and knew if something was truly wrong that Fluttershy would tell her but she didn't want her to think she was mad at her for sleeping in either.
  29. "Hey sweetheart what do you want to do after this?"
  30. "Well anything you want really, did you need any help at the boutique?"
  31. "Oh heavens no, I've been trying to keep my work load down lately so that I could spend some more time with you. Are you alright? You seem a bit stressed lately."
  32. "Yes, I mean, no. I haven't been feeling myself lately and I just don't know why. Its been pretty quiet around here and I just can't seem to find out what's wrong with me."
  33. As they set out a blanket and prepare the lunch Rarity made for them, it was quite apparent to the unicorn that something really was bothering her pegasus partner quite a bit.
  34. She was complaining of headaches and was even more on edge lately than normal, even with her staying at Rarity's most nights now that her animals were preparing for winter.
  35. "Well darling how about we have an easy day of just hanging out with our friends and you can spend tonight at my place?"
  36. The two sat side by side and at her partners understanding of the situation, Fluttershy rested her head into the crook of Rarity's neck.
  37. "I would really like that."
  38. Rarity just smiled and looked over the small town they called home. It was a quiet day, although quite cloudy and autumn leaves flew in the breeze, but Rainbow Dash had assured her that it wasn't going to rain for a few days.
  39. It pays to have friends in high places, sometimes quite literally.
  40. After finishing up eating and just enjoying the mid afternoon breeze, they decided it was about time to head inside from the elements and figure out their plans for the rest of the day.
  41. "Would you like to see what the others are up to now or later darling?" Rarity asked as she cleaned up. Noticing her yellow mare squinting away what was possibly was another headache.
  42. "Hey, Rarity? Can we see a doctor?" Was Fluttershy's response as she sat back down and brought a hoof up to her head.
  43. "Dear are you alright?" She said dropping her saddle bag and rushing over to her marefriend.
  44. "I, I don't know. Its worse than the others Rarity."
  45. "Well let's go right now then sweeheart."
  46. Rarity helped Fluttershy up and they made their way to the local clinic downtown. Fluttershy was having a hard time just keeping her eyes open to see where she was going. As they approached the clinic things began to get even hazier for her.
  47. As they sat waiting to be seen, Fluttershy leaned over onto Rarity's shoulder and things began to go black.
  48. "Fluttershy!" The nurse called for the next patient.
  49. "Hey sweetie that's you." Rarity shook a now unconscious Fluttershy.
  50. "Fluttershy wake up!" She pleaded.
  51. Fluttershy was out cold as the nurse rushed over to her to see what was going on.
  52. Her pulse was erratic and she was breathing heavily as they took her to a room for examination.
  53. A couple hours passed by and Rarity was able to see her marefriend once more. By now she had awoken and was crying profusely at being in a hospital bed.
  54. After speaking with the doctor Rarity went to her side and comforted her. Fluttershy clung to her as her tears subsided.
  55. "What happened Rarity?"
  56. "It seems you just had a panic attack of sorts dear. Its going to be alright."
  57. "I was just so scared, I didn't remember passing out and then I woke up in this room without you." Fluttershy cried into the unicorn's side.
  58. "Shh, it'll be alright. We just have to sign a few things and you'll be out of here today. We just have to take it easy for a little bit."
  59. "Really?! I don't have to stay?"
  60. "Yes dear, but we're coming back then next time you have any of those nasty headaches alright? And you're staying with me for the time being."
  61. "I wouldn't mind that, and thank you Rarity, I don't know what I'd do without you."
  62. Rarity leaned down and brought her into a gentle kiss.
  63. "Anything for you dear."
  64. ---
  65. Later at the boutique, the rest of their friends gathered, wanting to make sure Fluttershy was really okay enough to be out of the hospital.
  66. "You sure you shouldn't request them to like, examine you further or anything Fluttershy?" Asked a concerned Rainbow Dash.
  67. "I'm sure they have the room there to keep you overnight and make sure this doesn't happen again." Twilight added.
  68. With everyone staring at her, Fluttershy just clammed up, wishing her friends didn't have to be so worried about her. After all she was already the weakest link in her mind.
  69. "She woke up in tears at just being in the hospital and she's staying with me so she'll be looked after. Nothing will happen as long as she's with me." Rarity retorted.
  70. "As long as ya get better sugarcube, we'll support whatever you decide to do. Just don't overdo it now ya hear?" Applejack said in support.
  71. "You guys really don't have to worry so much. I mean, I'll be okay here at Rarity's. I just need to rest for a bit." Flutteshy managed to say.
  72. "Of course we have to worry about you silly! You're our best friend and we can't have you feeling down can we?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, always so positive.
  73. "Well we're going to turn in for the night and we'll see you girls tomorrow alright?" Rarity finally said knowing her marefriend hated these sorts of situations.
  74. "Alright Rarity, just get a hold of me if you need anything okay?" said Twilight as she lead the rest outside.
  75. "Alright darling, I promise to!"
  76. Closing the boutique's door behind her, Rarity trotted over to Fluttershy who was laying on the couch with her head buried in a pillow.
  77. "Doing alright sweetheart?" Rarity said joining her.
  78. Fluttershy shifted positions and buried her head into Rarity's side. Rarity could feel a wetness on her fur and knew she was quietly tearing up.
  79. None of the others knew of their relationship and even if they suspected, they didn't know how far it went. Not to Rarity's choice either, Fluttershy was the one who didn't want to cause any problems in the group and Rarity simply abided by her wishes.
  80. "I just want to be normal!"
  81. Taken back by her marefriend's sudden outburst, Rarity wrapped herself around her partner and held her close and let her vent.
  82. "I've always had to be different!"
  83. "The pegasus who didn't fly!"
  84. "The one who preferred animals to other ponies at times!"
  85. "And now I'm sick somehow and I don't know why!"
  86. Rarity held up her marefriend's head and looked into the pair of wet teal eyes that she loved so much and hurt her even more to see crying.
  87. "Darling everything you said makes you who you are and they're all why I love you so much!"
  88. "But I'm just so useless all the time."
  89. "Now that's not true at all. When I'm overwhelmed with orders and no other pony could even lift a hoof to help me who did?"
  90. ""
  91. "And who is always there to calm me down from whatever sort of drama I found myself in on that particular day?"
  92. "Me..."
  93. "And who screamed even louder than me when we thought that old castle was haunted and made me feel slightly less like a scared little filly?"
  94. "Hehe, me...?"
  95. Proud of herself that she was able to make Fluttershy smile at that last comment, Rarity brought her into a tight hug and brushed her pink mane out of her teary eyes.
  96. "Yes you darling, and this is just another ordeal that we will solve together. You're never alone as long as I'm here for you."
  97. Fluttershy wiped away any remaining tears and smiled up at her love. She knew exactly what to say to make her stop doubting herself and be strong, even if just for Rarity's sake.
  98. "You're right, but its been such a long day, would you want to go upstairs?" She said with the smallest smirk on her face.
  99. "Well when you say it with such an adorable look on your face how can I say no?"
  100. ---
  101. The two mares headed up toward Rarity's room and got comfortable for the night. Sweetie Belle was off with her crusader friends for the night so no one would be there to interrupt them.
  102. Rarity got under the covers as she saw Fluttershy close her eyes. Rarity was hoping to have some fun with her tonight but knew it was a long day. Rarity wrapped around her lover when she felt something slip between her legs.
  103. "Oh sweetheart! You don't have to do..."
  104. Rarity was cut off as a gentle pair of lips pressed against hers. Rarity blushed as her partner continued her hoofjob without letting up.
  105. "You take...such good care of me..." Fluttershy managed between assaulting her partner's nethers and battling with her tongue.
  106. "Now let me take care of you..."
  107. Fluttershy was quite good at pleasuring her partner. She was so grateful for the companionship which Rarity brought her and that she so desperately needed.
  108. This usually made her the dominant one in bed, trying to repay her favorite unicorn's efforts to keep her happy and smiling day to day.
  109. "Darling, I, uh..." Rarity trailed off as waves of pressure built up between her legs.
  110. Fluttershy broke the kiss and slid down between her lover's legs and finished her off orally. Rarity brushed her pink mane aside as two beautiful teal eyes looked up at her. Only love and comfort showing in them as her purple iris's met them.
  111. Not able to hold back any longer, she bit her pillow as she gushed into her partner's mouth, a habit of when company may be able to hear them. Fluttershy happily lapped up her juices and swallowed them whole. Thankful just to please her lover, for whom she would do anything for.
  112. Fluttershy crawled up Rarity and wrapped her hooves around her neck and slightly cooed into her white neck. Still catching her breath, Rarity just held her around the waist and felt her pegasus's heart beat along with her's.
  113. As Fluttershy nuzzled into her neck, she whispered ever so slightly "I love you" to not ruin the moment they were sharing just listening to each other's breath return to normal.
  114. "Fluttershy?"
  115. "Um, yes Rarity?"
  116. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me, I just want you to know that."
  117. Fluttershy only blushed at her friend's remarks, in her heart she felt like a burden at times and at others a liability. She wished she could voice this to her partner but she could never say such things and possibly hurt her. She was the element of generosity after all and she has lived up to that statement in their time together.
  118. "Do you want me to...?" Rarity referring to her partner's own pleasure. When she performed spur of the moment acts like tonight she often didn't want or need anything in return which sometimes bothered the oh so generous unicorn.
  119. "Oh, um, no that's alright. You know as long as you're happy, that I'm just as happy." Fluttershy said now smiling into her unicorn's fur. Just the offer alone was enough to keep her close to Rarity's side.
  120. Rarity smiled and turned the two over to their sides. She held her marefriend close as they drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
  121. ---
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